This Week At The Seminary:

October 20, 2024
Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost
Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Today is a beautiful day, so the boys will go to the park for recreation this afternoon. We can't be sure how many more nice days there will be before the cold weather sets in, so we need to take advantage of this opportunity.

Our new convent construction here at the City of Mary has been progressing along nicely. The goal is to complete the shell with walls and roof, so that the men can work on the inside through the winter. We have had more rain lately, so that is a reminder of the importance of getting the structure up and covered.

This week will be a regular week of school for the seminarians. They will also start to work on the carnival booths for the All-Saints party for the children. The seminarians usually erect the booths in the gym. It is always a nice event for the children and the whole parish. Some of the seminarians will also enter the pumpkin-carving contest, so that adds a little excitement to their daily routine.

We also have not yet harvested the apples, so that will be a Saturday chore for this week. They are also preparing to sing several Requiem High Masses in early November. There is always plenty going on at the seminary!

May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,+
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


October 13, 2024
Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost
Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. The seminarians have greatly enjoyed attending the events of the annual Fatima Conference. I was pleased with their attention during the lectures. The visits to the Mount on Thursday and Friday also gave them the opportunity to recreate in the large gym there, during the free periods in the afternoon after the lectures.

This morning they sang several songs for the guests who had come here for Mass and breakfast to our church. We also had an Open House for those who wanted to see the seminary.

Colder weather is moving in, so tomorrow we will harvest the grapes in our vineyard and then start on the apples. We will be making apple sauce and apple cider, so that will be a treat. Otherwise, it should be a regular week of school, which is always a good thing.

May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,+
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


October 06, 2024
Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost
Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. It is such a beautiful day here in northern Idaho, that the boys asked permission to pray their Noon prayers early so that they could have more time at the park. Of course, I couldn't refuse--we don't know how many more nice days like this we will have before the real cold weather moves in.

Tomorrow is the feast of the Most Holy Rosary, so we will have an outdoor procession. Four of the seminarians will carry the statue of Our Lady. The seminarians will also sing a high Mass for this special feast of Our Lady.

Later this week we will attend the Fatima Conference at Mount Saint Michael. On Thursday and Friday the seminarians will be at the Mount all day. On Thursday there will be lectures throughout the day, with the banquet dinner and keynote address in the evening. On Friday we begin with the bishop's Pontifical High Mass, followed by lectures, and then crowned with the beautiful evening candlelight procession.

On Saturday there is a day of recollection at the Mount, so I will be involved in that, but the boys will stay here at the seminary to get ready for the Open House. They will sing a few songs for the Conference guests at the breakfast following the Mass, and then be available to visit with the attendees when they come over to the seminary. It is always a highlight for the Conference guests to come up here to the City of Mary and sing a High Mass and visit with our parishioners. As you know, our church here is the very first church of our religious Congregation. It is, so to speak, the cradle of our Congregation, so it is good that the people can visit here on the final day of the annual Fatima Conference.

So it is going to be a busy week for us here. The seminarians always comment on the speed with which the days fly by, and that is a good thing. It shows that they are busy doing their daily duty, following the schedule, and enjoying their time here at the seminary.

May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,+
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


September 29, 2024
Saint Michael the Archangel (19th Sunday after Pentecost)
Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Yesterday evening the majority of the seminarians went to a local church where the arm of St. Jude was displayed. This relic is being taken around the United States and is currently in our area. Two of the boys had already seen the relic in their area before the start of the school year, but for the rest, it was a nice opportunity to pray before a major relic of this great apostle. It was also nice to see the large number of people who had come to venerate the relic. Despite the devastating effects of Vatican II and the Novus Ordo, there is still faith in our land!

This past Friday was the mid-quarter. We teachers are working on averaging the mid-quarter grades, which will be passed out to the seminarians on Monday or Tuesday. The mid-quarter grades help the seminarians to see how they are doing in their various classes, so that they can work on any areas that need improvement before the quarter ends in late October.

In just a couple of weeks we will have the Fatima Conference. The seminarians are preparing several songs to sing for the Conference guests when they come up here on October 13 for Mass. We usually have an Open House and welcome the guests to our church and seminary. The Seminarians also enjoy attending the events of the Conference, and I will tell you more about that next Sunday.

May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,+
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


September 15, 2024
Seven Sorrows od the Blessed Mother (17th Sunday after Pentecost)
Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. The weather has turned considerably cooler--back to normal for this time of year. We have had a small amount of rain, but it is still quite dry. Actually, the weather is perfect for games at the park. The boys typically go to the park to play soccer, football, and disc golf on Friday and Sunday afternoons.

They also have been harvesting plums on our property and on a neighbor's property. Yesterday, we were asked to pick the plums on three trees at the property of a parishioner. They returned with about 10 trays of plums. They also helped to spread the netting over the vines in the vineyard. This time of year our vineyard attracts all the birds from miles around to feast on the ripening grapes, so we have to cover the plants. We are still a couple weeks off from harvesting the grapes.

This week should be a normal week of classes, although I will be leaving for Maine toward the end of the week. We have a wedding there (St. Theresa Church in Oakland), and I will then stay for Sunday morning Mass before returning home Sunday afternoon.

The seminarians are all doing very well. I am particularly pleased that the effects of homesickness on the new ones are quite mild. Sure, they miss their families, but they all chose to come here, and so that helps to make the absence more tolerable. Our boys all get along well, which is a good thing. They truly are a great group. May God bless you and your families!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,+
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


September 8, 2024
Nativity BVM (16th Sunday after Pentecost)
Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. A week ago yesterday our cow Matilda had her calf. All went well for a while, but then Matilda started acting strange. On Sunday we found her on the ground. The vet came and administered a calcium IV and penicillin, but it was too late. She died Monday night from the effects of Milk Fever. We are now looking for another milk cow to provide these young men with fresh milk.

This morning the seminarians sang a beautiful High Mass. There were a number of comments after Mass--the parishioners appreciated their singing. It is also the 50th anniversary of my first vows, so the parishioners provided a potluck downstairs in the parish hall after Mass, which we all enjoyed.

Now the boys are off to the park. It is still very hot--the tail end of a heat wave that has been around for the past 10 days. Finally, it will cool down this week, which will be better for classes and study. But despite the heat, the boys have been doing well, as we now enter our third week of school. Pray for us, and may God bless you all.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,+
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


September 1, 2024
Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. After three days of classes we all headed to the lake for three wonderful days of recreation. Thursday, Friday and Saturday turned out to be perfect, with the weather warming up each day, well into the eighties. There was boating, tubing, swimming and plenty of indoor games. Altogether, we had a wonderful time. Now we turn our attention fully into our schoolwork.

On Wednesday of this week the boys will sing their first High Mass, which will be a Requiem Mass here at the seminary chapel. Then, next Sunday, we will have a High Mass in honor of Our Lady's Nativity. It will also be the 50th anniversary of my first vows in 1974, so the parish will hold a potluck after Mass.

One of the most important things at the beginning of the year is to keep the boys busy (especially the new ones.) You can be sure that they are quite busy and, so far, very much enjoying their time here. One of the greatest blessings for the seminarians is to have one another--Catholic companions their age. That is one of the reasons we start off the year with the lake trip--to give them time to bond as a unified group. That is essential to the success of the school year.

We appreciate your prayers as we embark on a new school year. And we pray that God will bless your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,+
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


August 25, 2024
Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Our new school year begins today with orientation. During this session I will hand out copies of the schedule, the seminary rules, and the chore assignments. It is very important to have order in an institution like the seminary, in order to be successful. This order demands that everyone is on the same page, insofar as rules and practices are concerned.

Then, tomorrow, we will have our first day of classes. After a few days of classes we will go to Lake Coeur d'Alene for some recreation for the latter part of the week. This annual outing gives the boys (both the new ones and those who are returning) some time to get to know one another and work on building those bonds of unity and charity that are so indispensable in the seminary.

Altogether, our 10 boys come from Idaho(2), Kentucky, Minnesota(2), Nebraska, Texas(2), and Utah(2). They join a seminary where the staff includes 3 priests and 5 Brothers (one of whom is a cleric in major orders). We also have our new dog Felix to round out the residents of Saint Joseph Seminary.

The beginning of a new academic year is always an exciting time, especially with the annual addition of new faces. Please pray for our seminary, that we all cooperate with grace in order to lay the foundation for future priests, so needed today in this modern age. We will also remember you, that your families will be devout and faithful to God's holy will.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,+
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


July 25, 2024
Ninth Sunday after Pentecost
Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. At this "midway" point of the summer, I decided to write a brief blog entry. Today our annual Saint Joseph Boys Camp begins with nearly 100 attendees, counting boys and counselors. Our four religious Brothers have been a big help over the past couple weeks setting up for the camp, and they will continue to help during the camp.

Unfortunately, we are in the midst of a heat wave. It will be over a hundred degrees today, but will finally start cooling off later tomorrow. You can be sure that the boys are looking forward to their trip to the lake on Wednesday.

After the Boys Camp we will start to prepare in earnest for the next school year. Since late June, we now have 3 more religious Brothers, so they will be a big help with the minor seminary. I will write more on the new school year in our next issue of The Guardian.

May you continue to enjoy a relaxing summer. And may God bless you and your families. Please remember our seminary in your prayers.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,+
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


June 02, 2024
Second Sunday after Pentecost
Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. To say that the past week has been a whirlwind of activity would be an understatement. Last Monday we had our annual Queenship procession. Of course there were no classes, so the boys enjoyed a free afternoon at a local park and we had a barbecue. We continued all week to have a public Rosary at 7:00 pm, as we do daily during May.

On Thursday the seminarians sang a High Mass for Corpus Christi. We also had a dinner on Thursday for the seniors at a nice restaurant, thanks to a donation from a kind benefactor. It was a farewell to the seniors, who were to graduate on Saturday.

On Friday we had a solemn High Mass in honor of Our Lady's Queenship. After Mass we recited the Little Crown, followed by the renewal of the consecration of the human race to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, as mandated by Pope Pius XII. We then had our renewal of Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary, with four of the seminarians making that consecration for the first time.

Saturday was an even busier day. After our normal First Saturday Holy Hour we had our graduation ceremony. His Excellency was on hand to give out the diplomas to our five seniors who graduated--the biggest graduating class we have ever had. Following the graduation ceremony was the bishop's Mass, which concluded with confirmation. Afterwards, we all enjoyed a potluck breakfast for the occasion, with several of the seniors giving graduation speeches to the parishioners.

This morning was highlighted by the annual Corpus Christi procession. Fortunately, there was no rain, although it was a bit breezy. The procession was beautiful, and it was followed by a High Mass in honor of Corpus Christi.

In comparison with all this activity, the coming week should be relatively quiet. There will be classes and activities for the first three days. On Thursday the seminarians will clean the house and their rooms, and pack for their departure. On Friday we will have a school program and awards ceremony, followed by a High Mass for the feast of the Sacred Heart. Mass will be followed by Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, as we renew our consecration to the Sacred Heart and offer reparation to Our Lord. With the conclusion of those ceremonies, the school year will be over the boys will all head home for the summer.

It has been a wonderful year. Deo gratias!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,+
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


May 26, 2024
Trinity Sunday
Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. As I mentioned last Sunday, the annual spring camping trip was this past week. Father Gabriel Maria and Frater Alphonsus Maria took the boys to the Snyder Guard Station near the Canadian border. They left on Tuesday morning and returned Friday afternoon. By all accounts the boys had a great time, despite the rain on Tuesday night and Wednesday morning.

They had a nice large cabin with a fireplace. When it rained they played indoor games. They also hiked and kayaked. A big attraction was the waterfalls they visited. Of course, they had daily Mass and prayed all their prayers.

Now we are entering the final stretch. This week is the final week for the seniors, who will graduate on Saturday. (On Friday they will give their farewell speeches to their fellow seminarians.) The others will have one more week, with their final day of school being June 7th.

Tomorrow we will have our annual Queenship procession. On Thursday (feast of Corpus Christi) and Friday (feast of the Queenship) the boys will sing High Masses. Next Sunday we will have our annual Corpus Christi procession. So, as you can see, it is also a busy time liturgically, with the various feastdays and celebrations.

Our efforts here are to bring this school year to a good conclusion. So far, all is going well. These next two week will be busy, but it is all worth it. Our seminarians cooperate and work well together. They have been a good group to work with. Please remember them in your prayers.

May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,+
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


May 19, 2024
Pentecost Sunday
Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Due to traveling on mission last Sunday, I was unable to write a blog entry, so today I will cover two weeks. In the previous week the seniors were on their class trip. They went with Father Philip Marie and Brother Thomas Marie to the coast and had a great time together. While they were gone we had our Rogation processions and Ascension Thursday.

Over the past week the senior presented their "senior projects". This is an Idaho state requirement, which consists of a thoroughly-researched topic of their choosing. The project has 3 components: 1) a 5,000 word research paper 2) an oral presentation of about 20 minutes on their topic, 3) and a power-point presentation. It takes quite a while to research the topic, develop an outline, write a paper, compile slides for the visual part of the presentation, and prepare to deliver their oral report. The other seminarians and teachers enjoy these presentations, which are learning experiences for everyone.

This week we will only have one day of regular classes. On Tuesday the seminarians will leave with Father Gabriel Maria and Frater Alphonsus Maria for their annual spring camping trip. They will travel north to a campground close to the Canadian border. It will rain on and off this week, so it is a good thing Father has rented cabins for the camping trip. The seminarians will return on Friday.

Next weekend will be busy with various activities and Memorial Day. It will be the last weekend on which all the seminarians are together. We are quickly approaching the end of the school year, but we still have several traditional activities left. I will tell you about them next Sunday.

May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,+
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


May 05, 2024
Fifth Sunday after Easter
Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. It is raining today, which is good, as we have had very little rain the past several weeks. The seminarians are staying inside today, but the rain doesn't dampen their spirits. They are finding plenty to keep them busy with indoor recreation.

On Friday morning the five seniors left with Father Philip Marie and Brother Thomas Marie for their senior trip. I haven't heard yet how the trip is going, so I will call later today. (No news is good news, so I trust all is well.) The seniors will return next Sunday evening, and the following week they will present their senior projects. I will explain in next Sunday's blog entry what that is all about.

This week we will have Rogation processions on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. The seminarians will also sing a high Mass each day (Mass of Rogation). Then, of course, we have the holyday on Thursday. The seminarians will go on an outing Thursday after Mass to one of the state parks in the area. The forecast is for very warm weather, even getting up to 80 degrees toward the end of the week.

We now have exactly four weeks of school left. There won't be a full four weeks for academics, however, because the boys will have their annual spring camping trip later this month. There will also be other events taking place as well, which I will explain in the blog entries over the next few Sundays.

For now, we will concentrate on the various liturgical ceremonies and concluding our academic work for this school year. Before we know it, the summer vacation will be at hand. In the meantime, however, we will continue our daily May prayers and devotions. Let us pray that our devotion to our loving Mother will increase during this month!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,+
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


April 28, 2024
St. Louis Marie de Montfort (4th Sunday after Easter)
Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Today we had one of my favorite ceremonies of the entire year--First Holy Communion. We had 8 children this year who received Our Lord for the first time today. It is a touching ceremony, which includes traditions that we observe here at Mary Immaculate Queen parish. First, the children process into the church while singing a children's hymn. At the conclusion of the sermon the children stand and, holding lighted candles, renew their baptismal promises. Then, at the proper time, they approach the Communion rail dressed in white to eceive their First Holy Communion. Yesterday we had a short retreat for hem, during which they were enrolled in the brown scapular. All in all, t is such a beautiful event that reminds us of how much Our Lord loves children, and it also reminds us of the happy day on which we received Holy Communion for the first time.

The seminarians have been working hard to help the Sisters move into their new classrooms. The children will have no school for the next two days, as the Sisters organize their rooms to prepare to resume classes on Wednesday. On Wednesday morning I will bless the new classrooms. We will also have a Solemn High Mass on that day to honor Saint Joseph on his feastday.

On Friday morning the seniors will leave on their class trip. They are going to take a full week to travel to the Washington and Oregon coasts. Father Philip Marie (who teaches at the Mount) will conduct the trip, along with the help of Brother Thomas Marie. Since there are 5 seniors this year, it will certainly be different next week without them. It is now just 5 weeks before they graduate on June 1st.

We are particularly looking forward to the month of May. We have a daily public Rosary and prayers to Our Blessed Mother during her month. We also set up a May shrine in our classroom, before which we recite daily prayers. The seminarians take turns providing the flowers for the shrine. Be sure to erect a May shrine in your home and to honor Our Blessed Mother in a special way this month. May she intercede for our seminary and our families!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,+
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


April 21, 2024
Third Sunday after Easter

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. On Friday we had a beautiful opening ceremony for our annual Forty Hours Adoration. There was a Solemn High Mass with seminarians singing and serving the ceremonies. Today we will conclude with the closing ceremonies at 5:00 pm.

One of the major projects lately has been preparing the new classrooms for use in the gym building. The seminarians have been helping with moving furniture and books, waxing the floors and, in general, helping the Sisters move into the new classrooms. We hope to have the move finished no later than Saturday of this week.

On Thursday we will have the Greater Litanies procession. This is a beautiful custom that we are able to observe here, chanting the litany of the saints as we process around the property. Each invocation of the litany is doubled (sung twice) during the course of the procession.

Other than this event on Thursday, it will be a regular week of classes. We need to make good use of the time remaining, for the school year is quickly winding down. Please remember our seminary in your prayers.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,+
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


April 14, 2024
Second Sunday after Easter

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. The last few days have been magnificent, with temperature well above normal. Last night the boys had a bonfire. Right now, as I write, they are heading to the park, looking forward to a nice afternoon of recreation.

This week will be a busy one at the seminary. The seminarians will help with preparing the new classrooms in the gym building and helping the Sisters move to these new classrooms for the grade school. The current grade school building will then be demolished and a new convent will be constructed on the site! There are also plenty of outdoor projects, now that spring is here.

On the liturgical side of things, the boys are preparing for a solemn High Mass on Friday, which will be the opening Mass of our annual Forty Hours Adoration. This is a beautiful custom that dates back to 1534 and used to be held in every parish once a year. Today many of our parishes and missions are much to small to be able to have the Forty Hours, but it is something we have here every year. The seminarians will make hours during the night on Friday, as well as at other times during the Adoration.

There are also many other events in the coming weeks. On April 28th we will have our First Holy Communion here, and on the same day we begin our annual preparation for Total Consecration. In early May will be the senior class trip and later in May the annual seminary camping trip. We also will have the various Rogation processions.

All in all, there will be plenty of activities to keep everyone busy as we approach the end of another school year. May we all grow in our love for Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and for Our Blessed Mother during this beautiful Paschal season, and may God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,+
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


April 07, 2024
Low Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. We have had a wonderful, restful week here at the seminary. I feel refreshed and ready to get back to classes. After a grueling Holy Week, not to mention the long stretch of classes from Christmas to Easter, a spring break is just "what the doctor ordered."

There were six seminarians here over the Easter vacation--the boys who live away from the area. So on Tuesday morning we drove off in two vehicles for the Olympic peninsula and Pacific coast. (Altogether, there were 9 of us.) There is usually a lot of rain in that area, so it was no surprise that we drove through persistent rain for the last hour or two of the journey. But we were blessed by two beautiful days of sun, or at least partial sun, on Wednesday and Thursday.

In addition to the time we spent at Kalaloch in our cabin overlooking the ocean, we also drove down to Ocean shores to spend time on the beach there. There was also a hike through the Quinault Rain Forest. Of course, there was plenty of time for games and just enjoying one another's company. Of course, there was Mass every morning as well as our daily prayers.

Now the seminarians who live in the area have begun to trickle back to the seminary, and by tomorrow morning we will once again be back to full strength with 13 boys, 3 priests, 2 clerics and one brother. The next two months will go by very quickly, so we will have to make the most of our remaining time here. Next Sunday I will tell you more about the various activities that we have at the seminary during April and May. May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,+
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


March 31, 2024
Easter Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. We have had a wonderful Holy Week at Mary Immaculate Queen Parish. I can't tell you how grateful I am for all the help the seminarians provide. They are good servers and most helpful in the sacristy with setting up and putting away, polishing candlesticks, etc. They are a joy to have around.

On Tuesday and Wednesday we had the chanting of the Passion. Holy Thursday and Good Friday were blessed days with the full, solemn liturgical ceremonies. Holy Saturday was a day of practicing the liturgy and preparing for the Easter Vigil. Last night we had the full, solemn Easter Vigil ceremonies, and this morning we had a High Mass for the feast of the Resurrection.

This past week we also had a cross at the seminary--our hot water heater burned out on Thursday. Fortunately, we have Brother Thomas Marie in residence, and he is a jack-of-all-trades. He procured a new hot water heater and installed it. By the end of the day we once again had hot water. (It is so easy to take these modern conveniences for granted.) Thank you Brother Thomas for your hard work and dedication!

This week we will take a few days off for some R & R. On Tuesday morning we will leave for the Olympic peninsula, where I have rented a cabin for three days at the coast. Most of the religious and seminarians will go on this brief vacation, while the seminarians who live in the area are already home for the vacation week. All will return next Sunday to resume the seminary routine.

As we celebrate the feast of the Resurrection of Our Lord, I wish you all a most blessed Easter. May our Divine Lord bless you and you families on this wonderful feast!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,+
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


March 24, 2024
Palm Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. In general, the weather has been great lately (which has made it possible for the seminarians to make trips to the park for recreation), but this morning we were reminded that it is still spring, and the usual fluctuation of temperature is to be expected. There were even a few snow flurries, so we were forced to shorten our usual Palm Sunday procession. Nevertheless, we had the beautiful ceremonies of Palm Sunday, with the seminarians participating by serving and singing.

Now we look forward to the intricate but beautiful ceremonies of Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday (Easter Vigil). It is a blessing to have the seminarians here to assist in these ceremonies, all of which will be live-streamed. On Holy Thursday 12 of the seminarians will represent the 12 apostles for the Washing of the Feet. Of course, we will have the procession of the Blessed Sacrament to the Altar of Repose, and each seminarian will make an hour of adoration during the all-night vigil.

That will be followed by the ceremonies for Good Friday and the Easter Vigil. Each of these ceremonies requires practice and attention, that the liturgy might be performed correctly and in an edifying manner. For a priest, these ceremonies are a spiritual delight, and I hope that the seminarians will imbibe that spirit of the Church.

Also this week, we will have the chanting of the Passion on Tuesday and Wednesday. This requires three priests (and/or deacons) to sing the assigned parts. With my two assistants (Father Gabriel and Father Aloysius), we will be able to have this beautiful chanting of the Passion. Then, on Wednesday, Father Gabriel will fly to New England in order to perform the ceremonies of the Sacred Triduum for one of the parishes there.

Next Sunday we will have our usual Easter Egg Hunt for children. This takes place on the grounds around the seminary, and the seminarians help to hide the eggs for the children. It is a nice parish activity for our families.

Let us all spend this final week of Lent will, being faithful to our Lenten penances. May you and your families have a blessed Holy Week and a joyous Easter!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,+
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


March 17, 2024
Passion Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Given some Lenten travels for parish retreats, I have been unable to post a blog for several weeks. Now here we are already at Passion Sunday, the beginning of the final fortnight of Lent.

Today the seminarians held their annual breakfast fund-raiser in honor of Saint Patrick and Saint Joseph. This Tuesday, of course, is the feast of Saint Joseph, our seminary patron. We will have a Solemn High Mass and blessing of Saint Joseph Cords. After that, the boys have a free afternoon and will go to the park for recreation. We never have classes on the feast of Saint Joseph.

The weather lately has been splendid and is a reminder that it is time to start preparing the grounds for Holy Week. The seminarians will spend some extra time this week raking and working on the grounds. Soon we will start our serving practices for the Holy Week ceremonies, which require extra rehearsal and attention. The liturgical ceremonies for Holy Week are the most beautiful of the year. A devout and careful performance of these ceremonies is important for priests and seminarians, and serves as a culmination of our Lenten practices.

Let us all make the effort to conclude Lent well, by faithfully observing our Lenten penances during these final two weeks. Above all, let us spend extra time reflecting on the Passion of Our Lord, that we might grow in our love for Him, who died for us.

May you all have a holy and grace-filled Lent, and may God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,+
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


February 25, 2024
Second Sunday in Lent

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. The seminarians have just concluded their annual Lenten retreat. The retreat begins on Friday with the 5:00 pm Rosary and concludes Sunday afternoon. There are periods of recreation on Friday and Saturday evenings, so they are able to talk at those times; otherwise, there is silence throughout the retreat. Our table reading for this year's retreat was "Prayer, the Key of Salvation" by Fr. Michael Muller. Together with the sermons, the reading at meals is a source of many graces. I believe they all made a good retreat!

This week we have Fr. Gabriel's feast day. We religious do not celebrate our birthdays, as the boys do. Instead, we celebrate our name day (religious name). So we will honor him at dinner on Wednesday.

We are now just 5 weeks away from Easter. How quickly the time passes. We will continue to make the effort to have a good Lent. There will also be some extracurricular activities over the next few weeks. Right now the boys are competing in the annual ping-pong tournament. On March 15 we will have our annual Saint Patrick's Day Talent Show (which is private, unlike the parish talent show of a couple weeks ago.). Then on Sunday, March 17, the seminarians will host a parish breakfast, as we do twice a year for funds to support the seminary. In general, the seminarians keep plenty busy, and that is a good thing.

May you all have a holy and grace-filled Lent, and may God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,+
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


February 18, 2024
First Sunday in Lent

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. We have had a good beginning to Lent, here at Saint Joseph Seminary. On Ash Wednesday the seminarians sang the High Mass and ceremonies from the side chapel (our relic chapel). This side chapel at our church looks out on the sanctuary, so the boys were close to the Mass. They all received ashes at the altar, two by two.

Of course, we have begun our various Lenten practices, including the chanting of Vespers on Sunday and, of course, Stations of the Cross every Friday. I have also encouraged the seminarians to make the Stations on their own, using our seminary chapel. Quite a few years ago, I asked the Bishop to formally erect our Stations, as that had not been done before. It is necessary that the Stations be properly blessed and installed, in order to receive the plenary indulgence from reciting them, whether as part of a group or alone.

This week should be a normal week of classes, but next weekend the seminarians will have their annual retreat. It begins on Friday evening and concludes on Sunday afternoon. For the seminarians who are new this year, the retreat will be a novel experience. It is not easy to keep the silence, but a retreat is a great source of grace. So please pray for them, that they will profit from our annual Lenten retreat!

May you have a holy Lent and may God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,+
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


February 11, 2024
Quinquagesima Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Yesterday evening we had our usual "Pre-Lent Talent Show," which was a big success. Once again the seminarians stepped up to the plate and prepared several skits, piano pieces and two choral hymns. Everyone enjoyed the show, which was live-streamed this year.

On Tuesday of this week the boys will have a special schedule with a movie and extra free time, on the day before Lent. Then, on Wednesday, we will begin our normal Lenten penitential practices. Each seminarian made out his own penance program. We also will have our usual "sacrifice bowl" and other common practices. It is important that we all make a good Lent, giving up things we like, eating less, and in general, practicing penance!

May you have a holy Lent and may God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,+
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


February 04, 2024
Sexagesima Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. This morning, after the High Mass, we had the blessing of throats in honor of Saint Blaise. Since Father Gabriel is on his monthly mission to Calgary, and Fr. Aloysius was hearing confessions, I blessed the throats--and there were a lot of them! I will have to make sure to have two priests blessing throats next year. Even though there was a large crowd yesterday for First Saturday, so that many parishioners had already received the blessing, we still had a large number today receiving the blessing. This just reminds me how our parish here in Rathdrum Idaho has grown.

It also is a reminder of the need for more priests. Our seminaries are very important, because priests must be well-trained. So we appreciate your support of our seminary here. Please also pray daily for more vocations.

There has been some sickness going around the seminary. Our boys are nearly always in good health and rarely miss classes, but there have been a few absences this past week. It just reminds us of the punishment of original sin! I hope that all the boys will be well as we enter into the season of Lent coming up next week.

Before Lent, however, we will have our normal "Talent Show" on the Saturday before Ash Wednesday. Since Lent comes early this year, we will have that event this coming Saturday. The boys have been working on skits, so it should be enjoyable. We will live stream that event this Saturday, February 10th.

Let us all think of what we will do to make a good Lent. It is a good idea to write down our planned sacrifices, so that we don't forget them. Above all, let us reflect often on the Passion of Our Lord, who suffered so much for love of us. May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph, +
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


January 28, 2024
Septuagesima Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Although we have received an extraordinary amount of rain, the sky cleared and the weather was perfect for Friday's funeral. The seminarians again sang and served the funeral Mass for our long-time parishioner John Freddi, who had been a member of our parish here (Mary Immaculate Queen) for more than 50 years! May he rest in peace.

Our priests' meetings on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday were productive and enjoyable. It is always good to be able to get together with our brother priests. On Wednesday the bishop and priests came here to the minor seminary for supper. It was a good opportunity for the seminarians to get to know other priests from around the country.

This week we will have our Candlemas ceremonies on Friday, the final feast of the Christmas season. As usual, we will have solemn ceremonies for this beautiful liturgy. Then, after Mass, we will put away the Christmas decorations until next year.

Before we know it, Lent will be here. The violet vestments of Septuagesima help us to transition from the joyful Christmas and Epiphany seasons to the sorrowful and penitential Lenten season. It is time to start thinking of what we will do to make a good Lent! May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph, +
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


January 21, 2024
Third Sunday after Epiphany

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. This past week we had a heavy snowfall on Wednesday. All the schools in the area were closed--except the seminary! Our boys have school every day, since they live here, but they did spend plenty of time after school in sledding. They also enjoy playing in the gym. Indoor hockey seems to be the game of preference right now. Last night and this morning it rained, so now the roads are slick with rain on top of the snow. Mass attendance was lower than normal, due to the road conditions.

Tomorrow, as I mentioned last Sunday, is the ski day. I hope it will be great conditions for skiing, but I won't be accompanying the boys this year. Fortunately, Father Gabriel and the brothers will go with them, so that I can stay home and work on Second Quarter grades.

On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, we will have priests' meetings at Mount Saint Michael. (I will leave assignments for the boys to cover during my classes.) On Wednesday the priests will come up here for dinner and a visit with the seminarians. That is always a popular event here during January.

One of our long-time parishioners passed away on Thursday (John Freddi). He was 88 years old and a generous supporter of our seminary. The boys dug the grave on Friday and Saturday, but the funeral will not take place until Friday, given the priests' meetings. John will be greatly missed in our parish here. May he rest in peace.

Please keep our seminary in your prayers, as we begin this week the Second Semester. May God bless you all.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


January 14, 2024
Second Sunday after Epiphany

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. We had a good week, which including (as mentioned last Sunday) a funeral Mass and the gift opening of Epiphany gifts. Now we begin our final week of the First Semester. We will celebrate the semester break by going skiing next Monday, January 22. By then the weather should be more mild, since it lately has been bitterly cold.

This week's blog is very short, but there will be a lot of news to report next Sunday. Until then I pray that God will bless you and your families, and that he will shower His graces upon our seminary, through Mary.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


January 07, 2024
Holy Family Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. All our seminarians have returned, so we are now back to full attendance, with the addition of one new seminarian. Matthew Mendieta has been a seminarians in the past and has now returned to finish his High School education in our minor seminary. That brings the total number of minor seminarians to 13, along with 3 priests, 2 clerics and one religious brother.

Yesterday we had our first large snowfall of the year--we had a total of 10 inches. Two of the boys got up early this morning to shovel the steps leading the main parking lot to the church. After Mass we had our annual Christmas potluck, and then in the afternoon, the boys enjoyed the winter conditions with outdoor recreation.

Patricia Schneider, one of our long-time parishioners, passed away on Thursday at the age of 94. The seminarians will sing the funeral Mass for her this Thursday, which will be followed by the burial at Mount Saint Michael. Several of the boys will serve as pallbearers as well.

Other than the funeral, we will have a regular week of school, which is good because we have only 2 weeks left of the Second Quarter. On Thursday we will have our gift-opening for the Epiphany. That's always a lot of fun for the students.

May God bless you and your families on this feast of the Holy family!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


December 31, 2023
Sunday Within the Octave of Christmas

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Already our vacation is nearing its conclusion. On Wednesday most of the seminarians will return, and classes resume on Thursday. On Friday we will have our annual blessing of Epiphany Water at 10:15 am. You might want to watch it on the live-streaming service (

Our weather has been very mild, with very little snow so far. We will have to wait to see what the New Year brings. I wish you all a New Year filled with the grace of God. May He bless us all in the Year 2024 with all the graces we need to achieve happiness in heaven!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


December 17, 2023
Third Sunday of Advent

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. In a few days the seminarians will be heading back home for the Christmas vacation. Therefore, this will be the last blog entry until January 7.

As has been the case all year, there is a very good spirit among the seminarians. They enjoy their common activities and work well together. Yesterday, we began decorating, but there is still a lot to do. Hopefully, they will be able to finish most of it before going home. These next few days will be quite busy.

This morning the seminarians sang a few carols for the school Christmas program, which went well. There were also presentations (skits, poems and songs) by the various classes of our small parish school. The children sure have a way of helping us to get into the proper Christmas spirit!

Shortly we will have a practice for Vespers, which we chant on the Sundays of Advent. It is a bit difficult with proper antiphons, and today we begin the "O antiphons" for Vespers. So it takes more practice, but I have been impressed by how well the seminarians pick up the new material. This is a good practice for them, if they end up going on to the priesthood.

Of course, this week is Ember week, so we have some fasting and abstinence, which is a good preparation for Christmas. Let us all resolve to prepare well for Christmas during this final week of Advent. May God bless us all with an abundance of graces on the beautiful feast of Christmas!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


December 10, 2023
Second Sunday of Advent

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Last weekend we received about 8 inches of snow, but it didn't last long, due to warmer temperatures all week. Last night it again snowed--this time about 10-12 inches. Again it is a wet snow, so we will have to see how long it lasts. During Mass there was the loud noise of the snow cascading off the metal roof of the church. Hopefully, it will not melt up on the mountains, so that we can have good skiing conditions in January!

Early Wednesday morning Saint Nicholas visited the seminarians. They woke up to find a bag of goodies in the hallway right outside their rooms. They must all be well-behaved, because there was no coal in the bags!

On Friday the seminarians sang a beautiful High Mass to honor Our Lady's Immaculate Conception. Later that day they enjoyed an outing of bowling and ice cream. The relaxed day was a nice break in the midst of our Advent observances.

During Advent we are chanting Vespers each Sunday. That takes some practice, as the antiphons are proper. It really adds to the spirit of the season. They are also working on the carols they will sing at our annual school program, which will take place next Sunday after the 9:00 am Mass. The program will be live-streamed as well.

Soon the boys will be heading home for their Christmas vacation. But before then, we have one more full week of school. Needless to say, we will do our best to get the most out of this week. May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


December 3, 2023
First Sunday of Advent

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. This blog entry is going out a bit late, since I was in New England this past weekend. As I mentioned last week, each of the seminarians has made out an Advent penance program to follow during this season. Their list of a few extra sacrifices to perform is not extensive, since their first penance is the penance of daily duty--fulfilling their duties as seminarians and students to the best of their ability.

In addition to our chosen penances, we also have a "sacrifice bowl" and daily light the Advent wreath. We also sing Advent hymns, which have a unique quality, expressing the yearning, the longing, that should be in our hearts this season. This year's Advent is only 3 weeks long, so let us all spend it as well as possible.

This week, we have only 4 days of classes, since Friday is a holyday. We will celebrate Our Lady's Immaculate Conception by singing a High Mass and then, after breakfast, we will all go bowling. The rest of the day will be spent in free time for the seminarians.

Thursday is the mid-quarter, so the parents will be receiving mid-quarter grade reports next week. How quickly the time passes! Before long the seminarians will be heading home for their Christmas break. In the meantime, we will continue to make the most of our time here in forming these young mean. May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


November 26, 2023
Twenty-sixth and Last Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. We have had a relaxing few days here at the seminary. On the day after Thanksgiving we went out for dinner and then went to watch the fireworks in Coeur d'Alene. That is a unique tradition in Coeur d'Alene on the day after Thanksgiving. It was cold standing outside as we waited for the fireworks to start, but it was well worth it as we were treated to a splendid fireworks show on a perfectly clear night.

After a restful Thanksgiving Break, we are now ready to resume the final few weeks of school before the Christmas vacation. This week the seminarians will write out a program of extra prayer and penance for Advent. We will also work on preparing for chanting Sunday Vespers--something we do on the Sundays of Advent. It takes practice, since the Sundays of Advent have proper antiphons and different psalm tones. It is just one of the special things we do during Advent here.

The seminarians will also be working on preparing a few carols to sing at the school Christmas program here, which is held on the 3rd Sunday of Advent. In general, you can be sure they will be busy during the final few weeks of school in 2023! Let us all resolve to spend these next few weeks in quiet, spiritual preparation for Christmas. God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


November 19, 2023
Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. For regular readers of our blog, I apologize for not getting an entry done last Sunday. I was covering for two Mass centers in southern California.

Over the past few days the seminarians have been busy making pies--more than 60 of them! We have a fund-raiser every year on the 3rd Sunday of November, which consists in a parish breakfast and selling pies. The funds received support the seminarians in their extra-curricular activities, namely skiing in the winter. The breakfast was held after all 3 Masses this morning, and we greatly appreciate the support of those who participated.

As you know, this week will be a short week, with the Thanksgiving vacation coming up. Those seminarians who live in the area (6 of them) will go home for the four days; those who are from out of town (the remaining 6 boys) will either go home or stay at the seminary. We will have some activities for those who stay, so it will be a nice relaxing four-day weekend for both priests and seminarians.

Advent starts late this year, which means a shorter season--only 3 weeks. Nevertheless, Advent is an important time for us to practice greater recollection and penance, in preparation for Christmas. Next week the seminarians will write out their penance program for Advent, as an aid to spending the season well.

Both Friday and yesterday the boys went to the park for some football and soccer. They really enjoy their trips to the park, while the weather is still good. This morning, however, we woke up to snow on the ground, reminding us that winter will soon be upon us.

May you all have a most enjoyable Thanksgiving with your loved ones, and may God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


November 5, 2023
Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. The seminarians did a splendid job in singing the High Mass for All Souls Day. We will now have 2 more Requiem High Masses this week. They also made visits to the Blessed Sacrament and the cemetery to gain indulgences for the Poor Souls. It rained on All Souls Day (and much of the past week.) Today is a beautiful, mild day, so they are at the park, taking advantage of the good weather.

During the past week we also had the All Saints party for the children of the parish on Tuesday. The seminarians prepared games and everyone had a great time. There was also a pumpkin-carving contest. Five of the seminarians participated and did an outstanding job of carving. Among other designs were Saint Dominic Savio, Saint John Bosco and Saint John of the Cross. Their artistic ability amazes me. We will have to get photos of those carvings up on our seminary internet site. (Give us a week or so to get that done!)

This week should be a normal week of classes, and that is always a good thing. Let us all continue to do all we can this month to help the Poor Souls. May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


October 29, 2023
Christ the King (22nd Sunday after Pentecost)

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Our High Mass with Benediction and devotions to the Sacred Heart of Jesus was a beautiful tribute to His Kingship this morning. Right now the seminarians are at the park, enjoying the beautiful sunshine. Later this week we expect rain... lots of rain.

But the rain won't dampen our spirits as we celebrate the feast of All Saints on Wednesday, followed by our High Mass and prayers for the Poor Souls on Thursday. The seminarians will attend at least 2 Masses on Thursday and will have the option of a third Mass for the Poor Souls. We also will be praying our usual November devotions for the souls in purgatory throughout the month.

The seminarians are encouraged to obtain as many plenary indulgences as possible for the Poor Souls, using the wonderful Toties Quoties indulgence from Noon of Wednesday (November 1) until midnight of Thursday (November 2). In addition, we will be sure to visit the cemetery each day of the Octave of All Souls Day in order to gain the additional plenary indulgence for doing so. As you know, our cemetery is located on the hill looking down on our church. It is a climb to visit the cemetery by foot, but that is a good sacrifice for the souls in purgatory. The cemetery is a beautiful, peaceful place, where one can pray for the Poor Souls and also reflect on death--a good practice for all of us.

On Tuesday of this week the seminarians will help with the All Saints party for the school children. The children dress up as their favorite saint. There will be carnival games, designed by the seminarians, and also a pumpkin carving contest. It is a lot of fun for the younger children and their families--a good way to honor the saints and steer them away from the secular "Halloween" nature of the day. Indeed, Halloween is derived from the English "All Hallow's Eve," the eve of the feast of All Saints. Once upon a time it was a day of prayer and fasting to prepare for the great feast of All Saints on November 1. It is indeed sad how these great Catholic customs have been so corrupted. We, at least, must do all we can to bring back truly Catholic customs. May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


October 22, 2023
21th Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. We have had a beautiful stretch of warm weather--even record-breaking high temperatures. But that is slated to change this week, as colder air moves in. We have taken advantage of the nice weather to get outdoor work done, such as raking the grounds and harvesting the remaining apples. The seminarians have also enjoyed their trips to the park. (That's where they are this afternoon!)

This week will be our final full week of the First Quarter, which is quickly coming to a conclusion. We continue our daily Rosary before the Blessed Sacrament exposed as well, during these final days of October. Other than that, I have no news to bring you. All is well here at the seminary.

Thank you for your prayers. May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


October 15, 2023
20th Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. As I had mentioned in last Sunday's blog, our seminarians attended the events of the Fatima Conference all day Thursday and Friday. Yesterday they went back up to the Mount for the evening dinner and lecture. This morning we welcomed all the Fatima Conference guests to the City of Mary for High Mass, brunch and Open House. The seminarians sang a few hymns after the breakfast and then showed the guests around the seminary. It has been an exhausting week--it will be nice to get back to regular school beginning tomorrow!

In just a couple of weeks we will have the children's All Saints party. One of the events is a pumpkin carving contest. The seminarians are permitted to join in if they wish, so I will be explaining that event to them this week. We also need to finish harvesting our apples, so that Sister Mary Veronica can replenish our supply of apple sauce for the winter.

The weather continues to be pleasant, and so the boys just left for the park. They are usually joined on Sunday afternoons by some of the young smen from the parish here. It is nice to have our young men recreating together and enjoying one another's company.

Let us all continue this month (and always) to be faithful to Our Lady's Rosary. The Fatima Conference has been a good reminder of the importance of the daily Rosary. (By the way, you can view the lectures and other events of the Conference on our live-stream channel at or switch to and search on "Mary Immaculate Queen Parish Rathdrum). May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


October 8, 2023
19th Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Last weekend I was in New England, so that is why there was no blog entry. On Saturday, I had a wedding at Saint Theresa Church in Oakland, Maine. Yesterday, there was another wedding, this time here at our church in Rathdrum, Idaho. It is always encouraging to see young people preparing well for the important sacrament of matrimony.

This past Friday, of course, was the first Friday of October. The boys requested to be able to have an all-night vigil. It is always good to see them taking the initiative in things of this nature. When we have an all-night vigil, we make out a sheet of holy hours and the boys each sign up for an hour. Toward the end of their holy hour, they will wake up the seminarian that follows. In this way, they take turns keeping company all night with Our Lord exposed in the monstrance here in our seminary chapel.

Today the weather is absolutely beautiful here--a real Indian Summer. The boys will shortly be going to the park for an afternoon of recreation. Meanwhile, I will stay home to work on my lecture for the Fatima Conference this Friday. Although I have been reflecting on the topic, thinking of what I would like to say, there hasn't yet been time to actually sit down and write out a detailed outline.

There will be regular school for the first 3 days of this week, but on Thursday and Friday we will be at the Mount all day, attending the various lectures and events. Thursday will begin with the bishop's pontifical Mass. Many of the boys will serve at the Mass, while others will sing with the choir. There will be lectures throughout the day on Thursday and Friday. Then, Friday evening, there will be a candlelight procession in honor of Our Lady of Fatima, which the boys will attend. Next Sunday the Conference guests will come here to our church for Mass and brunch. Afterwards, they will have the opportunity to stop by the seminary and visit with the boys.

Of course, we continue each day of this month with our special October devotions, including the Rosary before the Blessed Sacrament exposed. Needless to say, the daily Rosary is an important part of our routine at the seminary. We hope all our seminarians will ever faithfully retain the practice of the daily Rosary, as Our Lady requested. May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


September 24, 2023
17th Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. As usual on Sunday afternoon, the boys are at the park, which means it is very quiet here at the seminary. That gives me some quiet time to get caught up on grading papers and working on the October issue of The Guardian.

Tomorrow the boys will help with our grape harvest. Our vineyard supplies our altar wine, and we also use some grapes to make grape jelly. All the seminarians will help with harvesting the grapes, which shouldn't take more than one class period. Then a couple of them will be assigned to continue with the work of de-stemming crushing the grapes. (No, we don't do that the old-fashioned way of stomping on them!)

Other than the grape harvest, this should be a regular school week, which is always a good thing. In addition to Latin and theology, the boys have science, English, math and government. Several of them are also taking internet based classes to complete their required credits for graduation. The program we use for that is called IDLA, which stands for Idaho Digital Learning Academy. The courses are very well planned, and there is a teacher to help the students with questions. We usually only need to have recourse to IDLA for students who transfer here during the course of high school. Those seminarians who enter as freshmen have all the required courses through our regular program.

Later this week we will send out The Guardian newsletter for October, which is right around the corner. That means the daily Rosary before the Blessed Sacrament exposed, something I will explain in the newsletter. May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


September 17, 2023
16th Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Since the weather has been so nice lately, we took the afternoon off on Friday (feast of Our Lady of Sorrows) to go to a local State Park. The water was still warm from the summer heat, so the boys enjoyed some swimming and canoeing. Yesterday, as usual, they had Saturday chores and got a lot done around the property, with raking and other tasks. The Fatima Conference is coming up in several weeks, and so we will spend more time raking up the pine cones and pine needles, getting the grounds in shape for our visitors.

This afternoon they are off to the park with the two Fraters (Frater Alphonsus and Frater Martin). That will leave me here with some quiet time to get ready for the school week. This will be a regular week of school, with no special events coming up, except that it is Ember Week. Even though the seminarians are not yet bound to the Church fast, we encourage them to make extra sacrifices on the Ember Days, according to the spirit of the Church for these penitential days.

This morning Fr. Gabriel had Mass in Salt Lake City, which is one of our missions. I went there last month, but Father Gabriel will be the normal priest to say Mass for those people. He also travels to Canada and Montana. That left me with Father Aloysius as my assistant today. So, as you can see, we priests keep busy, but there is always at least one priest home, along with the clerics, to keep the seminarians busy and on schedule. It is important for all of us to keep busy, doing God's work! May He bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


September 10, 2023
15th Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Under the direction of Father Gabriel, the seminarians did a very good job in singing their first High Mass for this new school year. (They also sang a High Mass last Sunday, but that was with the help of the parish choir.) We lost some good voices from last year due to graduation, and there are new seminarians this year who have to learn to sing a High Mass, so it takes time to get them well-trained. We also sing Vespers of Our Lady from time to time, which we will do this Tuesday, the feast of her Holy Name.

We have finally gotten fully into the routing of school. Already the seminarians know what class is next and what the schedule requires of them. Lately, we have been working on the quiet that must prevail during Study Hall in the evening. They have to develop good study habits in order to be successful as students. So that is something we emphasize.

The weather has been excellent of late, so the boys are enjoying the occasional trips to the park for football and soccer. They usually go there every Friday afternoon, and sometimes on the weekends. They have also been playing "night games" on the parking lot and around the property. On those occasions we pray night prayers a bit early and allow them to stay up for an hour or two after night prayers to play outside on these warm evenings. They really enjoy that.

Now that fall is here, we are also beginning to harvest fruit. The vineyard won't be harvested until late September, but already the birds (and turkeys) have been helping themselves. So we purchased netting to cover the vines and keep out the unwanted guests. The apples that fall from the trees are usually eaten by the deer, of which there are plenty in our area. With that I will sign off until next Sunday. May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


September 3, 2023
14th Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Well, our trip to Lake Coeur d'Alene worked out splendidly. The boys spent a lot of time in the water or using canoes or kayaks to paddle around the bay. Michael Harris, the father of one of our seminarians, brought his boat over and gave the boys an opportunity for tubing (getting pulled behind the boat on an inner tube.) The last night it rained and the weather turned colder, but the boys were undaunted by the weather. After some indoor games in the morning the rain stopped and they spent an hour playing "king of the dock." They had a great time.

On Thursday we began our regular classes, so already they are adjusting to the school schedule. Tomorrow they will have a hike and barbecue, and then on Tuesday it's back to school.

Today we had a High Mass (which we do on the first and third Sunday of the month.) Some of the boys sang with the parish choir for the High Mass. It is also the feast of Pope Saint Pius X, a great saint for our times. We are currently reading a book on his life for our table reading, which is quite inspiring. He is truly a great saint and patron.

It is time for prayers, so I will sign off until next weekend. Please keep us in your prayers. May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


August 27, 2023
13th Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. A new school year has begun! Yesterday we had our traditional orientation, which is an important opportunity to go over the rules and practices with new students. Now, after Mass this morning, we are packing up to go to the lake. The weather is predicted to be in the 90s, at least today and tomorrow, so it should make for a great time at the lake.

We leave in a couple hours and I still have to pack the Mass kit as well as personal items. One thing I always pack is a good book, for I expect to have plenty of time to read while the boys are enjoying the various water sports and other games. We will tell you more about this short "get-acquainted" trip in the September issue of The Guardian newsletter.

Although such an outing at the beginning of a new year may seem odd to some, I believe it is an important opportunity for the seminarians--both new and returning boys--to spend time together and build that bond of unity which is important in the seminary. The boys live with one another day after day and become like a second family. It is important that they learn to practice charity and forbearance.

This will be the first blog entry of the new school year, and I hope to be able to keep you up to date on a weekly basis (usually every Sunday) on the events of the seminary. Thank you for reading and for your support! May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


June 4, 2023
Trinity Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. It has been quite a hectic week! We began the week with the annual Queenship procession on Monday. The weather was perfect and all went smoothly. Four of the seminarians carried the bier with the statue of Our Lady.

On Tuesday and Wednesday we finished our academics. Thursday was a day to clean the house. We started off with Latin class (I don't like to omit a Latin class!). Afterwards, the seminarians were divided into three groups for cleaning the house. They did a good job of thoroughly cleaning the house, and then tackled their own individual rooms. The cleaned and packed, getting ready for the final farewell.

On Friday we had our school program, awards ceremony, and First Friday Mass and benediction. Afterwards, the seminarians were free to leave, but most of them stayed on until Saturday or Sunday, depending on the time their parents wanted to leave. All of them drove home with their families, except one who flew home.

Some of them stayed on until Sunday, so on Saturday there was a final trip to the lake, after the graduation ceremony was concluded. The morning on Saturday was quite busy, as we had the annual visit of the bishop for graduation, confirmation, and (this year), the ordination to the subdiaconate of Frater Alphonsus, one of our religious major seminarians in residence here.

Today there will be a graduation party this afternoon in the parish hall for the graduates and their families. It is the final event of the school year. So that means that this will probably be my final blog entry for a while. Events coming up will be the annual religious retreat here (June 19-22), the vows ceremony at the Mount (June 27), and the annual Boys Camp (July 23-30). In between I will take some time off for a couple of short trips. There will still be plenty to do here at the seminary, but it will be at a considerably slower pace!

Our new school year will begin with orientation on August 26. So far there are two new applicants, so they will replace the two that graduated. Of course, there are possibilities of a couple other boys, so please keep that intention in your prayers. And may you all have a safe, enjoyable, and spiritually blessed summer!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


May 28, 2023
Pentecost Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. The seminarians had a great camping trip to Huckleberry Campground at Lake Pend Oreille--the same place they went to last year. Although I stayed home, they were accompanied by Father Aloysius, Frater Alphonsus, and Frater Martin. So they had Mass each day of the 3-day camping trip. By all accounts, everything went very well. There were only a few sprinkles and the weather was ideal--not too hot or too cold. They arrived home Saturday evening just in time for prayers and supper.

This morning we had a beautiful solemn High Mass with Father M. Aloysius as celebrant, and myself and Fr. Gregory at deacon and subdeacon. You might call that Father Aloysius' formal introduction to the parish. Yes, he was a minor seminarian for 4 years here, but there are many new parishioners since then. He will be stationed here, at least until further notice.

Tomorrow morning we will have our annual Queenship procession. This is always an important event, especially since our parish is named Mary Immaculate Queen Parish. Since it is Memorial Day, everyone should be able to attend. During the procession we stop at the outdoor shrine of Our Lady to recite the Little Crown and present flowers to Our Blessed Mother. It is truly a beautiful event!

Tuesday and Wednesday will be normal school days. Thursday will mainly be spent cleaning the house, and Friday will be a half day of school, just to wrap things up. Saturday will be senior graduation and confirmation. This week will be a whirlwind of activity, and then our summer vacation will begin! It will be a much-needed vacation for all, teachers and students alike.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


May 21, 2023
Sunday after the Ascension

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. This past week was a beautiful week with Rogation processions (followed by a High Mass each day) on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. The weather was perfect on Monday and Wednesday, but on Tuesday it rained during the procession. Before we started it seemed as though it would not rain, but once we started the procession there was a steady drizzle. We completed the procession anyway.

Then on Thursday the boys sang a High Mass. After breakfast we went to Round Lake State Park, about an hour from here. Round Lake is a small, tranquil lake (58 acres in size). We spent time in canoeing, hiking and swimming. It has been unusually warm for this time of year, so the weather was perfect for this outing.

This week Father Aloysius returns, after visiting his family in Arizona for a week. Next Sunday he will have his first solemn High Mass here at MIQ Church. Also, this week the boys will have their annual camping trip on Thursday through Saturday. The plan is to go to the same National Forest campground that they used last year, close to Lake Pond Oreille.

We now have only 2 weeks left of school, and with the camping trip starting Thursday morning, we will have to push to get all the academic work done. Next weekend we teachers will work on grades. As you can imagine, it will be a busy week. May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


May 14, 2023
Fifth Sunday after Easter

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. It has been quite a week! On Monday I took the boys on a field trip to various places. We started out by visiting Steptoe Butte in Eastern Washington. This is a high mountain or butte that rises up out of the surrounding farmland, which is called the "Palouse". From the top you can see for literally hundreds of miles. From their we headed to Lewiston, stopping at Saint Boniface Church in Uniontown on the way. Even though it is now a Novus Ordo church, it has remained almost entirely untouched by the modernist defacing of churches. It was the first church to be consecrated in the state of Washington.

In Lewiston we went to Hells Gate State Park, where there is a good video in the Visitors' Center on the Lewis and Clark expedition. That is part of the history of this area, so I thought the boys should know something about it. In fact, they traveled through this area, which is why the neighboring towns are named Lewiston, Idaho, and Clarkston, Washington. They are on either side of the Snake River, which serves as the boundary. While we were in Lewiston there was a hail storm, which was quite spectacular.

On Tuesday afternoon I flew to Omaha for the ordination ceremony, returning home Saturday morning. The ordination of the five priests was on Thursday, and on Friday Father Aloysius (who attended our minor seminary for four years) had his first solemn High Mass. Several of the minor seminarians had traveled to Omaha with the clerics, so they helped in singing for that Mass.

Yesterday we had our Rosary procession, reciting the 15 decades in honor of Our Lady of Fatima. Late last night the clerics returned from Omaha, so we are back to full strength now at the seminary. The boys will go to the park this afternoon.

This week will also be a busy week. On the first three days (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday) we will have Rogation processions followed each day by a High Mass. On Thursday, of course, there is no school, so we will go on an outing to Round Lake State Park. In the midst of all this activity we will wrap up our final class material. As always, thanks for your prayers for our seminary!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


May 07, 2023
Fourth Sunday after Easter

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Yesterday our three clerics left for Omaha, for the ordination ceremonies this week. Along with them traveled our three oldest seminarians. It will be a great grace for them to witness the ordination ceremonies. Father Gregory and I will fly to Omaha on Wednesday, to be present on time for the ordination ceremony on Thursday and the first Mass of Father Aloysius on Friday.

Tomorrow I will take the 9 seminarians who are here on a field trip. We have a number of stops to make, so it should be an enjoyable day, but also educational. I will give you a report on it next Sunday. Also this week, on Saturday, we will have our Rosary procession in honor of Our Lady of Fatima.

One more interesting bit of news is that I have found that the seminarians love yogurt. We have been making our own yogurt, and the seminarians finish it off as soon as another batch is made. They like to sweeten it with honey. So we have found a new way to use the abundance of milk from our cow.

We now have only 4 weeks left of school, and those four weeks will pass quickly. Please remember our seminary in your prayers.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


May 01, 2023
Third Sunday after Easter

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Our annual Forty Hours is always a beautiful time of year. We regularly hold it during the month of April, the month of the Blessed Sacrament. During the night of Friday-Saturday the seminarians each made a Holy Hour. It is a unique time to be with Our Lord, when all is silent. Then, on Saturday evening, we had a public Holy Hour followed by reposition. Today, after the final Mass, the Blessed Sacrament is exposed for the final 6 hours. During the afternoon the seminarians will again make a Holy Hour, and then we will have the closing ceremonies at 4:30 pm.

Tomorrow we begin the month of May, with our daily May crowning and prayers in honor of the Queenship of Mary. This week will also be busy as the clerics will make their retreat for ordinations. On Saturday they will leave for Omaha, accompanied by the seniors. Next week Father Gregory and I will fly to Omaha for the ordination ceremony.

Let us all pray for our clerics who are preparing for ordination. How greatly we need priests! May God bless us all during this beautiful month of Mary, especially with a growth in our devotion to her!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


April 23, 2023
Second Sunday after Easter

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Yesterday the boys went to the park after completing their Saturday chores. The weather has been pleasant, and so they are spending more time outside. They have also been busy during chore periods (Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) in doing outdoor work: raking, gathering fallen branches, tending the burn piles, etc.

This week will be a particularly busy one. On Tuesday we will have the first of the four Rogation processions, after which they will sing a High Mass. On Friday we will have the opening Mass of the annual Forty Hours, which will also be Solemn High Mass. Throughout next weekend they will be making Holy Hours before the Blessed Sacrament exposed. The Forty Hours is a wonderful time when parishioners come throughout the day (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) to adore Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.

Next Monday will be the first day of May, so we will have our normal May shrine with daily public Rosary and devotions. Let us all plan a May shrine in our homes and honor Our Blessed Mother in a special way during her month. May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


April 16, 2023
Low Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. During the past week there were 2 minor seminarians here, along with the clerics. So we took a short vacation trip to Western Washington to see some of the sights and to give the boys a break from the routine here at the seminary. Some of the places visited were Coulee Dam, Dry Falls, Deception Pass, the Space Needle, Pike's Place Market, and Snoqualmie Falls, to name a few. Altogether, there were 5 of us on the trip. One of the boys will write a more detailed recounting of their experiences for the next issue of the Guardian.

All of the other seminarians will be returning this afternoon or evening, with the exception of one boy who will return on Tuesday. Then we will be back to "full strength" for the final 6 weeks of the school year.

Our focus over the next couple weeks will be in preparing for the Rogation processions (the first one being on April 25) and the Forty Hours Adoration, which will be on April 28-30. I will give you more details of these next Sunday.

In the meantime, please continue to remember our seminary in your prayers, and especially for more devout young men to join our ranks. And may God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


April 09, 2023
Easter Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Thanks be to God, we have had a wonderful and inspiring Holy Week. It is such a blessing to have the seminarians here. They helped to serve and prepare for the liturgy for each day, and yesterday spent many hours polishing all the candlesticks, etc., so that everything would be just right for Easter Sunday.

Right now the seminary and is very quiet--so much so that Victor (our dog) can't quite figure out what is going on. Only two of the seminarians are left, as well as the religious. Ten of the boys have gone home for the Easter vacation. So that the two who remain can have something special this week, I will take them on a 3-day trip to Western Washington. We will leave this Tuesday morning and return Thursday evening. I will give you the details next Sunday.

In the meantime, may you all enjoy a relaxing Easter week! This wonderful feast of the Resurrection of Our Lord reminds us of all the blessings we have received from Almighty God. Let us be ever grateful for His graces and gifts, especially for our holy Catholic Faith.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


April 2, 2023
Palm Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Despite a very chilly morning, our Palm Sunday procession was beautiful. We had the blessing, distribution and procession of palms at 8:20 am, followed by the High Mass at 9:00 am. It is an inspiring liturgy, which serves as a good introduction to Holy Week.

For the most part, the next three days will be regular school days. Then, on Thursday and Friday, we have a special schedule revolving around the liturgy. On Holy Thursday our ceremonies will include the Washing of the Feet. Since we have exactly 12 seminarians, they will represent the 12 apostles for this ceremony.

Yesterday I finally finished making out all the serving assignments for the various ceremonies of Holy Week. Everyone will be involved in serving and singing for these beautiful ceremonies. Then, on Saturday, the seminarians are free to leave for their Spring Break. Classes will resume the day after Low Sunday, April 17, so everyone must be back by that time.

We are all looking forward to the Easter vacation, but until then, our focus will be on observing exactly and correctly the various ceremonies of the Holy Week liturgy. If you are unable to attend any of these in your own parish church, I encourage you to join us in spirit by following along on the live-stream.

May God bless us all with a grace-filled Holy Week and a most joyous Easter!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


March 30, 2023
Saint John Climacus

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Again I have been out of town on the weekend, so this will be a short blog to bring you up to date. On Sunday I will write a more detailed blog entry.

Yesterday the seminarians had a work day. After attending the first two classes (Latin and Math), they changed into work clothes and went outside to rake and prepare the grounds for Holy Week. There is still more to be done, of course, but a lot was accomplished in a few hours. Soon we will be working in the garden and on other outdoor projects.

We have also finished the Third Quarter (last Friday), so time is quickly winding down on this school year. Beginning with Palm Sunday, our focus will be on preparing for and conducting the sacred liturgy for Holy Week. I will tell you more about that on Sunday.

May God bless us all with a grace-filled Holy Week!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


March 30, 2023
Saint John Climacus

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Again I have been out of town on the weekend, so this will be a short blog to bring you up to date. On Sunday I will write a more detailed blog entry.

Yesterday the seminarians had a work day. After attending the first two classes (Latin and Math), they changed into work clothes and went outside to rake and prepare the grounds for Holy Week. There is still more to be done, of course, but a lot was accomplished in a few hours. Soon we will be working in the garden and on other outdoor projects.

We have also finished the Third Quarter (last Friday), so time is quickly winding down on this school year. Beginning with Palm Sunday, our focus will be on preparing for and conducting the sacred liturgy for Holy Week. I will tell you more about that on Sunday.

May God bless us all with a grace-filled Holy Week!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


March 14, 2023
Saint Matilda

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Once again I am late with this blog, due to being out of town over the weekend. I am looking forward to being home this coming weekend!

We had our third and final basketball game at the Mount last Thursday, and the boys from the Mount prevailed this time. It was a hard-fought game but very enjoyable for all who attended. Now that the basketball season is over, we can turn our attention to other projects.

This week we will have the annual Saint Patrick's Day Talent Show on Friday. That is an annual event for the seminary (not open to the parish at large). The boys are working hard on their presentations. On Saturday they will work on preparing for Sunday's parish breakfast, which will be held after each Mass. That includes making "blarney stones" (an Irish dessert). In addition, they are working on making Saint Joseph cords, which we will bless next Monday. They have also started the annual pool tournament.

As you can see, the seminarians are quite busy, but their main daily duty is their studies--something I often remind them of. Unfortunately, a few boys have been sick lately, as there seems to be a virus making its rounds. At least we can offer that up as a Lent penance!

Let us all continue to make a good Lent, being faithful to our chosen penances. May this season be a source of grace for each of us.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


March 5, 2023
Second Sunday of Lent

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. I am a bit late in getting this out to you, as I was gone for the weekend. One of the things we do is to have several parish retreats during Lent. These are short, one-day retreats. This past weekend I was in Sartell, Minnesota, and next weekend we will have it in Denver.

Last week the seminarians had their annual standardized placement testing. This helps us and the parents to see the academic progress they are making. They also received their mid-quarter grades. Now we only 3 weeks left in the Third Quarter.

On Thursday there will be a basketball game at Mount Saint Michael--our final one. I was not able to attend either of the first two games, so I am looking forward to watching this one. Other than that, it will be a normal week here at the seminary.

Let us all continue to make every effort to have a good Lent. Our penances are a good way to atone for sin and to grow in love of God. May we all grow closer to Jesus and Mary this Lent!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


February 27, 2023
First Sunday of Lent

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. The seminarians had another exciting basketball game at Mount Saint Michael a few days ago. It seems the two teams are evenly matched, as the games are very close. Needless to say, they enjoy the competition and keep trying to improve. There will be one more basketball game on March 9.

Right now the seminarians are finishing their retreat, which began on Friday evening. During the retreat they keep silence, except during recreation periods. Since Father Sandquist normally has Mass for two groups of people in Oklahoma, I am taking care of those Masses this weekend while he is at the seminary for the retreat. I do appreciate the chance to visit other parishes and take the chance to promote our seminary and newsletter. We can't have too many people praying for our seminaries!

The weather here has been very cold this past week but has finally gone back to average for this time of year. It is a reminder that winter is not quite over. You can be sure the seminarians are looking forward to warmer weather and the outdoor activities that they can do.

Until then, let us all continue to make a good Lent, for the season will pass quickly.

Let us all resolve to make a good Lent, especially by meditating on the Passion of Christ and the Sorrows of Our Blessed Mother. May God bless you and your loved ones, and may He grant us all special graces during this season of Lent!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


February 19, 2023
Quinquagesima Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. We had a most enjoyable Talent Show yesterday, with the seminarians being a main attraction with their skits, instrumentals and singing. Everyone had a great time.

Last Thursday we were invited to attend the dress rehearsal for the stage performance of The Sound of Music by the students at Mount Saint Michael. It was very well done, and the seminarians greatly enjoyed the performance. Both of these events were a nice recreational break before Lent begins this Wednesday.

As I mentioned last Sunday, the seminarians have been preparing for the chanting of the ceremonies and High Mass this coming Wednesday. In the meantime, they are also finishing the chess tournament and preparing for another basketball game at Mount Saint Michael.

Tomorrow the seminarians will be submitting their penance program for Lent. Each of them writes out a list of extra penance and prayers for Lent, seeking approval. Such a program can be very beneficial, and I recommend that everyone do the same. In addition, we will have some common penances for the season, such as the sacrifice bowl and no desserts (outside Sunday and special feastdays.)

On Friday evening the seminarians will begin their annual retreat. This year Father Stephen Sandquist will come for Omaha to give the retreat. It is helpful to have an outside priest come each year, so that the seminarians hear from a different priest. Even though the spiritual truths covered are the same, it helps to hear it from a different priest.

Let us all resolve to make a good Lent, especially by meditating on the Passion of Christ and the Sorrows of Our Blessed Mother. May God bless you and your loved ones, and may He grant us all special graces during this season of Lent!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


February 12, 2023
Sexagesima Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Here we are 10 days before Lent begins. Of course, at the seminary the season of Lent is very important. Each seminarian writes out a schedule of penances and extra prayers for Lent. Let us all be sure to spend this season in the spirit of penance, in union with our Holy Mother the Church and in union with Catholics throughout the world.

The seminarians for choir have been working on learning the melismatic chants for the ceremony of distribution of ashes on Ash Wednesday. We will have a High Mass and perform all the ceremonies of the liturgy. If we want to make a good Lent, it is very important to start off on the right foot--by attending devoutly the liturgy of Ash Wednesday and performing our Lenten penances faithfully, from the first day of Lent onwards.

Two days ago the seminarians had a basketball game versus the students of Mount Saint Michael. It was quite a competitive game, with our boys coming out on top by two points. There will be two more basketball games in the coming weeks.

They also are enjoying the outdoors more. The weather has been quite nice lately, although still chilly. Last night the boys stayed up for a bonfire. They also went to the park in the afternoon. So it certainly feels like spring is just around the corner.

Finally, we are preparing for the Talent Show this Saturday. The seminarians are all doing something--whether singing, or skits, etc. I am looking forward to seeing what they have in store for our entertainment. It should be a lot of fun for the parishioners.

May God bless you all.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


February 5, 2023
Septuagesima Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. As I had mentioned last Sunday, we had the beautiful ceremony of Candlemas last Thursday. It is nice that we can have the full liturgy of the Church, being that we have clerics as well as minor seminarians. They all either served or sang in the choir.

Yesterday the boys went up to Mount Saint Michael to have a basketball practice, in preparation for their game this coming Friday. Our gym is quite small, so using the full-size gym at the Mount is helpful for getting them accustomed to a regulation-sized gym. In addition to basketball, we are also in the midst of the annual chess tournament. Eight of the seminarians are participating and are enjoying their chess games.

In a couple weeks there will be the parish Talent Show. The seminarians also participate in this event, which is a nice parish social. I haven't heard yet what they are preparing for the talent show, but I am sure it will be enjoyable.

Right now it is raining outside, so it seems that the really cold weather of winter is behind us. The boys are starting to get spring fever and are playing outside more. They like to play football in the parking lot, even though it is still chilly.

Finally, I will share a pun that one of the boys came up with: Why are the best banks not very popular? Because there is no interest in them! The boys enjoy trying to come up with new puns. I thought that one was quite clever.

Again, thank you for your prayers and interest in our seminary. May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


January 29, 2023
Fourth Sunday after Epiphany

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. On Friday the seminarians went on their second ski trip, this time to Lookout Pass. Although I no longer go with them skiing, they assured me that the conditions were excellent. It also was nice that Father Philip and Father Gabriel went with them. This will likely be our final ski trip for the year. The focus will now be on preparing for their basketball games. (The first game will be on February 10.)

This will be an important week here at the seminary. On Thursday we will have a Solemn High Mass for the feast of the Purification of Our Lady. Before Mass there will be the blessing of candles, a ceremony performed each year on this feast. The blessing is done on this feast due to the words of Simeon, referring to Our Lord as a "light of revelation to the gentiles." After Mass on Thursday we will take down and put away the Christmas decorations.

Friday is the feast of Saint Blaise, as well as First Friday. Of course, we will have the blessing of throats after each Mass. We will have our usual Benediction with devotions to the Sacred Heart after Mass as well. There will be Benediction again on Saturday morning, as we always have a First Saturday holy hour with exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.

As always, we thank you for your interest in and support of our seminary. Please continue to pray for these young men and for more vocations. May God bless you and your loved ones.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


January 22, 2023
Third Sunday after Epiphany

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. During this week we will have a meeting at Mount Saint Michael (on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday) for the priests of CMRI. On Wednesday His Excellency and the priests will come up here to the City of Mary for dinner and a visit with the seminarians. This annual event is always an enjoyable event for our seminarians. Many of them know most of the priests, while some are new and don't know very many priests. So it is an opportunity for them to meet other priests and get to know where they live and what their particular apostolate is.

On Friday we will have our second ski day. On this occasion, a couple of the visiting priests will join the seminarians for the ski trip. The last one was to Silver Mountain; this one will be to Lookout Pass, which is on the border between Idaho and Montana--about 15 miles farther from the seminary. Let's hope they have good skiing conditions.

After this week our attention will turn to some other events. On February 18 we will have our annual parish Talent Show. The seminarians always participate in that event, and everyone enjoys their contributions. We will also have two or three basketball games versus the boys from Mount Saint Michael. Since our gym is so much smaller than a regulation-sized gym, the boys now go up to the Mount on Saturdays to have a basketball practice and game in their gym. This will help them to prepare for the games on a full-sized court.

We also have been preparing for the beautiful Candlemas ceremonies on February 2nd. In past years the boys have sung many of antiphons and responsories in plain chants; this year I have asked them to learn the melismatic chant. We will have a Solemn High Mass for that feast (February 2nd), so they still have another 10 days to prepare. I will tell you more about that next Sunday. May God bless you and your loved ones.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


January 18, 2023
Saint Peter's Chair at Rome

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. I am sorry that I missed Sunday's blog entry, due to traveling. I will write a full blog next Sunday. For now, I will just mention that the seminarians had a most enjoyable ski trip last Thursday.

Now we are in our final week of school for the Second Quarter. Next week we will have the annual priests' visit, so I will tell you more about that on Sunday. Let us all continue to pray for one another.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


January 8, 2023
Feast of the Holy Family

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Our Epiphany ceremonies were truly inspiring. On Thursday we had the solemn blessing of Epiphany Water, which takes about 45 minutes. On Friday we had a Solemn High Mass sung by the seminarians. It was the first opportunity for Frater Mary Aloysius (a former seminarian from our minor seminary and now a deacon) to act as the deacon in the Mass and to give his first sermon. He also chanted the solemn announcement of moveable feasts for the year.

This week we will have our gift opening (Tuesday) and the first ski day of the year (Thursday). Other than these two events, it will be a regular week. And that is a good thing, for we only have 2 weeks remaining of the Second Quarter. I still have a good number of things to cover for Latin and English before we end the quarter. So for now, it is back to classes and studies.

Let us all make this year a time of grace and spiritual growth. We appreciate your prayers for our young men to that end. And may God bless you and your families during this New Year of 2023.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


January 1, 2023
Circumcision of Our Lord

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Although I had not planned on writing a blog until next Sunday, I decided to write a short one to let you know what is going on this week. Most of our seminarians will return on Tuesday, and we will begin classes on Wednesday.

This Thursday we will have the solemn blessing of Epiphany Water at 10:15 am, followed by Mass. Then on Friday, we will have a Solemn High Mass, beginning at 10:30 am. You might want to log on to our parish web site in order to watch these beautiful events. As you can imagine, our focus on Wednesday and Thursday will be on preparing for the chanting to take place on Thursday and Friday.

As usual, the Christmas vacation has gone by quickly, and soon our seminary will once again be buzzing with activity. Believe it or not, I am looking forward to the return or our seminarians, with all their activity and enthusiasm.

May God grant you all a blessed New Year of 2023.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


December 18, 2022
Fourth Sunday of Advent

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. The seminarians have all left for their Christmas vacation. Now there remain just the few of us religious here at the seminary. Therefore, this brief posting will be my last until January 8. The seminarians will return on January 3rd, and we will resume classes on Wednesday, January 4th

Until then, I pray that you will enjoy a most restful, blessed and joyous Christmastide with your families. As always, let us pray for one another.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


December 11, 2022
Third Sunday of Advent

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. More snow! We've had at least another 12-14 inches of snow over the past few days. Yesterday the boys had a great time sledding, but today the sun is shining and the snow is starting to melt. We have metal roofs on our buildings here, and the sound is something else when a large amount of snow comes down off the roof. That happened several times during Mass this morning. It sounds like a train rumbling overhead.

This week will be the final week of school until vacation begins (on Friday). Today we will chant Vespers again, but since the clerics are in Omaha, it will be just the boys and myself. The three clerics left Friday morning to be present for the ordination ceremony tomorrow. We expect them back Wednesday night.

This week will be a regular week of school, with nothing of special importance scheduled. That will allow all of us to concentrate on making a good Advent, with just two weeks to go before Christmas. We have the Ember Days this week--a good opportunity for us to recall the importance of sacrifice and mortification, as we prepare to celebrate Our Lord's birth at Bethlehem.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


December 04, 2022
Second Sunday of Advent

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. We have received a record amount of snow this past week. On Wednesday there was a foot of snow, and with several additional smaller snowfalls over the next few days, we have had 18 inches. Since the temperatures have been below normal, the snow has not melted. You can be sure that the seminarians have enjoyed sledding. They obtained permission to stay up late Friday night in order to sled on the hill by the church, which is illuminated--at least adequately for night sledding.

I mentioned that the big snowfall was Wednesday. That was the day we had the funeral, so you can imagine how interesting that was getting up the hill to the cemetery and having the burial. As usual, a group of seminarians helped with filling in the grave, and thereby performed the work of mercy "to bury the dead." Of course, they all either sang or served for the funeral.

As we did last Sunday, we will once again sing Vespers today. On the Sundays of Advent there is quite a bit that is proper, so it requires plenty of practice. It is a challenge for the boys, but I think it is good training for them to learn how to sing Sunday Vespers.

This Tuesday is the feast of Saint Nicholas. He always comes each year and leaves some goodies at the door of the each seminarian. When they arise in the morning they find the treat that "Saint Nicholas" left. Since it is Advent, I purchase things like oranges, bananas and nuts, rather than sugary snacks. So tomorrow afternoon I will be going into town to get those things.

Thursday, of course, is a holyday. We plan on going up to Mount Saint Michael in the afternoon for some recreation with the boys up there. It is always a nice treat for the boys to have a day off school. We will particularly strive to honor Our Lady's Immaculate Conception on her feast, as we sing a High Mass. We are currently preparing for the feast by reciting a novena, which we began on November 29.

On Friday our clerics are leaving for Omaha to attend the ordination ceremony. Two of them will be receiving orders on the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, and so I will tell you about that next Sunday. Please pray for them, and let us all continue to make a good Advent!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


November 27, 2022
First Sunday of Advent

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. For those of you who read our blog regularly, I apologize for missing last Sunday--I was traveling. Today we begin the holy season of Advent, and it is certainly a very important season to help us prepare well for Christmas. Here at the seminary we will have our regular practice of the "Advent Sacrifice Bowl." In addition, each of the seminarians writes out a short list of penances to perform during this season. Here at the seminary we will also chant Vespers on each Sunday of Advent of 4:30 pm. We will live-stream that for those who would like to follow along.

For the recent Thanksgiving Break we have had 6 seminarians here, half the normal number. The others have been with their families. It has been a nice break from the regular routine, and now we are ready to get back to classes. There will be only 3 weeks left until Christmas vacation when they will all go home for nearly 3 weeks.

This week we will have a funeral on Wednesday. Of course, the seminarians will sing or serve the funeral. They will also help to fill in the grave afterwards. Other than that, it should be a normal (and quiet) week! Let us all prepare well for the coming celebration of Our Lord's birth!

May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


November 13, 2022
Pentecost XXIII

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. This week will be a "normal" week at the seminary, with nothing special planned--so far. I say "so far" because things can always change. The one special focus, however, will be in planning for the breakfast for next Sunday. This is a fund-raiser that we do twice a year, on the third Sundays of November and March. Hopefully, it will be a success.

Other than that, we are looking forward to Thanksgiving Break, which is just around the corner. I will describe in next Sunday's blog our schedule for the Thanksgiving vacation, which will lead us into the all-important season of Advent. For now, that is all I have to share with you in this week's short blog. Let us all continue to pray for the Holy Souls, especially during this month of November.

May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


November 6, 2022
Pentecost XXII

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. For those of you who read our blog every week, I apologize for not getting an entry done last Sunday. I was traveling and forgot about it! It is good to travel occasionally, as it gives us teachers a break from the normal routine here.

Well, the weather here has finally turned much colder. On Friday we had our first real snowfall of the season. There were about 10 inches of snow before it turned to rain, which gradually washed the snow away. It was a good thing that the seminarians had harvested all the apples the week before. Sr. Mary Veronica turned them into dozens of jars of canned applesauce, so we should have enough to last all year.

Last Wednesday, of course, was All Souls Day. The seminarians sang a High Mass, and after Mass we walked up to the cemetery to recite prayers there for the faithful departed. It was cold and threatening rain, so we did not tarry long in the cemetery. But however brief the visit, it is good for us to visit our cemetery, especially during November. On Saturday the seminarians sang another Requiem Mass, and we will have one more Requiem High Mass tomorrow morning. They have lately been getting plenty of chances to sing!

We also had an all-night vigil before the Blessed Sacrament exposed last night. It was a good opportunity for a vigil, since we had an extra hour of sleep. Some of the boys had been asking for some time to have an all-night vigil, so it was nice that we could finally arrange it. The quiet hours of the night are a beautiful time to spend with Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament--I am glad that our boys are so ready to make such a vigil.

Now we are looking forward to our November fund-raiser and to Thanksgiving. On the third Sunday of November we typically have a parish breakfast to raise funds for the seminary. The seminarians also take orders and sell pies to the parishioners. It is a fun time and a good way to raise some extra money, especially for the skiing trips in the winter. By the current pattern of the weather, it looks as though we will have plenty of snow this winter, but time will tell.

May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


October 23, 2022
Pentecost XX

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. We had our final flag football game last Thursday--and just in time, for it rained all day Friday and was much cooler. Fall is finally here in northern Idaho. Now we can turn our attention to other matters.

This week is the final week of the First Quarter, which has just flown by. The week will be busy with school work and tests. Toward the end of the week the seminarians will turn their attention to pumpkin carving for the children's All Saints party next Monday. Entering a carved pumpkin in the contest is optional for the seminarians, and about half of them have decided to participate. It will be interesting to see what images they carve. In the past few years we have had some outstanding works of art produced by our seminarians.

They are also now milking the cow again. As you probably know, Matilda had her calf without any difficulty on Saturday, October 8. For the first week to 10 days, we allowed the calf to drink from her mother. Now she is being weaned and put on mild replacer so that the seminarians can once again have fresh milk. Matilda is a good milker, and there are plenty of seminarians here to drink her milk. We also hope to get into making yogurt and cheese.

Since the weather has turned decidedly colder, we decided to harvest the remaining tomatoes and peppers from our garden yesterday. We also finished the grape harvest this past week, but we have not yet harvested the apples. That will be a chore for this coming Saturday.

As usual, there is never a dull moment at the seminary. Please continue to remember our boys in your prayers and be assured of a daily remembrance in ours!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


October 16, 2022
Pentecost XIX

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Today we conclude the Fatima Conference, which has lasted for the past 4 days. The seminarians attended the Bishop's Mass and lectures on Thursday. On Friday the Bishop came here for Mass and the ceremony of tonsure for Frater Martin Marie. He was joined by two other bishops (Bishop Davila of Mexico and Bishop Espina of Argentina), and they all joined us for lunch after the Mass.

The boys stayed home also on Saturday for their normal Saturday chores, but after dinner they went up to Mount Saint Michael to attend the evening candlelight procession. This morning the Conference guests came here to the City of Mary to attend the 9:00 am Mass, which was a High Mass. Some of the seminarians joined in with the choir and others served the Mass. Afterwards, they sang a few songs for the Conference guests.

This week will be a normal week, with one last flag football game on Thursday. The temperature is still well above average, but the days will begin to be much cooler, starting on Friday. Now that the Fatima Conference is past, we turn our attention to completing our First Quarter school work, as we have only two weeks left.

Time goes by quickly, especially in the seminary where the boys are always busy with prayers, classes, study, chores and recreation, as they follow the schedule laid out. Please keep them in your prayers.

May God bless you and your loved ones!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


October 9, 2022
Pentecost XVIII

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. As I write the boys are on their way to the park for some football and/or soccer. We are trying to take advantage of the nice weather to play football at the park on Sunday afternoons. This unusually warm weather pattern is holding onto our region for the time being. I hope it holds for one more week as we begin the Fatima Conference this Wednesday.

The seminarians will attend some, but not all, of the lectures of the Conference. On Thursday we will all go up to the Mount for the day, to attend the Bishop's Pontifical High Mass and the lectures. On Friday the bishop will come up here to the City of Mary for Mass, during which he will bestow first clerical tonsure on Brother Martin Marie, CMRI, one of our older seminarians. On Saturday the boys will stay here during the day to fulfill various work projects in preparation for the Conference guests' visit on Sunday. But on Saturday evening we will go up to Mount Saint Michael for the beautiful outdoor candlelight procession in honor of Our Lady of Fatima. We are looking forward to having a wonderful Fatima Conference.

Another bit of news is that Matilda, our milk cow, had a bull calf yesterday! We purchased her in March of 2021, and she has been a real good milker. But this past summer we dried her up for the final few months of her pregnancy. We had been told that her first calf (whom we purchased along with her in 2021) should be butchered before the new calf came. Consequently, he was slaughtered on September 28. We have been making room in our freezers for the meat, which we will pick up this week. That beef should last us for a while.

May God bless you and your loved ones!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


October 2, 2022
Pentecost XVII

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. We have had beautiful weather for early fall, but last Thursday it rained... a lot. We really needed that rain, so we didn't mind having a flag football game in the rain. Despite the weather conditions, the boys had a great time in playing football against the boys from Mount Saint Michael. This week we will have the second of our three flag football games versus Mount Saint Michael.

On Friday we will celebrate the feast of the Most Holy Rosary of Our Lady with a procession. The seminarians will carry the statue of Our Lady of Fatima and serve the Mass. After Mass, as usual on First Fridays, we will have Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament with devotions to the Sacred Heart. Also, during October we have a daily Rosary before the Blessed Sacrament exposed in the seminary chapel. Of course, we add the prayer to Saint Joseph (prescribed by Pope Leo XIII) after our daily Rosary this month.

There is one major project we hope to accomplish this week, and that is to finish the stone work on the pillars around our shrine to Saint Joseph by the main entrance to the seminary. These pillars were poured last fall, and we are finally getting around to facing them with stone. The major seminarians will take care of this project and, hopefully, have it finished on time for the visit of the Conference guests. I will tell you more about that (the annual Fatima Conference) in next Sunday's post.

May God bless you and your loved ones!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


September 25, 2022
Pentecost XVI

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. We are experiencing a very warm few days to finish off the month of September. Right now the boys are taking advantage of the good weather by playing playing football at the park. They will continue to go to the park on Sunday afternoons, as long as the weather allows.

This week we will have the feast of Saint Michael and the Heavenly Choirs on Thursday and will take advantage of the feast to have another Solemn High Mass. This time, one of our seminarians (William Davis) will direct the choir, so that Frater Alphonsus can serve as MC. Everyone has a part in either serving or singing in the choir.

Also on Thursday, our boys will have their first flag football game against the boys from Saint Michael's Academy in Spokane. All the boys (both in our minor seminary and at Mt. St. Michael) enjoy this opportunity for competition between the schools. This will be the first of three flag football games this fall.

This week we will also put out our October mailing. If anyone reading this blog is not on our mailing list and would like to be included, please let us know. Along with the October issue of The Guardian, there will also be the intention card for the Poor Souls for November. Be sure to get that back to us before the end of October, if you would like to have your departed loved ones remembered in our daily prayers and Masses during November.

Finally, as we are now soon to enter the month of October, let us especially remember to pray Our Lady's Rosary daily, and even to pray extra decades. During October we recite our daily Rosary here before the Blessed Sacrament exposed. Given all the problems in today's world, we need the graces of the Rosary more than ever, especially for God's blessings, through Mary, upon your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


September 19, 2022
Saint Januarius & Companions

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. For those of you who read our blog regularly, I try to have a fresh entry posted every Sunday afternoon. I missed yesterday, as I was on mission in Minnesota. It is nice to occasionally travel, although I don't travel very much anymore. It provides a break and gives me an opportunity to visit parishioners in other places.

Here at the seminary all is well. This past Saturday our seminarians spent a lot of time harvesting the garden (especially tomatoes and green peppers) and putting produce into the freezer. There still is a lot of produce in the garden to be harvested in the coming weeks. Although the weather has turned considerably cooler, we should still have a couple of weeks before the first frost comes.

In choir the seminarians are working on the high Mass for the feast of Saint Michael next week. That will be our second Solemn High Mass of the school year. Saint Michael is a great saint and an important one particularly in these days, as we wage battle against the devil and his legions. May Saint Michael protect us from the deceits of the devil!

Today (Monday) is the feast of Saint Januarius and Companions, but it is also the feast of Our Lady of La Salette. That apparition is an important one for our times. As you know, Our Lady was seen weeping and spoke of the sins which offend God and make the arm of her Son so heavy. Let us console Our Lady in her sorrows and seek to make reparation for the sins of the world. When I think of this topic (how far our society has strayed from the path of God's holy will and how many sins are being committed daily), it reminds me of the blessing of our minor seminary, where these young men are preserved from the corruption of the world! Let us pray that many more boys will join the seminary in the coming years!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


September 11, 2022
Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. This past Thursday we had our first Solemn High Mass, in honor of Our Lady's Nativity. Tomorrow is another feast of Our Lady, and we will chant Vespers of the Divine Office in her honor. This month of September has several feasts of Our Blessed Mother. It is wonderful that we have so many feasts in her honor during the first month of the new school year.

Speaking of school, this week will be our first full week of classes. Given our trip to the lake two weeks ago, and Labor Day last week, we have not yet had a full 5-day week of school. All of us -- teachers and students -- are still getting adjusted to school. In that regard, I will begin this week a practice that we use for the younger students, and that is checking their assignment notebooks each evening. They have to show me their assignment notebook, along with their finished homework, before they go to recreation. This helps the younger seminarians become responsible in fulfilling all their assignments.

Right now there is, unfortunately, a lot of haze in the air from wildfires. There are no fires in our vicinity, but the wind has been blowing smoke into our area the last couple days. Fortunately, the weather forecast is for a change in wind direction beginning tomorrow, bringing fresh air in and blowing the smoke out. We are praying for rain!

This week we will have a funeral on Wednesday for one of our departed parishioners. The boys began digging the grave yesterday and will finish tomorrow. For the funeral on Wednesday, all the seminarians will be either servers or choir members, singing the funeral. Everyone will have a part to fulfill. We commend to your prayers the departed souls of Michael Dallen, a devout man who passed away in his 80s. May he rest in peace.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


September 4, 2022
Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. As you know from last week's blog, our seminarians just enjoyed 3 full days at a house at Rockford Bay on Lake Coeur d'Alene. Thanks to one of our parishioners, we also had the use of a boat for skiing and tubing. Of course, there was also plenty of swimming and canoeing. The weather was very hot last week, so it was a perfect time to be at the lake.

This morning the seminarians helped to sing or serve the High Mass, which was offered by Father Philip Marie. Afterwards there was a parish breakfast, a sort of send-off to Father Philip as he now resides at Mount Saint Michael. After the breakfast, Father Philip shared some reflections on his three years here at the City of Mary.

This afternoon the boys will go to the park. Tomorrow we will have a hike along Lake CDA and a barbecue. Then, on Tuesday, it will be back to regular classes for all seminarians (major and minor). On Thursday we will have a solemn High Mass in honor of Our Lady's Nativity, which is a special feastday for us here at the seminary. As always, everyone is busy here at the seminary, and that is a good thing.

We are looking forward to a great school year, and we thank you for your support. May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


August 28, 2022
Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. We began classes here at Saint Joseph Seminary this past Wednesday. The boys have a great spirit, and all indications point to another good year at the seminary. Please pray for that!

Tomorrow morning we will mail out The Guardian for September, and then in the afternoon we will head to Lake Coeur d'Alene. This trip to the lake at the beginning of the school year has been a tradition here at the seminary for many years. It provides a nice kick-off to the school year, with the boys being able to relax together and form the bonds of friendship. After all, they will be living with one another in the same house for the next 9 months!

Classes for our major seminarians will not begin until the day after Labor Day. We are still finalizing details for these classes and expect to be ready to begin a new academic year with them by that time. In the meantime, we will enjoy this final week of summer before the intensity of study begins.

May God bless you and your families. We are grateful for your support.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


August 21, 2022
Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Father Gregory Marie (Drahman), CMRI, arrived here this past Thursday with the three religious seminarians from our major seminary. They are Frater Mary Aloysius (subdeacon), Frater Alphonsus Maria (in minor orders), and Brother Martin Marie (who will receive first clerical tonsure on October 14.) The major seminary here for religious will be known as Saint Louis Marie de Montfort Seminary.

These three young men have been a big help to us in getting the minor seminary ready for the school year. This past week there has been a flurry of activity, including cleaning all the carpets and polishing the laminate flooring. Tomorrow we will work on cleaning all the bedrooms and washing all the bedding. The boys are expected to arrive on Tuesday, with classes starting on Wednesday, August 24th.

We are expecting a dozen seminarians this year for our minor seminary. The beginning of a new scholastic year is always an exciting time, a time of promise for the future. We ask your prayers as we begin a new school year, that these young men will cooperate with God's grace and grow in the spiritual life. Please pray also for their teachers, that we will cooperate with God's grace and be instruments in the hands of God for their formation! May God bless you.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


August 14, 2022
Tenth Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Yesterday we had a Rosary procession here at the City of Mary, reciting the 15 decades of the Rosary as we processed around the property. This is something we do on the 13th of each month during the summer months. But yesterday there was something new--a wild turkey followed us part of the way, making loud noises. We must have processed close to a nest of turkey eggs concealed in the tall grass on the side of the road. As we processed back by the same area, the female came out and made loud noises as well. It certainly made for a curious event in our Rosary procession.

This Thursday Father Gregory Marie will arrive with our three religious seminarians from Olathe, Colorado. As I mentioned in last Sunday's blog, we will now have the major seminary for religious here, as well as the minor seminary. The major seminarians will be housed in a separate part of our large building here and will be under the patronage of Saint Louis Marie de Montfort. Actually, two of them were minor seminarians here and graduated from Saint Joseph Seminary. So, in a way, they are just returning to the place where they spent four years of their life in High School.

Since Father Gregory and I will be teaching in both the minor seminary and the major seminary, we will be following the same class schedule, as far as timing. We will then go back and forth between the two parts of the building. We will be busy, but I am sure all will work out. Of course, we will share the same chapel, but the religious will pray their prayers at a separate time from the minor seminarians. I am still working out the intricacies of the schedule, which will be an important means for us to keep things running smoothly.

The major seminarians will also be a big help in assisting with supervising and directing chores, cooking, etc. I am sure that their presence will be an inspiration to our younger boys, who can look up to these men who are preparing for the priesthood. Their example will help our boys to follow their vocation.

The weather here has been unusually hot these past few weeks. After a longer and cooler spring, we are now experiencing a hotter summer. But soon the cooler months of autumn will be upon us. Until then, we will enjoy this last part of the summer, as we busily prepare for the start of the seminary classes, which will begin on August 24th. Keep us in your prayers, and may God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


August 7, 2022
Ninth Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Now that we have entered the month of August, I will commence our weekly blog, as we look forward to the new school year. We are now just slightly more than 2 weeks away from the arrival of our seminarians--13 this year. In addition, the three religious major seminarians will arrive next week. It is going to be a very busy next few weeks as we prepare for the new school year.

As usual the summer has been quite busy. In addition to our retreat, priests' meeting and Boys Camp, we have managed to take a few days off for vacation. Despite our best efforts to relax and recuperate, however, the summer seems to fly by all too quickly. Ready or not, we will soon begin classes.

Next Sunday I will explain a bit more about how things will work, now that the religious major seminarians will be in residence. I am greatly looking forward to their presence, which will add a new and welcome dimension to our apostolate here at Saint Joseph Seminary.

I pray you will enjoy the remainder of your summer, and that God will bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


June 5, 2022
Pentecost Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Our summer vacation has arrived at last! This past week has been quite a whirlwind for all of us here at the seminary. On Monday we had our annual Queenship procession after the morning Mass. After breakfast the seminarians hiked to Rathdrum Mountain, which took them all day. They arrived home at 6:30 pm, footsore but very happy they finally had scaled the mountain and been treated to a fantastic view of the surrounding territory.

On the feast of the Queenship (on Tuesday) we said farewell to our graduating seniors at a special dinner in their honor. Wednesday was devoted, after two short classes, to cleaning the house and packing. On Thursday they went with the school children to Farragut State Park on beautiful Lake Pend Oreille. Then, on Friday, we concluded the school year with the awards ceremony followed by a High Mass for First Friday, which the seminarians sang. After Mass they continued to sing some of the songs they had learned during the past school year.

On Saturday we had our graduation ceremony. Three seminarians graduated, and they were joined by four students from our high school. At the conclusion of the bishop's Mass there was confirmation, with 14 souls receiving this wonderful sacrament of the Holy Ghost. Later on Saturday we had a nice graduation party in the parish hall for all the graduates and their families and friends. Our out-of-town families were also present, as they had come to take their sons home at the end of the school year. After dinner the young people went down into the gym for endless games of volleyball.

This morning the seminarians sang a High Mass for the feast of Pentecost. My sermon for today was on the Church, as today is the birthday of the Church. What a blessing that we have been given the gift of Faith and of membership in the Church that Jesus founded!

About half of the seminarians are still here. On Tuesday Father Philip will leave for Europe with the graduates and the two juniors on the senior class trip. We decided that since this is a once in a lifetime opportunity, the juniors would be allowed to go on the senior class trip. We have never before had a group of seminarians go to Europe, but this is something they have planned for and raised money for throughout the year. It should be a wonderful trip for them.

As you can imagine, it is going to be quiet here at the seminary during the summer. Later this month we will have a retreat here for our religious Brothers. That will be followed by a meeting for all the religious priests at the end of the month called a Diet. That is something we do every three years. After that, our focus will be on getting ready for the annual Boys Camp, which begins on July 17.

I do not plan on writing a regular blog entry during the summer, although there may be an occasional blog. May you all enjoy a most restful and grace-filled summer.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


May 29, 2022
Sunday after the Ascension

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Well, we have arrived at the beginning of the final week of school! Today we will go over to the Mendieta home for supper. That is the family of one of our seminarians, and they have invited all of us to visit before the end of the school year.

Tomorrow, of course, there will be no classes. After the morning Mass we will have our annual Queenship procession. After breakfast the seminarians are planning on going on a hike.

On Tuesday, the feast of the Queenship. the seminarians will sing a High Mass. Also, on that day, we will have a practice for the graduation ceremonies that will take place on Saturday. That evening we will have a special dinner to honor our seniors before they graduate. That is a custom we have at the seminary each year a few days before the end of school. It is a nice opportunity for the seminarians to bid farewell to the seniors.

On Wednesday we will thoroughly clean the house! On Thursday we will attend the school outing to Farragut State Park. The seminarians will help with the games for the little children. On Friday we will have the final day of school. Each seminarian will stand in front of the class and share memories (good or bad) from the past year. We will conclude the half-day of school with the awards ceremony followed by First Friday Mass and Benediction.

On Saturday the bishop will come here for the graduation ceremony and confirmation. After the Mass we will have a reception for the graduates in the parish hall, and they will each share a few thoughts with their parents and all the parishioners.

As you can see, it will be a busy week. We also expect most of the parents and families of the seminarians to arrive toward the end of the week for the final festivities of the school year. After Mass next Sunday the seminarians will head home for the long summer break, before returning for a new school year in late August. May you all have a safe and enjoyable summer vacation!

May God bless you all and your families!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


May 22, 2022
Fifth Sunday after Easter

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. The seminarians just arrived home yesterday from their 4-day camping trip. Unfortunately, the weather was somewhat chilly and rainy, but you can be sure they had a great time, regardless. They used tarps spread over their tents and picnic tables, and a large campfire to stay warm and dry. They did a lot of hiking and saw a couple black bears as well.

This week will be our final week of academics, as grades are due by the end of the day Friday. Over the next three days we will also have the annual Rogation processions, followed by a High Mass. Then, on Thursday, the boys will go to the first Mass and then undertake a long hike to the top of the local mountain "Rathdrum Bald." They have been wanting to do that for some time, so this week will provide the perfect opportunity.

Next Sunday I will tell you about all the events of that last week of school. It will be a very busy week, so we plan on making the best use of this week to get things wrapped up and conclude the various school projects. Time goes by quickly, and in just two weeks the boys will be going home.

May God bless you all and your families!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


May 15, 2022
Fourth Sunday after Easter

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. This past Friday we had our Rosary procession in honor of Our Lady of Fatima. A good number of parishioners were in attendance as we processed around the property, reciting the 15 decades of the Rosary. Four seminarians carried the bier with Our Lady's statue, while another seminarian lead the recitation of the Rosary in the church for those who were unable to walk in the procession.

The seminarians are greatly excited about their annual camping trip, which will take place this week. They begged (and obtained) an extra day, so they will now depart on Tuesday afternoon. This year they will be camping in central Washington near Wenatchee, not far from Leavenworth, a delightful German-themed town surrounded by mountains. There is plenty of hiking in the National Forest area where they will camp. Please say a prayer for their safe travels and for no mishaps on the trip.

Father Philip and Brother Thomas will accompany the seminarians, so that means that I will stay here to "hold the fort down" while they are gone. Needless to say, I am looking forward to the peace and quiet, but especially to the opportunity to get caught up on a lot of important work, including sick calls. Right now we have two parishioners who are likely in the final weeks or days of their lives, and I want to be able to spend more time visiting with them and taking Holy Communion. It is difficult during the normal school year to attend to all the pastoral duties.

May God bless you all and your families during this beautiful month of Mary, which is now half over. Let us all continue to honor her with our love and devotion, especially during this month.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


May 8, 2022
Third Sunday after Easter

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Happy Mothers' Day to the mothers of our seminarians and to all mothers who read this blog! It is primarily to our mothers that we priests owe our vocation. May God bless all our mothers on this day.

This morning we had the beautiful ceremony of First Holy Communion here at Mary Immaculate Queen Parish. There were only four children this year, but what a touching ceremony it is. We have the custom here of having our children renew their baptismal promises publicly in the church before they receive their First Communion. The ceremony is a reminder to all of us how much Our Lord loves little children and how we ought to strive to retain the innocence of children by fleeing from all occasions of sin.

This week promises to be a normal week of classes. On Wednesday our seniors will give a speech along with a power-point presentation on their chosen topic. The "Senior Project" is an Idaho state requirement for graduation. It is something they spend a great deal of time on, during the months leading up to the formal presentation before their classmates.

On Friday evening we will have a Rosary procession around our property, reciting all 15 decades of the Rosary. The seminarians will carry the statue and join in for the procession. This is something we do in the summertime on the 13th of the month, beginning in May.

Next week the seminarians will have their annual camping trip. I will give you more details in next weekend's blog. May God bless you, and may we all honor Our Blessed Mother in our prayers and devotions this month.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


May 1, 2022
Saint Joseph the Worker

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Forty Hours Adoration is such a beautiful event. The altar is adorned with flowers and twenty lighted candles. We began on Friday morning, with the seminarians singing the High Mass for the opening ceremonies. There were public holy hours on Friday and Saturday evenings, and the seminarians covered the overnight hours on Friday night. The Blessed Sacrament was reposed last night after the holy hour, due to the public Masses on Sunday morning. Then, after the third Mass this morning Our Lord was exposed again for the final six hours of adoration.

At 5:00 this evening we will have the closing ceremonies, which include the chanting of the litany of the saints and a procession with the Blessed Sacrament. Altogether, the Forty Hours is a beautiful tribute of love to Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. Many parishes today are too small, and so it is not possible to have this devotion. Here at Mary Immaculate Queen we are just large enough to be able to have this annual event. I pray that it has been a means of our seminarians (and parishioners) growing in their devotion to the Holy Eucharist.

This week will be, for the most part, a normal week. That is a good thing, because in the coming weeks there will be various end-of-year events. Of course, we daily have special devotions to Our Blessed Mother, with a different seminarian assigned each day to provide flowers for her shrine in the seminary. We then have a public Rosary each evening at 7:00 pm to honor Our Blessed Mother during her month. May we all grow in our devotion to her!

Today is not only the first day or Our Lady's month, it is also the feast of Saint Joseph the Worker. The seminarians sang a beautiful High Mass this morning to honor our seminary patron. May he intercede for all of us, that we might persevere in loving and serving Jesus, his foster-Son!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


April 24, 2022
Low Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. All the seminarians, with one exception, have been home with their families this past week. Today they will all return for the final 7 weeks of the school year. The coming weeks promise to be quite busy, beginning tomorrow with the procession of the Greater Litanies.

Thursday will be the feast of St. Louis Marie de Montfort. On that day we begin the prayers for the annual renewal of Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary. This is an opportunity for any seminarian who has never made the consecration to prepare to do so, while the rest of us say the prayers in preparation for renewing our consecration.

On Friday of this week we begin the annual Forty Hours Adoration. The seminarians have an important part in the beautiful opening and closing ceremonies. They also will make holy hours each day of the adoration. It is a wonderful opportunity for our parishioners and seminarians to spend time with Our Lord exposed in the Blessed Sacrament.

The final two months of the school year are sure to be packed with many activities. I will give you a summary each Sunday in our weekly blog. Please continue to remember our seminary in your prayers, and may God grant you and your families many blessings at this holy Easter Season.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


April 17, 2022
Easter Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. We have had a beautiful Holy Week here at the City of Mary. Father Philip has been at Saint Joseph's Church in Harmony, Minnesota, the last few days, in order to provide the Holy Week liturgy for the souls there. But despite not having his help here, I have had the seminarians. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate their help with sacristy work and serving! It is truly a blessing to have these young men here to help with the liturgy! Now, of course, they have all gone with their families for the week. Classes will resume on April 25th.

Believe it or not, we had 2 inches of snow on Holy Thursday. It melted the same day, but last night we again had a couple inches of snow. So I woke up on Easter Sunday to the beautiful sight of snow on the ground and the sun shining. The problem, however, is that it interfered with our annual children's Easter Egg Hunt. It didn't matter. The eggs were spread around the parish hall and the children had a great time anyway.

This morning after the 10:30 am Mass I met a couple from Singapore! They traveled here to the United States to visit some of our parishes (here, at Mount Saint Michael, and in Omaha). They told me that they watch the Mass regularly on the live-stream. Thanks be to God for this means of reaching souls! There are people around the world who watch our daily Mass here at Mary Immaculate Queen Church. Again, I am grateful for the seminarians who serve, and for all those who help to make this means of grace possible. May we reach many more souls!

May God grant each of you a blessed Easter Octave. Thanks be to God for our Holy Faith and for all the blessings we have received. May we all strive to prove ourselves ever grateful for God's blessings.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


April 10, 2022
Palm Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Already we are just one week from Easter--how quickly the time passes! As always, the seminarians have been fully occupied. On Friday they sang a beautiful High Mass for the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows. Then yesterday, four of the seminarians left early in the morning with Fr. Philip. He had a morning Mass in Lewiston and then drove down to Boise for this morning's Mass. From there, they will travel to Denver, where Father Philip will have the funeral Mass for his grandmother on Tuesday, before going to Omaha to assist with the chanting of Tenebrae. Father will then travel to Harmony, Minnesota, to have the Holy Week ceremonies for the last three days of Holy Week.

This morning we had our traditional Palm Sunday ceremonies before the 9:00 am Mass. Despite the cold temperature, we had the outdoor procession and High Mass. As our parish has been growing, we ran a bit short of palms, so I will have to order more next year.

As I look forward to the liturgical ceremonies of Holy Week, I am most grateful for the seminarians. They are all good servers who learn quickly their parts and do a good job serving. They also are a big help with all the sacristy preparations. Holy Week is a busy week for priests, but having seminarians here lightens the burden.

Next weekend the seminarians will have their Spring Break, which always coincides with Easter. They will either leave here on Saturday morning or else on Easter Sunday, after Mass. It is going to be a busy week, but it will be followed by a much-needed rest for all of us.

I pray that you will all have a most blessed and fruitful Holy Week!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


March 27, 2022
Fourth Sunday of Lent

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Friday was a beautiful day. It was the feast of Our Lady's Annunciation, so we began the day with a High Mass. After Stations and lunch, the seminarians went disc-golfing. (They were scheduled to go bowling for the Quarter Break, but they preferred to play disc golf instead.)

Yesterday was a good work day. The weather has been exceptionally nice the last few days, so the seminarians worked under the direction of Father Philip and Brother Thomas in enlarging the garden. Since our garden is on a slope, they are building up the terraces and completing the fence. There is still a lot left to be done before we plant, but they made a good dent in the work that is needed. Now that we have a root cellar, we hope to be able to grow more vegetables, especially those that will last in the root cellar. After working all day yesterday, they enjoyed an evening campfire before getting to bed.

Tomorrow we begin the Fourth Quarter, and before we know it, Holy Week will arrive. That is always a busy time for us, with liturgical preparations and practices. Let us all spend these three remaining weeks of Lent in a prayerful and sacrificial manner, in preparation for Easter.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


March 20, 2022
Third Sunday of Lent

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. During the past week the seminarians were busy making Saint Joseph cords and preparing their contributions for the Saint Patrick Day Talent Show--a tradition here at the seminary. The Talent Show on Thursday was most enjoyable, with a number of Irish songs, musical performances and skits.

On Friday the seminarians were given the afternoon off, so that they could frost Blarney Stones. On Saturday we had a Solemn High Mass in honor of Saint Joseph and blessed the St. Joseph cords. The afternoon was spent preparing for the fund-raising breakfast, which was this morning after the Sunday Masses. The breakfast was well-attended and was most enjoyable for all who participated.

This week will be the final week of the Third Quarter. Since Friday is the Feast of the Annunciation, the seminarians will have a half-day of classes and will go bowling in the afternoon. That will be their delayed bowling trip in honor of Saint Joseph and to celebrate the end of the Quarter.

For me, it is nice to be home after traveling the last two weekends. I will participate in one more Day of Recollection at our parish in Sartell, Minnesota. This Saturday we will have a Day of Recollection here at Mary Immaculate Queen Church, but the seminarians will not be participating, since they already had their Lenten retreat.

This week also marks the mid-way point of Lent. Let us all use the opportunity to renew our resolve to make a good Lent! May God bless you and your families during this holy season!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


March 10, 2022
Forty Holy Martyrs

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. For those of you who are regular readers, I am sorry that I missed last Sunday's blog. During Lent we have mini-retreats in various parishes, and so I was helping the priest in Denver last weekend. We had a nice attendance there, and it was nice visiting that parish. This coming weekend I will again be out of town--this time to western Colorado--so there won't be another Sunday blog entry until the 20th of March.

We have made a good start to Lent here at the seminary, and, as always, the seminarians are keeping quite busy. This morning they sang a Requiem High Mass (something we try to schedule once a month, in order to remember the Poor Souls). Tomorrow they will begin their annual retreat. The retreat runs from Friday evening until Sunday afternoon and is regularly held on the second weekend of Lent. This year's retreat will be run by Father Gregory Drahman, who is the novice master for our religious Congregation.

Next week we will have the annual Saint Patrick's Day Talent Show on Thursday and a solemn High Mass on Saturday, Saint Joseph's Day. Then on Sunday (March 20th) the seminarians will sponsor a fund-raising breakfast. (That is something we do twice a year.) So they will be busy next week making "blarney stones" for the breakfast and other preparations. In case you don't know what I am referring to, it is an Irish dessert that is popular around Saint Patrick's Day.

Although it is Lent, we will allow the seminarians to have one last ski day for the year. They will go skiing on Tuesday to Lookout Pass, which is another ski resort in our area, located on the Idaho/Montana border. We usually go to Silver Mountain, which is a bit closer, but we were able to obtain discounted prices for next Tuesday.

But despite the occasional recreational activity, the boys are doing their best to make a good Lent. Let us all pray for growth in the love of Our Lord, who suffered and died for us. May this holy season be for each of us a time of spiritual growth. Thank you again for your support and your prayers!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


February 27, 2022
Quinquagesima Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Yesterday was quite a busy day here. The seminarians attended Father Philip's early Mass and then had breakfast. After breakfast they prepared for singing the funeral Mass for Frank Saitta, who had passed away the week before. Then, in the afternoon, they prepared for the Talent Show.

Our Annual Parish Talent Show is regularly held on the Saturday before Ash Wednesday. The seminarians sang two hymns and performed several hilarious skits. Everyone enjoyed their performances!

On Tuesday we will host the Sisters who teach in our school, as well as the staff members, for a nice dinner before we begin the season of Lent. On Wednesday the seminarians will all be involved, of course, in the ceremonies for Ash Wednesday. Already they have submitted their penance schedules for Lent, so we are all well-prepared for this holy season.

During Lent we have, of course, the Stations of the Cross every Friday, as well as Lenten devotions every Wednesday. These include the Sorrowful Mother Chaplet and a Lenten sermon. The seminarians will all be attending the Wednesday evening devotion, as long as their homework is finished.

Also, during the season of Lent I will be traveling to several of our CMRI parishes to help with days of recollection on Saturday. Since I will be gone for the next two weekends, we may be late in getting the blog entry up on the website. I am very much looking forward to a quiet, peaceful Lent--something we all need!

May God bless you and your families during this holy season!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


February 13, 2022
Septuagesima Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Yesterday the seminarians helped Brother Thomas clearing land for a small pasture for our cow. We have a lot of pine trees on our property, so this is a major project of cutting down the trees, cutting them into logs, piling the slash to burn, etc. Fortunately, the weather has been very good for this outdoor project.

On Thursday the seminarians will have their third and final basketball game against the boys from Mount Saint Michael. Our boys won the first two games, so we will see if they can make it three in a row. These are the only games in which they compete with another school, and it is a lot of fun for all involved. The games are held at the Mount, where they have a full-sized gym.

The seminarians have started working on their contributions for the annual talent show, which will be held on February 26th, the Saturday before Ash Wednesday. In the last two years, our seminarians have contributed a number of songs and skits, which have made this annual tradition most enjoyable. Everyone in the parish looks forward to the presentations by the seminarians.

Today's liturgy reminds us that Ash Wednesday is only 2+ weeks away. Let us start to consider and plan for what we will do to make a good Lent. We all need the graces of Lent, which are apportioned to each depending on our own efforts. May we all prepare well for this most important season.

May God bless you and your families!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


February 6, 2022
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. The seminarians sang the High Mass for the blessing of candles on Wednesday, and again they sang a High Mass this morning. The parishioners certainly appreciate it when the seminarians sing at Mass. Now they are off to play frisbee golf with Father Philip and Brother Thomas

This week will be a normal week of classes, which is a good thing. Last week the seminarians had a basketball game at Mount Saint Michael with the students there; they will have a third and final game at the Mount on February 24th. In the meantime we will concentrate on school, as well as their chess tournament, which has just started. (Only 6 of the boys are participating in this tournament--not everyone plays chess!)

In addition, the seminarians will start to work on their contributions for the Parish Talent Show, which is coming up in less than three weeks. So, as you can see, there is always plenty going on around here. Well, I had better sign off, as Victor (our dog) wants me to take him out for an afternoon walk on this nice sunny day.

May God bless our seminary and your families as well. Let us all continue to serve God with joyful hearts, as we look forward to an eternity in heaven.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


February 1, 2022
Saint Ignatius

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. I am late on the blog for this week, as I was gone Sunday. Occasionally, I travel to visit our parishes in Salem, New Hampshire, and Oakland, Maine. It wasn't the best timing, since a major snowstorm hit New England throughout the day on Saturday, but Sunday dawned bright and sunny. Most of the faithful were able to make it to Mass. The trip had been arranged more than a month ago, so I was not able to foresee that there would be a major snowstorm to hit the area.

While I was gone Father Philip had the first Mass at the church on Saturday with the new stained glass windows. The installation was completed last week, and the final result is magnificent. Not only are the new windows a fitting addition to the church, honoring, as they do, many of our beloved saints; they also provide a better atmosphere inside the church. On sunny days the bright sunlight has at times been difficult for parishioners. The windows are quite tall, and the sun's rays in the winter, when the sun is lower on the horizon, are sometimes in the face of parishioners. So this new improvement was much needed. We are especially grateful to all those who donated toward the new windows.

The major event this week will be the blessing of candles and High Mass tomorrow, for the feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Just last week our annual order of candles finally arrived, so we are all set for the ceremonies. We will have a practice tomorrow morning for those serving, while the others have choir practice. We will begin the ceremonies at 10:15 am local time.

One last bit of news is that we have two new couches in the recreation room. The Christmas tree was finally dismantled on Saturday, so the boys now have the ping-pong table there as well. In the coming weeks and months we will have our annual chess, ping-pong and pool tournaments. The boys will also be working on their presentations for the annual parish talent show, which will take place on the last Saturday of this month.

May God bless our seminary and your families as well. Let us all continue to serve God with joyful hearts, as we look forward to an eternity in heaven.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


January 23, 2022
Third Sunday after Epiphany

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Twice a month we have a 4:00 pm Mass in Lewiston, Idaho, which is a two-and-one-half hour drive from here. Usually Father Philip has that Mass, although occasionally I go there. As I write, Father is preparing to leave, and today he will take the 6 older seminarians with him, so that they can sing a High Mass. Needless to say, the parishioners appreciate the opportunity to have a High Mass.

Speaking of singing High Masses, we had a funeral this past week. Since Father Philip was the celebrant for the Mass, I directed the seminarians in singing the Mass. (We always have a High Mass for a funeral.) There was no organ, so they sang the Mass "a capella." It wasn't perfect, but they did well. That is the first time I had directed a choir for a long, long time.

Our big news for this week is that the new stained glass windows will be installed in our church. We started planning this project several years ago. Finally, the windows have been completed. They were driven here (from Minnesota) and arrived on Saturday. The installation will begin tomorrow morning and will likely take all week; consequently, the Masses will all be in the seminary chapel this week.

This past Friday the seminarians enjoyed their second ski day of the season. We hope to have one more, but that is not yet confirmed. Tomorrow begins the Third Quarter, and we will begin the new quarter with another seminarian. His name is Matthew, and he was here last year. After spending the first semester of this year as a home-schooled student, he will join us again this afternoon, ready to begin the new school semester tomorrow. That brings our numbers up to eleven. With two priests, one Brother (Brother Thomas Marie), and one layman (Mr. Gerard Keaveney), the seminary is full!

May God bless our seminary and your families as well. Let us all continue to serve God with joyful hearts, as we look forward to an eternity in heaven.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


January 16, 2022
Second Sunday after Epiphany

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. The seminarians sang the High Mass this morning, with Father Philip playing the organ. We usually have a High Mass on the first and third Sundays of the month, and today's High Mass was a "men's choir" Mass, with a few laymen joining the seminarians. The seminarians' voices will again be needed this Thursday, as we have a funeral that day.

There will be a priests' meeting at Mount Saint Michael on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of this week. On Wednesday the priests will come up to the minor seminary for supper. That is always a much-appreciated opportunity for the seminarians to meet and visit with other priests.

This week is also the final week of the Second Quarter. Friday will be the semester break, so there is no school that day. The seminarians will take advantage of the day off to go on their second ski trip of the winter. If there are enough funds left (from their breakfast fund-raiser in November) there will be a third and final ski trip some time in February.

The weather here, lately, has been excellent, with plenty of sunshine and warmer temperatures. Even though the temperature is in the 30's, it feels like spring. Much of the snow on the roads has melted. There is still snow on the hillsides, but that is also melting as well. Just recently we purchased new sleds, so now the seminarians have to pray for more snow so that they can use them!

We thank you for your prayers and pray that God will bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


January 09, 2022
Holy Family Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. The seminarians sang a beautiful Mass on the Feast of the Epiphany, this past Thursday. As is our custom, we also had the blessings of chalk and of gold, incense & myrrh. But there weren't as many in attendance as normal, as we had a massive snowstorm that day. As a result, our parish school was not in session that day. Still, it was a beautiful day. Then on Saturday we had a funeral, so again, the seminarians were called into service to sing and serve the Mass.

This week they will have their first ski trip (on Thursday). The local ski resort we use is called Silver Mountain, and they have reduced rates each year in early January to commemorate their opening day in 1967. Since lift tickets are half-price, it is a bargain we can't pass up. The skiing should be good this year, as there has been more than the average amount of snowfall in northern Idaho.

This week we will also have our gift opening, which we do every year at the Epiphany season. The boys enjoy this event, in which each seminarian provides a gift for another seminarian. Numbers are chosen by lot and each boy selects a gift to open. The only rule is that they can't choose their own gift!

On Saturday we will have our normal monthly vigil for vocations, which is held here on the third Saturday of the month. We encourage families to sign up for a half-hour of adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, during which they pray the Rosary and other prayers for vocations. I always have the seminarians participate in this vigil, even though there are many chores that need to be done.

Saturday is always a busy day here, with all the work that need to be done. (Yesterday, several seminarians spent the greater part of the day helping to finish the work at the barn. One of the boys will write about that for the next issue of The Guardian.) The seminarians are a great help in keeping the "City of Mary" neat and orderly. Whether it is shoveling snow, raking leaves, or whatever else needs to be done, there is never a lack of work for Saturday chores.

As we continue with our school year, the time goes by quickly. Please continue to pray for these young men, that they will be formed according to the pattern of Our Lord, who grew "in wisdom, age and grace, before God and men," as we read in today's Gospel. And may the Holy Family bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


January 02, 2022
Holy Name of Jesus

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. After a quiet 2 weeks here at the seminary, our seminarians will be returning this week. We expect six of them to return tomorrow, with the others following a few days later. Classes, however, will resume on Tuesday with those that are here.

We continue to receive snowfalls every few days, with more expected tonight. I am sure the boys will want to make a sledding run, as they have done in the past. Soon we will have a couple of ski trips as well.

This week we have the important feast of the Epiphany. We have the blessing of chalk, and of gold, incense and myrrh, followed by a High Mass. Later, after everyone returns, we will have our gift exchange. Later in the month, the priests will visit the seminary, as there will be the annual priests' meeting at the Mount.

We also are quickly approaching the end of the Second Quarter. The final day of classes this Quarter will be on January 20, so that gives us just slightly more than two weeks to finish the course material for this Quarter. As always, everyone here at the seminary keeps busy, doing God's work.

May God grant to all of you a most blessed, happy and healthful New Year of 2022.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


December 26, 2021
Saint Stephen

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. We have had a beautiful Christmas here at the City of Mary. I offered the Midnight Mass, then a private Mass in the seminary chapel, and then the third Mass of Christmas at the church on Christmas morning. Father Philip had the 9:00 am public Mass and then went to Lewiston to have Mass for our people there (about a two-and-a-half hour drive from here.) Otherwise, we had a quiet day here at the seminary.

Tomorrow we plan on sending out our January seminary mailing of The Guardian. We printed it before Christmas so that we could get it in the mail before the end of the month. After that, it should be a quiet week here at the seminary. On Friday evening we will have a Holy Hour before the Blessed Sacrament to give thanks to God for the graces of the past year, to offer reparation for the sins of the past year, and to ask God's blessings for the New Year. Saturday, of course, it a holyday, so there will be the regular Sunday schedule of three Masses. Next Sunday we will have the blessing of children after each Mass, which is a custom I started here many years ago for the Christmas season.

The following Monday the boys will be returning, so our Christmas vacation will soon come to an end. In the meantime, we will continue to enjoy these quiet days at the seminary--a good opportunity to catch up on a few things and to have extra time for relaxation, for prayer, and for some visiting of family and friends. May you all continue to enjoy this holy Christmas season, as we look forward to a New Year of grace.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


December 19, 2021
Advent IV

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Friday was our last day of school, as the Christmas vacation began that afternoon. We usually end a week before Christmas, so that the students can fly home before the mad Christmas rush of air travel. Classes will resume on January

Today we had the annual Christmas program for our parish school. As usual, the little school children charmed the parishioners by their singing and recitation of poetry. The three seminarians who are still here joined the high school boys in singing several Christmas carols. Now our attention is on preparing for the midnight Mass. Since two of our seminarians live in the area, they will be serving for the Midnight Mass.

Yesterday, the three seminarians who were still here helped Father Philip to decorate the seminary. They spent all afternoon and did a nice job of preparing the seminary for Christmas. This week Father Philip will oversee the decorating of the church and seminary chapel, which will be decorated by our Sisters, parishioners and high school students.

Now that it is quiet here at the seminary, we plan on using this time to relax and catch up on various things that are put off during the busy school year. Above all, let us all spend this final week of Advent in quiet spiritual preparation for Christmas.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


December 15, 2021
Ember Wednesday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. My blog entry was delayed, due to traveling over the weekend. We priests here take care of missions in Boise and Lewiston, Idaho. The priest drives down to Boise on Saturday for overnight. Then there is a Sunday morning Mass in Boise, after which the priest drives to Lewiston for an afternoon Mass (4:00 pm) before returning home. Father Philip usually takes care of this monthly mission, but I made the trip this past weekend so that he could be home for the celebration in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe on Sunday.

Although I wasn't here, all the news was most positive. Father Philip directed the seminarians in preparing a nice Mexican fiesta dinner on Saturday for the parishioners to enjoy on Sunday following the 9:00 am Mass. There was also live music by a group of Catholic men singing traditional Guadalupe songs. The attendance was excellent--there was not an empty seat in the parish hall.

The main event of last week, however, was the funeral for our long-time cook, Mary Antonia Seale. The seminarians dug the grave in our cemetery, and then on Friday, they all either sang in the choir of served the funeral Mass. We owe a great deal to this fine Catholic woman who was so dedicated to our seminary for many years.

Now our attention turns to the coming festival of Christmas. Friday of this week will be the last day of classes, before the seminarians all head home to be with their families. Christmas is such a special time for all of us, with many memories of family traditions. Let us all prepare well in these final days through extra prayer and sacrifice, that we might worthily celebrate the birth of Our Divine Lord. And may He grant us all His blessings.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


December 05, 2021
Advent II

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. We have had a good beginning of Advent here at the seminary. Very soon the Christmas vacation will arrive and the seminarians will be off to their homes to be with their families. We will all continue to work diligently on our daily duties and in fulfilling our Advent sacrifices in the time that remains, that we might have a joyful Christmas.

This past Friday our long-time cook at the seminary passed to her reward. Mary Antonia Seale was a talented cook, very dedicated to the seminary. She is fondly remembered by the seminarians that have lived here over the past 13 years. (She started cooking for us in 2008). Although her death was not unexpected, since she had been failing for the past 6 months, it nevertheless is a sadness to all of us in the seminary and in our parish. (She also was the sacristan for our church, ironing the linens and preparing for Mass.) The seminarians here will fulfill the corporal work of mercy of digging the grave in our cemetery and singing and serving for the funeral, which will be on Friday.

In the meantime, we have the joyful feast of the Immaculate Conception. We have been praying a novena to prepare for this important feast. It is traditional here at the seminary for the boys to go bowling on their day off school on Our Lady's feastday. They are looking forward to that!

I pray that you will all have a holy Advent. Please also pray for the repose of the soul of Mary Antonia Seale. May God reward her abundantly for all she has done for our seminary and church. And may we all be one day reunited in heaven!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


November 28, 2021
Advent I

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. We enjoyed a restful Thanksgiving Break over the past few days. On Friday (which was William's birthday), Father Philip took the seminarians out for breakfast after Mass. From there they went disc golfing and a visit to Cabela's. Yesterday they worked! There were a lot of chores to be done, so they worked hard. Now we look forward to a quiet and prayerful season of Advent.

Last week the seminarians made out the customary schedule of penance and prayer that they wish to observe during Advent. In addition, we will have our traditional "Sacrifice Bowl." This bowl contains sacrifices that were written out by seminarians from past years. I print them out, cut them into small slips of paper and fold them. In the morning the boys reach into the bowl and take one of these. That becomes their extra sacrifice for the day. It is amazing how many things we could do to make sacrifices, if only we think about it.

There are only three weeks left of school before the seminarians go home for their Christmas vacation. We will concentrate on our academic pursuits in the time left before they leave. After their return there will be only a few weeks remaining until the end of the semester.

Let us all resolve to spend this important season of Advent in a prayerful, sacrificial attitude. It is a most important time to prepare spiritually for the celebration of the Birth of Christ. Let us especially avoid the spirit of the world, which is so opposed to the proper spirit of the season!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


November 21, 2021
Pentecost XXVI

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. There was a bit of excitement this past week. On Monday there were high winds, and we lost power at about 5:00 pm. The power did not come back on until 11:00 pm on Tuesday. Fortunately, we have a generator, so our lights were on; however, our generator is not powerful enough to run the furnaces. Gradually, the temperature inside the house became progressively colder, but still it was tolerable. The loss of heat for 30 hours was a reminder of how much we have--blessings that we often take for granted.

On Thursday the seminarians sang another Requiem High Mass. This one was offered for the deceased whose remains are laid to rest in our own cemetery. Of course, we also continue our daily prayers for the Poor Souls throughout this month.

The seminarians were quite busy toward the end of the week making pies. (They made a total of 55 pies!) Yesterday they finished making pies and prepared for their fund-raising breakfast, which was well-attended. The Sunday breakfast is a nice opportunity for parishioners to visit after Mass. We have three Sunday Masses here, and the breakfast was available after each Mass. We are grateful to the parishioners for the nice attendance.

Of course, this will be a short week. Thanksgiving Day and the following day will be free time for the seminarians, and Saturday will be, as usual, a work day. I haven't yet decided what kind of activity we will provide on Friday, but for sure we will get the boys out of the seminary for the afternoon on a hike or other activity.

I hope that you all enjoy a nice Thanksgiving Day with your families. We all have much to thank God for! May we always be grateful for His blessings.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


November 14, 2021
Pentecost XXV

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. This week at the seminary will be a busy one, as the seminarians will be occupied (later in the week) in making pies. This is a project we have each year on the weekend before Thanksgiving. Today parishioners ordered pies, and on Friday and Saturday the seminarians will make them, to be ready for next Sunday.

Also, next Sunday there will be a breakfast after each Mass for the support of the seminary. That is something we do twice a year--the other time being in March. These two fund-raisers provide the means for seminarians to enjoy some extra-curricular activities, like skiing in the winter and a camping trip in the spring. So that will keep them quite busy next weekend

Today the seminarians had a sodality meeting right before Noon prayers. That is something they do twice a month. The sodality is like a club or society for those who want to do something extra. It is particularly focused on increasing their devotion to Our Blessed Mother. They also conclude each meeting with a planned activity for the next two weeks. Today they chose the Stations of the Cross. Each sodality member has an assigned day of the week on which to make the Stations during his free time.

We also continue to pray daily for the Poor Souls. This Thursday the seminarians will sing a Requiem High Mass for the departed who are buried in our own cemetery. There have been about 80 burials in our cemetery since it began in 1972. We especially remember those souls whose remains are buried here.

Above all, let us all live our Faith fervently, that when our own summons comes to depart this world, we will be ready to meet our Creator and merciful Redeemer. If we are practicing our Faith daily now, we will have nothing to fear on that day

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


November 7, 2021
Pentecost XXIV

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. We have had a good week. On Monday, the feast of All Saints, the seminarians went a long hike that took all afternoon. Then, on Monday night, they made an all-night vigil to gain as many plenary indulgences as possible for the Poor Souls. Each seminarian took an hour to spend at the church, going in and out of the church to make visits for the Poor Souls.

The seminarians have been quite busy lately with various projects around the seminary. Right now, one of the main projects is enlarging the garden. That includes building a terrace, since the garden is located on a hill at the side of the seminary. There are always plenty of projects to keep them occupied on Saturdays.

This week should be a normal week at the seminary, and that is a good thing. We will continue throughout November to pray our daily prayers after Mass and to make visits to the cemetery. Let us all remember the Poor Souls in purgatory, which is a duty we have to these fellow members of the Communion of Saints.

As I write this blog the seminarians are preparing to leave to go disc-golfing, one of their many recreations. For my part, I will be making a couple visits, one to the hospital and another to bless the home of a new parishioner here. There is always plenty to do at the seminary, and we appreciate your interest and support for our work. May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


October 31, 2021
Christ the King

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. During the past week most of the seminarians carved pumpkins for the All-Saints celebration on Friday. There were some incredible works of art, so we will put some photos up on the website. It amazes me how much talent we have here. It takes many hours to carve a delicate image of Our Lord, Our Lady or some other subject, but they were equal to the task.

After a great deal of rain on Thursday and Friday, we have had a beautiful weekend. Yesterday the seminarians spent most of the day working under Father Philip's direction to enlarge the garden for next year. Today they are enjoying the sunshine by playing air soft--one of their favorite outdoor games.

We had a beautiful High Mass with incense this morning, followed by Benediction, to honor Christ the King. After supper we will renew the seminary enthronement to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which we made 20 years ago. This is such a wonderful feast of Our Lord, and the next two are just as important. Tomorrow the seminarians will sing a High Mass in honor of all the saints in heaven, and then on Tuesday they will sing a High Mass for All Souls Day.

After breakfast tomorrow the seminarians will go out on a hiking excursion. Then we will turn our attention to gaining as many of the Toties Quoties indulgences as possible. There will be many visits into chapel for the Poor Souls Monday evening and throughout the day on Tuesday. Also on Tuesday, they will attend three Masses and visit the cemetery. We also pray daily prayers during November for the Poor Souls. Given these important feast days, it is an important time of year for Catholic observances.

On Tuesday we will begin the Second Quarter of the school year, which is quickly flying by. The seminarians remain busy, and happy. They enjoy one another's company and have a good spirit, which is so important for the success of their formation. This past week we had a visit of a young man from Arizona who is a potential seminarian for next year. Please continue to remember us in your prayers, especially for our growth and the sanctification of our young men. May God bless and reward you.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


October 24, 2021
21th Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. On Wednesday of this past week our seminarians had a football game against the boys from Mount Saint Michael. The weather was perfect and everyone had a great time. Our boys did very well and won the game by several touchdowns.

On Thursday the spent the afternoon harvesting the apples. Yesterday they made apple cider. Our harvest was smaller this year, due to the drought conditions, but we still came up with 20 gallons of apple cider! We put some in the refrigerator and freeze most of it, to be used throughout the winter months.

This morning our three seniors had a doughnut sale after Mass to raise funds for their class trip at the end of the year. It was quite successful and appreciated by the parishioners. So that is something we will do once a month for the remainder of the school year.

It's time to sign off. I am leaving for the hospital to anoint Mary Antonia, who has been our seminary cook for 13 years. She is not doing well, and so I recommend her to your prayers. (She has Covid and pneumonia.) Let us all continue to pray our Rosary and honor Our Lady during this month. May she bless us and all her children in these dark days.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


October 17, 2021
21th Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. This past week I took the upperclassmen (juniors and seniors) on an overnight trip to Great Falls, Montana, a six-hour drive from here. The primary purpose of the trip was to visit the Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center there. The Louis and Clark journey (1803-1806) is an important part of the history of the Northwest. (For example, one frequently sees road signs in the Northwest indicating the path of their journey.) Since these young men attend school in this part of the country, I decided it would be an important part of their education to know something about that part of U.S. history.

On Saturday the boys worked all day to help Father Philip process the produce from our garden. They made a large amount of salsa and other canned goods with all the tomatoes and peppers from the garden. Since the weather has been excellent the past few days, we have been able to finish processing most of the garden produce. Now one thing remains to be done before winter settles in--to harvest the apples and make apple cider.

This week we will have one more football game with the students from Mount Saint Michael. They will again travel over here to have the game in a public park in Rathdrum. The last flag football game ended in a tie, as the teams are evenly matched. We will have to see how this game turns out! The seminarians really have a great time playing flag football. This may well be the last game before the weather turns cold and rainy.

We continue to pray our Rosary daily before the Blessed Sacrament exposed, as Pope Leo XIII ordered to be done in October. It is a great source of grace and reminds us of the power of the Rosary. How much we need the graces of the Rosary to help us persevere in this age of apostasy! Let us all be faithful to the daily Rosary as Our Lady requested.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


October 10, 2021
20th Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. It was a beautiful Fatima Conference. As I mentioned last Sunday, the seminarians went to Mount Saint Michael for the events of Thursday and Friday. On Saturday they all went up to the Mount for the evening candlelight procession in honor of Our Lady of Fatima. This morning they were involved in either singing or serving for the High Mass here at the City of Mary

Last Thursday and Friday, as we were up at the Mount, the septic system was replace here at the seminary. There were some problems with our old septic system, so the water was turned off and the system replaced. Of course, we timed that for the two days that we would be at the Mount all day. When we got home at night on Thursday, we had to use the sinks in the bathrooms in the parish hall for brushing teeth, etc. I am glad we finally got that work finished.

The workers have also built a nice root cellar for our use here at the seminary. Next year we will be able to store more of our garden produce. The garden was a big success this year, especially with so many tomatoes and peppers of different kinds. Father Philip now wants to expand the garden next spring.

This week will be a normal week, and that is a good thing, after all the activity of the Fatima Conference. The first quarter is quickly winding down, with only three weeks remaining, so we will be busy in keeping up with academics this week. Of course, we continue our daily Rosary before the Blessed Sacrament exposed. Let us all honor Our Lady, especially this month, with our devout recitation of her Rosary. For "one day, through the Rosary and the Brown Scapular, the world will be saved," as Saint Francis prophesied. May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


October 03, 2021
19th Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. It is going to be a busy week for the seminarians. On Thursday and Friday we will go to Mount Saint Michael and remain there all day for the events of the Fatima Conference. On Saturday the seminarians will work on raking the grounds and preparing for the Open House here at the City of Mary. Next Sunday the Conference guests will attend the 9:00 am Mass here at our church. The parish here will then host them for a potluck brunch, after which they will have a chance to visit the seminary. We printed extra copies of the current issue of "The Guardian" so that we can pass that out to visitors who are not aware of our newsletter. Hopefully, some of them will sign up for our mailings and become regular readers of our newsletter.

The first main even of the Conference will be the bishop's Pontifical High Mass for the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary on Thursday. At least a couple of the seminarians will help with serving. After that they will attend the various lectures on Thursday and Friday. On Saturday, as I have mentioned, they will be home, but then we will go back up to Mount Saint Michael in the evening for the outdoor candlelight procession in honor of Our Lady of Fatima. We are looking forward to the various events of the Conference.

Tomorrow the boys will play the boys from Mount Saint Michael in football. We try to get together a few times a year for these inter-school sports events, which everyone enjoys. There will be 2 or 3 football games here at the park in Rathdrum, and then in the winter we will go up to Mount Saint Michael to have some basketball games in their gym.

During October we have a daily Rosary before the Blessed Sacrament exposed in the seminary chapel. They all take turns serving for this daily ceremony, which is a beautiful way to honor Our Lady during October. As you know, the seminarians are always kept busy, and that is a good thing. We are all busy here doing God's work and striving to fulfill His holy will. May God and Our Lady bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


September 26, 2021
North American Martyrs
(18th Sunday after Pentecost)

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Yesterday was a beautiful day with temperatures near 80 degrees. We took full advantage of the nice weather to harvest the vegetables in the garden and to harvest half the grapes. The seminarians then spent the remainder of the afternoon in making salsa from the many tomatoes and bell peppers from our garden.

This week they will receive their mid-quarter grades and put out The Guardian mailing. Of course, we have First Friday and First Saturday as well, which are always observed here with special devotions. As far as classes, however, it will be a regular week of school.

Next week, however, we will be involved in the Fatima Conference. I will give you more details of the Conference events in next Sunday's blog. As we begin this week the month of October, let us all renew our commitment to fulfilling Our Lady's request that we pray the holy Rosary every day. Many graces come through the devout recitation of the Rosary. We especially encourage the family recitation of the Rosary. May God bless you and your families..

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


September 19, 2021
Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. This morning the seminarians sang a High Mass, along with a few other men of the parish. It was really nice to have an all-male choir, singing well together. Fr. Philip played the organ for them.

I am going to keep this short, because I leave shortly for Lewiston, to have the afternoon Mass there. We have received a good amount of rain this weekend, which is good, as it has been very dry here. Also, there is construction going on here at our church property. There are several projects, including the building of a root cellar and the completion of our seminary shrine to Saint Joseph.

This week will be a normal week, and that is a good thing! The seminarians continue to enjoy their daily life and activities (especially going to the park on Friday afternoons for soccer and football.) We continue to work on training them in the importance of keeping the rule and learning self-discipline. Progress is slow and comes by degrees. We appreciate your prayers as we continue this important work of the formation of these young men. May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


September 12, 2021
Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Today is the feast of the Most Holy Name of Mary. Because of that, the seminarians have gone with Father Philip to Lewiston (a two-and-a-half four drive from here) to sing a High Mass. We have Mass at our mission in Lewiston, Idaho, twice a month. Although we both take turns, Father Philip is the priest that usually goes there. The Mass is at 4:00 pm. Since the mission there is "Most Holy Name of Mary Mission," we decided that a High Mass would be a nice treat for the approximately 40 parishioners who attend Mass there.

Tomorrow is the anniversary of Our Lady's 5th apparition at Fatima. Accordingly, we will have an outdoor procession here at the "City of Mary," reciting the 15 decades of the Rosary. There is much to pray for! The Rosary procession will be at 6:30 pm, and it will be live-streamed on our parish website (

This week we have the Ember Week for the fall season. Although the seminarians are not yet required to fast (and some of us are excused due to age or infirmity), yet we all should practice some penances, in order to join in the spirit of the Church on these penitential days. Wednesday is also the feast of the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary, an important feastday. Let us all console our loving Mother, whose heart was pierced as with a sword during the Passion. It was our sins that cause her sorrows.

Finally, I ask your prayers for our cook, Mary Antonia Seale. Mary Antonia has been the main cook at the seminary for 13 years! Sometimes people ask me how I stay in good health, and I always reply that a great deal of the credit goes to our seminary cooks, who provide good, nutritious meals. Due to various infirmities, Mary Antonia has been unable to continue her work of cooking for us and helping in the sacristy. Please remember her in your prayers at this difficult time.

As always, we are most grateful for your support and your prayers. May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


September 05, 2021
Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. We all enjoyed a wonderful three days at Lake Coeur d'Alene at the beginning of last week. Each morning the boys had Mass and, of course, their daily prayers and spiritual practices. There was a lot of time for swimming and canoeing, as well as indoor board and card games. One of their favorite recreations was playing "keep-away" with a ball on the dock. It was a great time for building that important spirit of unity among the seminarians.

This week we have the first feast day of Our Blessed Mother to occur during the school year. The seminarians have been preparing to sing a High Mass for this feast of Our Lady's birthday. We make a concerted effort to honor Our Lady here at the seminary and to help the boys develop a tender love and devotion for our heavenly Mother and Queen.

Tomorrow, being a holiday, there will be no classes. The boys will be going on a hike and have a cookout. Other than that, the school year has been going well thus far, and everyone is getting into the routine of regular classes and homework. We often remind the seminarians that their school work is their daily duty--their first sacrifice. It is their task to develop the intellect God gave them and to acquire the knowledge that will fit them for their vocation.

We appreciate your interest in our seminary and your prayers for the success of this work. May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


August 29, 2021
Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. We have had a good first week to the new school year. Right now, the boys are at the lake, and that is where I will be heading as soon as I finish writing this.

From our first year of this minor seminary 22 years ago, we have had a "get-acquainted" camping trip to kick off the school year. At first, we would camp in tents at Farragut State Park on Lake Pend Oreille. Then, thanks to the kindness of the late Mr. Jim Schindler and his family, we have had the use of a nice house on Lake Coeur d'Alene. So we no longer have to rough it, cooking over a campfire. (The boys do that for their end-of-year camping trip!)

This house on the lake has a nice dock, and you can be sure the boys spend plenty of hours swimming (and squirting water at each other from our large home-made squirt guns), canoeing, and playing board games. Father Philip has all the meals planned out, so that aspect is taken care of as well. The boys will have 3 full days this year at the lake.

They have also started to prepare for the High Mass for the feast of Our Lady's Nativity, which is the first High Mass of the year for them. In addition, they have been busy harvesting the vegetables from our garden and the fruit from our orchard. This year the garden is overflowing with juicy tomatoes.

On Friday we sent out our first issue of The Guardian newsletter for this new school year. You can read those free on this website or write in and request to be put on the mailing list. We do appreciate your support and interest in our seminary. Please pray for these young men and for more vocations like them. May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


August 22, 2021
The Immaculate Heart of Mary

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. The troops are back! Beginning on Friday, the seminarians have been arriving, one or two at a time. Now on Sunday they have all assembled. After a short orientation this evening, we will have our usual chanted Compline with Night Prayers. Then, tomorrow we begin normal classes bright and early.

This year there are 10 seminarians, with one new one coming from New York. They will have the usual Latin, theology, English, math and science. This year the history class will be World History, while science will be physics. There will be regular classes throughout this first week of school, and at the end of the week they will go to a house on Lake Coeur d'Alene for our traditional beginning of the year "camping trip." I will tell you more about it next Sunday.

The weather here has turned surprisingly cool, which is a welcome relief after the many summer days of excessive heat. There has also been a good amount of rain the past couple days, which helps to clean the smoke from wild fires out of the atmosphere. The cooler weather is a reminder that it is time for school again, and thus we begin our 23rd year here at Saint Joseph Seminary. Please remember our seminary in your prayers. May God grant us many and holy priests!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


August 15, 2021
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Believe it or not, we are now just one week away from a new school year. So we will begin again printing a weekly blog entry on our website, to acquaint you with news of the seminary.

For now, I simply ask that you pray for our seminary and for a good school year. This week is going to be a busy one as we finish preparations. Beginning on Saturday, the seminarians will arrive. May God and Our Lady bless our seminary and particularly our efforts for the coming year.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


June 06, 2021
Second Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. It has indeed been a busy week at the seminary! After a beautiful Queenship Procession and High Mass last Monday, the seminarians went to Farragut State Park with the school children on Wednesday. It was unusually warm (in the 90s), but fortunately, no one was sunburned too badly.

The High Mass sung by the seminarians last Thursday for the feast of Corpus Christi was a splendid tribute to Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. The boys sang the Mass of Our Lady, Queen of the Franciscan Order, which is a particularly beautiful Mass, but one that also takes a lot of time in rehearsal to sing well. They have been working on that for the past couple months, so they were well-prepared and did an excellent job of singing that Mass.

On Friday we concluded with our school program and award ceremony, as well as the usual First Friday Mass of the Sacred Heart and Benediction. Then, on Saturday, His Excellency was here for graduation and confirmation. In the evening the seminarians went to a barbecue at the home of a family close to the church (within walking distance).

Finally, this morning we had our annual Corpus Christi procession. Everything worked out well, although last night we were wondering how it would go. There were high winds yesterday, so it was not possible to setup all the decorations that we normally would have. The finishing touches were added this morning, and the procession worked out well.

Now we enter the summer vacation. Most of the seminarians have already left with their parents. The remaining boys leave this week. Then it will be very quiet at the seminary. It will be good for Father Philip and me to have time to rest and recuperate. Part of that is the spiritual rejuvenation of our annual retreat. I will have a retreat later this month, while Father Philip will make his retreat in early August, after the Boys' Camp.

We pray that you will all enjoy a pleasant, but spiritual beneficial summer. Please continue to pray for our seminary and for more vocations.

This will be my last blog entry for some time, although there may be an occasional short entry during the summer. May God bless you and your loved ones.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


May 30, 2021
Trinity Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. We now enter our final week of the school year! On Friday we finished all our testing and assignments, and I have already finished averaging grades. This week will be busy, but it will be a homework-free week for the boys.

Tomorrow we will have our annual Queenship procession and ceremonies. On Tuesday we will have our annual "farewell dinner" for the seniors, to which all staff members are invited. It is a nice opportunity for everyone to say a few words in honor of our seniors--soon to be graduates.

Then, on Wednesday, the seminarians will join the school children for the annual picnic to Farragut State Park. This park, which is about 40 minutes from here, is on the shores of beautiful Lake Pend Oreille. There will be plenty of games, canoeing, and other activities for all involved. And considering that the weather forecast is for 90 degrees and sunny, it will be a nice event for the seminarians to join.

On Thursday, the seminarians will sing a High Mass in honor of Corpus Christi. The one difficult part about that is the sequence, Lauda Sion Salvatorem. They have been practicing, so I am sure they will do well.

On Friday we will have our end-of-the-year school program and awards ceremony. That will be followed by First Friday Mass and benediction, with devotions to the Sacred Heart. On Saturday the bishop will be here for graduation and confirmation. There will be a nice potluck breakfast after Mass to honor the graduates and those confirmed.

Then, on Sunday, we will have the annual Corpus Christi procession. That is our grandest procession of the year, where the Blessed Sacrament is taken outside, as we sing hymns in honor of the Holy Eucharist. So, as you can see, it will be a busy week, to be sure! Next Sunday's entry may be the final blog entry for a while, as we enter into the summer vacation. Until then, may God bless you abundantly. We have much to give thanks to the Holy Trinity for, as we conclude another school year at Saint Joseph Seminary.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


May 23, 2021
Pentecost Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Although I have not heard a great deal about the boys' camping trip to Priest Lake (They returned yesterday.), by all accounts they had a great time. They found a nice spot between Upper Priest Lake and the main lake. Their camping location was an ideal, secluded spot. I am sure one of the boys will be writing a more detailed report for the next issue of The Guardian.

We now have only two weeks left of the school year. This week will really be the final week for academic work; we will finalize our grades at the end of the week. The following week will be busy with many activities. During this week also our two seniors will have their class trip. They will be joined by our two High School boys, and the four of them will leave with Fr. Philip tomorrow morning for western Washington for a few days, returning on Thursday.

Of course, this week is the Octave of Pentecost. Each day the Mass is in red vestments, as we honor the Holy Ghost and implore His blessings upon us. Let us all call upon the Holy Ghost to guide us and assist us to persevere in our faith! May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


May 17, 2021
Saint Paschal Baylon

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Since I was helping yesterday with Mass at one of our parishes (in California), I was unable to post a blog entry. So today's will be a short one, with a more detailed blog next Sunday.

As we approach the end of the school year, there are many activities going on. In between, we are finishing our academics. As I had mentioned last Sunday, the boys will go with Fr. Philip on Wednesday to Priest Lake, a beautiful lake that is about 70 miles north of us. They are busy today and tomorrow preparing for the camping trip.

Of course, right now we are making the annual Holy Ghost novena in preparation for the feast of Pentecost. We recite various prayers each day for 9 days. The feast of Pentecost (next Sunday) is considered the greatest feast in the Church year after Easter. Let us all pray for the Holy Ghost to come upon us with His graces and blessings, for we are in great need of His divine influence as we strive to persevere in our faith in these days of the 21st century. May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


May 9, 2021
Fifth Sunday after Easter

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. We wish a most happy Mothers' Day to all Mothers who read our blog. It is especially due to the prayers of their mothers that God gives vocations to their sons and daughters. I am sure you have all read the inspiring story of the "Mothers of Lu." If you have not done so, I suggest that you look up that story on the Internet. You can find it easily by just putting "Mothers of Lu" into your search engine.

This week we will have a Rogation procession on Tuesday. These are beautiful processions which occur every spring, in the days right before the Ascension, when we particularly beg for God's blessings, both spiritual and temporal. I will have to miss the procession this year, as I will be in Omaha for the tonsure ceremony on that day. (One of our former students from the minor seminary will be tonsured.)

Of course, Thursday is the feast of the Ascension, but it is also the anniversary of Our Lady's first apparition at Fatima. Hence, we will have a Rosary procession in the evening here at the City of Mary, praying all 15 decades of the Rosary. Let us all honor Our Lady of Fatima on that day.

The next day we will have an outing to Palouse Falls, which is a drive of about 2-3 hours from here. It is a beautiful waterfall, so it will be a nice outing for the boys. Then, the following week, they will have their annual camping trip to Priest Lake.

As I mentioned last week, there are many events toward the end of the school year. In between these events, we will finish our classes as we look forward to the conclusion of the school year. Please continue to pray for our seminarians. May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


May 2, 2021
Fourth Sunday after Easter

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. This morning we had the beautiful ceremony of First Holy Communion, with five of our children receiving Our Lord for the first time. It was especially inspiring to hear the voices of the young children singing the Eucharistic hymns during Mass. Such ceremonies carry us back to the day of our own First Holy Communion--a happy memory for us all.

During May our schedule is slightly different from normal, as we pray the Rosary at 7:00 pm with the parishioners who come for this public devotion. Consequently, we pray our Holy Slavery prayers during the normal Rosary time. The month of May is such a beautiful time to honor Mary and to foster our devotion to our good Mother.

As I look forward to this week, it seems that it will be the final week of a regular class schedule for all five days of the week. There will be many special events during the rest of May, and so we must make the most of the time we have for regular classes. Next Sunday I will tell you about some of the events that are coming up for the remainder of the school year.

May God bless you all, and may we all grow in our love for our heavenly Mother during this month, dedicated to her.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


April 25, 2021
Saint Mark (Greater Litanies)

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. After a lengthy period of dry weather, we finally had rain yesterday. It rained throughout the day, but it was a "soft" rain, as the Irish would say. Consequently, it did not prevent us from undertaking a long-planned project, and that was to erect a split rail fence surrounding the entry area to our property. The fence will surround the area between the two new entrance gates, so that the property is secure at night. The seminarians made a good start on this. They put up 200 feet of fence, but there are still several hundred feet to go, so they will be back at it next Saturday.

Our procession this morning for the Greater Litanies was beautiful. It is wonderful to have the seminarians here, as that provides us with singers to help Father Philip and me with all the chanting. The weather was quite chilly, but at least it didn't rain. We will do it again for the Minor Litanies in a couple weeks.

This week we have the feast of Saint Louis Marie de Montfort (Wednesday), and on that day we will begin the prayers for our Holy Slavery. According to Saint Louis, one should spend 33 days in prayer and readings as a preparation for making the important act of Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary. We religious renew this preparation each year, and we invite the seminarians to do so as well. Those who have already made the act will go through the 33 days of prayer for the renewal; those who have not yet made the act of consecration will have the opportunity to do so this year on May 31st.

On Saturday we will begin the beautiful month of Mary. Of course, we erect a nice May shrine, and we also have a daily crowning and public Rosary. Let us all honor Our Blessed Mother during the month of May as best we can. Be sure to have a May shrine in your home and to provide fresh flowers for Our Lady throughout the month. May she intercede for each of us in all our needs!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


April 18, 2021
Good Shepherd Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Today we conclude our annual Forty Hours Adoration, with the closing ceremonies at 4:30. On Friday night the seminarians made holy hours throughout the night, to keep Our Lord company.

Father Philip divided the seminarians into groups for milking chores, so they are all learning how to milk the cow. Since the calf has now been weaned, we are getting between 3 and 4 gallons a day, since we are now milking twice a day. The seminarians are drinking plenty of fresh milk!

This week should be a normal week, but next Sunday we will have the Greater Litanies procession. We strive to keep all these beautiful liturgical ceremonies here at the seminary, which is greatly beneficial to the seminarians, as well as the parishioners. It seems there is always something going on each week with the liturgy, to keep us focused on our faith and on Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.

May God bless you, as we continue to celebrate the resurrection of Our Lord during this beautiful Paschal season!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


April 13, 2021
Saint Hermenegild

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Given all the events of the past few weeks, I have not written a blog entry since March 19th. I would like to briefly get you caught-up with the goings-on at the seminary during these past few weeks.

Our Holy Week ceremonies came off splendidly, thanks to the outstanding serving of our seminarians. It truly is a joy for me to have such good and reliable servers. Of course, there were a few glitches, such as the fact that the Paschal Candle almost fell out of its candlestick during the Easter Vigil. Fortunately, Joseph saw it falling and caught it just in time. Otherwise, our ceremonies came off without any problems.

On Easter Sunday the seminarians hid over a couple hundred plastic eggs for the children's Easter Egg Hunt. Then, in the afternoon, we had a wonderful Easter dinner, to which we had invited some of the parishioners, including some who came from out of town. It was a beautiful day, capped off with the chanting of Compline at Night Prayers.

For Holy Week Father Philip was in Harmony, Minnesota, to provide those faithful with all the beautiful ceremonies. After his return on the afternoon of Easter Sunday, he prepared to leave with 5 seminarians for an outing, while I went back east to provide Mass for some faithful souls in New Jersey and Rhode Island, and to visit our parish in Salem, New Hampshire.

Father Philip and seminarians had a nice trip to the west coast. After staying overnight the first night at our church in Tacoma, followed by two nights at a rental home (rented through Air BnB) in Forks, Washington. They enjoyed seeing the ocean and a rain forest in the Olympic National Park and did some hiking. Everyone was back from vacation by Sunday night, ready for school on Monday, for the final 8 weeks of school.

This coming weekend we will have our annual Forty Hours Adoration. The seminarians will all have a role to play in the solemn opening and closing ceremonies and, of course, will make holy hours of adoration.

These final two months of school will go by quickly, and there will be many activities. I will do my best to keep up with the blog and keep you informed of the events at our seminary!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


March 19, 2021
Saint Joseph

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Since I won't be able to write a blog on Sunday, I wanted to give you a brief update on events at the seminary. It has been a busy week!

Last Friday Father Philip drove down to Walla Walla, Washington, to purchase a Jersey cow and her calf. This is something we have been planning for some time. Father Philip has been monitoring Craig's List, waiting for the right cow to buy. We thought we had one in early January, but it fell through, so now we finally have our milk cow. The upperclassmen are doing the milking, and everyone is enjoying the fresh milk daily.

On Wednesday we had our Saint Patrick's Day Talent Show, which is a nice custom introduced by Mr. Gerard Keaveney. Then, yesterday, the boys enjoyed their final ski trip of the season. The weather was quite warm, so it was a very pleasant day.

Today, for the feast of Saint Joseph, the seminarians have a day free from classes. This morning the final championship match of the pool tournament took place, with Thaddeus narrowly beating Joseph in the final game. Soon, we will have Stations, followed by a Solemn High Mass in honor of our great seminary patron. Then, this afternoon, the seminarians will go bowling.

Tomorrow we put up the violet coverings over the statues as we enter Passiontide, the final fortnight of Lent. Let us all redouble our efforts to spend these two weeks in meditation on the Passion of Our Lord and the Sorrows of Our Blessed Mother!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


March 14, 2021
Fourth Sunday of Lent

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. This morning the seminarians held their semi-annual fund-raising parish breakfast. This raises funds for their outings. The breakfast was held after each of the three Masses and was well-attended. Everyone enjoyed it, many staying for a long time to visit. It is wonderful for me to see the parishioners, enjoying the company of one another.

Yesterday, Father Philip and I had a day of recollection for our parish. Next Saturday, there will be one in Denver, so I will not get a blog entry done until Monday, at the earliest. Lent is a time for retreats.

This will be a busy week at the seminary. On Wednesday we will have our annual Saint Patrick's Day Talent Show. This is a custom started by Mr. Gerard Keaveney, who is 100% Irish. And speaking of those who are 100% Irish, today would have been my father's 94th birthday. He passed away in 2015 but will always be fondly remembered by his children and grandchildren.

On Thursday the seminarians will have their final ski trip of the year. We normally try to get the ski trips in before Lent, but with the early Easter this year, we were not able to do that. So they will go on Thursday, in honor of our seminary feastday, which is Friday.

And what a special day it will be on Friday. We will honor Saint Joseph with a solemn High Mass and a bowling outing in the afternoon. We are honored to have such a great saint for our seminary patron.

I had mentioned last Sunday that we are having the annual pool tournament. I had told the boys that it must be done before Passion Week, so that our whole focus during the final two weeks of Lent can be on Our Lord's Passion and on preparing for the liturgy of Holy Week.

Let us all renew today our determination to finish Lent well. There are only three weeks left--let us make the most of it. May God bless you and your loved ones.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


March 07, 2021
Third Sunday of Lent

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. For our regular readers, I am sorry for missing the blog last Sunday, as I was in Minnesota. Lent is a time for retreats. We had a Lenten retreat in Minnesota last weekend. Next weekend we have a day of retreat here at Mary Immaculate Queen Church, and then later this month in Denver.

In the meantime, we had a fairly normal week here at the seminary. On Thursday the boys had two basketball games (JV & Varsity) at Mount Saint Michael. This was the third and final trip to the Mount for games with those students. Our boys (and theirs) greatly enjoy the opportunity for competition, but there also are many things going on here, so we can't do that often.

This week the seminarians will make the traditional "blarney stones" for the fund-raising breakfast next Sunday. Last year they made somewhere between 150 and 200 of the delicious treat, but then with the pandemic hitting around this time last year, many of them were not sold. Hopefully, they will be able to sell all of them this year.

We also are in the midst of the annual pool tournament. By tomorrow they will have finished the "Round Robin" portion of the tournament and will begin the second and final stage of the tournament. So there is plenty to keep them busy.

We also are fast approaching the end of the Third Quarter, of which there are only 3 weeks left. Last week two days were taken up with the annual achievement testing. With that behind us, we can devote our attention to regular academics. With Saint Joseph's feastday and Holy Week coming up, we need to make good use of the time to finish the academic requirements for the Third Quarter.

We certainly hope that all of you are making a good Lent. What a blessed time this is--a time to perform sacrifice and to meditate on the Passion of Our Lord. May we grow in our love for Him and hatred of sin, which was the cause of His Passion and death.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


February 21, 2021
First Sunday of Lent

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. The past week has been mostly a quiet week, which is appropriate for the beginning of Lent. There have been several good snowfalls, so the seminarians have been spending extra time outside sledding (especially the younger ones).

On Friday we began our weekend retreat (which had originally been scheduled for next weekend). The older seminarians have made retreats before, so it is not new to them. But the younger boys, who have not made a retreat before, find the silence of the retreat a challenge. There is, however, some time set aside each day of the retreat for recreation.

This year's retreat was given by Father Philip and I. Usually, we bring in an outside priest to give the retreat, but this year we decided to give it ourselves. I rather enjoy spending the time with the boys, speaking about the important things of life--such as saving our souls!

We are blessed to have boys here who are serious-minded. They understand the importance of preparing for eternity and of persevering in the Faith. At the same time, they enjoy their recreational activities and have a lot of fun together. I hope this year's retreat will have long-lasting effects upon their hearts and minds.

The seminarians have made a good beginning to Lent. We just need to remind them (and ourselves) to continue our penitential practices throughout this sacred season. Let us all resolve to do that.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


February 14, 2021
Quinquagesima Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. This past week was a busy and eventful week at the seminary. On Tuesday the boys went to Mount Saint Michael to play those boys in basketball. There was first a shorter game for the younger boys and then the main game with the High School boys. Our boys played well and greatly enjoyed this opportunity. We hope to have a couple more games with the St. Michael's students in the next few weeks.

On Wednesday, the 5 upper-classmen (juniors and seniors) had a field-trip to the Mount to learn how to make the hosts for Mass. They learned the process and helped to make the altar breads for our priests. That was a practical lesson for them that may come in handy some day.

Then, on Thursday, they sang a High Mass in honor of Our Lady of Lourdes. It was truly a beautiful feast with our Rosary before Mass and then the High Mass. So, as you can see, it has been a busy week. But that's not all, for on Saturday we had the annual parish Talent Show. The seminarians were all involved--some of them doing several things--and it was a most enjoyable evening for everyone. If you haven't seen the live-streaming of that and would like to see it, let us know. We can put the performances up on our website.

Now we prepare for Lent. The seminarians have all submitted their penance programs and are ready to make a good start of Lent. To aid them, we will have next weekend the annual seminary retreat, so pray for them that this retreat will be for them a great source of grace. And may you all have a holy and blessed Lent!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


February 07, 2021
Sexagesima Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Winter is not yet over in northern Idaho, with the coldest temperatures of the season forecast for this week. Since it snowed on Friday, the boys were able to get out for some sledding yesterday, but now their focus is on preparing for the Talent Show, which will be on Saturday.

On Thursday we will celebrate the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes with a High Mass, preceded by the recitation of the Rosary. We had hoped to be able to have an outdoor Rosary procession, but the cold temperatures will preclude a procession. Instead, we will recite the Rosary in the church.

By Friday the seminarians must turn in to me their Lenten program. That means they will write out the penances and extra prayers they intend to offer during Lent. It is very important that we all have a Lenten penance program that is penitential, yet not too severe. If we undertake too much, we will likely get discouraged and may even give up our penitential practices. At the same time, it is important that we do undertake some penance, in order to atone for sin, to subdue our fallen human nature and to elevate our minds during this coming season.

May we all prepare well over the next 10 days to make a good Lent! And may God bless you and your families.

May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


February 01, 2021
Saint Ignatius of Antioch

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. I was not able to write a blog yesterday, as I was traveling. So I would like to describe a few news items from the seminary.

This past week the boys enjoyed their second skiing trip on Thursday. Then went on that day because there was a special promotion with greatly discounted lift tickets. It may be their final ski trip this season, unless they are able to pay themselves the cost of the lift ticket and rental.

Tomorrow we have a special liturgical ceremony--the blessing of candles. The seminarians will participate in either serving or singing the ceremony. It is important for seminarians that they learn to love these ceremonies of the Church. For one day, as priests, they will perform them. It is a beautiful ceremony, followed by the High Mass for the feast of Our Lady's Purification. It is also the feast of Our Lord's Presentation in the temple. In the afternoon we take down our Christmas decorations and put them away until next Christmas.

We also have First Friday and First Saturday this week, which means benediction of the Blessed Sacrament (on both days). The seminarians serve for these beautiful ceremonies, as we honor the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Soon, we will enter the season of Lent, so we begin to think about what we will do this year to make a good Lent. I will write more about that next week.

May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


January 24, 2021
Third Sunday after Epiphany

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. As I had mentioned last Sunday, the bishop and priests who were visiting for the priests' meeting at the Mount this past week came to the seminary on Wednesday for dinner. Several of the parishioners prepared an excellent meal. It was a great opportunity for the seminarians to visit with the priests and learn about their labors for souls.

On Friday the seminarians had their first ski trip. It was a last-minute arrangement, as we were not sure that we would be able to make it. As things turned out, the weather and conditions were excellent. I stayed home (and worked on grades!), while Father Philip and Father Augustine (who was visiting for the priests' meeting) took the seminarians. There were only two who had never been skiing before and they soon got the hang of it. Everyone had a great time, and they all look forward to the next trip to the mountain.

Tomorrow we begin the Third Quarter, so the school year is half over. We continue to exhort the boys to strive for excellence in their school work. A large part of that is good study habits, and that is something we intend to work on during the next few weeks. Most seminarians have very good study habits, but some could improve in that area. There are always things to work on and improve!

We ask your continued prayers for our seminary, as we also remember you in our daily prayers.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


January 17, 2021
Second Sunday after Epiphany

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. It has been a unique week. On Wednesday we had a severe wind storm, which caused a lot of downed trees and snapped power lines. Our power here went out just before 7:00 am, as I was preparing to exit the sacristy to begin Mass. So that Mass was offered by candlelight.

Our power was out all day but came back on just after midnight. Even though we have a generator, there were problems with it, so our power was on and off throughout the day. Also, due to the widespread power outages the ski resort was closed down for several days. Consequently, we were not able to go skiing as planned on Thursday. That trip will be made up in two weeks.

This week is going to be busy as we will have a priests' meeting at the Mount on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. On Wednesday the priests will come here to the seminary for dinner, so it will be a nice opportunity for the seminarians to visit with the priests.

This Friday is the final day of the Second Quarter, so it will be a busy week of wrapping up our academics for the semester. You can be sure that we always remain busy here, yet the seminarians are a happy bunch. They enjoy playing games together when done with their homework and are always occupied.

May God bless you and your families. Please continue to keep our seminary in your prayers.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


January 10, 2021
Feast of the Holy Family

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Today is a wonderful feastday, which reminds us of the importance of the Catholic family. It is in Catholic homes that vocations are nurtured. From devout Catholic families come our priests and religious, as well as Catholic young men and women who, in turn, will raise their own Catholic families.

Here at the seminary we are once again at "full strength", as all our seminarians have returned over the past week from their vacation. Only two weeks remain of the Second Quarter, so the next two weeks will be busy from an academic standpoint, especially after the long Christmas vacation.

There will also be other activities. This week we will have our Epiphany gift exchange on Tuesday, which is always an enjoyable occasion for the seminarians. Each seminarian provides a gift and these are chosen by lot. I have also provided a gift for each seminarian, so there will be plenty of gifts to be opened and shared.

On Thursday of this week we will take advantage of very good rates at Silver Mountain for skiing. It will be our first ski trip of the season, with at least one more to follow. Our winter has been relatively mild so far, and most of the snow around the seminary has melted. But there is still plenty of snow in the mountains for skiing.

I pray that the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph will bless you and your families today!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


January 3, 2021
Most Holy Name of Jesus

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. How quickly the Christmas vacation passes! Today the seminarians will begin returning. We will have at least 4 of them here by tonight, and classes will begin on time tomorrow. Other seminarians will come later in the week.

We also have right now a guest at the seminary--Brother Alphonsus Maria, who is now in his third year as a major seminarian. As a high school boy he spent three years in the minor seminary and also spent another year helping teach Latin to the younger seminarians. It is nice to have him here for a visit, even though it will only be for 3 days.

This week we have the major feast of the Epiphany, which we will honor with a High Mass. There will also be the annual blessing of Epiphany Water on the evening of January 5th. That is a solemn blessing which takes 45 minutes. All of these ceremonies will be live-streamed on our parish website (

Please continue your prayers for our seminary. May you have a grace-filled New Year of 2021. May it be for all of us a time of growth in grace and virtue!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


December 20, 2020
Fourth Sunday of Advent

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. By now all the seminarians have gone home and the seminary is very quiet. There are only the two priests here (and Victor, of course). Although we are now on a somewhat relaxed schedule, with Mass at 8:00 each day instead of 7:00 am, there are still many things to get done over the next few days before Christmas.

It is especially important to make sure that the ceremonies for midnight Mass go smoothly, and that requires serving practice. There is also the decoration of the church to be done. In addition, we will have the funeral on Tuesday for one of our long-time parishioners, Leo Berchtold, who has been a member of this parish for at least 50 years! He passed away on Friday afternoon at the age of 87.

Lee was a model parishioner, a daily Mass attendee, whose wife passed away many years ago from cancer. He gave three of his daughters to the service of God as religious. Of him we can certainly say, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant." May we all prepare well for our departure from this world. The living of a good Catholic life is the best way to prepare for the summons that we all shall received one day.

May you all have a most joyful and blessed Christmas. I will take a week off from blog entries and write again on Sunday, January 3rd.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


December 13, 2020
Third Sunday of Advent

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. With all the activities of the last two weeks I completely forgot the blog entry for last Sunday. Well, needless to say, we have been busy doing God's work here at the seminary.

On Friday Father Philip and I traveled to Omaha for the ordination ceremony. What a wonderful blessing for the Church to now have three new priests! Soon after the ceremony, however, we had to go to the airport in order to return home on time for our Sunday Masses.

After the Masses this morning we had the annual school program. The seminarians were joined by the high school boys in singing two songs, and they did well. In fact, the entire program was most enjoyable with the school children singing songs and reciting poems. There were also several instruments accompanying some of the songs, including one of the seminarians playing the violin.

Our annual school program was early this year, but that was because the seminarians will be going home this week. Some are leaving on Wednesday, although school will go on throughout the week. Also, on Wednesday, we will begin our annual novena for Christmas.

It seems that Christmas is just around the corner. Let us all resolve to make a good Advent during these final two weeks. Divine Infant Jesus, come down into our hearts!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


November 29, 2020
First Sunday of Advent

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. The Season of Advent is an important time of year when we prepare in a spiritual manner for the celebration of Our Lord's birth. Sadly, most people of the world today, including those who call themselves Christians, have made Christmas a time of materialism and worldly celebration, with little thought of the birth of the Divine Infant or why it is that the Son of God came into the world.

At the seminary we have a number of Advent customs. As was mentioned in last week's blog entry, each seminarians makes out a penance schedule for Advent. In addition, we have the custom of the Sacrifice Bowl, which contains on small slips of paper some good sacrifices that the boys have suggested over the years. At breakfast each seminarian chooses one of these at random to be performed that day.

We also observe a few other customs, such as that of the lighting of the Advent wreath, which is done each day, both in chapel at Mass and before supper. Today we will also chant Vespers from the Divine Office. In addition, we began today the novena in preparation for the feast of the Immaculate Conception.

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner a few days ago. Then, on Friday, the boys went to Cataldo to visit the Sacred Heart Mission. The church there was built by the Jesuit missionaries in the 1850s, with the help of the Indians, and is the oldest building in Idaho. They also went for a hike by Lake Coeur d'Alene and to watch for the bald eagles that gather there this time of year

Now, after a few days respite, it is back to regular classes. We only have 3 weeks of school left until the Christmas vacation, so we have to use our time well. Let us all resolve to make a good Advent, knowing that our joy and blessings at Christmas will be proportioned to how we spent Advent.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


November 22, 2020
Twenty-fifth and Last Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. We have come to the last Sunday of the (liturgical) year, when we read the Gospel of Our Lord's prediction of the end of the world and the General Judgment. It is certainly a sobering thought to reflect upon these events, which may (or may not) be many years in the future. Next Sunday we begin the season of Advent, which means that the seminarians will write out during this week their penance schedules for Advent.

During this short week (3 days of classes) the seminarians will finish their ping-pong tournament, which has been exciting for them thus far. The Thanksgiving vacation will be a great time for some extra activities. Three of the boys will go home for the 4-day break, while the others will have their Thanksgiving meal here at the seminary. Friday and Saturday will provide the opportunity for a couple of outings and other recreational activities.

Friday is the feast of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, so we will have enrollment in the miraculous medal after Mass. Just this morning at their sodality meeting (which takes place twice a month), one of the boys gave a report on the apparitions of Our Lady to Saint Catherine Laboure in 1830, when Our Lady gave us the miraculous medal. The miraculous medal is an important sacramental, which we encourage the seminarians to wear. As Our Lady said: Great graces will be given to those who wear this medal, especially when they wear it suspended around the neck.

We hope that all of you, our friends and benefactors, will have a most enjoyable Thanksgiving Day. We all have much to thank God for, and it is important that we do so, often, in order to be deserving of future blessings.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


November 15, 2020
Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. On Thursday the seminarians sang a beautiful Requiem High Mass. They have been learning the more difficult melismatic chant for the gradual and tract, so this is the first time they have sung those chants this year. There were comments by the parishioners on how beautiful it was, so their efforts were appreciated.

We also had another major snowfall this past week. Although the snow is melting right now, it is unusual that we would have three major snowfalls before Thanksgiving. When the snow melts and then falls from the roof of the seminary, there is a loud noise that sounds like the rumbling of a train passing overhead. Then the seminarians have more shoveling to do!

This morning the seminarians had a fund-raising breakfast after each Mass. The funds raised from this event will be used for their skiing trips in January and February. They also advertised (and took orders for) Thanksgiving pies. We offer seven different types of pies, and the parishioners fill out an order blank for which pies they want. Now, this week, the seminarians will be making pies to fill the orders.

They also will continue their table tennis tournament, which is always a lot of fun. That competition should be finished by next weekend. Of course, we continue with our regular routine of classes, and I can say that I am please with their progress in Latin, as well as their other subjects. So we keep busy here at the seminary, and the time passes quickly.

Please continue to keep our seminarians in your prayers, that they will do God's holy will and always be pleasing to Him. And may God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


November 08, 2020
Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. It has been a good week, with the seminarians making many visits for the Poor Souls last Sunday/Monday, as well as visits to the cemetery. The weather was beautiful on All Souls Day for our prayer walk up the hill to the cemetery. Actually, the weather was good throughout the past week, but just today it has turned colder and is now snowing. So it looks as though the nice fall weather is past and winter is at hand.

With the colder weather, we won't be going to the park today, so the boys will be down in the gym this afternoon for some indoor recreation. That will make it quiet in the house, giving me a chance for some rest. Father Philip left for Boise yesterday, a seven-hour drive that he makes once a month, so that means I had all three Sunday Masses here. A bit of afternoon rest will be most welcome.

This week the boys begin their annual ping-pong tournament, so that adds a little excitement to the normal routine. Otherwise, it will be a normal week here at the seminary, as we pursue our daily duty of spiritual exercises and studies. Before we know it, Thanksgiving will arrive, followed by the wonderful season of Advent. Time quickly passes when one is busy doing God's will!

Again, we thank you for your interest in our seminary and for your prayers. May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


November 01, 2020
Feast of All Saints

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Today the weather is beautiful, so the boys are at the park playing football, while I am home working on First Quarter grades. I will also go into chapel every 20 minutes or so this afternoon to make visits for the Poor Souls. Our seminarians have always been generous in the past making these visits to gain the Toties Quoties indulgence, and I am sure this year will be no different.

Tomorrow, of course, each priest is permitted to offer three Masses, and the seminarians attend at least two of them, if not all three Masses. We also walk up the hill to the cemetery after the High Mass to pray for the faithful departed and gain the plenary indulgence that is available during the Octave of All Souls Day. Let us all do whatever we can to help the Poor Souls during this month of November.

Tomorrow we also begin the Second Quarter of our school year--an opportunity to make a fresh start. One of the things I have been reminding the boys is to always write down all homework in their assignment notebooks. They also could improve in the area of studying for quizzes and tests. There is always room for improvement!

We thank you for your interest and support of our seminary. May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


October 25, 2020
Christ the King

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. What a wonderful feast is that of Christ the King! We celebrated with a High Mass with incense, followed by Benediction and the recital of the Act of Consecration to the Sacred Heart. Later today, we will renew the seminary enthronement.

On Friday it snowed all day, yielding a total of six inches. We took the opportunity to light up the burn pile, which had accumulated a lot of branches, leaves, pine needles, etc. Knowing that snow was in the forecast, everyone pitched in on Thursday to pick all the remaining apples. On Saturday Father Philip organized the seminarians into making apple cider. There is nothing quite so good as your own homemade apple cider! Altogether, we made 36 gallons of cider, much of which will go into the freezer.

This week is the final week of the First Quarter, so there will be tests and papers due. The seminarians will also carve pumpkins for the contest which will take place on Friday afternoon. We also expect to mail out the November issue of The Guardian later in the week. So it will be a busy week, packed with activities.

May God bless you and your families. Let us all continue to honor Our Lady of the Rosary and ask her help that we might be always faithful to Christ our King.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


October 20, 2020
Saint John Cantius

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

This blog entry is late, as I was gone over the weekend to our parish in Oakland, Maine. The parish there has had an exciting development with the residence now of two Sisters. They will teach catechism, start a choir, and eventually staff a school. As you can imagine, this is a great delight to the parishioners there, who have no resident priest and, until now, have had no resident Sisters. We began that mission in 2006. Then, in May of 2015 they acquired a church, and, after renovation, the church was solemnly blessed by His Excellency in October of that year. The group has experienced some growth over the years. Hopefully, it will now experience greater growth.

All is well here at the seminary. The boys went to the park to play football on Friday and will go again today--something they really enjoy. In a few days the weather is forecast to turn quite cold, so we have to take advantage of the nice weather while we have it. There also are still a few apple trees to harvest, so that will be done in the next few days.

All is well here at the seminary. The boys went to the park to play football on Friday and will go again today--something they really enjoy. In a few days the weather is forecast to turn quite cold, so we have to take advantage of the nice weather while we have it. There also are still a few apple trees to harvest, so that will be done in the next few days.

We continue to pray our daily Rosary before the Blessed Sacrament exposed, as we do each year throughout the month of October. In addition to all our usual intentions, we are now only two weeks away from the election, so we must implore God's blessings upon our country at this time in particular. May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


October 11, 2020
Divine Maternity BVM (19th Sunday after Pentecost)

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

We have had a wonderful Fatima Conference up here at Mary Immaculate Queen Church. There were lectures on Thursday and Friday, as well as the pontifical High Mass on Friday morning. The seminarians were involved in all these activities. This evening we will have the closing ceremonies here, which include a candlelight procession, devotions and hymns to Our Lady, and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. This year we may have to pray the Rosary inside the church, since rain is forecast.

We have been praying our Rosary daily before the Blessed Sacrament exposed during this month and will continue to do so. How important our Rosaries are, especially at this time in the history of our country! Certainly, a great deal of prayer is needed, given all that has transpired this year, and with the coming election.

Let us all implore God's mercy upon this nation and upon the world. As His Excellency said during the sermon at his Mass here on Friday, what matters above all is the salvation of souls. Ultimately, the battle is for immortal souls.

May we all persevere in staying close to Our Blessed Mother, whose feast we celebrate this day.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


October 04, 2020
Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Yesterday our focus for chores was preparing for the Fatima Conference. This year the lectures will be here in our parish hall, so that will make it convenient for the seminarians to attend. Not only the lectures, but also the bishop's Pontifical High Mass will be held here this week, and the seminarians will all be participating--either by serving or singing for the Mass.

On Wednesday we will have a procession here to honor Our Lady of the Rosary. There will also be a procession next Sunday, which will include the closing ceremonies for the Fatima Conference. Despite the coronavirus (and hence the smaller turnout this year), we hope and pray that the Conference will be a great source of grace.

For the first time we will be live-streaming the lectures of the Conference. You may watch the lectures on Thursday and Friday by using our parish website (, so we hope that many souls will tune in and benefit from the lectures.

Let us all continue to honor Our Lady this month, by devoutly reciting her rosary. May she bless us all, especially with the grace of perseverance!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


September 27, 2020
Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. We have had more rain in the last couple of days and cooler weather, but that didn't stop Father Philip and Mr. Keaveney from taking the boys to the park on Friday for some football. Since we don't have a level grass field here, those trips are welcome opportunities for recreation.

Twice a month Father Philip has Mass at our mission in Lewiston, Idaho, which is a two-hour drive south of here. Today he took some of the older seminarians with him to attend that Mass in order to sing. The boys enjoy singing, and I am sure the people there will appreciate having a choir for Mass..

This week we begin the month of October. Every year during October we pray our daily Rosary before the Blessed Sacrament exposed in the seminary chapel. There certainly are many graces needed at this time, especially for our country, as we approach the election. The Rosary is the most powerful prayer we can use (after the Divine Office), so let us pray as many Rosaries as we can this month! May God bless you all.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


September 20, 2020
Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Never was rain more welcome! Finally, after a week of dealing with hazardous air quality, it finally rained this morning. In addition the winds have shifted so we no longer have smoke from the fires in California and western Oregon blowing into our area. This past week was difficult. We kept all the windows closed. (Fortunately, we have air conditioning, so it was tolerable.) The boys had to play in the gym, but now they are finally able to go outside again and breathe the fresh air.

This week will be a normal week, except for the feast of Our Lady on Thursday. It is not a major feast of Our Blessed Mother, but as usual, we will chant Vespers from the Divine Office on that day. As you know, the boys chant Compline from the Divine Office every Sunday. Otherwise, it will be regular school this week.

Once again we thank you for your support. May God bless you, and may we all grow in our love for Our Blessed Mother, who suffered so many sorrows for us. This is the month to honor her sorrows. Let us remember her great love for us.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


September 13, 2020
Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. We have had a wonderful outing at Lake Coeur d'Alene this past week, from Wednesday afternoon to Saturday afternoon. The weather was perfect and the water temperature was great. The boys enjoyed plenty of swimming, canoeing, and indoor games.

The one downside was that the atmosphere turned smoky on the final day of the trip. We were fortunate, however, that the air was clean the first few days, yet we knew that sooner or later the haze would come our direction. As you know, there have been many wildfires in California, Oregon and central Washington. Fortunately, there have been no wildfires in our area, but the smoke from all the fires has traveled. Right now we are praying that the weather will change and the wind will push the smoky air away from us. The best scenario, of course, would be rain to put out the fires.

Now as we enter our fourth week, I am looking forward to getting into the normal school routine. The first few weeks are a sort of "get-acquainted" time for the boys. We spend time going over the various rules, routines and procedures. Now that the new boys have adjusted to these routines, we are ready to get into the full academic curriculum, with regular testing and homework. That will keep them fully occupied--it is good for the seminarians to be busy with study, prayer, chores and recreation!

Again, I thank you for reading our blog and ask you to continue to remember our seminary in your prayers. May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


September 06, 2020
Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. So far we have had a good start to our school year. Now that we have completed our first full week of classes, I can say that all is going well.

This morning we had our first High Mass with incense. We usually do this on the first Sunday of the month. Instead of a regular "Missa Cantata," there is the addition of incense. It is nice to once again have the seminarians here, so that we can have the more elaborate liturgical ceremonies. Also, my sermon today was on the beauty of Church music and the value of the people joining in with the choir. Everyone in the church was joining in today, and it was truly beautiful..

Tomorrow, even though it is a national holiday, we will have regular classes at the seminary. That will allow us to take an extra day at the lake this week! We will leave Wednesday afternoon and return Saturday afternoon. As you can imagine, there will be plenty of swimming, canoeing, and games. The weather here has been unusually warm, so even though a slight cool-down is expected in the next two days, the weather should be great for our lake trip.

This annual event is a tradition at the seminary. Originally we had a camping trip at the beginning of the year, but with the offer of using a lake house owned by one of our parishioners, this introductory activity at the beginning of the school year has turned into an exciting day of swimming, games and fun on the water. You can imagine how much the boys are looking forward to it.

Once again, we thank you for your interest in our seminary and ask your prayers. May God bless you and your loved ones!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


August 30, 2020
Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. We are back in session here at the seminary! The boys started arriving on Saturday, August 22, the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. By the following Tuesday they were all present, and we started our year with the annual opening orientation. Then, on Wednesday morning, classes began.

Our boys are a great group--an even dozen. They hail from Colorado, Georgia, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, Quebec and Washington. This year we have boys in every grade, from 8th through 12th. This allows us to make a differentiation between upperclassmen (Juniors and Seniors), and underclassmen (the rest). The upperclassmen help us with supervising chores and work detail. This gives them an opportunity to learn good leadership skills. As I remind them--they set the tone in the seminary. They are more effective in maintaining a good morale than even the teachers are. Fortunately, we are blessed with an excellent group of upperclassmen.

This Tuesday we will mail out our first issue of The Guardian for this new school year, which is our twenty-second year of operating the minor seminary. We know we can count on your prayers for a successful year. We also pray daily for our benefactors. May God bless you and your families, especially with the grace of vocations.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


July 19, 2020
Seventh Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. In my last blog entry over a month ago, I mentioned that my mother was not expected to live much longer. Well, amazingly, she lived another 6 weeks after we were told to expect her passing at any time. She finally did pass away last night at about 9:20 pm, very peacefully, with most of her children around her bed. Over the past month and more we have visited her frequently in her last illness, praying many Rosaries for her. Please remember in your prayers the repose of the soul of Joan Catherine Hughes (10-26-1926 to 7-18-2020).

This week will be a busy one at the seminary as we prepare for the annual Boys' Camp, which begins next Sunday. After that, all our attention will be on the upcoming school year, now little more than a month away. May you enjoy the remainder of this summer with your families, and may we all daily prepare for the moment will God will call us out of this vale of tears to our true home.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


June 07, 2020
Trinity Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Last week the seminarians enjoyed a great camping trip at Priest Lake. Fortunately, the weather was good and all went well. They arrived home late Wednesday, and that gave us just one full day to get ready for their trip home. Thursday was spent saying good-byes, getting laundry done, packing the van, and having a final celebratory dinner with all staff members.

The seminarians left with Father Philip after Mass on Friday morning (except for Joseph, who went to his home in the area.) Thanks be to God, they all arrived home safely the next day. Now the seminary is quiet, and Victor is trying to figure out what is going on.

Here at the seminary there are now four of us: Father Philip, Brother Louis, Mr. Gerard Keaveney, and myself. We have quite a list of things to be done, and before we know it, Boys' Camp will be here. But before then, we will have a retreat. On June 27 Brother Louis will renew his vows for three years, and on June 28 we will have confirmation and our annual parish picnic. So summer will still be busy.

On Tuesday of this week, we will have the funeral for Brother Mary Joseph, CMRI. He passed away last Monday, June 1, of complications from pneumonia. Brother was 78 years old, the longest-serving member of our congregation of priests and brothers. Last year marked his 50th anniversary of vows. He was most devoted to Our Lady's Rosary and her message. He also was active in the fight against abortion, going to a local abortion clinic every week to pray the 15-decades of the Rosary. Please pray for the repose of his soul. (The funeral will be live-streamed on

As you know, my own mother is also in need of our prayers, as she is not expected to live much longer. At 93 years of age she has had a full life. Fortunately, all 9 of us (One of my brothers died in 2017) have been able to visit her regularly and pray with her. She is very weak and could pass away at any time

During the summer there will not be a regular blog, but I will at least add an entry on the first Sunday of each month. I pray that you will all have a most enjoyable summer--especially one that will be free from all spiritual harm. Above all, let us maintain our prayer life as we enjoy this time of rest and relaxation. Before we know it, a new school year will be upon us!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


May 31, 2020
Pentecost Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. This morning we made our annual renewal of Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary, as outlined by Saint Louis Marie de Montfort. This is a custom we have the seminary, whereby we spend the 33 days before May 31 in following the preparation given by Saint Louis. On May 31 we make the act of consecration, and those seminarians who have never done so before (at least in a formal manner) are able to make the consecration for the first time. This morning there were three seminarians who formally consecrated themselves to Jesus through Mary for the first time.

Yesterday we all went out for dinner to an Italian restaurant named Angelo's. It was the first time I have been in a restaurant for at least 3 months. Things are opening up again here in Idaho, so it was nice to see people going to a restaurant again. Of course, the boys enjoyed the good Italian food.

As I write, the boys have already left with Father Philip and Brother Louis on the annual camping trip to Priest Lake. They spent yesterday packing, getting fishing licenses, and in other ways preparing for the trip. It will be nice to see the photos and get all the stories about the trip when they get back Wednesday evening. Fortunately, it looks like the weather will be ideal over the next few day.

On Thursday we will have an end-of-year school program, followed by the awards ceremony. The seminarians will sing a few of the hymns they have learned over the past few months. Their favorite is the Palestrina "Sicut Cervus," but they also like to sing "Haec Dies" and "Dixit Maria," so it should be a nice program to end the school year. Then on Friday morning, they will leave for home!

May God bless you and your families, and may we all have a safe, enjoyable, and spiritually rewarding summer!.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


May 24, 2020
Sunday after the Ascension
(Mary, Help of Christians)

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. This past week there has been a lot of rain. In fact, we weren't sure if we would be able to have the Rogation processions on the 3 days before the Ascension. Fortunately, we were able to have the outdoor processions, chanting the Litany of the Saints, on Monday and Tuesday. On Wednesday we chanted the litany inside the church, due to the rain.

On Ascension Thursday the boys went hiking to Tubbs Hill in Coeur d'Alene, with a stop at the Cold Stone Creamery afterwards. Otherwise, we had a regular routine of classes during this past week.

This week will be our final week of regular school, so we will finish all testing and assignments. The annual camping trip had been scheduled for this week, but Idaho State Parks are closed until May 30, so the boys will leave next Sunday for Priest Lake. There will be a lot of preparations going on this week for the big event.

We also will have two important events this week. Tomorrow, on Memorial Day, we will have our annual Queenship procession. This beautiful ceremony on the last Monday of May each year is the culmination of our May devotions in honor of Our Lady. Then, on Tuesday, we will have a Solemn High Mass for Father Philip Marie's feastday. (His patron is Saint Philip Neri.)

Currently, we are praying a novena in preparation for the feast of Pentecost, which is next Sunday. I pray that we will all have a blessed final week of May, as we seek to continue to honor Our Blessed Mother with our daily devotions this month and also prepare for the great feast of Pentecost next Sunday.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


May 17, 2020
Fifth Sunday after Easter

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. We had a beautiful outdoor procession here last Wednesday, May 13, reciting the 15 decades of the Rosary. Even though it had rained earlier in the day, the weather was perfect for the procession. Now I hope we get just as good of weather for our remaining processions.

Since we have Rogation days this week (Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday), we plan on having a procession each day, chanting the litany of the saints. This is a wonderful and ancient Catholic practice, but one which is not feasible in most parishes. Since we have seminarians here, we are able to have the processions. If we are unable to have a procession on any of these days due to rain, we will just chant the litany and accompanying prayers in the church, followed by a High Mass. This year, with the coronavirus epidemic, these Rogation Days take on added significance.

On Thursday, of course, there will be no classes. We plan on taking the boys on an outing for a hike at one of the many beautiful trails in northern Idaho. Today they are heading to a city park here, where there is a large field for playing soccer, baseball, football, etc. We normally use this local park quite a bit, but this will be the first time this year, due to the "stay-home" orders, which, fortunately, are being gradually eased in Idaho..

We continue to honor Our Blessed Mother each day of this month, through the public evening Rosary and daily May crowning. The seminarians have also helped to refurbish the outdoor shrine of Our Lady. On Friday a number of them helped to plant new sod at the shrine, which looks wonderful. Just in time for our upcoming Queenship procession, which will take place in 8 days.

Given the quickly approaching end of the school year, I am thinking that this will be the final week for regular classes, so we will try to wrap up the main academics this week. As you can imagine, the boys are eagerly looking forward to the camping trip, which will be here before we know it. They also are starting to pack and get ready for leaving in a few weeks.

In the meantime, however, we continue our daily routine here at Saint Joseph Seminary. We also pray daily for all our benefactors. May God bless you and your loved ones!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


May 10, 2020
Fourth Sunday after Easter

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. We wish a Happy Mothers' Day to the Moms of all our seminarians and to all Mothers who read this blog. Be assured that you are specially remembered in our prayers at the seminary. Of course, I will be visiting my own mother today (who lives in Spokane). Usually, I get a few words from her, but she is not much longer for this world. She eats almost nothing and is very thin and frail, so I would appreciate your remembering her in your prayers.

We also continue to honor Our Blessed Mother throughout this month. Each day a different seminarian procures flowers for her shrine in the classroom and join in the public daily Rosary. On Wednesday, the anniversary of Our Lady's first apparition at Fatima, there will be a Rosary procession here on the property, reciting all 15 decades of the Rosary. For many years our parishioners have joined with the parishioners from Mount Saint Michael to pray the Rosary on the 13th of the month in downtown Spokane. Since we are not able to pray it in Spokane this month, it will be recited here.

The seminarians are really looking forward to their end-of-year camping trip. We usually go to Priest Lake, which is 2 hours north of here, but Idaho State parks are closed to May 30. We will either wait until then or come up with some alternative. One thing is for sure--spring fever is in the air here at the seminary! Just a few more weeks to go.

May God bless you and your families and keep us all safe from harm.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


May 3, 2020
Finding of the Holy Cross
(Third Sunday after Easter)

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. As of Friday, May 1st, the faithful are now allowed to come to Mass, although maintaining a distance from other parishioners who are not family members. It is certainly nice to see the parishioners able, once again, to attend Mass. In order to accommodate the requested distance, we will have 4 Masses next Sunday, which will allow the parishioners to spread out over the four Masses, thus reducing the numbers present for each Mass.

Here at the seminary we continue to recite prayers daily for an end to the coronvirus epidemic. Also, on Friday we had an all-night vigil of adoration before the Blessed Sacrament exposed in the monstrance. In addition to asking God's mercy for an end to this trial, we also have been praying for the conversion of sinners, that they will cease offending God. May this epidemic be an opportunity for many souls to turn away from sin and turn to God.

This week will be a normal week at the seminary, as we begin tomorrow the second half of the final quarter of the school year. (We teachers will make out today our mid-quarter grade reports.) The school year is quickly coming to an end, but we do our best to keep our seminarians focused on finishing out the year well.

May God grant us His grace to always do His holy will!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


April 26, 2020
Second Sunday after Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Yesterday we had a simple but beautiful Greater Litanies procession. Only those who live here--priests, seminarians, Sisters, etc.--were able to attend, but nevertheless we fulfilled the requirements of the Liturgy and prayed especially for God's blessings at this difficult time. Fortunately, the rain held off until after the procession.

This week the seminarians will sing a High Mass on Friday, the feast of Saint Joseph the Worker. Friday also begins the month of May, during which we seek to honor Our Blessed Mother in a special way. Here at the City of Mary we will have our usual May devotional practices in honor of Our Lady.

Tuesday is the feast of Saint Louis Marie de Montfort. Every year on his feast we begin the daily prayers of preparation for Total Consecration to Mary, as taught by this great saint. Any seminarians who wish to make the act of consecration for the first time will have the opportunity to do so on May 31, by joining in these daily prayers.

We are looking forward to once again welcoming our parishioners to daily and Sunday Mass, once the Coronavirus stay-home order expires this Thursday night. It has been a long time of trial, and we are all anxious to get back into the normal routine. May God grant health of body and mind to each of you--an intention that we pray for daily.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


April 19, 2020
Low Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. The past week has been a relaxing week at the seminary, as we have had our Spring Break. The seminarians have enjoyed the extra free time, with plenty of games, a few movies, and other activities, such as the bonfire last night. They have also helped with cleanup of the grounds, so there has been no lack of things to keep them busy.

Tomorrow morning we are back to the normal routine of classes. Then, on Saturday, we will have the procession of the major litanies, which is especially appropriate during this time of the coronavirus epidemic. (The tradition of the major litanies procession originated in Rome as a means of invoking God's help during a particularly devastating plague.)

The weather has turned noticeably warmer, and that is especially welcome at this time, as we hope that the warmer temperatures will mean the end, soon, of the coronavirus epidemic. Viruses don't like sunlight, so let's hope and pray that the dangers of this virus and the accompanying stay-home orders will soon be past. It will be nice to once again see our church filled with parishioners for Sunday Mass!

May Our Lord and Our Blessed Mother bestow their graces on you, especially during this difficult time, and may we all appreciate more the blessings of the sacraments and Holy Mass!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


April 12, 2020
Easter Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. We have had a wonderful Holy Week, with all the ceremonies of Holy Mother Church, despite the fact that the church has been virtually empty. (We have had only the servers, the Sisters and a small choir attending the ceremonies.) Fortunately, by using modern technology, we have been able to live-stream the ceremonies for the benefit of faithful Catholics throughout the world. Of course, we don't have the best technology, so there were glitches with the live-streaming, but it was still most beneficial for many souls who have not been able to attend Mass.

As you can imagine, I have received many emails, notes and texts of gratitude. One person put it quite well--that it is only when we don't have what we are accustomed to, that we learn to treasure it. Let us thank God daily for all the Masses we have attended and Communions we have received, knowing that each Mass and Communion is an inestimable blessing. Let us never take our faith for granted.

Yesterday was chilly and windy. Yet despite the cold temperatures, the seminarians helped Father Philip set up a fitting outdoor altar for the Holy Sacrifice. This morning Father Philip offered an outdoor Mass at 9:00 am. People had to stay in their cars in the parking lot, watching the Mass, and there was no sermon or distribution of Holy Communion. It was the best we could do under the circumstances.

We will have a nice, relaxing week here at the seminary. The boys plan on doing some camping on our property, with plenty of games and other activities. We can't go to the park, but fortunately we have a large property and gym, so there won't be any lack of things to do. We hope you all enjoy your Easter week. May we all be grateful each day for all the blessings God has give us, especially for the gift of the true faith!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


April 5, 2020
Palm Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Everything continues very well at the seminary, despite the restrictions caused by "Stay Home" government orders. We continue with our regular classes and schedule. In fact, the boys are all doing well and are in great spirits.

As you know, we also live-stream our daily Mass for the benefit of souls throughout our country and the world. Just this morning we had 1,192 views from 11 different countries, including Russia, Japan, and the Philippines, as well as a number of countries in Europe and, of course, people from around the United States. I pray that this service is a means of grace to help souls through this trial.

We also started this morning the practice of adding four short prayers after Mass each day. They are prayers for times of calamity and include numbers: 722, 723, 725 & 726 from the 1957 edition of the Raccolta. This is in addition to our other prayers and practices for the cessation of this trial. But I especially pray that the hardships resulting from the coronavirus will lead people to examine their conscience and amend their lives.

Yesterday the boys worked outside, but there is still a lot of raking and other yard-work, given the size of our grounds. So this week will be occupied principally in outdoor work and in rehearsing for the liturgy. I have found that you cannot practice something too many times. Yesterday we held two separate practices for the Palm Sunday ceremonies, and still there were a number of mistakes. But I must remember that even though I have performed the Holy Week ceremonies for many years and know them practically by heart, for these boys it is a once a year event that requires plenty of practice.

We pray that your Holy Week will be filled with grace. May we all grow in our love for Jesus, who gave His life for us!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


March 29, 2020
Passion Sunday
(Fifth Sunday of Lent)

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Just this past Wednesday the governor of Idaho declared a "stay-at home" order, as is the case in many other states. Consequently, we have been limited to private Masses, attended only by the seminarians and Sisters who live here. Here at the seminary we again had an all-night vigil before the Blessed Sacrament exposed on Friday night for a speedy end to the coronavirus threat.

Other than that, however, everything at the seminary has continued as normal. This past Wednesday the seminarians sang a high Mass for the feast of the Annunciation. Shortly, we will have a choir practice to prepare for Vespers, which they will chant at 4:30 pm today. Given the restrictions on gatherings, we decided to have Vespers at the church today, so that it can be live-streamed.

The weather has turned cooler and rainy, but the rain held off long enough yesterday to allow the boys to do a lot of outdoor work. There is still a good amount of raking and other outdoor work to prepare the grounds for Easter, so we hope to be able to get that done in the next couple of weeks. The seminarians also have been enjoying volleyball outside, so they are getting plenty of fresh air.

Also, this past week they have had the annual pool tournament. But now our focus shifts to preparing for Holy Week. Even though we will not have a large congregation for Masses and ceremonies, we will strive to prepare them well, for the benefit of those who watch them via the Internet. As I mentioned last Sunday, you can access the live-streamed Masses and devotions by going to, where you will find the live-streaming on the home page.

Let us all continue to pray for a speedy end to this epidemic. Let us also pray that men will realize that God is offended by sin. This current health threat is an opportunity for souls to turn to God in their distress and amend their lives. I pray that will be the lasting result of this trial.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


March 22, 2020
Fourth Sunday of Lent
(Laetare Sunday)

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. What a week it has been. It was last Monday that President Trump held a press conference in which various guidelines were delivered to counteract the Coronavirus threat. Among other things, most schools were closed, but Saint Joseph Seminary has not ceased operation. In fact, life here has continued as normal.

On Thursday we celebrated the feast of Saint Joseph with a solemn High Mass. Before Mass we had a sodality reception ceremony, in which one seminarian joined the sodality, and three sodalists became professed members. Then, after lunch, the seminarians went bowling. Afterwards, they went to a park and then out for ice cream. All in all, it was a wonderful way to celebrate our seminary patron.

Right now as I write, the seminarians are outside playing volleyball. It has been sunny and mild all week, so the boys have taken advantage of the nice weather to get plenty of sun and physcial activity. Yesterday, they took care of a lot of outdoor chores as well.

We are also having our annual pool tournament. After the "Round Robin" competition over the past week, they are now into the tournament portion. I want them to finish this week, so that next Sunday (which begins Passiontide) we can concentrate entirely on the Passion of Our Lord and preparing for Holy Week.

Finally, in case you were not aware, we are live-streaming the Mass every day here at our church. We started doing this last August, but it is especially now that many churches are closed, that it has begun to be widely used as a means of attending Mass in spirit. If you are interested, just go to and you will find the live-streaming on the home page.

Be assured that we are praying for all of you and for an end to the Coronavirus threat. We started this past week having an all-night vigil on Friday nights, and we will continue to do so, for the health of our families, parishioners and fellow American citizens, and that the Coronavirus will cease. Let us all continue to pray for this intention!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


March 15, 2020
Third Sunday of Lent

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Although the Coronavirus scare is sweeping the country, all is well at the seminary, as we have been following--and will continue to follow--our normal routine. Lent is going well as we continue our Lenten practices and devotions, although this week will be different!

On Tuesday evening the seminary will hold the annual Saint Patrick's Day talent show. Then, on Thursday, we will have a Solemn High Mass in honor of our seminary patron Saint Joseph. Also, this evening we will celebrate the birthday of Evan Estrada. (His birthday was yesterday, but he has asked that we have the celebration today, due to the Lenten season.) His is the second seminary birthday this month.

We have had a very cold weekend with several inches of blowing snow Friday night and Saturday morning. The unusual cold snap is already clearing out and the temperatures are heading back into a normal spring-like pattern. It is nice to hear the chirping of birds again when I get up in the morning.

Right now as I write, the seminarians are cleaning up at the church from our annual Saint Joseph/Saint Patrick parish breakfast fund-raiser. This week they will be especially busy with studies as we conclude the Third Quarter. Never a dull moment in the seminary!

Let us all honor Saint Joseph, especially this week on his feastday, and ask for his powerful intercession for our families, our seminary and for Holy Mother Church!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


March 8, 2020
Second Sunday of Lent

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. All is well at the seminary, as we begin the second full week of Lent. Once again, the seminarians will chant Vespers this evening, as well as the usual Compline. Of course, we all continue our Lenten sacrifices and strive to make a good Lent, in union with our Sorrowful Mother.

In addition to another basketball game this week, the seminarians will begin the annual pool tournament. They also have been practicing for the annual Saint Patrick's Day talent show. It looks like there will be a good number of Irish songs and poems for this year's celebration.

Today we celebrate the birthday of Thaddeus Kuck, one of three seminarians with birthdays this month. Of course, we also look forward to the coming feast of Saint Joseph, which is always celebrated in a special way in the seminary. May this great patron assist our families and all of us to grow in our love for Jesus and Mary!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


March 1, 2020
First Sunday of Lent

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. The past week was a busy one. On Monday and Tuesday the seminarians took the annual Stanford-10 achievement tests. This is something we do each year as an aid for teachers and parents to see how well we are doing in educating our young men. The report allows us to see how our seminarians measure up with students their age around the country in the different areas of academic achievement.

Wednesday, of course, was the beginning of Lent. We had a high Mass for Ash Wednesday, but before Lent began, the seminarians enjoyed a "no-homework" day on Tuesday. That evening was spent with some additional recreational, after a special evening meal.

On Thursday our seminarians enjoyed playing a basketball game against the students from Mount Saint Michael. There is a nice gym at the Mount, with a full-sized basketball court, so it was a lot of fun for the seminarians to play a real game against another school. We had tried back in September to schedule games against other small schools this year, but their schedules were already full. We will have one more game against the high-school boys from the Mount on this Thursday.

On Friday evening the seminarians began their annual retreat, which will wrap up today. This year Father Carlos Borja is here to deliver the spiritual conferences of the retreat. I am most grateful for his willingness to arrange to come here, as it is helpful to have an outside priest give the retreat.

As we continue the season of Lent, with its various devotions and penitential practices, we pray that Our Blessed Mother will bless each of us with a greater sorrow for sin, a firm purpose of amendment and a deeper love for Jesus crucified. May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


February 23, 2020
Quinquagesima Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Yesterday evening we had a most enjoyable parish potluck and talent show. The seminarians all participated--some of them even being involved in several different submissions for the talent show. There were plenty of songs, as well as some skits. "The Three Little Pigs--Shakespearean version" was the overwhelming favorite, while their skit "The Four Yorkshire Men" came in second place. Everyone had a great time.

In addition to all their practices for the Talent Show over the past couple of weeks, the seminarians have been playing ping-pong games as part of the annual tournament. We are now down to the championship game between Joseph and Jesse, which will be played either tonight or tomorrow. These tournaments provide some extra-curricular activities which the boys enjoy.

Of course, the whole focus this week will be on Lent. The seminarians have all submitted penance schedules, asking approval for their various chosen penances. They will all be involved on Ash Wednesday in the ceremonies of the day. Then, on Friday, they will begin the annual retreat. This year we have Fr. Carlos Borja coming in to be the retreat-master. We bring a different priest in every year for this purpose.

I pray that we will all have a holy Lent. Let us remember that this important season is a time of great grace, for those who use it well. Let us all resolve to make a good Lent! May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


February 16, 2020
Sexagesima Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. On Friday the seminarians had their third and final trip to the ski slopes. Fortunately, the conditions were perfect, as there had been 5 inches of new snow from the night before, and the weather was fine. Also, as I mentioned last Sunday, we will have a parish potluck and talent show this Saturday, and the seminarians will be participating. That will serve as a nice activity before Lent begins.

This week will mark the mid-point of the Third Quarter, so the seminarians will receive mid-quarter grade slips. Time is quickly going by. In a couple weeks they will take the annual achievement tests, which help us to make sure we are covering all the bases in their education.

As I mentioned last week, we are preparing the seminarians to chant Sunday Vespers during Lent. In addition, they will each turn in their proposal for private practices of penances. We encourage them to take upon themselves practices of penance that would not interfere with their daily duty of studies. Let us all reflect on what we will do this year, to have a good, spiritual Lent.

May God bless you and your families. Let us pray for one another.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


February 9, 2020
Septuagesima Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. The beginning of "pre-Lent" always provides a stark contrast with the joyful season of Christmas and Epiphany. The violet vestments, the omission of the Gloria on the Sundays, and the suspension of the Alleluia verse prepare us for the sorrowful and penitential season of Lent.

But before then we will have a parish pre-Lent celebration, which will include a talent show. So all the seminarians are busy preparing something to offer for the talent show, which will take place in just under 2 weeks. In addition, they are busy right now with the annual ping-pong tournament. This Friday they will have their third and final trip to Silver Mountain for skiing. By now, they are all "seasoned" skiers.

This week the seminarians will sing a High Mass for the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. They are also working on the chanting of Sunday Vespers, which will take place each Sunday during Lent. Other than that, all is well at the seminary, as we continue each day to form these young souls, with God's help, to become "other Christ's." May God bless them, and may He send us more vocations! And may He bless you and your families!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


February 2, 2020
Purification BVM

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. After several days with rain and unusually warm temperatures, today dawned a beautifully sunny day, which is most appropriate for the feast of Our Lady's Purification. The seminarians served the ceremonies for the blessing of candles, and the weather allowed us to have a short procession outside the church. The procession with blessed candles today reminds us of the journey of Mary and Joseph with the Christ Child from Bethlehem to Jerusalem, forty days after His birth, to be presented to His heavenly Father. The holy old man Simeon took the Child Jesus into his arms and blessed God that he had been permitted to see the Savior before his death.

Every Sunday the seminarians chant Compline of the Divine Office, in which we pray the Canticle of Simeon: "Now thou dost dismiss they servant, O Lord, according to they word, in peace...." We also begin, tonight, to conclude our daily night prayers with a new final antiphon of Our Blessed Mother called the Ave Regina Caelorum. It is important that seminarians learn and appreciate the beauty of the liturgy, that they might one day, as priests, be able to convey this beauty and appreciation to the faithful.

On another topic, did you know that today's date is a palindrome? You can write the date (02/02/2020) forward and backwards, and it is the same. The last time that happened was over 900 years ago, on November 11 in the year 1111. Here at the seminary we pass along little tidbits of trivia like this to the seminarians, so I thought I would share it with you as well!

May God bless you and your families!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


January 27, 2020
Third Sunday after Epiphany

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. This past Friday the seminarians went on their second ski trip--this time with some of the priests who had attended the priests' meeting. The conditions weren't perfect but they had a great time, as usual.

The weather has been mild for this time of year, with a good amount of rain lately. Since the conditions aren't good for sledding right now, the boys are turning their attention to some indoor activities, in addition to basketball in the gym. This is the time of year when we start the annual tournaments, and the first one up will be table tennis, which will start next Monday.

Next Sunday is an important feastday, on which we bless the candles for the church. I typically order candles to last the entire year, and we bless them every year on Candlemas Day. The shipment of candles recently arrived, just in time for the blessing. Next Sunday also concludes the Christmas season, so that means that we will soon be taking down the decorations, as we look towards the holy season of Lent.

May God bless you and your families!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


January 19, 2020
Second Sunday after Epiphany

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. During the past week we have been deluged with snow. Several snowfalls, back to back, have brought beautiful winter scenery but also plenty of shoveling work. The seminarians have been a big help with the shoveling, but they have also enjoyed the sledding. This Friday, they will have a second trip to Silver Mountain for skiing.

As you know, our priests gather with His Excellency, Bishop Pivarunas, twice a year for meetings. During these meetings we cover dogmatic and moral points, pastoral situations, liturgical questions, and current affairs in the traditional movement. They are a wonderful opportunity for the priests to gather and discuss mutual concerns and questions.

Our semi-annual meeting this week will take place at Mount Saint Michael, but on Wednesday the bishop and priests will come to the minor seminary for dinner. This will be an ideal opportunity for the seminarians to become acquainted with priests they have never met and to converse with priests they have known but have not seen for a while. Such a meeting is always a boost for a young man who aspires to the priesthood.

Tomorrow we begin the Second Semester of studies. Please continue to pray for our young men, that they will grow in holiness as they grow in knowledge. You also are remembered in our daily prayers.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


January 12, 2020
Feast of the Holy Family

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Our seminarians have all returned (some of them not arriving until Wednesday), and we are back into the routine of regular classes. On Thursday we had our gift exchange, and then on Friday the seminarians enjoyed their first ski trip of the season. We hope to go skiing again in two weeks, after the conclusion of the semester.

It has been snowing heavily over the past couple days, and is snowing right now as I write this blog. Yesterday the seminarians all worked on shoveling, and then they built a toboggan run. Today, after they finish their homework, they will be out enjoying the run with the new sleds we recently purchased.

This week is the final week of the semester, so it will be a busy week with tests and assignments. Then, next week, we have our annual priests' meeting at Mount Saint Michael. I will tell you more about that in next Sunday's blog.

On this wonderful feast of the Holy Family, I pray for all of our families. Be sure to re-consecrate your family to the Holy Family, for it is in truly Catholic families that vocations to the priesthood are nurtured. May God bless you and your families!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


January 05, 2020
Holy Name of Jesus

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. It has been a busy morning. Father Philip, who returned yesterday from his 2-week stay in Phoenix, offered the first Mass. After Mass we set up the sanctuary and prepared for the blessing of the Epiphany water. This is a lengthy blessing which includes many chants and prayers. Two of the seminarians were present to assist at the blessing, with the others coming back later today or tomorrow.

The blessing of Epiphany water was followed by the High Mass, and then after Mass we had our parish potluck to celebrate the Christmas season. There was a large turnout and everyone enjoyed it. Now it is time to turn our attention back to school.

This week will be a lighter week of studies, as we get back into the routine. Tomorrow we will have a celebration of the Epiphany of Our Lord. On Thursday we will have our gift exchange, and on Friday the seminarians will have their first ski trip of the season.

I am looking forward to having our seminarians back as we begin this new year of 2020!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


December 22, 2019
Fourth Sunday of Advent

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. The seminarians have left for vacation with their families and the seminary is much quieter than normal, with just a few of us here. Father Philip left yesterday for Phoenix, where he will spend the next two weeks helping one of our priests (Father Ephrem Cordova, CMRI) who is recovering from seizures. Please pray for Father Ephrem for a complete recovery!

During the past week Father Philip organized the boys to help him in decorating the seminary for Christmas. With their help Father did a nice job decorating our classroom and recreation room--now we just have to decorate the dining room tomorrow. Here at the seminary we do not put up our decorations until just before Christmas, and we will leave them up until the Purification of Our Lady on February 2nd, the final day of the Christmas season. Now, over the next two days we will put the finishing touches upon our seminary decorations and preparations for the liturgy.

Today's brief blog will be the last one until January 5th. During this period of Christmastide we hope that you will all enjoy a restful and blessed Twelve Days of Christmas with your families. From all of us at Saint Joseph Seminary: May you have a blessed and merry Christmas, and a happy and grace-filled New Year.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


December 15, 2019
Third Sunday of Advent

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. The ordination ceremony in Omaha on Thursday was beautiful and memorable. Altogether, there were about 22 priests present for this important occasion in the life of the Church. Let us all continue to pray for these new priests and for more vocations.

This morning the seminarians sang 2 songs for the Christmas program. The first, entitled The King" was an old English carol with a lovely melody. That was followed by Palestrina's setting to the Alma Redemptoris Mater, which is the antiphon to Our Lady that we sing each night at the end of night prayers for this time of year. Under Father Philip's direction the seminarians and High School boys did very well. The entire program, including presentations by the school children, was most enjoyable.

During this week the seminarians will all be leaving for Christmas vacation. Although Friday is our last day of school before vacation begins, some of the boys need to leave early, so it will be a lighter week of academics than normal. And that is just fine, because now, during the novena for Christmas (which begins tomorrow), our focus is on preparing for Christmas.

Let us all continue to make a good Advent, that we might experience a truly joyful and blessed Christmas.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


December 8, 2019
Second Sunday of Advent

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. On Friday afternoon the seminarians worked on some outdoor chores, since it was forecast on Saturday to rain all day (which it did!). Primary among these chores was finishing putting up the outdoor lights at the church. Brother Louis and the boys used a lift to do this safely. I am glad that it is finished before the cold weather comes.

Tomorrow we will celebrate the feast of the Immaculate Conception of Our Lady with a High Mass. On Wednesday Father Philip and I will leave for Omaha to attend the ordination ceremony on Thursday. Three new priests this week! May God grant that they be holy priests, and may He send us many more vocations. Let us all pray for these deacons over the next few days, as they prepare for the most important event in their lives.

This afternoon I will take the boys to a Christmas concert at the local community college, and then we will go out for dinner. Soon, they will be leaving for home for the Christmas vacation. Let us all continue to prepare well for Christmas by a holy Advent!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


December 1, 2019
First Sunday of Advent

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. On Wednesday we celebrated the feast of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal with a High Mass and chanted Vespers. Once again, the seminarians sang beautifully under Father Philip's direction. There also was enrollment after Mass for anyone not yet enrolled in the miraculous medal.

The next day we had a nice, quiet Thanksgiving at the seminary. With three seminarians at home with their families, that left 6 boys here with the 4 religious (2 priests and 2 Brothers.) Everyone pitched in to help with the cooking, and we enjoyed a delicious dinner.

On Friday we went out for dinner at a restaurant and then went to the fireworks show in Coeur d'Alene. On Saturday the boys had a ping-pong tournament. Of course there were plenty of games in between these events, as well as a couple movies. After a nice Thanksgiving vacation, we are now ready to get back to studies and finish out the remaining weeks until Christmas.

In preparation for Advent, each of the seminarians submits a list of extra prayers and sacrifices to perform. We also have a few penitential practices for the whole seminary. The boys will also continue to prepare to sing at the Christmas program, which is coming up in just two weeks.

I pray that you will all have a blessed Advent--a most important season in preparation for the celebration of Our Lord's birth. May we all grow closer to the Infant Jesus and High Blessed Mother!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


November 24, 2019
Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. The feast of Our Lady's Presentation this past Thursday was a beautiful feast. We had a solemn High Mass, and also the chanting of Vespers of Our Lady. This week we will celebrate another wonderful feast of Our Lady--that of her miraculous medal. This feast is important to the members of our religious congregation, as we all wear the miraculous medal with our habit. Again, we will have a High Mass on Wednesday, as well as chanted Vespers.

For Thanksgiving Day we will celebrate here at the seminary. Although we have had a couple of invitations, since there will be 6 seminarians here, as well as the priests and Brothers, we have decided to have our own Thanksgiving at the seminary. The boys will help with the preparation of the meal. Then, on Friday, we will go to the fireworks show in Coeur d'Alene. We are all looking forward to a few days of relaxation!

Speaking of Thanksgiving, after Mass on that day we will recite the Te Deum, which is the Church's official prayer of thanksgiving. We also will prepare, at the end of this week, for Advent, which is coming up next Sunday. We always have the Advent wreath and some other seminary practices during this important season.

We hope that you will all enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday. We certainly have much for which to give thanks to God, especially our holy Catholic faith!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


November 17, 2019
Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Over time, certain practices become a tradition in a given family or institution. So we have a number of "traditions" here at the minor seminary. One of them is to guess the first real snowfall. (By "real" we mean that it must be at least 2 inches and remain on the ground at least 24 hours.) Well, our first snowfall was actually very early (September 28) and amounted to 5 inches here. Then there was another early snowfall in the first half of October. So our contest this year is for the first snowfall after November 1. The reward will be 3 days of not having to be on dishes. So you can imagine how eagerly each seminarian is hoping his guess will be the right one!

Another tradition is that the seminarians sponsor a parish breakfast fund-raiser on the 3rd Sundays of November and March. The purpose of this endeavor is to raise funds for winter skiing. The March breakfast is to raise funds for our end-of-the-year trip. So the seminarians worked hard yesterday afternoon with our cooks, preparing for the breakfast. The breakfast was a great success, especially after the second Mass.

The boys also sold homemade pies. Friday evening and yesterday, under Father Philip's direction, they made 24 pies! They also took orders, so they will make more next Saturday to be picked up on Sunday by those that ordered them.

This week we will celebrate Our Lady's presentation on November 21st. What a wonderful feast--even though it is not one of Our Lady's major feasts. It has a significance for seminarians, for they also, like Our Lady, have left home at a young age to pursue their vocation. We will have a Solemn High Mass to honor Our Blessed Mother this Thursday. May she bestow many blessings upon all of us, as he honor her on these beautiful feastdays!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


November 10, 2019
Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. It has been a quiet week at the seminary,which is good for academic progress. Latin is progressing well, as are the other courses. We also have been taking advantage of the good fall weather to get a number of chores done. Yesterday the seminarians were raking and burning leaves, branches, and pine needles. We are almost done with this project of cleaning up the property before the winter snows come.

This week should be another "normal" week, without any special events taking place. Soon we will be at the Thanksgiving Break, an opportunity to relax and enjoy some extra free time. Let us always remember to thank God for all the benefits he has bestowed upon us.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


November 03, 2019
Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. What a full week it has been! On the first few days of the past week we finished the First Quarter with various tests and assignments due. On Wednesday afternoon the seminarians had a pumpkin-carving contest, producing some incredible works of art. On Thursday they put together The Guardian mailing for November, attended Mass, and then, after lunch, participated in some of the games for the school children in honor of all the saints. The day concluded with a special dinner, with Sisters and staff members joining us.

On Friday, after Mass in honor of all the saints followed by breakfast, the seminarians went bowling, followed by a football game at a park, before they enjoyed a dinner out. Then, yesterday, they attended or served multiple Masses (with each priest offering 3 Masses), sang a High Mass, made many visits to the Blessed Sacrament to gain the Toties Quoties indulgence for the Poor Souls, and performed a good number of outdoor chores as well. It was certainly a busy day.

Today is a more relaxed day, as they make their phone calls home and enjoy some free time. Of course, we all appreciated the extra hour of sleep last night, but that also means that it will now be getting dark much earlier than before.

This week we delve into the Second Quarter of classes, but we also continue our daily prayers for the Poor Souls. We will also take advantage of the plenary indulgence for visiting a cemetery during the Octave of All Souls Day. Our cemetery here, on the hill overlooking the church and seminary, is a peaceful spot, dear to our parishioners. Not only have many parishioners been laid to rest in that sacred ground, but it provides wholesome thoughts for meditation on death and eternity. Indeed, this month of November is dear to Catholics as we call to mind our beloved dead, pray for them, and call to mind our own eventual departure from this life, for truly, to live in such a way as to merit to be with God for all eternity is what this life is all about!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


October 27, 2019
Christ the King (20th Sunday after Pentecost)

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Yesterday the seminarians finished harvesting the apples from our trees around the property. The cider press was busy all afternoon, as they pressed out 48 gallons of cider, to go along with 220 quarts of applesauce that Sr. Mary Veronica has canned. As you cansee, we are well stocked for the winter.

This morning we celebrated the Feast of Christ the King with a High Mass, followed by Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament with the renewal of consecration to the Sacred Heart. On this beautiful feast we will renew later today the enthronement of the Sacred Heart in our seminary. We will also celebrate Jesse Sand's birthday, as he turns 17 today!

This week will be busy as we conclude the First Quarter, mail out The Guardian newsletter, and celebrate the feast of All Saints. Then, on Saturday, we will make many visits to release souls from purgatory. During November, as usual, we recite prayers for the Poor Souls after each Mass. Let us all do what we can to relieve the sufferings of the faithful departed, for one day, we will likely be in their position, dependent on the charity of others.

May Christ the King bless you and your families today, and may He always reign in our hearts!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


October 20, 2019
Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. This week will be the last full week of the First Quarter; it will be a regular week of classes with special emphasis on getting good grades in the final tests of the quarter. But it will also be busy with some other activities, especially picking apples.

Yesterday it rained all day, so we have put off the harvest of our remaining apples until this week. Here at the seminary we have a good number of apple trees, which provide apple cider and applesauce to last us many months--besides apples just to enjoy fresh. Sr. Mary Veronica has already canned more than 100 quarters of applesauce, so we will have plenty to last all school year.

The seminarians have also had their first basketball practice and are excited about the possibility of playing games versus other small schools in the area. We did not have a basketball team the last few years, due to the small number of seminarians, so there is a lot of work to do for them to learn to play as a team. Fortunately, we have two former seminarians in our parish here who will coach the seminarians this year. I am sure the boys will have a great time playing basketball, whether among themselves or against other teams

It is also the time of month when we start writing and compiling the next issue of The Guardian newsletter. The seminarians who will write articles for the November edition have already been assigned and have chosen their topics. I expect to receive their contributions by Wednesday of this week.

Next Sunday will be the feast of Christ the King--a very important feastday for all Catholics. Here at the minor seminary we will renew the consecration of our seminary to Jesus, our King. There will also be Benediction after Mass as we recite the act of consecration prescribed by Pope Pius XI. May we all live as faithful subjects of Christ, our King! And may He bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


October 13, 2019
Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. The seminarians attended all the events of the Fatima Conference on Thursday and Friday, which included lectures, Rosaries, the banquet, the Bishop's lecture and pontifical High Mass, and also the outdoor candlelight Rosary procession on Saturday. This morning we had a solemn High Mass here at Mary Immaculate Queen Church, which they also served. It has been a wonderful Conference and a good opportunity to meet many new people, especially the priests who traveled from great distances to attend the Conference.

In fact, with all the activity of the past week, it will be nice to have a "normal" week here at the seminary. Already we are half-way into October, so there are only 2 weeks left of the First Quarter. So it's back to the books for the seminarians, as they concentrate on their daily duty of studies.

We continue to have a public Rosary each day of October, with exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. It is a wonderful opportunity for the seminarians to serve at exposition and to pray our daily Rosary before the Blessed Sacrament exposed. Let us all continue to honor Our Lady's Rosary this month and to pray it daily, as devoutly as we can, as she requested at Fatima. May God bless you all. Please keep our seminary in your prayers.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


October 06, 2019
Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Tomorrow we celebrate the beautiful feast of the Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We will have a procession here, with 4 seminarians carrying the statue of Our Lady of Fatima.

After regular school on Monday and Tuesday, we will take some time off on Wednesday to prepare for the Open House here at the City of Mary next Sunday, as part of the Fatima Conference. There is some raking and other work to be done as we prepare to welcome the Conference guests.

On Thursday and Friday we will spend all day at Mount Saint Michael, listening to the various lectures and attending the events of the Conference. The seminarians will all attend the banquet on Thursday evening, thanks to the generosity of a benefactor of our seminary, who is sponsoring the boys.

On Friday morning some of them will be chosen to serve for the bishop's pontifical High Mass--a great privilege for our boys. There will also be four of them serving the High Mass with incense next Sunday at the City of Mary. We went over the rubrics for this type of High Mass yesterday, as we had a High Mass with incense this morning. It is an important part of their formation that the seminarians be familiar with each particular serving role and know how to fulfill it well.

So, as you can see, the Fatima Conference will be an exciting time for the seminarians. There will be various priests visiting, including two priests from Europe, so they will have an opportunity to get to know a number of priests. That is always an inspiration for boys contemplating the priesthood--to visit with priests and learn about their work. Please continue to pray for all our seminarians, that they will cooperate with God's grace and grow spiritually!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


September 29, 2019
Saint Michael the Archangel
(Sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost)

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Believe it or not, last night we received a half foot of snow, which still covers the ground. After their Noon prayers, I am sure the boys will be outside having some fun in the snow. As long as I have lived here, I do not recall a snowfall ever having occurred in September!

This past Thursday the seminarians sang a High Mass, which was very well done. This was the first of many more to come, as singing is an important part of their seminary formation. Then, on Friday, we mailed the October issue of The Guardian, which you should receive shortly.

On Saturday, in anticipation of the snow and freezing temperatures, we harvested the remaining fruits and vegetables from the garden. To use all this produce, Father Philip organized the boys in the kitchen, baking zucchini bread and making salsa with the green tomatoes. Our freezers are filled with the results of their labors.

On Tuesday of this week we begin an important annual practice at the seminary--we pray the Rosary every day before the Blessed Sacrament exposed. Tomorrow I will go over with the boys the rubrics for Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, so that the ceremony is well-performed. The daily Benediction will give all of them ample opportunities to serve at this beautiful ceremony.

In just a couple weeks we will have the Fatima Conference, which is always an exciting time for the seminarians. Next Sunday I will tell you more about it, and in particular the part that our seminarians will play. Until then, be assured of our prayers for you and your families. May we all grow in our devotion to the Holy Rosary during this coming month!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


September 22, 2019
Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. This week we celebrate another feast of Our Lady on Tuesday (Our Lady of Ransom), which means that the seminarians will be chanting Vespers of Our Lady from the Divine Office. On Thursday, the feast of the Holy North American Martyrs, they will sing a High Mass. Of course, every Sunday they chant Compline, in addition to the various hymns and chants we sing on a daily basis. In other words, singing is an important part of their formation. Fortunately, the seminarians have good voices and enjoy singing.

Also, this week we will begin the apple harvest. There are numerous apple trees here on the property--some are loaded with apples and others have a small amount. But taken together, they should provide us with plenty of applesauce and cider to last throughout the winter.

We also end (on Friday) the first half the Quarter. That means the seminarians (and their parents) will be receiving mid-quarter grade slips, which will indicate how they are doing academically at this mid-point of the quarter. This will help them to know what areas they need to improve as we head into the second half of the First Quarter.

As always, we ask your continued prayers for the spiritual growth of our young men. Be assured that you are remembered, as well, in our prayers.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


September 15, 2019
Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Today we celebrate another beautiful feast of Our Blessed Mother, although this one is tinged in sadness, for we recall all that Our Lady suffered for us. What a loving Mother we have, watching over us!

On Friday the seminarians attended the public Rosary that is held in downtown Spokane on the 13th of the month, May through September. We process through a park in the center of Spokane, reciting 15 decades of the Rosary. This beautiful custom was begun about 25 years ago by our laity and is a wonderful way of making reparation for sin and praying for our country's conversion. The boys always join in each year for the Rosary procession in May and September (and in October at the Mount). This time four of them carried the statue of Our Lady.

The weather here is definitely turning cooler, reminding us that autumn is at hand. There also has been a fair amount of rain--more than I recall for this month in the past. We expect more rain this week.

We are now looking forward to the Fatima Conference in October. The seminarians enjoy attending this event and learning about our Faith. There also will be an open house here as part of the Conference. May God grant that each of us grows daily in learning and living our holy Catholic Faith!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


September 8, 2019
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. As I am sure you know, there are only 3 persons for whom we celebrate their birthday in the liturgy: Jesus (12/25), Mary (9/8), and Saint John the Baptist (6/24). The reason for this is that the other saints were born into this world with the stain of original sin on their souls. (Saint John the Baptist was conceived with the stain of original sin on his soul, but was miraculous cleansed of it at Our Lady's visit to Saint Elizabeth.)

So today is a wonderful feastday of Our Lady. Every year we pray a novena in preparation for this feast, which is the first major feastday of Our Blessed Mother during the school year. At our minor seminary these feasts of Our Lady are important. We have the custom of chanting Vespers from the Divine Office on these feasts, and we seek in other ways to honor Our Blessed Mother. A tender devotion to the Mother of God is a must for any future priest.

Last week I had mentioned that, after the first week of getting adjusted, we would now get down to more serious attention to the academic pursuits of the seminary. So this past week the boys have had their first tests in Latin and math. For Latin, we are going through a rapid review with those who have had Latin before, while Father Philip teaches the first year students.

We also had a serving class this past week (on Thursday) to go over several points, but especially to go over serving Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. We have Benediction here every month on First Friday and First Saturday, and I wanted to make sure all our servers were familiar with how we serve for Benediction here, since different parishes will have different customs.

We also began the practice this week of going to the park for an extended afternoon P.E. period on Friday. We will do that over the next 2 months, until the weather turns too cold. The park is not far from here, and it has a lush grass field which seems to be rarely used--at least we find it vacant when we go. (Sadly, the children of today seem to spend more time in their homes playing computer games than recreating outdoors!)

This week we have another birthday--Joseph, another freshman, turns 14 on Thursday. Otherwise, it should be a normal week here at Saint Joseph Seminary.

Thanks for reading our blog and for your interest in the seminary. Please remember to pray for us! May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


September 1, 2019
Twelfth Sunday After Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. We have had a wonderful start to the school year. After 4 days of classes we headed for the lake on Thursday afternoon. The boys spent 2 days at a nice lake house, thanks to one of our seminary benefactors. There was plenty of swimming, canoeing and various other activities in the water (especially spraying one another with the giant squirt guns), and also many indoor games. Of course, they also had daily Mass and prayers.

Since tomorrow is a holiday, we will take the boys on a hike, including a stop at the Sacred Heart mission in Cataldo, Idaho. This beautiful church is the oldest building in Idaho, having been constructed by the Jesuit missionaries for the Coeur d'Alene Indians, who were the most receptive of the Rocky Mountain tribes. Most of the boys have never been to this historic site, which is a 45-minute drive from our seminary. So we will go first to the mission and then on a hike in the mountains of northern Idaho. There are many beautiful hiking trails, and one rarely encounters other hikers on the majority of these.

Then, on Tuesday, we will begin our classes in earnest. Although we started last week, we have only had an introduction with little homework and no quizzes thus far. That will change this week with the regular amount of homework, as well as tests and quizzes. So now that the camping trip is over, we will turn our attention to the academic pursuits of the seminary.

This week we will also celebrate a couple of birthdays. Tomorrow, William Riley (a freshman) turns 14, and our secretary's birthday will be on Thursday. There is always something going on at the seminary, so the boys have various activities interspersed among their studies

We appreciate your continued prayers for the success of this school year, and we pray that God will bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


August 25, 2019
Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Once again the seminary is alive with activity, as all 9 of our seminarians for this year have arrived. They come from Idaho, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, and Wisconsin. Tomorrow we begin regular classes.

This week, in addition to getting settled into the routine, we have our annual opening "camping trip." That is a custom I started 20 years ago, to take place at the end of the first week of school. It is an opportunity for the boys to get acquainted and have some fun, before we get into the more intense pursuit of academics. We will leave Thursday afternoon for Lake Coeur d'Alene, where the boys will stay at a nice home on the lake. They will have plenty of opportunity for swimming, canoeing, games, etc.--and, of course, daily Mass and prayer.

Before we head to the lake, however, we will have to compile this year's first issue of The Guardian newsletter. So it's going to be a busy week, starting with orientation this evening. Please remember our seminarians in your daily prayers! And may God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


August 18, 2019
Tenth Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. It is time to resume our weekly blogs on life at Saint Joseph Seminary. Although today's entry will be short, you can count on regular weekly blogs each Sunday from now on.

Well, our summer has come to an end. This week the seminarians will arrive. All ten of them should be here no later than next Sunday. Classes start on Monday, August 26. There will be a lot to do this week, as we make the finishing touches on the seminary building, preparing the boys' rooms, gathering books and supplies, etc.

Somehow, the summer seems to always go by quickly. And even though there will be a flurry of activity this week, we will be ready for a new year by Saturday. Please remember our seminary in your prayers!

May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


June 23, 2019
Second Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. As I mentioned last Sunday, this past week was an opportunity for both priests here (Father Augustine and myself) to make a retreat. We joined other priests in Omaha for a retreat on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of this past week.

Today we had our annual Corpus Christi procession here at Mary Immaculate Queen Church. Everything went splendidly, despite the fact that the weather was chilly and somewhat windy. At least there was no rain!

This week we turn our attention to the priests' General Chapter meeting. This is something we do every 6 years, at which the superior general is elected, as well as other officials of the Congregation. It is a very important event, where we set our course for the next 6 years. Our religious congregation, though small, continues to uphold the true Faith, to operate numerous chapel and missions, and to promote the True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Please pray for us, that many more will join our ranks.

On Thursday we will attend the annual vows ceremony for our Marian Sisters, at which three of the Sisters will profess perpetual vows. There will also be temporary vows and young women entering the novitiate.

Then, on Saturday, we will conclude the week with our annual parish picnic here at Mary Immaculate Queen Church. So, as you can see, even in summer we remain busy. Please remember our religious congregation and our seminaries in your prayers, that we may continue faithful to Our Lord, Our Blessed Mother, and Holy Mother the Church.

May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


June 16, 2019
Trinity Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. During the past week both Father Augustine and I have been away from the seminary, for a week of R&R. This week is even more important, as we both will attend the annual priests' retreat in Omaha. All religious make a retreat of at least 3 days once a year. It is a most important time to reflect on our vocation in quiet and prayer, away from distractions and cares.

Every year His Excellency, Bishop Pivarunas, holds a retreat for the priests in Omaha during the week of Corpus Christi. The retreat concludes on Thursday evening with the Corpus Christi procession and solemn High Mass. But it is often difficult for us priests at the minor seminary to attend, because this retreat often occurs in late May or early June, while we are still having classes. This year, however, with the late date of Easter, the feast of Corpus Christi occurs on June 20, meaning that we are able to attend. Deo gratias.

Speaking of Corpus Christi, we have our annual outdoor procession at Mary Immaculate Queen Church each year on the Sunday following the feast of Corpus Christi, so that means that this year the procession will be held next Sunday, June 23. It is the most important procession of the year, since Our Lord Himself is taken outdoors, held by the priest in the monstrance. Many of the priests are unable to have such a procession in their churches, for various reasons. Sometimes, the priest needs to leave right after Mass to go to another city for Mass. Also, there is required a large number of trained servers and a choir in order to adequately honor the Blessed Sacrament in such a procession. So I am grateful that we do have those requirements and are able to hold the procession at our church each year.

Beginning several days before, dedicated lay persons begin setting up the arches, decorations and outdoor altars. The Saturday, in particular, will be a busy day, as we have a serving practice and finish the decorations. We hope and pray that the weather on Sunday will be excellent, and we will remember all of you in our liturgical ceremonies at this time of year. May God bless each of us with a greater devotion and love for Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


June 9, 2019
Pentecost Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. At last the summer vacation is here. The seminarians have all left for home, and now the seminary is quiet. For the summer, there are five of us in residence: the two priests, Mr. Gerard Keaveney, Frater Aloysius and Brother Louis. For this week, the two priests are traveling, taking some time off, and then next week we will attend the priests' retreat in Omaha.

Here at the seminary, in addition to grounds work, such as keeping the garden and flowers watered, there are preparations for the upcoming Corpus Christi procession, which will take place in 2 weeks. That procession is the most important of the entire year, even though it comes late this year, due to the delayed date of Easter. Fortunately, we have a good number of reliable servers in our parish here, so we will have enough boys to help with the ceremony. At the same time, the seminarians will be missed and we look forward to their return in late August.

I pray that you all will have a most enjoyable summer. Let us also continue to pray daily for more vocations. May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


June 2, 2019
Sunday after the Ascension

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. What a glorious day it was this past Friday! His Excellency blessed our newly-remodeled church and celebrated a Pontifical High Mass. Most of the Sisters from Mount Saint Michael were in attendance and joined our parish choir in singing the Mass. The church was packed, with many parishioners from Mount Saint Michael joining our own parishioners. Afterwards, everyone enjoyed the catered meal that had been arranged for the occasion.

Tomorrow, the seminarians will join our school children for the annual outing to Farragut State Park on beautiful Lake Pend Oreille. Yesterday, in preparation, the seminarians loaded all our canoes onto the trailer and packed the life jackets and other supplies. The weather has been excellent, so they will have a great time.

Wednesday of this week is our final day of school. We will have a half day, concluding with the program and awards ceremony, followed by Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. And then our summer vacation will officially begin!

As I look forward to another year, I hope that you will all enjoy your summer. I will take a couple weeks off for some R&R and the annual retreat. In the meantime, there will be applications to process for next year, which will be here before we know it! May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


May 26, 2019
Fifth Sunday after Easter

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. The boys returned yesterday afternoon from their 3-day camping trip to Priest Lake. They had a great time "roughing it" (without running water). They did a lot of hiking, but no luck in fishing. They are glad to be back (as one of them put it) to their own beds and warm showers!

Today we begin a most busy and eventful week here at the seminary. This morning we had First Holy Communion for 5 of our children. Then, tomorrow, there will be the annual Queenship procession and May crowning. On Tuesday we will have a Rogation procession. Thursday, of course, is a holyday, and on Friday we will have the formal dedication of our newly-remodeled church.

Our church here, Mary Immaculate Queen Church, is the cradle of the religious congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen. This year is the 50th year since it was built, so we are also celebrating the anniversary of our church's construction. The remodel has raised the ceiling and extended the basement (used as our parish hall), but the original church remains.

This week will also be busy as we finish our academic work and make out grade cards. The final tests will take place on Wednesday. There will also be a lot of chores, Wednesday afternoon and during the day on Friday, to prepare the church and grounds for the dedication ceremony. We wish you all could be here!

May God bless you and your families. Let us pray for one another.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


May 19, 2019
Fourth Sunday after Easter

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. I have mentioned that we are preparing for the formal dedication of our newly-remodeled church, which will take place on May 31. But there are still a number of finishing touches to be put onto the remodel. During the past two weeks the front porch and curbing have been poured, and the asphalt was also repaired. Now there is need for landscaping, with some bushes and flowers at the front entrance and along the side of the church. Over the past few days the seminarians have helped to spread dirt in the flower beds so that flowers can be planted by our parish gardeners. We hope to have this finished over the next 10 days, so that all will be ready for the dedication ceremony.

This week the seminarians will have their annual spring camping trip. They will leave Wednesday afternoon for Priest Lake, a beautiful pristine lake about 2 hours north of the seminary. It is a tradition here for the boys to have a camping trip every year in May, as a nice way to wrap up the school year. Father Augustine will take the boys on this trip, so they will have Mass each morning in the campground. (They will be staying at Priest Lake State Park.) The weather should be good next week (after the recent rain), so the boys will have a great time.

Once again, we thank you for your prayers. Pray especially that we finish this year well! May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


May 12, 2019
Third Sunday after Easter

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. We wish all the mothers of our seminarians (and all mothers who read this blog) a most happy Mothers' Day! We also honor our spiritual mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary. Today's sermon was on Our Blessed Mother, and how deserving she is of our love, respect and devotion.

Tomorrow, of course, is the anniversary of Our Lady's first apparition at Fatima. As we have done in past years, the seminarians will attend the public Rosary procession in Spokane. This practice--of reciting the 15 decades of the Rosary in downtown Spokane on the 13th of each month from May to October--has been observed now for about 25 years. The Rosary procession, in reparation for abortion and other moral evils of today and for the conversion of America, is a wonderful way to profess our Faith publicly and to earn graces for the conversion of sinners, as Our Lady requested at Fatima.

Other than that event, it will be a relatively quiet week here at the seminary, although the boys will be helping after school with our ongoing preparation for the church dedication ceremony on May 31. Tomorrow there will be paving work, and after that is completed we need to plant flowers and bushes at the church. The landscaping will be the final task to complete before the dedication (not counting the basement kitchen work, which remains to be done.) There will also be a camping trip for the boys next week, so I will tell you about that in next Sunday's blog entry.

May we all grow in our devotion to Our Lady this month! And may God bless you and your families

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


May 05, 2019
Second Sunday after Easter

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Today's blog will be a short one, as there is not a great deal of news here lately. Over the past week the seminarians have prepared a shrine to Our Lady in the classroom, and they take turns in providing flowers for her shrine each school day of the month. We also join in the public Rosary each day of May.

This week looks to be a "normal" week for classes, and that is a good thing. There is not much time left for us to finish the material we have to cover. This is also the time we begin to plan for next year, including the gathering of application materials from those who are applying for admission. Right now there is a potential seminarian from Arizona who is visiting the minor seminary for this week. There is a least a possibility that we may have a good group of new seminarians next year, as well as the return of all of this year's students.

Please pray for that intention of more vocations! We are also praying for the clerics who will receive major orders this Saturday in Omaha. "Pray the Lord of the harvest, that He send laborers into the harvest." May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


April 28, 2019
Low Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. The seminarians have enjoyed a relaxing week, and now it is back to school for the final 6 weeks of the school year. But this coming month will be quite busy with various end-of-year activities. Primary among these events will be the blessing of our church on May 31st. With the renovation work it is necessary to bless the church once again to make it a fitting house of God. I gave a simple blessing so that we could use the church again for Mass, but His Excellency will have the solemn ceremony at the end of the month.

This week we will get The Guardian mailing out, and we will also start our preparation for the Act of Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary. We renew this act every year on the feast of the Queenship, which is also an opportunity for the seminarians who have never made the consecration, to prepare to make it for the first time.

We also begin on Wednesday our daily devotions during May in honor of Our Blessed Mother. All Catholics ought to honor Our Lady in a special way during her month. The seminarians take turns in providing flowers daily for our seminary May altar. Fortunately, there are plentiful flowers on our property this time of year, so there is no need for them to go off site to purchase them. But while we provide flowers for Our Lady's shrine, let us make sure that we especially strive to imitate her virtues--something that pleases her far more than the exterior devotion we offer.

May you all have a blessed month of May, the most beautiful time of year. And while we honor Our Blessed Mother, may we all be ever more pleasing to her divine Son.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


April 21, 2019
Easter Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. A most joyous and blessed Easter to you and your families! What a glorious feast is Easter! For us, it has been particularly joyful, after a Holy Week that was splendid in the ceremonies, with many thanks to our seminarians for their part in serving so well at the ceremonies.

I was particularly pleased that on Holy Thursday, after our evening meal, the seminarians arranged among themselves to make a vigil at the Altar of Repose, covering the hours from midnight until 6:00 am. Again, this is something they arranged among themselves, without any direction from me, so they deserve credit for their devotion.

Last night the boys all served (as they had done on Holy Thursday and Good Friday) for the ceremonies of the liturgy. The complicated but beautiful ceremonies of the Easter Vigil, followed by the midnight Mass, were beautifully performed. Then, after a short night, they got up and hid the colored eggs for the Easter Egg Hunt for the children, which followed our morning High Mass. Today they are enjoying a free day, with some sleep to catch up on.

Tomorrow I will take the seminarians to Tacoma. Every year the Easter Octave is our Spring Break at the seminary. Since all the boys will be here this entire week, I want to get them away from the seminary for a short vacation. We will be staying at Saint Mary's Church in Tacoma for a couple days. That will enable us to go up to Seattle to see some of the sights there. Then it will be back on Wednesday, in order to be here for the Greater Litanies procession on Thursday.

May you all have a blessed Easter Week, and may we all give thanks for all the blessings we have as members of Our Lord's Church!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


April 14, 2019
Palm Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Despite the heavy rain of the past few days, the sun was peaking through the clouds this morning as we held our outdoor Palm Sunday procession. The weather was a bit on the chilly side, but the Hosannas and other chants helped us to re-create the beautiful entrance of Our Lord into the Holy City on that first Palm Sunday. Now we will concentrate on the other liturgical functions of Holy Week.

On Tuesday we will have the chanting of the Passion. Holy Thursday, of course, includes the ceremony of the washing of feet of 12 men and the indoor procession of the Blessed Sacrament. On Good Friday the entire afternoon is taken up with the liturgy, Stations, Rosary and meditations on the Seven Last Words. We will spend the day on Saturday preparing for the Easter Vigil liturgy and decorating the church and seminary chapel. Then, next Sunday, the boys will hide the Easter eggs during the second Mass for the children's Easter Egg Hunt. As you can see, it will be a busy week.

This past Friday we celebrated the 15th birthday of Gabriel Davis. Tomorrow we will celebrate the birthday of our other Gabriel (Gabriel Riley), who also turns 15. But these simple celebrations must not detract from our Holy Week observance. Let us all strive to spend this week in union with Jesus in His Passion and with Our Mother of Sorrows.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


April 07, 2019
Passion Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. How wonderful to be back in our church, at last. Although there is still some work to do on the exterior, the interior work is mostly done. As you are probably aware, our church is named in honor of Mary Immaculate Queen. Consequently, we have a scroll over the entrance of the sanctuary reading: "Ad honorem Beatae Mariae Virginis Reginae Immaculatae." (To the honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Immaculate Queen) Eventually, we hope to also have stained glass windows in the church, but that will take some time, as they have not yet been designed.

To prepare for Holy Week we will have a work party this Saturday. Parishioners will bring rakes to help prepare the grounds for Holy Week, especially the path along which we will have our Palm Sunday procession. The seminarians have already started on some of this work, but lately our outdoor chores have been hampered by rain--lots of rain.

As I mentioned last week, the boys have also been playing their tournament games in table tennis. There have been some exciting games, so everyone enjoys watching the competition. Tonight there will be the final match; then tomorrow (and throughout the week) the focus will be exclusively on Lent and the Passion. We also will begin this week our Holy Week serving practices.

Also, on Friday of this week, Brother Louis Marie, a novice Brother in residence here at the seminary, will make his profession of first vows. Friday is the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, so that is an appropriate feast for this simple, yet significant ceremony. I pray that it will inspire our boys with the excellence of the religious life and the grace that is a vocation to serve God as a religious priest or Brother. May God grant us many more vocations.

Be assured of our prayers for you, our seminary friends and benefactors. May we all grow in our love for Jesus and Mary, as we meditate during this Passiontide on their many sufferings and sorrows, endured for us.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


March 31, 2019
Fourth Sunday in Lent
(Laetare Sunday)

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. As I mentioned last Sunday, this morning's Masses were the first in our parish church since last June. Everyone is pleased with the improvements, which have enhanced our worship of God. Since the choir is now in the new choir loft, their voices carry much better throughout the church. Now we can all eagerly look forward to the ceremonies of Holy Week in our newly-remodeled church.

This Friday we will have our usual First Friday devotions before the Blessed Sacrament exposed after Mass. Then Our Lord will remain exposed for the Eucharistic Vigil, which will last from Noon until 9:00 pm. The seminarians, of course, will join in this vigil, each taking an hour of adoration. This is just one more practice to enhance our observance of Lent.

On a lighter side, the seminarians will have the annual ping-pong tournament this week. But next Sunday we begin Passiontide, where our attention and emphasis will be exclusively on the Passion and the Liturgy. We will begin our Holy Week serving practices, so that everything will be done as devoutly as possible.

Let us all continue to be faithful to our Lenten sacrifices, now that Lent is more than half over. There are only three weeks remaining of this important season, so let us use them well, to grow in our love for Jesus Crucified and Our Lady of Sorrows.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


March 24, 2019
Third Sunday in Lent

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Our feast of Saint Joseph was a wonderful day. After the High Mass, sung by our seminarians, they went bowling in the afternoon. In the evening the staff members joined us for dinner to honor our seminary patron.

Now we begin the final week of the Third Quarter. On Friday the seminarians will enjoy their third and final ski trip of the season. Also, this morning's first Mass was the final Mass in our temporary gym chapel. Tomorrow the men will move all the pews out of the gym and back into our church! The finishing touches are being put into the church, so that we will be able to have Mass there again, beginning next Sunday.

The church remodel project is not finished, however--not by a long shot. There is still a great deal of work to be done in the parish hall and kitchen, which are in the basement of the church, as well as in the sacristy. But it will be nice to have Mass once again in our parish church.

Let us all continue to be faithful to our Lenten sacrifices, for the beautiful season of Lent is nearly half over. You are all remembered daily in our prayers.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


March 17, 2019
Second Sunday in Lent

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. By all accounts, the seminarians enjoyed their retreat last weekend. For most of them, it was the first opportunity they have ever had to make a retreat. As I mentioned in past blog entries, it is our practice here every year during Lent.

Today the seminarians sponsored a bake sale. Over the past few days they have been baking and making "Blarney Stones" to sell. The bake sale went very well. They sold out completely of Blarney Stones and Irish Soda Bread, and there were only a few bags of cookies and brownies left. With this fund-raiser, they will have one more ski trip before the season ends.

Speaking of the winter season and snow, it is melting all around us--finally. Oh, there is plenty of snow on the ski slopes, but here the cold weather of February has finally given way to beautiful sunny, and much warmer, days. Soon, the boys will be tackling the outdoor chores that have been put off the past few months.

Right now, as I write, they are practicing and putting the finishing touches on their performances for tonight's talent show. Mr. Gerard Keaveney, our resident Irishman, started this custom about 4 years ago--a talent show for the feast of Saint Patrick. There will be songs, poems, and--if I understand correctly--even an Irish jig. So we adults at the seminary are looking forward to this evening's entertainment, to be provided by the seminarians. Next week, I will let you know who is the winner of this year's talent show.

Yesterday, we had a cleaning party to prepare for Mass in our newly-remodeled church. The work is not quite finished, but it has been coming along splendidly. The main body of the church is nearly finished, although there is a good amount of work yet to be done in the parish hall. We also need to install the carpeting for the stairs and entry area. In another week we will move the pews back and resume having Sunday Masses in the church, although weekday Masses, at least for the next few weeks, will still be held in the seminary chapel.

This will include the High Mass this Tuesday for the feast of Saint Joseph. The seminarians have been preparing through extra choir practices to sing well for the feast of our seminary patron. That day (Tuesday) will be a day of celebration in honor of Saint Joseph. We will have a sodality reception ceremony in the morning, then the High Mass, and bowling after lunch. In the evening all staff members are invited to join the seminarians for dinner. We never have classes on the feast of Saint Joseph.

As we celebrate Saint Patrick and Saint Joseph (and the coming feast of Saint Benedict!), we must also remember that it is still Lent. We continue our Lenten devotions and practices of penance. May we all grow spiritually this Lent, with a great contrition for sin and purpose of amendment. The thought of Jesus suffering and dying for us inspires these thoughts in our hearts. It is now up to us to put our resolutions into practice, for amendment of life is the real proof of love for Jesus. May God bless you, and may we all have a holy Lent.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


March 10, 2019
First Sunday in Lent

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. I am writing this blog entry from Denver, Colorado. As you know, our seminarians are having their annual retreat this weekend. Since it is helpful to have an outside priest come to give the retreat, I have invited Father Gregory Drahman, CMRI, to give the retreat this year.

Father Gregory just celebrated last year his 25th anniversary of ordination. He has been the pastor of Our Lady of the Snow parish in Denver for the past several years. Before that he served at parishes in western Colorado, Alabama, Ohio and other places. I appreciate his presence this year at the retreat, but that means that someone has to cover for him in Colorado, where he has Mass not only in Denver, but also in Colorado Springs. So my visit here has provided the welcome opportunity to visit old friends and new parishioners in these two parishes.

As I mentioned last Sunday, our parish church of Mary Immaculate Queen in northern Idaho is nearing completion. Finally, we will have Sunday Masses there again, beginning on March 31st. Next Sunday I will give you an update on the progress, but for now, I will just say that it has been coming along nicely, and it is wonderful to see the improvements each week. May God bless you, and may we all have a holy Lent.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


March 3, 2019
Quinquagesima Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. The month of March is always an important one at the seminary. Not only is it Lent, but it is the month when we honor Saint Joseph, our patron. We pray daily prayers in his honor, remembering all the petitions that have been sent in and also commending to him all the needs of our seminary. We especially ask Saint Joseph to intercede for us in obtaining more vocations.

The work on our church is proceeding beautifully. In fact, we hope to be back in the church in about a month. This past week, the wood floor of the church was refinished. Now the trim has to be finished and flooring installed for the vestibule, cry room, stairs and parish hall. The newly-acquired Stations of the Cross are almost ready, after a major repair and repainting. (They are a beautiful old set that had to be completely refinished.) After these things are done, we can start putting back the communion rail, statues, etc.

Soon the pews will go back in and then we can once again have Mass in our church. It has been a sacrifice to have Mass on Sundays in the gymnasium chapel, and everyone will be glad to be, once again, in the church. We especially look forward to the dedication of the church by His Excellency at the end of May.

Of course, this week we have Ash Wednesday. We will have the ceremony of blessing and distribution of ashes, followed by a High Mass. It is an important day, for the graces of Lent hinge, to a great degree, on how well we begin the holy season. Each seminarian has chosen some penances to perform, and there are other sacrifices which are part of our seminary routine during Lent.

Also, the seminarians will have their annual retreat next weekend. Father Gregory Drahman, CMRI, will come here from Denver to give the retreat, and I will replace him in that parish for the weekend. The annual retreat is a great opportunity for the seminarians to have a retreat and to listen to another priest explaining the truths of the spiritual life. Please say a pray that they will all benefit abundantly from this year's retreat. We also will pray for you, our friends and benefactors, that your Lent will be fruitful of grace and merit.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


February 24, 2019
Sexagesima Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. The weather continues to be cold and there were three more inches of snow Friday night, but that has not slowed down the seminary. After classes on Friday the seminarians helped to complete the digging of a grave at our cemetery for a burial to be held this week. Due to the topography of our cemetery (being on a hillside), it is not possible to dig the graves with a backhoe. Each grave is done by hand.

This exercise is part of the training of our seminarians, as they must learn the importance of performing the works of mercy. Another burial (and there are only two or three per year, on average) gives them the chance to practice the work of "burying the dead." In general, a priest's formation must include an emphasis on all the works of mercy, which are part of our practice of fraternal charity.

They also have discovered ingenious ways of recreating outdoors, despite the snow. Some of these will be detailed in the next issue of The Guardian, which we should have printed and mailed by the end of the week. In addition, they are currently engaged in the annual pool tournament--something they can enjoy, especially on weekends.

Now we are only ten days away from Lent, so we also have been discussing the importance of penance during this approaching season. Let us all consider what we will do to maka good Lent, in order to grow in our love and devotion to Our Lord, who suffered so much for us.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


February 17, 2019
Septuagesima Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Snow, snow and more snow! We thought that perhaps we would be spared a real winter here in the Pacific Northwest. December and January were much more mild than normal. Well, the delayed winter is here. Over the last 2 weeks we have had the coldest temperatures of the winter, and plenty of snow.

The students of our parish school have had two snow days this winter, but not the seminarians. Since they live here and do not have to travel for school, there is no such thing as having a "Snow Day"--that is, not having school, due to bad driving conditions. But they can make up for it in other ways. For example, they have gone skiing twice, and there is a chance they will get one more ski trip this year.

We also have tournaments, which give them something to do after school (in addition to all the fun they are having with the snow). So this week begins the pool tournament. They begin with the "round robin" portion, followed by the tournament itself. It gives them something to look forward to, in the midst of their studies and daily routine.

Finally, now that Septuagesima is here, it is time for all of us to think about the upcoming season of Lent and to plan on what we will do to make a good Lent. May we all grow spiritually during this year's Lent!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


February 10, 2019
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Since last week's blog was much more lengthy than normal, I will keep this one short. On Friday the seminarians enjoyed a second ski day to Silver Mountain. With more fresh snow, the conditions were very good and all had a great time. After two trips to the mountain this year, the newer skiers now have a better feel for the sport.

Lately, a cold weather system has settled in over our area, bringing a good amount of snow with more to come. There have not been many days with good sledding conditions so far this winter, but that has changed. You can be sure the seminarians will take advantage of the snow each day after classes have finished.

Let us all honor Our Blessed Mother especially tomorrow, as we celebrate the feast of her apparition at Lourdes. As Saint Louis Marie de Montfort explains, we need a special devotion to Mary in order to persevere--seminarians even more so, if they aspire to become priests. May we all grow in our devotion to Our Lady, and may she intercede for each of us, that we may become more and more like her divine Son!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


February 3, 2019
Fourth Sunday after Epiphany

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Yesterday we had the wonderful ceremonies of Candlemas--the blessing and procession of candles, followed by High Mass. This morning, of course, we had the blessing of throats after Mass. The various events of the liturgy are important for all Catholics, but especially for seminarians who aspire to the priesthood. They must learn to love and appreciate the liturgy. Of course, the seminarians here have ample opportunities to serve Mass as well.

In the last blog post I mentioned that today I would give you a more detailed report on the progress of our church remodel project. The purpose of this remodel has been to raise the roof of the church, to provide a choir loft, and to lengthen the basement, which is used as the parish hall. We began the project last June and still have a couple months of work left.

The first task was to dig out the area for the basement expansion and to pour the floor and walls for this new part of the basement. Then, the wall of the church were built, followed by the roof. The exterior siding and metal roof were followed by the electric and plumbing work, and then the dry wall was put in place. After the dry wall and texture were finished the painting of the interior of the church and basement followed. All that has now been completed, and our attention has shifted to the detail work.

The trim (and there is a lot of trim, given the size and number of windows) was manufactured and delivered, and lately the men have been staining and varnishing all the wood. It will take two or three weeks to put up all the trim, which includes also some faux beams on the ceiling. Then, the large light fixtures will be hung.

Next will come the flooring. The main floor of the church is of hardwood, which has been installed but will need to be sanded and finished. The tile for the basement kitchen and bathrooms has already been installed, but the laminate flooring for the parish hall cannot be put in until the cement floor has been ground smooth. There also will be carpet in the vestibule and "cry room."

Also, we ordered large Stations of the Cross, which will be more fitting than the smaller previously-used stations, given the height of the walls. These stations were obtained from a second-hand dealer and are much in need of being repaired and repainted, so parishioners are working on that right now. Also, wrought iron railings are being made for the staircase in the bell tower, which extends from the upper floor (choir loft) to the basement. Once they are finished and installed, the carpeting for those stairways can be completed.

We have also contacted a company to make stained glass windows for the church. We are only in the initial planning stages, however, and these windows will not be completed until well after we are in the church. For now, we have tall windows with clear glass. Also, the kitchen in the basement will need to be finished, but that also can be put off until after the occupancy permit has been obtained. In addition, when the weather is warmer we will have to pain the exterior and have a porch poured in concrete for the front entrance. Then, the asphalt around the church can be repaired and landscaping done.

For now, we are on schedule to be back in the church by Holy Week. In the meantime, we continue to use the temporary chapel in the gym building, which is adequate for our current needs. Finally, we look forward to the dedication ceremony by His Excellency, which is planned for May 31. It has been a long time without the use of our church, but it certainly is worth the sacrifice, in order that we may prepare as beautiful a building as possible for divine worship.

Once again, I wish to take this opportunity to thank you for your prayers and interest in our seminary. Please pray especially for more vocations. And may God bless you and your families

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


January 27, 2019
Third Sunday after Epiphany

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. It has been a wonderful week here. I already mentioned last Sunday that the bishop and priests would be here for dinner on Wednesday. It was a wonderful gathering, with a group of our parishioners preparing an excellent meal for the priests and seminarians. It also gave the priests the opportunity to see the progress on our church. With all the trim work and other details, it will still be a couple months before we can again use the church for Holy Mass.

On Friday the seminarians enjoyed their first ski trip of the year. Several of the priests also stayed an extra day after their meeting, in order to join the seminarians on the mountain. Since there had been a foot of new snow a few days before, the skiing conditions were excellent, except for the fact that it was somewhat foggy for part of the day. In fact, there is fog outside right now as I write this--something we have to contend with at times during this time of the year.

Tomorrow we begin the Third Quarter of the school year. Now that Christmas vacation and other special events have passed, we teachers are looking forward to having once again the regular routine for our classes. It is during these periods of regularity, that we make the most progress academically.

We also have one special event coming up at the end of this week: Saturday is the feast of the Purification of Our Lady. It is also called Candlemas Day, since we bless the candles we will use for the entire year. Our annual order of candles arrived about 10 days ago--approximately $5,000 worth of candles! Many of those candles will be available for the laity to purchase after the blessing. The ceremony of the blessing and procession of candles on February 2nd each year is one of the important ceremonies that we observe annually at the seminary and in our parish.

Last week I mentioned that I would give a more detailed report on our church remodel project. I hope that you will not be disappointed if I put that off until next Sunday. There is a lot left to do, and I would like to give you an inside look on what we are doing, so stay tuned. Again, we thank you for your prayers. Please especially pray for more vocations to our seminary. May God bless you and yours.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


January 20, 2019
Second Sunday after Epiphany

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. This will be an important week at the seminary, given that there will be two unique events. The first of these will be the visit of our priests to the minor seminary. Twice a year, we priests under the direction of His Excellency, Bishop Pivarunas, gather for meetings. The winter gathering takes place each January at Mount Saint Michael, while the summer gathering takes place in Omaha in July. These meetings are very important for our priests, providing an opportunity to review theological, moral, pastoral and liturgical issues. They serve as refresher courses and help to maintain that unity which is so important among priests.

On Wednesday evening, the bishop and priests will use the opportunity of the gathering to come to the minor seminary for dinner. The evening begins with the Rosary and Vespers, the young seminarians following along with Vespers of the Divine Office. There follows some recreation and dinner. I always tell the boys to try to learn the names of all the priests and as much about them as they can, such as where they are stationed, when they were ordained, etc. It is a great time for the minor seminarians, who aspire to the priesthood, to learn what it is really like to be a priest in today's world.

This visit will also give the priests an opportunity to see what we have been doing at our church, with the major remodeling project. Since our church in Idaho (Mary Immaculate Queen Church) was the very first church of our religious congregation, it carries important memories and lessons from our early days. Given their location and assignments, however, the priests who live away from the area have not yet seen any of the changes we have made and are looking forward to this opportunity. Right now, the emphasis in the remodeling project is on the flooring and trim work. Next Sunday I will give you a more detailed account of where we are at and what remains to be done.

At the beginning of this post I mentioned that there would be two important events this week, the first being the priests' visit on Wednesday. The second event will be the first skiing outing of the year on Friday. Each year, the seminarians go to nearby Silver Mountain, ride the 3.1-mile long gondola to the lodge on the mountain, strap on their skis and spend the day on the various runs down the mountainside. For some, this will be their first time ever on skis. But whether first-timers or veteran skiers, all are looking forward to a great time on Silver Mountain.

Once again, we thank you for your prayers and assure you of ours in return. May God bless you and your loved ones.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


January 13, 2019
Feast of the Holy Family

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Today is a most important feastday--especially for Catholic families. We all know that the devil constantly seeks to undermine the family, knowing as he does that it is the nursery of virtue and the bulwark of Christian living. It is in Catholic households that children are formed and vocations engendered. Yet the family is assaulted on all sides by every means to undermine it and wrest the precious hearts and minds of children from their parents and from the Church. May all our Catholic families re-consecrate this day to the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, our models for family living.

Our seminary is like a family, and it is gratifying to see the spirit of charity and unity among our seminarians. This past week we had the exchange of Epiphany gifts. During Advent each seminarian chooses by lot the name of another seminarian for whom he provides a gift. It is always enjoyable for the boys to open these simple gifts and share the love of Christ towards one another.

A big gift to them from us teachers was a new pool table--well, not really new, but another used one found on Craig's List. Our old pool table, which I bought at a yard sale about 18 years ago, was literally falling to pieces. So I decided it was time to find a replacement. The "new" used table is in much better shape and will continue to provide a nice break for the seminarians from their scholastic pursuits.

Speaking of academics, we are fully back into the swing of classes, now that vacation is over. This year there is a particularly long stretch until the next vacation at Easter. We intend to make the most of this period for growth--spiritually, academically, and in virtue. As always, we trust in your prayers for this purpose. And may God bless you and your families, especially today on this important feastday.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


January 6, 2019
Epiphany of Our Lord

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Here we are at the beginning of a New Year and also a new session at the seminary. On Friday, most of our seminarians returned. The first order of business, after everyone was settled, was to have a choir practice to prepare for the chanting at the blessing of Epiphany water. This beautiful, but lengthy, ceremony takes place each year on January 5, the vigil of the Epiphany. It has been a tradition at our seminary for many years. There is a great deal of chanting--in fact, almost the entire 45-minute ceremony is chante.

Today, on the feast of the Epiphany, we had the blessing of chalk and also of gold, incense and myrrh before each Mass. One of the Masses was a high Mass, which is most fitting for this important feast. Unfortunately, American Catholics are often not as familiar with the significance of this feast as are Catholics in other countries, where the Epiphany is observed as a Holyday of Obligation. We can all identify with the three Magi who, although not being of the Jewish people, were nevertheless called by a miraculous star to come and adore the newly born Infant King. It is a feast on which we should particularly thank God for the gift of faith and pray for perseverance. .

The winter here in the Inland Northwest has thus far been mild. Although we have had several significant snowfalls, the snow from each of them quickly melted away in a matter of a few days. The temperatures have been above freezing most days, with a good amount of rain. As you can imagine, the boys are a bit disappointed at the lack of snow for sledding, but we hope there is still plenty of snow on the mountains for skiing. Our first ski trip of the year is coming up in a couple of weeks.

The work on our church is progressing nicely. The drywall, texturing and painting was finished before Christmas. Now the focus has been on the flooring. There is a considerable amount to do with the floors, as there are several different types of flooring. The church has hardwood, the choir loft and parish hall will have laminate flooring, the cry room and stairs will be carpeted, the entrance (vestibule) and stairway landings will have a sturdy non-slip carpet, and the bathrooms and kitchen will have ceramic tile flooring. After the flooring is finished,the trim will go in, which will take some time, given the amount and different types. We also have to finish repairing the stations (which I will tell you about next week) and have the cabinets made for the kitchen. The special-order light fixtures are being fabricated and should be ready in a few weeks. So it is all coming together, but it will still be a couple of months before we can once again have Mass in our parish church.

Tomorrow we resume classes at the normal time. It will be an adjustment after the lengthy Christmas vacation, but everyone is ready to get back to work. Thanks for reading the blog; please keep us in your prayers. May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


December 16, 2018
Third Sunday of Advent

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. It was not possible to post a blog entry last Sunday, due to the travel to Omaha. On Sunday, right after the early Mass, our seminarians left in the seminary van for Omaha, with Mr. Gerard Keaveney and Brother Sebastian doing the driving. Father Augustine and I traveled there by plane for the ordination ceremony. Fortunately, the weather was favorable, so driving conditions were good.

After arriving in the Omaha area on Monday evening, the seminarians went to the Davis home, where they would be staying for the next few days. They spent a good part of Tuesday in sledding. Then, on Wednesday, they went early to Mary Immaculate Church, in order to secure good places in the church. As expected, a large crowd arrived for the ordination ceremony, many of them traveling hundreds of miles. Then, promptly at 8:00 am, the ordination ceremony began.

As you know, His Excellency Bishop Pivarunas suffered a heart attack in early December and spent 2 days in the hospital. Thanks be to God, he is doing well and recuperating. But the ordination ceremony, which lasted slightly more than 3 hours, would have been too much for His Excellency as he recuperates. So Bishop Martin Davila, of Acapulco, Mexico, came to Omaha to perform the ordinations, while Bishop Pivarunas gave the sermon.

Everything came off without a hitch, with 3 seminarians ordained to the priesthood, 2 to the subdiaconate, and 3 more receiving minor orders. It was a memorable occasion indeed, with such a large crowd and so many priests in attendance. This was one experience that the seminarians will never forget. May it inspire them to persevere on the path to the priesthood.

After the ordination ceremony the seminarians went with their families to begin their Christmas vacation early. Now it is quiet at the seminary with Father Augustine, Mr. Gerard Keaveney and myself--and of course, Victor--as the only ones in residence. So the next blog entry won't be until the first Sunday of January. Until then, we pray that you will enjoy a most blessed Christmas season. May we all continue to prepare during the novena which begins today, for the great feast of Christ's nativity in Bethlehem

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


December 2, 2018
First Sunday of Advent

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Tomorrow we will prepare and send out the monthly mailing of The Guardian newsletter. Then, in a few days we come to the mid-point of the Second Quarter of the school year, which means that the seminarians will receive their mid-quarter grade report. Finally, on Saturday we have the Holyday of Obligation, the feast of the Immaculate Conception of Our Lady.

As you probably know, one of the beautiful customs we have at the seminary is to chant Compline of the Divine Office every Sunday night. Tonight we have several changes, due to the Advent season. One of them will be the beautiful solemn chant of the Alma Redemptoris Mater, the final antiphon of Our Lady, which changes according to the season. As we chant this final antiphon, the seminarians and priests process through the darkened chapel carrying lighted candles. We then conclude our procession at the shrine of Our Lady, where we kneel for the final oration, after which the Grand Silence bell is rung. It is a beautiful way to end the Lord's Day.

Since the seminarians will be leaving in 8 days for the ordinations in Omaha, it is important this week that we particularly emphasize the spirit of Advent. They have all made out their penance programs and our resolved to be faithful to these chosen penitential practices. Saint John the Baptist is our model during this season, and he is most admirable for his ascetic life. There will be a few necessary preparations this week--given that the seminarians will be leaving soon--but for the most part it will be a quiet week.

May you all have a blessed Advent season. Please continue to pray for our seminary, as we also remember you in our daily prayers.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


November 25, 2018
27th and Last Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. As you can imagine, the seminarians are greatly enjoying their brief Thanksgiving vacation. On Wednesday evening, they all went into the kitchen to make some pies--11 of them to be exact! These included the traditional apple and pecan pies, as well as a couple of chocolate pies. They offered some of them to the families that hosted them the next day for their Thanksgiving dinner.

Friday was a rainy day, so they stayed inside and played board games, and then on Saturday two inches of snow fell, and the seminarians throughly enjoyed sledding. Now we turn our attention this week to making a good preparation for Advent. This is a very important liturgical season, during which we prepare to celebrate the birth of Our Lord. Here at the seminary, each seminarian writes out a list of penances and spiritual practices which he wishes to perform during Advent. These are then submitted to the rector for approval. In addition, there are some common practices for everyone at the seminary.

We encourage all of you to make a good Advent. This should be a quiet time for prayer, meditation and sacrifice. At this time of year wordlings are celebrating, having office parties, shopping, and in general, forgetting entirely the purpose of the season. Let us not fall into that trap, but rather make a good preparation to celebrate worthily the birth of Jesus!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


November 18, 2018
Dedication of Basilicas of Sts. Peter and Paul

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. After the first light snow 9 days ago, we know that winter will be here soon. So yesterday the seminarians took advantage of the nice weather to rake leaves, and they had a lot of fun in doing that chore! That is one of the nice things about this group--that they seem to enjoy all the little things of life. In all their recreations they thoroughly enjoy one another's company and whatever it is they are doing.

As you know, one of the subjects they are studying at this time is speech, a one-semester course. Now that they have learned the nuts and bolts of public speaking, they have given their first prepared speech this past week. This first speech was to the younger children in our grade school, and they all did very well. There will be a few more speeches, the last one being in front of a group of adults.

Of course, this will be a short week, with only three days of school. For Thanksgiving the seminarians and staff have been invited to the home of the Scherling family in Spokane, whose son Dominic was a seminarian last year. That is very kind of them to give the seminarians a home for Thanksgiving, and they are looking forward to the occasion. But they are especially looking forward to a few days off from classes!

Our church remodeling project continues to progress, although it will be several months until everything is complete. We hope to soon start the painting, after which the trim and flooring can go in. Every week it is looking better, but there is still a ways to go.

Soon (in two weeks) Advent will be here. Let us all start to think of what we will do this year to make a good Advent. Also, I pray that you will all have a most enjoyable Thanksgiving--a time to especially call to mind the countless blessings we have received from God's infinite goodness. May He bless us and keep us forever grateful. Remember that, as the Imitation of Christ states: "A devout thanksgiving is the best preparation for again receiving grace in the future."

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


November 11, 2018
25th Sunday after Pentecost
(Saint Martin of Tours)

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. This past week the weather in northern Idaho has turned decidedly colder. In fact, on Friday we had our first snowfall of this season. There were only about two inches of damp snow, but it was certainly adequate for the seminarians to have their first snowball battle. They had a great time playing in the snow Friday evening, as you can imagine.

The seminarians this year also enjoy (more than with past groups) playing board games and similar indoor activities. In fact, they all pitched in to buy a new board game last week. They always seem up to the challenge of learning a new game.

These recreations serve an important purpose of allowing the mind to relax after a long school day or study hall. Since there are no special activities this week, that means that we will simply follow the regular daily routine. It is during these regular days, on which we follow the regular schedule, that growth in knowledge and virtue seem to make the greatest advancement. Free from the distractions of various activities, they are able to concentrate on their studies and the living of the seminary rule. So, as you can imagine, I appreciate these weeks in which nothing particularly noteworthy will take place. For in the seminary, everything is important and serves the purpose of daily spiritual advancement.

We appreciate your prayers. Let us also continue to pray for the souls in purgatory this month. May God bless you and your loved ones!.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


November 4, 2018
24th Sunday after Pentecost
(Saint Charles Borromeo)

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. What a beautiful week it has been! After enjoying the day off on Thursday, as we celebrated all the saints in heaven, the seminarians concentrated on helping the Poor Souls in purgatory on Friday. All Souls Day is a very important day, on which Holy Mother Church opens her treasury of indulgences and makes it easy for the faithful to gain numerous plenary indulgences for the Poor Souls.

The seminarians attended all three Masses on All Souls Day (one of which was a High Mass, which they sang) and visited the cemetery. But they also made many visits to the Blessed Sacrament to gain the Toties Quoties indulgence. They took advantage of the permission to stay up late, both on Thursday and Friday, in order to make extra visits and gain the plenary indulgences available for the delivery of the suffering souls in purgatory.

Of course, we continue to pray in a special way throughout this month for the souls in purgatory. Here at the minor seminary we have the custom of reciting each day, after Mass, the daily devotions from the booklet entitled "Daily Thoughts and Prayers for our Beloved Dead." It contains many consoling reflections on the faithful departed and is a daily reminder of our duty to pray for them.

Our church remodeling project continues to advance. The drywall has been completed, which makes a notable difference in the church. Now we can say that the interior really looks like a church, instead of a construction zone. The siding is half finished and adds a nice look to the exterior. That is taking longer because of the number of windows that have rounded tops. (There are also two circular windows.) Cutting the siding to the right dimensions takes time. The roofing is almost completely finished, except for a few smaller finishing details. Also, I have settled on the exact lighting fixtures, which are being custom-made. So it is all coming together.

As always, we ask for your continued prayers for our young men who are preparing for the priesthood--both in the major and minor seminaries. Today is the feast of Saint Charles Borromeo, the patron saint of seminaries. He was an incredible saintly bishop who helped to bring the Council of Trent to completion and was zealous in implementing all its directives in his diocese of Milan, especially by establishing seminaries for the training of future priests.

The importance of well-trained and holy priests can be seen in the meaning of the following saying: "A saintly priest, a holy people; a holy priest, a good people; a good priest, an average people; an average priest, a lax people; a lax priest, a reprobate people." In other words, the faithful will often live up (or down) to the example set by their pastor. We see this especially in the holy people of Ars, who were blessed to have a saint for their pastor. May God grant to the remnanct Church in our times many holy priests!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


October 29, 2018
Saints Simon and Jude

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. I am sorry for not getting this done yesterday, which was due to travels. So I will post a short blog today and then a longer one next Sunday.

The main focus this week at the seminary will be on the Holyday on Thursday and then All Saints Day on Friday. But first, we wind up the First Quarter on Tuesday. On Wednesday the November mailing will be assembled and sent. On Thursday, of course, the seminarians will have no classes, so that will serve as a nice break from their school schedule. But Friday will be the primary focus here this week.

On Friday the seminarians will attend 3 Masses for the Poor Souls and visit the seminary. But we especially encourage them to make as many visits to the Blessed Sacrament as possible, in order to gain the wonderful Toties Quoties indulgence for the Poor Souls. By doing so, it is possible for each of them (and of us) to release many souls from purgatory. What a wonderful thing that is, especially today, when most people completely ignore the souls in purgatory, leaving them to languish in suffering. It is so easy for us to help them, and the gaining of indulgences is one of the best ways to do so.

We also have the custom here of praying for the Poor Souls every day of November, the month especially dedicated to their relief. We encourage you also to do so, for this is an important act of charity for our suffering brethren.

Next week I will give you another update on our church construction. For now, the focus is on completing the drywall installation and roofing, and getting the light fixtures ordered. May you all have a blessed feast of All Saints this week, and may God bless you and your loved ones.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


October 21, 2018
22nd Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. We were unable to post a blog entry last Sunday, due to the various activities of the annual Fatima Conference. After attending the lectures on Thursday and Friday, as well as the outdoor candlelight Rosary procession on Saturday, the seminarians also participated in the boat cruise on Lake Coeur d'Alene on Sunday. The weather was perfect with virtually no wind. Everyone enjoyed the beautiful scenic 2-hour trip on the calm lake, which was surrounded by trees exhibiting the usual fall colors.

This past week has been a normal school week. In addition to their classes, the seminarians have been harvesting the abundant apple crop, especially yesterday on Saturday. They have harvested the apples on 3 or 4 of the trees, filling about a dozen boxes. This week we will make apple cider and freeze most of it for use throughout the winter. (We already have an abundance of apple sauce in storage.)

As we have been doing over the past few weeks, we continue to pray the Rosary each day of October before the Blessed Sacrament exposed, as ordered by Pope Leo XIII. This beautiful devotion is a reminder of the power of the Rosary. How much we need the graces of the Rosary in our times! Let us continue to pray the Rosary faithfully each day.

Work continues on our church project, with the drywall scheduled to begin tomorrow. The metal roof is mostly finished, with trim work still to be completed. There is yet much to be done, but it is encouraging to see the progress each week. Please be assured of our prayers for you and your families, and we ask also that you remember our seminary in your prayers.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


October 7, 2018
Feast of the Most Holy Rosary, BVM

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. What a beautiful feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary we celebrate today! At Fatima Our Lady asked that we say the Rosary every day. Fulfilling this request is especially essential today, when we find ourselves surrounded by so much evil--by atheism, blasphemy, infidelity and numerous occasions of sin. As you know, at the seminary we pray the Rosary daily without fail and consider it one of the most important spiritual exercises of the day.

Many people find it difficult to pray the Rosary. We are beset with distractions, our mind wanders, and we find it hard to concentrate on the mysteries. Some visual aid, such as a picture or a reading on the particular mystery can be of great help. Several weeks ago I purchased for the seminarians a booklet entitled "An Illustrated Scriptural Rosary" which can be obtained from Mary Immaculate Queen Center. This booklet has a picture of each mystery, along with a short scriptural verse to go along with each Hail Mary. The boys have found it a great aid in praying the Rosary, and I recommend it to you as well.

Let us all today pledge to Our Lady that we will make the daily Rosary an indispensable part of our spiritual routine. Today is the anniversary of the great victory at Lepanto in 1571, which was obtained through the recitation of the Rosary. But the Rosary obtains much more than temporal victories--it assures our spiritual victory. Nothing is more important than the salvation of our immortal soul, and Our Lady promises that no one will be lost who faithfully and devoutly prays her Rosary every day.

This week the seminarians will attend (on Thursday and Friday) the events of the Fatima Conference. They will attend the lectures and serve for the bishop's pontifical High Mass. Then, on Saturday evening, they will attend the outdoor candlelight procession. The Conference is always a highlight for seminarians this time of year. They are able to meet visiting priests and laity from around the country. It will be enjoyable, but also a time of grace and inspiration for them.

Our church construction project is coming along well. This past week the roofers began to install the metal roof. The interior is now ready for drywall, but that has yet to be scheduled. This morning there was an open house after both morning Masses, so that our parishioners could see the progress that has been made, and they were most pleased. Things are coming together, and we have hopes of being back in the church by Christmas.

May God bless you and your families. Remember especially to pray the Rosary together, as a family, not only during this month of the Rosary, but every day. And then you can be assured of God's blessings, through the all-powerful intercession of Mary, the Mediatrix of all graces.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


September 30, 2018
Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. The seminarians are enjoying a rare "no homework" weekend. In honor of Saint Michael's feastday yesterday, and the end of the first half of the quarter, we did not assign any homework Friday. Since they normally have homework every day, you can imagine how welcome a "no homework" day is at the seminary. There will be at least two such days per month on special feastdays throughout the year.

Yesterday, for their Saturday chores, the seminarians worked on raking the leaves and pine needles from the cemetery path and hauling away branches from dead trees that had been cut down. There is plenty of raking to be done on the property, now that the weather has turned colder and the leaves are falling. We still have not had a frost at the seminary, but that will come soon.

Tomorrow we begin the month of the Holy Rosary. As we have done annually for many years now, we invite the parishioners to join us for our daily 5:00 pm Rosary, which is prayed before the Blessed Sacrament exposed throughout the month of October. That gives the seminarians ample opportunity to serve for Benediction.

Finally, regarding our church remodel project, there is not a great deal of news to report this week. Even though the electrical work has been finished and approved in the church proper, the electricians are still here working on the wiring in the parish hall (below the church). This week the metal sheeting will be installed on the roof. We will also order the light fixtures, which will be custom-made and so will take 5-6 weeks to be completed. Slowly, but surely, the new church is taking shape.

May you all have a blessed month of October. Let us all be faithful every day to Our Lady's Rosary--especially the family Rosary! Be assured of a remembrance in our daily prayers. May God bless you all.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


September 23, 2018
Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. This week will be a busy one for the seminarians. On Monday they will have a field trip for biology class, visiting a greenhouse and gardens, as they are currently studying botany. Then, on Wednesday, we will have our annual grape harvest. The younger school children are eager to help the seminarians harvest the grapes, so we will have a lot of hands helping. As you know, our goal in planting the vineyard several years ago was to be able to make our own altar wine. We are getting closer to that becoming a reality.

The seminarians are particularly enjoying their trips to the park. Since we don't have a level grass field here at the seminary, the large park in Rathdrum is ideal for flag football and soccer. They go there one day a week for P.E. and also on Sunday afternoons (until the weather turns too cold). At least for now, they prefer to play soccer, but the large irrigated field is suitable for any sport. These excursions are an excellent opportunity for them to get good exercise and let out all that energy.

In general, the seminary year is progressing quite well. This week we have the mid-quarter point of the First Quarter, so they will receive their first grade report (at the end of the week). It is a preliminary report, to let them know how they are doing and what areas they need to improve before the end of the quarter.

Our church remodel project continues apace. This past week the electrical inspection took place, which we passed. Now we can have the sheet-rock installed in the interior, but that won't happen right away. The church has also been entirely enclosed, with the doors installed, so now, once again, we can lock the church completely at night. The next steps will be the siding and roofing, but that might not be done this week. So the work progresses, although perhaps not as rapidly as I might like. But the most important thing is that it be done right, for God's honor and glory.

We thank you for your interest in our seminary and for your prayers. May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


September 16, 2018
Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Today's blog entry will be shorter than usual. This past week was our first full week of regular classes, and so the seminarians are settling into the routine of the seminary. In addition to the academic curriculum, which I explained briefly last week in our blog, there is one other class: once a week (usually on Thursday) the seminarians have a spiritual conference. Currently, we are covering the seminary rule, in depth, in these weekly classes. Our seminary rule, compiled from those of other seminaries of the pre-Vatican II days, is a brief but thorough list of qualities that every seminarian must strive to acquire. By studying the rule, the seminarians have an understanding of what their goals should be.

The seminarians also have confessions every Monday evening, before night prayers, as we encourage them to go to confession regularly. Father Augustine is the regular confessor for them. But they can also go to confession on the weekends, when confessions are heard before each Mass. So, as you can see, with daily prayer, Holy Mass, spiritual reading, weekly spiritual conference, and weekly confession, the seminarians have all the means of grace to develop a good spiritual life--something that is far more important than the academic formation they receive.

Work progresses on our church remodel, but I will wait until next week to give you a more complete update. Pray for our seminary, and may God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


September 9, 2018
Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. The daily classes for the seminarians are as follows: Latin, math, English, theology, biology, and speech, followed by either P. E. (M, W &F) or choir (T & TH). Of these, I teach Latin, math and theology. I would like to tell you a little bit about each of these subject.

Latin is a difficult subject, especially for students who have never studied a foreign language. It takes a while for the students to get down the idea of declining nouns and adjectives, before we can move on to the conjugating of verbs. I find that we spend a lot of time on English grammar, such as how to identify the direct object and indirect object (if there is one). But the boys are getting the idea, after frequent repetition. A great priest-teacher that I had years ago used to repeat the saying, "Repetitio est mater studiorum," which means "repetition is the mother of learning." How true!

Math is much easier to teach. I have, over the years, developed a system whereby the students grade their own homework. The lessons are fairly simple to teach, and so much of the period is spent with the students working on their homework. They are good workers and get right down to doing the problem sets. One thing that I particularly emphasize in math (which also applies to other subjects) is to always correct their mistakes. So when we have a quiz, for example, they are work the problems they got wrong until they get the correct answer. That is an important means of learning a subject.

For theology we are covering an interesting book called "The Externals of the Catholic Church" by Msgr. John Sullivan. It is a most interesting book, which helps the boys to appreciate the beauties of the Catholic religion. I often find myself saying, "This is now things were done before Vatican II." It is important to remember that these boys have no point of reference for how things were before the Great Apostasy began, and so it is important to help them understand it.

Mrs. Nancy Gallagher is our English teacher; Mr. Gerard Keaveney teaches science, and Mrs. Salgado teaches speech. And, of course, their favorite subject is P. E., with Father Augustine! He also teaches choir two days a week. As you can see, they are kept plenty busy.

Thanks for reading these blog entries. I will try to keep them up every week to help you understand what our life is like here at the seminary--a beautiful life which keeps all of us, seminarians and teachers, busy doing God's holy will each day. In this way, the time flies by as we grow in the knowledge and love of our faith.

Finally, an update on our church remodel: the electric wiring was finished this past week and the bell tower was constructed. This week the metal roofing will be installed. Thank you, once again, for your interest in our seminary and your prayers. May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


September 3, 2018
Saint Pius X

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. School began at the regular time last Monday. It was the first time in my memory that the first day of school was a rainy day! But it was a most welcome rain--our first real rain in more than a month--as it served to clean the atmosphere of the smoke from various wildfires. It has been nice to see the bright blue sky again.

On Thursday afternoon we left for a house on Lake Coeur d'Alene. The seminarians had a great time, swimming, canoeing, and playing games. They also had daily prayers and Mass right there in the lake house, so the spiritual life was not neglected. On Friday they went on a particularly long canoe trip (with life jackets on, of course). There was a pool tournament and plenty of other games. All in all, it was a nice way to begin the school year.

Now that the "camping trip" is out of the way, we can get down to a more intense pursuit of the academic curriculum. During the first few days there was an introduction to each of the subjects, but no tests were given and there was not a lot of written homework. Beginning this week, however, the seminarians will have regular written homework each evening and regular quizzes and tests. One thing we particularly emphasize here is self-discipline when it comes to study. Teenagers can easily be distracted when they should be studying, and so good study habits are a must. That is something we will work on this week, in particular.

We also will celebrate, on Wednesday, our secretary's birthday. Mrs. Rosalinda Salgado has been part of the staff at our minor seminary for 17 years. In that capacity, she wears many hats: registrar and secretary, speech and computer teacher, and chauffeur providing rides to the doctor or other errands, among other things. Her help is greatly appreciated. Without her dedicated assistance, the seminary would not be what it is--a home away from home for these boys.

The same can be said about our wonderful cooks. Miss Mary Antonia Seale and Mrs. Nancy Gallagher dedicate many hours to providing nourishing and delicious meals every day to the hungry young men (and priests) in our seminary. Their dedication and labors will be greatly rewarded by Our Lord and our Blessed Mother.

Work continues on our church, and now it is time for me to plan the stained-glass windows. Soon the wiring will be done so that the sheet rock can be installed. We also have not yet finished the roof and siding, but that will happen soon. We are hoping to be in the church by Christmas, but it remains to be seen whether or not that goal can be achieved. There is also the work in the basement (which is considerable) to be finished.

As we begin an exciting new school year we also remember in our daily prayers our many benefactors, without whom we could not run the seminary. Please continue to support us with your prayers and financial assistance. May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


August 26, 2018
Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Ready or not, we begin classes here in the seminary tomorrow. Actually, we are ready for this new year, even though there were odds and ends that came together last minute. Yesterday our four seminarians arrived, and this evening we will have our orientation and officially begin the new school year.

This week we will celebrate the feastday of Father Augustine. This is his second year as my assistant in running the seminary. You will recall that Father Augustine was ordained last December, but he has already been assisting with Mass in various locations. His primary duty, however, is as assistant priest here in Mary Immaculate Queen parish and vice-rector of our minor seminary.

Another event coming up this week will be our 2-day outing to Lake Coeur d'Alene, an annual tradition as we start a new year. It gives the boys an opportunity to get acquainted and have some fun time before the more intense part of the school year begins. So that means we will have 4 days of classes this week, before our short break.

Work continues along on our church at a good pace. Soon the metal sheeting will be installed on the roof and the siding will be put on. Then we can concentrate on the interior. It is exciting to see the progress being made on this major project of our church remodel.

Surprisingly, the weather here has turned decidedly cool. We are hoping for rain to clean the smoke out of the atmosphere, and it looks like that will be the case tomorrow. It will be a welcome change, but we hope there will still be some warm days left before winter approaches.

We thank you for your interest and prayers for our seminary. May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


August 19, 2018
Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. This week's blog entry will be a short one. Work progresses on our church, with the addition of the trusses. The next thing to be done will be completing the roof. The men have also been working on a new classroom for our high school students, since the former classroom is currently unusable, as it is in the basement of the church. Until that project is completed, we won't be able to use the 2 classrooms over there.

We have also been ordering books and, in general, preparing for the school year. The weather continues hot and dry--we sure could use some rain to clean the atmosphere of smoke from the various fires in the western United States, although we fortunately have not had any widlfires in our area. May God bless you.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


August 12, 2018
Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. It is exciting to see the progress being made by our men on the church remodel project. This past week the walls went up, and by the end of the week the trusses should be in place for the roof. The concern is to finish the roof before the rains come. By the looks of things, however, that may be a while. It has been very dry and hot lately.

Also, this past week the carpets were cleaned in the seminary, as we continue preparations for the coming school year. Our attendance at the beginning of the year will be just 4 boys, but we expect 2 more to arrive at the semester break in January. They are from foreign countries and are not able to be here before then.

As always, we ask for your prayers in this important work of preparing young men for the priesthood. May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


August 5, 2018
Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. This past week at the seminary was a busy one with the Boys' Camp. There were about 40 boys and young men in attendance, and everyone had a great time. As usual, the popular events were paintball and the day at the lake (with tubing, canoeing and swimming.) Of course, there was daily Mass, Rosary and prayers. All in all, it was a most successful Boys' Camp.

Work continues on our parish church remodel project. This is a major project, and it is exciting to see the daily progress, with the pouring of the basement extension, the building of the walls, and soon, the addition of the new roof. We will keep the photos updated on our website on a regular basis so that you can follow along.

A few days ago we sent out our August issue of The Guardian newsletter. Now we turn our attention to preparing for the school year, which is just 3 short weeks away. The time will pass swiftly, so we must be sure to use it well to prepare for the school year, and also to enjoy the last few weeks of quiet before the students arrive and another school year begins. Please remember our seminary in your prayers.

May God bless you and your loved ones.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


June 24, 2018
Saint John the Baptist (5th Sunday after Pentecost)

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Last weekend I was in New England to assist His Excellency, Bishop Pivarunas, with confirmation. We had 12 confirmations at our church in Salem, New Hampshire, and another 12 at our church in Oakland, Maine. Thanks be to God.

This week we will send out The Guardian newsletter for July. Then, next week, I will leave for a short vacation before going back to New England for a catechism series. Fr. Augustine will return on Saturday from his vacation and will handle the Masses here while I am gone. Then, in late July, we will both go to Omaha for the priests' meeting, before returning to administer the annual Boys' Camp. So, as you can see, July will go by quite rapidly.

This will be my last blog post until the first Sunday of August. I pray that you will all have a safe, relaxing, and enjoyable summer. Please continue to pray for more vocations to our seminary, as we look forward to beginning our 20th year in late August. May God bless you and your loved ones.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


June 17, 2018
Fourth Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. The past week at the seminary has been relaxing, which is much needed after a long school year. I have been able to make a private retreat, which has been most refreshing. An annual retreat is a requirement for our religious, and one that we look forward to every summer.

The work on our church continues along at a good pace. We will be sure to put some photos on the web site of the work. Otherwise, these blog posts will now cease to be regular over the next couple months. Of course, we will have our Boys' Camp in late July and a priests' meeting as well. The rest of our time will be spent catching up on other projects that have been put on hold during the school year.

I would like to wish all the fathers among our readers a most blessed Fathers' Day today! May Saint Joseph assist you in fulfilling your most important role in the formation of your children.

May God bless you and your families. Please remember to pray for vocations.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


June 10, 2018
Third Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. After a beautiful Corpus Christi procession on Sunday, we had a few final activities before ending the school year. On Monday the seminarians helped to move things from our church, in preparation for a major remodel, which is now underway. The remodeling project will take a number of months and will raise the roof of the church and lengthen the basement.

On Tuesday, the seminarians enjoyed an all-day outing to beautiful Farragut State Park with the school children. Activities included canoeing and games, such as a water-balloon toss and an egg toss. The children had a most enjoyable time. We will share some photos with you in next month's newsletter.

Finally, on Wednesday, there was a small school program and awards ceremony. Now the seminarians have all left for the summer, leaving just four of us at the seminary: Fr. Augustine, Mr. Gerard Keaveney, Frater Aloysius and myself. Frater Aloysius is a cleric who is spending the summer with us at the minor seminary, and his help is greatly appreciated!

The last few days of the past week have been spent is setting up a temporary chapel in our gym building. On weekdays, all Masses are in the seminary chapel, but it is too small to accommodate all the parishioners on Sunday--hence, the need for a chapel in the gym for Sunday Masses. During the course of this construction project, we have the sacrifice of not having our church available for Mass, but it will certainly be worth it when the project is finished. We will be sure to share some photos with you of the various stages of the project in the coming weeks and months.

I pray that you will all enjoy a safe, relaxing, and (most of all) a spiritually uplifting summer. For us (priests and religious) the summer is the time when we have some vacation time, but it is also an opportunity to make our required annual retreat. This week, I will make a private retreat and am greatly looking forward to that opportunity. May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


June 3, 2018
Second Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. As you well know, our seminary is located at the end of a road in the hills of northern Idaho. It is a beautiful, secluded spot, surrounded by forested hills and overlooking the valleys below. As such, it is a particularly grand setting for the annual Corpus Christi procession, especially when--as was the case today--the sun is shining bright in a nearly cloudless sky. When the priest lifts the shiny gold monstrance to bless the people at the outdoor altars, he can only think that he is holding up the Creator, who brought into existence the magnificent creation which surrounds us.

Well, I guess you can easily understand what I am saying--that our Corpus Christi procession this morning was grand and inspiring. For only at the Corpus Christi procession is the Blessed Sacrament carried outside the church in procession. It is truly a beautiful sight and one that inspires our devotion and appreciation for the Blessed Sacrament. It is also a fitting way to conclude our school year.

But, the school year is not quite complete. This week we will send out the June issue of The Guardian (tomorrow), go on an outing to beautiful Lake Pend Oreille (Tuesday), and have the awards ceremony (Wednesday). It is going to be a busy week. On top of that, we will begin this week the long-planned remodeling project, which will temporarily make our church unavailable. But I will tell you more about that next week.

Again, we thank you for your prayers, as we look forward to next year. Especially pray for more vocations to our seminary. There has been a good amount of interest, but we will have to wait to see how many of these young men actually enter the seminary in a few months. In the meantime, be assured of our prayers for you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


May 28, 2018
Saint Augustine of Canterbury
(Memorial Day)

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Today is a quiet day at the seminary, and that is much needed! On Friday the seminarians went off (with Fr. Augustine) on their camping trip. They went north, to the area around Bonners Ferry, which is close to Canada. They had a good time, with hiking, games, some fishing (but no luck catching any!), etc. They arrived home last night, so now they have some free time to relax and prepare for the final days of school.

This morning we had the annual Queenship procession. Although the feast of the Queenship of Our Lady is this Friday, (and our seminarians will sing a High Mass on that day), we had the procession this morning so that the working members of our parish can attend. The weather was perfect as the seminarians and High School altar boys carried the statue of Our Lady. When we arrived at Mary's outdoor shrine, we paused for the recitation of the Little Crown of the Blessed Virgin Mary, during which the parishioners offered flowers to Our Blessed Mother in the vases provided. We then returned to the church--finishing the Rosary en route--where we had our final prayers with the crowning of Our Blessed Mother's statue.

This week will be our final week of academics, with various tests and papers due. We also have a custom here to have a special dinner (with all the staff members invited), to honor our graduating seniors. We will observe that custom this week to honor Robert Kolinsky, who came here three years ago at the beginning of his sophomore year. Robert has been a faithful seminarian, doing all that was asked of him and striving for excellence. He will be missed. Then, on Saturday, His Excellency will be here for senior graduation and the administration of the sacrament of confirmation.

After that, we prepare for the most important outdoor procession, that of Corpus Christi, which will be held next Sunday. So it's going to be a busy week. But we always remember our benefactors, and we also ask you to pray for our young men and for more vocations to the seminary.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


May 27, 2018
Trinity Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Since I do not have time to write a regular blog entry today, I invite you to check back tomorrow afternoon. A blog entry will be posted by 3:00 pm tomorrow on Memorial Day. It has been an eventful week, and the coming days promise to be even more eventful, so there will be much to catch up on in the blog. May God bless you.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


May 20, 2018
Pentecost Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. You all know that Pentecost is called the birthday of the Church. As such, today is a most important day for us as Catholics, as we call to mind the grace of membership in Christ's Church. We also recall the tremendous need for priests to spread the faith and dispense the sacraments. For this reason, Pentecost Sunday has particular significance for us in the seminary.

Of course, throughout this week we celebrate the Octave of Pentecost, which is a week-long reminder of the importance of the work of the Holy Ghost in our souls. Let us often invoke Him in all our endeavors, especially that we may grow in a knowledge and love of our Catholic faith. This will also be the final full week of academics at the seminary. Most final tests will occur toward the end of the week, as we draw near to the conclusion of the school year.

We ask your prayers for vocations to our seminary for the coming school year. Although there have been a number of inquiries, we know that the devil will do all he can to prevent young men from following a vocation. So let us pray that God will send us many vocations. And may He bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


May 13, 2018
Sunday Within the octave of Ascension

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. We wish a happy Mothers Day to all the mothers who read our seminary blog! The prayers, advice and good example of our Catholic mothers are the primary reason why there are priests--especially the prayers of good mothers for vocations. To have your son chosen by Our Lord to be one of His priests is a great privilege--one that mothers ought to pray for. You mothers are remembered in our prayers especially today.

Today is also the anniversary of Our Lady's first apparition at Fatima, and so there will be a public Rosary procession in downtown Spokane today. Our seminarians always enjoy attending these Rosary processions, which is a good way to pray for our country and to publicly profess our faith. I will not be able to attend the Rosary procession this evening, but Father Augustine will be there with the seminarians.

Other than that, this week will be a "normal" week here at the seminary, without any particular exceptional events. Last week the seminarians had a field trip to Grand Coulee Dam and enjoyed a day off on Thursday, the feast of the Ascension. It is good that we will have regular classes throughout the week, as there is not much time left, and we need to finish our academics for the year.

We will have special ceremonies coming up at the end of the month--the Queenship procession, the feast of Corpus Christi, and the Corpus Christi procession. There will also be the annual "end-of-year" camping trip for the seminarians.

We remember you, our benefactors, in our prayers daily, especially in the Rosary. Please continue your prayers for our seminary. May God bless you, and may He increase in our hearts the love of His Blessed Mother during this month of May.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


May 6, 2018
Fifth Sunday after Easter

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Both Father Augustine and I had the privelege of attending the ordination ceremonies in Omaha this past week. Not only do we now have a new priest, but 11 other seminarians advanced through the various steps to the priesthood, including Frater Mary Aloysius, who received first clerical tonsure, the first formal step toward the priesthood. Frater Aloysius was once one of our seminarians here.

This coming week will be busy. On Tuesday we will have a Rogation procession. On Wednesday the seminarians will have a field trip to Grand Coulee Dam. And on Thursday, of course, there will be no classes for Ascension Thursday. That will give the seminarians a chance for a hike and barbecue.

This week also marks the mid-quarter, reminding us that there are only 4 weeks remaining of school. That time will go by quickly, especially with all the events that are coming up. I will tell you more about them next Sunday. Please pray for us and for more vocations.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


April 29, 2018
Fourth Sunday after Easter

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. We find ourselves in a busy time of year, with many activities toward the end of the school year. This week I will travel to Omaha for the ordination ceremony on Thursday. In December the seminarians made the trip there for the ordination of Father Augustine. This time, they will remain home but will be there in spirit, as we all pray for the seminarians receiving orders, especially for Frater Philip Marie who will be ordained to the priesthood.

Following the ordination ceremony, Father Augustine will return to the seminary. As you know, he was with us from August up until late March, when he was recalled to Omaha to assist with Holy Week. We are all looking forward to his return to the seminary.

This week we will send out the May issue of The Guardian. We also begin our various practices honoring Our Blessed Mother this month. May we all grow in love and devotion to our heavenly Mother!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


April 22, 2018
Third Sunday after Easter

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Over the past month we have had the assistance of Frater Philip Marie, CMRI, a deacon, here at the seminary. This week he will return to the major seminary (on Thursday), in order to begin his retreat in preparation for ordination to the holy priesthood on May 3rd. It has been nice having his assistance with the seminarians and we certainly are praying for him as he prepares for ordination.

Right now, we are in the midst of the annual Forty Hours adoration, today being the final day. The seminarians have been spending at least one hour each of the three days in adoration. This afternoon at 4:30 we will have the closing procession and ceremonies, which include the Litany of the Saints. (We will chanting the LItany again in a few days for the Greater Litanies.)

At last the weather has turned warm with plenty of sunshine, so the seminarians are getting outside more. There are plenty of outdoor chores to be done, and soon there will be grass to mow. It is also time (over the next few days) to set up our seminary "May Altar," as Our Lady's month is just around the corner. What a beautiful time is this Paschal Season--a time to reflect on the beauties of our Catholic faith. May we treasure it more each day. May God bless you and your families during this joyful Easter season.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


April 8, 2018
Low Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. It has been a relaxing week at the seminary. Now we are ready to get back to classes for the final 2 months of school. Tomorrow will be the feast of the Annunciation (transferred from March 25). We always renew our act of total consecration to Jesus through Mary on this feast. According to Saint Louis Marie de Montfort, the feast of the Annunciation is the primary feast for the holy slavery to Jesus through Mary. Later this month we will begin our formal renewal prayers.

Otherwise, it should be a regular week of classes. The seminarians will prepare for the High Mass next week to open our annual Forty Hours and also the chants for the Greater Litanies, which come up at the end of the month. There is also outdoor work to be done, now that the snow has melted, so there will be plenty to keep the seminarians busy.

Soon we will enter the beautiful month of Our Lady, during which we show her the devotion of our hearts, through our May altars and devotions. May we all grow closer to Jesus and Mary at this holy Paschal season!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


April 1, 2018
Easter Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. The weather lately has been beautiful! The crocuses and daffodils are in bloom, the robins and swallows have returned--spring is definitely in the air. And how fitting for the feast of the Resurrection of Our Lord, the feast of new life, of hope, and of the promise of our own future resurrection and entrance into heaven to be with our risen Savior.

The beautiful Holy Week ceremonies were splendid this year. I cannot thank God enough for the fine young men that serve here (both seminarians and other young men of the parish.) All the teenage young men who served this week for the liturgy have been serving for a good number of years and know their parts well. It truly makes for a smooth, dignified liturgy.

And now our seminarians can look forward to a week of vacation. Three of them are staying here at the seminary, so we will arrange some outings and extra recreational activities. Soon, we will be back to classes for the final stretch until summer vacation. How quickly the time flies. May you all have a most blessed and joyous Easter!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


March 25, 2018
Palm Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Our ceremonies this morning went splendidly, but the weather was quite cold, making the outdoor procession a good penance. Yesterday it snowed several inches, but the seminarians worked to clean off the path to prepare for the procession. In spite of the cold and snow, we held our annual Palm Sunday procession, as we sang the chants and carried our palms to honor Christ our King.

The seminarians will also chant Sunday Vespers and Compline today, as they have been doing the past few Sundays. Frater Philip Marie, who is here for now as Fr. Augustine Marie's replacement, has worked with the seminarians to prepare for this afternoon's chanting. (Father Augustine left yesterday to help out with Holy Week and the mission circuits in the Midwest.)

Our Third Quarter ended this past Friday, and the seminarians look forward to receiving their grade reports this week. Now we will turn all our attention to preparing for the beautiful Holy Week ceremonies: the High Mass and chanting of the Passion on Wednesday, the Mass of the Last Supper Thursday evening, the Good Friday afternoon ceremonies and the Easter Vigil ceremonies Saturday night. The seminarians are a big help, not only in serving but also in helping with the sacristy work to prepare for the various ceremonies.

Next Sunday we will hold our annual Easter Egg Hunt at the seminary for the young children of the parish. The seminarians will help to hide the eggs and coordinate the event. It is a nice parish activity. But first, we need to make a good Holy Week, faithfully fulfilling our Lenten penances during this, the final week of Lent. May we all spend it well, in union with our Mother of Sorrows and Jesus Crucified!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


March 18, 2018
Passion Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Last night we had our annual Saint Patrick's Day Talent Show. All the seminarians gave excellent presentations, so it was difficult for the judges (who were the teachers) to decide the winner. Eventually, Robert came out with the prize, but they all deserved a prize for their efforts. It was a lot of fun and is a great tradition that we keep up here at the seminary, thanks to the support of our resident Irishman, Mr. Gerard Keaveney. (Yes, he is even more Irish than I am.)

This morning was our parish breakfast in honor of Saint Joseph and Saint Patrick. The seminarians want to thank all the parishioners who helped them with this project. There was a good turnout after each Mass, as we celebrated our patron saint. As I mentioned last week, we will have a Solemn High Mass tomorrow in his honor.

Today we will chant Vespers and Compline of the Divine Office. Now that we have entered Passiontide, we turn our attention to the preparations for Holy Week. I have already made out the serving schedule, and so now we will begin serving practices for the important liturgical events of Holy Week. We also will finish the Third Quarter this week, so final quarter testing will keep the seminarians busy as well.

I would also like to share with you the news of a change of residence for Father Augustine Marie (Walz), CMRI, who has been my assistant here at the seminary this school year. As you know, he was ordained in December, and now he is assigned to return to Omaha to help with the Mass centers for our various Midwest Mass centers. In his place, I will have the assistance of Rev. Frater Philip Marie Davis, CMRI. Frater Philip is a deacon who will be ordained on May 3rd. We are looking forward to his assistance in the seminary.

Finally, I would like to ask your continued prayers for new vocations to our seminary. This is the time of year when we begin to plan for the coming year. So it is time for me to contact those who have shown interest. Let us always remember the words of Our Lord -- "The harvest is great but the laborers are few. Pray the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into His harvest." By these words Jesus teaches us that it is primarily by prayer that we obtain the vocations so desperately needed today. May Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph bless you and your loved one, and may they send us many vocations!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


March 11, 2018
Fourth Sunday of Lent Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. As I mentioned last Sunday, the seminarians had one final trip to the ski slopes and were rewarded with excellent conditions. Yes, we still have snow around, so yesterday, while I gave a retreat to the adults of our parish, the seminarians worked on cleaning the last bit of snow off our driveway and outside stairs and deck. It has been sunny and beautiful; spring is in the air.

This week the seminarians will take the annual achievement tests, which are an aid for us to see how well they are progressing in the various areas of academic skills. These tests will take most of 2 days this week. They are also preparing for the annual Saint Patrick's Day talent show, so we can hear then practicing their Irish songs.

Next weekend they will sponsor a breakfast after both Sunday Masses for the parish, in honor of Saint Patrick and Saint Joseph. Consequently, Saturday will be a busy day of preparing the food and the parish hall. They will also help to put the violet covers on the statues in the church for Passion Sunday. Then, on Monday of next week, we will have a solemn High Mass for the feast of Saint Joseph.

Speaking of Saint Joseph, yesterday began the novena in preparation for his feastday. In addition to our normal prayers in his honor every day of March, we have added the Litany of Saint Joseph for these 9 days, as we prepare to celebrate the feastday of our holy patron. Let us all prepare to honor this great saint, whose intercession is so much needed in our times.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


March 4, 2018
Third Sunday of Lent Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. The coming week will be a normal week, for the most part. On Tuesday, however, there will be a funeral, so the seminarians will be involved in either singing the Mass or serving. Once again, the opportunity to serve the various functions of the liturgy provides a welcome learning opportunity for them.

As I said, this week will be a relatively "quiet" week. We will prepare to chant Vespers next Sunday, and there is the funeral, but otherwise there will be the regular schedule of classes, at least until Friday. Since we have received yet more snow this past Friday, the seminarians will have one last outing to the ski slopes on the coming Friday. They also have their annual pool tournament this week, so there is always something for them to look forward to.

Thursday of this week marks the mid-point of Lent--an opportunity to assess how well we have been doing and to reinvigorate ourselves in the various Lenten practices we have undertaken. Let us all pause this week to make a brief examination on our Lenten efforts and to renew our resolve to finish the remainder of the season in union with Our Sorrowful Mother and Our Lord in His passion!

Next Sunday will be Laetare Sunday--a reminder that we ought always to serve God with joy. Let us continue with joyful hearts our Lenten practices, which yield such rich rewards. And let us continue to honor Saint Joseph this month, calling to mind that he is the powerful patron of the Church, which is so sorely in need of his intercession in our times. May God bless you all.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


February 25, 2018
Second Sunday of Lent Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. I already mentioned to you last Sunday about the Solemn High Mass scheduled for Thursday. It was the first solemn Mass this school year. Although it is sometimes difficult to arrange for 3 priests to be here, in order to have a Solemn High Mass, it nevertheless is something that we plan on having at least from time to time. It is a wonderful opportunity for our seminarians (and our school children) to appreciate the liturgy of our Holy Mother the Church. Our next Solemn High Mass will be on the feast of Saint Joseph.

Speaking of the liturgy, we will chant Sunday Vespers today. During the seminary retreat, which just concluded, we had a choir practice for Vespers. This is something that I would have more often, if I had more time to teach the seminarians. Traditional Catholic priests are compelled to travel frequently nowadays, and so it is often difficult to have these ceremonies, especially in a minor seminary, where the boys are just now learning how to chant Sunday Vespers. But the chanting of Vespers from the Divine Office is a beautiful part of the liturgy, especially during the season of Lent.

You know (if you read last Sunday's blog), that we just concluded our annual seminary retreat, which is regularly held on the weekend at the conclusion of the first full week of Lent. Normally, I try to bring in an outside priest, in order to give the seminarians some variety. (After all, they are used to hearing me speak all the time.) Well, this year that didn't work out, so I was the retreat master. I enjoyed making the retreat with the boys--we can always review the truths of the spiritual life!

Now we enter, this week, the month of Saint Joseph. You can imagine how important the month of March is for us at Saint Joseph Seminary, as we seek to honor our great patron throughout the month. May he intercede for all of us and help us to love and serve Jesus and Mary. And may the Holy Family bless your families!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


February 18, 2018
Quadragesima Sunday
(First Sunday of Lent)

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. The High Mass and ceremonies on Ash Wednesday were a great way to start Lent! The seminarians sang the Mass after receiving the ashes, the symbol of penance. Thus far, our Lent has been observed in a quiet manner here at the seminary, with the addition of the stations of the Cross every Friday.

This week will be a normal week, for the most part, with the addition of a solemn High Mass on Thursday, the feast of the Chair of Saint Peter at Antioch. It is rare that we have a third priest present, which is necessary to complete the various roles of priest, deacon and subdeacon at a solemn Mass. This time, the seminarians will serve as the High School students sing the Mass.

We will conclude the week with our annual retreat, which begins Friday evening and lasts until Sunday afternoon. In addition to the spiritual conferences in chapel, there will be an all-night vigil of adoration and chanted Vespers on Sunday. I ask for your prayers that our seminarians will cooperate with the graces of the retreat, and that it will be a time of spiritual growth for each of them.

Lastly, the weather: Our winter is not yet over. Over the past few days we have had more than a foot of snow, and now it is turned colder, which assures that the snow will be around for a while. We may be anxious for spring to come, but for now, the seminarians will have to be content with sledding and the chore of more shoveling. We might be able to even have one more ski outing before all is said and done.

May God bless each of you, and may He grant us all the great grace of a holy Lent.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


February 11, 2018
Quinquagesima Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Although the weather was not perfect for the second seminary ski trip on Friday, the conditions were nevertheless good. It was foggy, but at least there was no wind. The temperature was mild, and everyone had a great time.

In a few days, of course, we will begin the season of Lent. We are preparing for the ceremonies of Ash Wednesday, which are solemn and penitential. The blessed ashes remind us of the need for penance, for we have our fallen nature to contend with daily.

By penance we subdue the flesh, allowing the spirit to predominate. We find it is easier to practice virtue when we subjugate our passions. Each seminarian has already written a penance program, and we all are determined to make the best Lent we possibly can. We pray that you also will have a holy Lent, as we all seek to please God and progress daily in His grace.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


February 4, 2018
Sexagesima Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. On Friday we celebrated the Purification of Our Lady with a High Mass, sung by the seminarians with help from the High School boys. Of course, before Mass there was the blessing and procession of candles. Fortunately, the rain held off long enough for us to have a small procession outside the church, just big enough to make a small loop in the parking lot.

Yes, it has been raining here in the Pacific Northwest--we actually have been getting quite a bit of rain during this unusually mild winter. The seminarians are hoping it has not been melting the snow on Silver Mountain, as they would like to have one more ski trip this winter.

But the rain does not prevent the seminarians from enjoying sports in our small gym, which include basketball, hockey and volleyball. This past week they played a basketball game against a rival team to whom they lost last year. This time, however, the seminarians came away with the victory in an exciting game. That was a nice way to conclude our basketball season.

Now we turn our attention to Lent. As I have mentioned before, the seminarians make out a list of penances for both Advent and Lent. This is a good practice that we all should observe. If we don't write down our Lenten sacrifices, we are likely to forget them. Lent is such a valuable season of the Church Year, when so many graces are available to us. May we all prepare during the next 10 days to make a good Lent, and may God bless you and your loved ones.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


January 28, 2018
Septuagesima Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. The first of the Sundays of "pre-Lent" presents a stark contrast to the joy of the Christmas season. The violet vestments and the elimination of the joyful "Alleluias" reminds us that we are to prepare for the all-important season of Lent, which is now less than 3 weeks away. Let us all be certain to plan our Lenten practices, so that we will make a good Lent.

Here at the seminary we have had a most enjoyable week. The bishop and priests visited the seminary for dinner on Wednesday. The seminarians played some games with them and learned their names and where they live. Meeting priests is always a source of inspiration to a young man who aspires to the priesthood. It was truly a blessed evening for all.

On Friday the seminarians had their first ski day. The conditions were fair, although it was snowing lightly throughout the day. For some of the seminarians, it was their first time at skiing, so there were falls and now some sore limbs. Since one uses muscles in skiing (especially turning) that are not always used so extensively, it means some soreness for the next couple of days. But they had a great time and are hoping to be able to go again this winter.

We now begin our Second Semester of classes. There will be some changes in the seminarians' classes, which they will explain in the next issue of The Guardian, which will be printed and mailed later this week. I pray that you all receive many blessings, as we enter into the more penitential part of the year. May God bless you and your loved ones.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


January 21, 2018
Third Sunday after Epiphany

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Due to illness at the seminary the previous week, among other reasons, we have extended our semester by one week. That means that this will be the final week of the First Semester, with grades due next weekend.

It will also be a busy week, with the bishop and priests visiting the seminary on Wednesday. Each year we have a meeting of all our priests at Mount Saint Michael in January. Typically, during that week, the priests come to the minor seminary for dinner on one evening. It is a nice opportunity for the seminarians to visit with the priests and to learn about their various apostolic works. It is always an enjoyable occasion for the seminarians.

Then, on Friday, the seminarians will have their first ski day of the year. We will go, as usual, to Silver Mountain, which is about a 50-minute drive from the seminary. Once there, we take a 20-minute gondola ride to the top of the mountain. Hopefully, we will have ideal weather for the excursion. I am sure the seminarians will tell you all about it in the next issue of The Guardian.

As always, we ask for your prayers for our seminary and promise to remember you in ours. Especially pray for more seminarians to join us at Saint Joseph Seminary.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


January 14, 2018
Second Sunday after Epiphany

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. This past week, our first full week after the Christmas vacation, was a tough week for the seminarians--each of them was sick. Some had the flu and some had colds. They all missed at least one day of school, and most of them missed several days. So they have all experienced the cross of illness, which teaches us to be grateful for the health we often take for granted.

Fortunately, now everyone is well and we are backed to full attendance at classes. The Second Quarter is quickly winding down, and we are also looking forward to skiing. I will tell you more about that next Sunday. May God bless you and your loved ones, and may we all grow in the love and grace of God.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


January 7, 2018
Feast of the Holy Family

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. What a wonderful feastday we celebrate today! Jesus deigned to grow up in a family atmosphere in order to sanctify family life and to show us the importance of the home. For it is in devout Catholic families that vocations are nurtured. In that sense, a minor seminary is much like a family. The young men here--although from different families--become like brothers. They learn to live harmoniously with one another, although there are various personalities and temperaments. You can understand why fraternal charity is one of the key virtues emphasized in the seminary.

As I mentioned in the last blog entry, our classes here resumed on Friday. We also had on that day the solemn blessing of Epiphany water. Now we are getting settled once again into the routine of regular classes, with only two weeks remaining until the end of the semester.

Here in the northwest we have been spared the bitter cold that much of the nation has experienced. Yet there still has been plenty of snow for the seminarians to shovel. They also look forward to going skiing later this month. In the meantime, however, it is back to studies after a restful vacation. Please continue your prayers for our seminary and for more vocations. And may the Holy Family bless you and your families!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


December 24, 2017
Vigil of Christmas

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Quiet has settled over the seminary, as the students have gone home for vacation to be with their families. We will resume classes on January 5.

Before they left, however, we mailed our January issue of The Guardian, so you will get that in the mail soon. I especially want to take this opportunity to wish you all a most Blessed and Joyous Christmas. May the Christ Child be born anew in our hearts this Christmas, and may He bless you and your families in the New Year.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


December 16, 2017
Third Sunday of Advent

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. It was not possible to post a blog last Sunday, due to the busy-ness of last weekend. After spending much of Saturday packing, our seminarians left for Omaha in the seminary van on Sunday right after the early Mass. They made the 2-day trip with Brother Sebastian and Mr. Gerard Keaveney doing the driving, arriving Monday evening.

Tuesday, December 12, was the big day. Father Augustine, the vice-rector of our seminary was ordained to the priesthood, in a magnificent ceremony, which also included ordinations to the diaconate, subdiaconate, and minor orders. The following day, the seminarians attended the first solemn Mass of Father Augustine, before heading back to Idaho. On the way home they were able to stop at the location of Custer's Last Stand, which is on the way.

Now, once again, we have 2 priests in residence at the minor seminary. Father Augustine, who joined us in August, helps with various activities here, including teaching, supervising work projects and taking the seminarians on outings when I am unable to do so. His presence is a welcome example for our young men, who aspire to become priests themselves one day.

For now, life at the seminary has returned to normal, for a few days at least. Soon, the seminarians will be going home for their Christmas vacation. Before then, however, there is much to do, including the next issue of The Guardian. Let us all prepare well during this week, despite our activities, for the celebration of Our Lord's birth. May He bless each of you.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


December 03, 2017
First Sunday of Advent

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. On Tuesday of this past week we made the trek to Vantage, Washington, to show the boys the Ginkgo Petrified Forest--a location where a great deal of petrified wood was found. The visitors' center offers a nice video to explain the process of petrification of wood. This location is one of 7 in the United States, but it has the greatest variety (30 species) of petrified trees found anywhere in the world. On the way back we stopped at the "Wild Horses Monument" which overlooks to Columbia River.

I must admit that I am disappointed in how the photos turned out in The Guardian, which was mailed on Friday. The detail is much better in the copy that you can find on our website, than in the printed newsletter. For some reason, the photos come out much darker in the newsletter, so it is hard to see all the detail.

This week will be a shorter week with the Holyday on Friday. Thursday is the mid-quarter--the conclusion of the first half of the Second Quarter. Then, next Sunday, the seminarians will travel to Omaha for the ordination of Frater Augustine, one of our teachers here at the seminary. Please pray for him, as he goes on retreat this week to prepare for ordination.

Finally, I wish to encourage you (as I did last Sunday) to make a holy Advent. Let us all make some sacrifices to prepare a place in our hearts for the birth of Christ. May God bless you and your loved ones.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


November 26, 2017
25th Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. After an extended weekend (with the Thanksgiving holiday), the seminarians should be ready to get back into the routine of classes tomorrow. Already we are coming up to Advent (next Sunday), followed in a couple weeks by a week-long trip to Omaha for ordinations, so we will have to make the most of the class time available.

Tomorrow is a wonderful feast of Our Lady--her apparition of the Miraculous Medal. So of course we will chant Vespers and seek to honor Our Blessed Mother in a special way with extra devotions. The miraculous medal is a wonderful sacramental that comes from Our Lady herself, so we ought to wear it with devotion. On Tuesday there will be a field trip, which will take the entire school day--I will tell you about that next Sunday. Then, of course, we will conclude the week with our normal First Friday and First Saturday devotions.

During this week we will prepare for Advent, by choosing some sacrifices to perform. I encourage all of you to plan for your Advent season. This year's Advent is the shortest possible, since Christmas falls on a Sunday, so we must make the most of it. May we all prepare well to celebrate Our Lord's birth in the stable, and may God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


November 19, 2017
24nd Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. This past week we had a funeral for a departed parishioner, so the seminarians sang the funeral Mass. We also continue to recite our prayers for the faithful departed every day of this month.

This coming week, of course, will be a short one, with the brief Thanksgiving vacation. On Tuesday we will honor Our Blessed Mother on her feast of the Presentation with a sodality ceremony and chanted Vespers.

As we observe the holiday of Thanksgiving, let us particularly thank God for all His benefits, both spiritual and temporal. We ought to thank God daily for His gifts, for gratitude is the surest way to obtain continued blessings. We also thank God for you and your support of our seminary, and we pray that Jesus and Mary bless you abundantly. May God bless you.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


November 12, 2017
23nd Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Last weekend we had our first snowfall of the season---a total of 8 inches accumulation. But by now it is almost all gone. For a short time, however, the seminarians enjoyed playing in it. Lately, it has been rainy and not as cold. More snow is on the way, so winter has definitely arrived.

Every day in November we recite prayers for the faithful departed. We especially pray for all those whose names have been submitted. In addition, the seminarians will sing for a funeral this week, so it is a good thing they have been practicing during choir class the chants they will need to sing.

I will conclude my brief blog entry for this week by encouraging you to continue your prayers for our dear departed. May they soon be released from the purgatorial flames and enjoy everlasting bliss, where we hope to join them one day! May God bless you.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


November 5, 2017
22nd Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. It has been a busy week. On Tuesday we finished our First Quarter tests. On Wednesday there was a trip to the park in the afternoon of the holyday, followed by ice cream. On Thursday the seminarians sang a high Mass and attended one of the other Masses for All Souls Day. We also visited the cemetery after Mass, which I will write more about in the next paragraph. On Friday we put out the monthly mailing before going over to the church for First Friday Mass, followed by Benediction with devotions to the Sacred Heart. And then, last night, we received our first snowfall of the season. It is still snowing right now.

On All Souls Day we have a custom here of processing up the hill to the cemetery after Mass. We recite half the Rosary en route, and then prayers are said at the cemetery, during which the priest goes around the cemetery to sprinkle and then incense the graves. As we return to the church we recite the remainder of the Rosary. This year we were concerned about the weather--it had rained overnight and was threatening rain during Mass. Fortunately, however, the rain held up and we were able to have our procession and prayers.

On All Souls Day the seminarians also make as many visits to chapel as they can for the Poor Souls. As you know, this is known as the special Toties Quoties indulgence of All Souls Day. I hope that we released many souls, and that we will continue to do so throughout this month of November. We also remember all of you in our prayers. May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


October 29, 2017
Christ the King

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Where does the time go? I realize that we missed the blog entry for last Sunday, so I will try to cover all the main happenings at the seminary over the past 2 week.

First, a week ago we received the latest entrant into our seminary. His name is Nicholas, and he is a freshman from western Washington. We are all glad to have another seminarian, and he has already adjusted quite well to seminary life.

On Friday, the seminarians enjoyed a field trip with the high school boys. Altogether, there were 10 boys and 2 teachers. We traveled to Wallace, Idaho, which is slightly more than an hour from the seminary. Wallace lies along I-90, about a dozen miles from the Montana/Idaho border. Our reason for going there was to visit the mining museum. Although it is a small museum, it is filled with information about the mining industry and about Wallace in particular. I was pleased to see the seminarians were all engaged in learning all they could from the various exhibits.

Wallace is called the Silver Capital of the World. Since the 1880's when it was discovered in the area, more silver has been mined in Wallace, Idaho, than in any other place in the world. Although there once were a dozen mines in operation there, right now there are only 2 mines open, which employ about 500 people. Wallace continues, each year, to produce more silver than any place else. On the other hand, there was also a terrible tragedy in the Silver Valley on May 2, 1971. When a fire broke out in the Sunshine Mine, 91 miners lost their lives. So we also visited the monument to the fallen miners just outside Wallace.

Our field trip concluded with some recreation at Shoshone Park nearby in Mullen, after we had traveled up to Lookout Pass to enjoy the beautiful fall scenery, with Tamarack trees turning color along the mountainsides. The weather was perfect for this trip, and we realize that the beautiful fall weather we are enjoying right now won't last long. Today, the seminarians will go to a local park to play football--it might be the last chance before the weather turns decidedly colder.

This week, of course, will be a busy one liturgically. Today, we had benediction of the Blessed Sacrament with our annual renewal of consecration to Christ the King. On Wednesday, there will be an outing with some hiking or other recreation. Then on Thursday, there will be the 3 Masses and a visit to the cemetery. We will also make as many visits as possible for the special Toties Quoties indulgence for the Poor Souls. We hope you also will do all you can to deliver souls from purgatory, especially this month. After all, we may one day be in their position, in need of the prayers of others. May God bless you and your loved ones.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


October 16, 2017
Saint Gerard Majella

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. It has been a wonderful 4 days of activity for the seminarians. On Thursday they attended all the lectures of the Fatima Conference, which lasted throughout the day, as well as the banquet and keynote address in the evening.

On Friday, they were able to serve for the bishop's Pontifical High Mass. This was followed, once again, by lectures. At least on Friday they had an afternoon break for some recreation. Then, after the evening meal at Mount Saint Michael, everyone lined up for the magnificent Rosary Procession. Since it was the 100th anniversary of the Fatima apparitions, the procession was the most splendid ever. There was a float, decorated and well-lit, with a large statue of Our Lady of Fatima. All the people carried lighted candles, praying and singing as we went along. It was so well-attended, both by guests for the Conference and by the local parishioners of St. Michael's and Mary Immaculate Queen churches, that the crowd was estimated to be about 900 persons!

On Saturday the seminarians stayed home and cleaned the house, setting up for the guests who would visit on Sunday. They worked hard for much of the day, and their efforts showed it. On Sunday our Open House began with an explanatory lecture in the church, followed by a visit to the various buildings here, including the seminary. The ladies of the parish had provided a lunch for the guests, which was greatly appreciated. Everyone had a wonderful time, and the seminarians were able to visit with the guests and explain to them about their life here in the seminary.

Finally, on Sunday evening,we went back to the Mount for chanted Vespers, Supper and the closing ceremonies. These consisted in the recitation of the Rosary, devotions to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, various hymns to Our Blessed Mother, closing comments of the Conference and final Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. It was an excellent way to conclude the annual Conference. We returned home Sunday night tired but happy, after the many wonderful events of the week. May God bless you.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


October 8, 2017
Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. It is going to be a busy week here at the seminary. Monday and Tuesday will be regular class days, but on Wednesday, we will have only a half day of classes. That will be followed by a work party to rake the grounds and prepare for our Open House for the Fatima Conference, which will be next Sunday. It will be nice to have the out-of-town guests visit the seminary, and we look forward to meeting them. Perhaps some of you will also be attending?

On Thursday and Friday the seminarians will attend all the events of the Conference. They will attend the lectures and meet the various priests who are coming. On Friday they will serve for the Bishop's Pontifical High Mass and then close out the day be attending the beautiful outdoor candlelight procession. On Saturday they will stay home and do their regular Saturday chores. Then, on Sunday evening we will go back up to Mount Saint Michael for Vespers and the closing ceremonies.

Of course, we continue our daily public Rosary with exposition in the seminary chapel (although we will not be able to do so on Thursday and Friday, due to the events of the Conference.) All in all, the month of October is a beautiful time of year, with the leaves turning colors and all the events we are involved with. We especially remember this month the request of Our Lady, that we pray the Rosary every day. May we all be faithful in fulfilling that request and in pleasing Our Lady. May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


October 1, 2017
Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. After the busy-ness of the previous week (with my brother's death and funeral), this past week has been for me a week of getting back into the routine of daily classes and seminary schedule. (I am most grateful to the teachers who substituted for me during the previous week!) We finished on Friday the first half of the quarter, which means our first grading period. Right now I am grading the last few papers and averaging grades for the mid-quarter reports.

There will be a few special events of this week. Tomorrow we will put out our monthly mailing. On Tuesday the seminarians will sing a High Mass in honor of the Little Flower. Then on Friday and Saturday we will have benediction with devotions, as we always do on the First Friday and First Saturday of the month. Also, today we begin a daily public Rosary with exposition, which will last throughout the month of the Rosary.

This week will also be for me a busy week of preparation for the annual Fatima Conference. The seminarians always look forward to this event, which I will tell you more about next Sunday. For now, I wish to encourage you to especially be faithful to the daily Rosary, as Our Lady requested at Fatima. We need the special graces obtained through the devout recitation of the Rosary today more than ever. May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


September 24, 2017
Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. It has been an extraordinary week. We finally received a good amount of rainful, and it was much cooler this week than normal.

On Saturday, the seminarians helped Mr. Keaveney harvest the grapes in our vineyard, and what a bumper crop it was! There still are several rows of vines that have not yet been harvested. We planted a vineyard just over 2 years ago, and already it is producing a plentiful amount of grapes. The purpose is to make our own altar wine, so that is something new we are trying to learn. The seminarians worked all day yesterday with harvesting and helping Mr. Keaveney begin the process of wine-making.

For me it has been a grace-filled week but emotionally draining week. One of my brothers passed away on Wednesday, after spending the last 6 weeks in the hospital. He had been away from the sacraments for many years and finally, the day before he died, asked to receive the sacraments. You can imagine my joy in being able to anoint him and know that he died well-prepared. Please remember in your prayers the repose of the soul of Francis Patrick Hughes. He was 61 years of age. Thank you for your prayers!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


September 17, 2017
Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Finally, the weather has turned noticeably cooler, and we are expecting rain this week. It is much needed, both to clean the atmosphere and water the parched soil. It has been extremely dry the past 2 months.

This past week we finally started something that the boys look forward to--and that is a weekly trip to the local city park for P.E. We do not have an adequately level field here at the seminary for sports activities, so a trip to the park is always appreciated. That is something we usually do on Wednesday afternoons in the fall and spring.

We also celebrated the feast of Our Lady's Holy Name this past week. There was a feastday dinner, capping off the triduum prayers we had recited in preparation for her feast. Of course, we also sang Vespers, which is a wonderful way to celebrate the feasts of our heavenly Mother.

Other than that, the past week has been a normal one for our seminarians. They continue to pursue their studies as they settle into the routine. Soon we will arrive at the end of the first mid-quarter period. So, as you can see, our school year proceeds along. Each day is an opportunity for progress and growth in God's grace. May we all profit by His abundant grace.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


September 10, 2017
Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Last week in our blog entry I mentioned the smoke from the wildfires. When I wrote that (last Sunday) it wasn't too bad, but by Tuesday the amount of smoke in the air caused unhealthy conditions. The local health department even urged schools and parents to keep their children inside. Ironically, although we have had some small local fires, almost all the smoke came from Montana, British Columbia and western Washington. Fortuantely, in the last couple of days the weather finally has turned cooler and the breezes have pushed much of that smoke out of the area. Now we could use some rain!

On Friday, of course, we celebrated the feast of Our Lady's nativity, which is one of her major feastdays. In keeping with our custom here, the seminarians chanted Vespers of Our Lady for the feastday--something which we will continue doing throughout the school year, on all feast of our Blessed Mother. Considering that it was their first time chanting Vespers this year, they did quite well. It should become easier as we go through the year, with 2 more feasts of Our Lady this week alone. We also continue the practice of chanting Compline every Sunday night.

We have now concluded our second week of classes, and the seminarians are gradually settling into the routine. This week we will be having our first real tests, now that we have covered enough material, so we will see how well the seminarians are learning the material they have been covering. Based on their participation in class and their diligence in doing their homework, it looks like they will do well.

I would like, once again, to thank you for your interest in our seminary and for your support. Please continue to pray daily for our seminary, for the formation of these young mena nd that many more will join us. May God bless you.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


September 03, 2017
Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Last week we left for the lake (Lake Coeur d'Alene) on Wednesday after classes. The boys had a great time canoeing, swimming and playing games. After an overnight--with Mass at the cabin--we returned to the seminary late Thursday, in order to be ready for classes, as well as Mass and benediction, on Friday. First Fridays are always important in our school and seminary, which devotions to the Sacred Heart during Benediction after Mass.

Yesterday, after chores, the seminarians went to an outdoor concert. Today they are out on a hike. As you can see, Frater Augustine is keeping them busy on the days off, especially at the beginning of the year. We don't want to ever see them bored! So far the morale has been excellent, as our 3 seminarians become comfortable in following the schedule and adapting to their new, semi-permanent home.

We are a bit behind this month with The Guardian newsletter, so the September issue will go in the mail on Wednesday. With the holiday tomorrow, it won't be printed until Tuesday. It will contain plenty of photos from the boys' camp, as well as our first week of the new year here at the seminary. (We also have new photos up on our website, so be sure to take a look.) One thing you will notice in the photos is the smoke from the wildfires in Washington State. The weather continues to be very warm, even hot, as we approach autumn. We could use some rain to diminish the chance of wild fires and to clean out the atmosphere.

Please continue your prayers for the success of our school year. May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


August 27, 2017
Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. I am sorry for the delay in getting to the blog. The last couple weeks have been quite busy, but now we are finally settling into a routine, as the new school year begins, so I should finally be able to keep up with the blog on a weekly basis.

Once again our annual Boy's Camp was a great success, with 68 boys in attendance, along with several priests and laymen to help with the supervision. Numerous activities kept the boys busy, but the favorites seemed to be the day at the lake and paintball. Of course, there is daily Mass and prayer, along with priestly guidance for the boys and young men in attendance. Let us pray that some of these boys will go on to become priests one day. The photos from the Boys' Camp will be up on our website soon, and we will have an article on it in the forthcoming newsletter.

As far as the seminary here, we begin classes tomorrow. There will only be three young men here this year. It is disappointing that there are not more vocations, and there are many reasons for that. I will write more about this topic in our September newsletter.

This first week of school will be an introduction to seminary life. We start with the orientation and then go through the seminary rules and policies. Also, we will have a short 2-day outing to Lake Coeur d'Alene to kick off the new year. It will give the boys an opportunity to get to know one another and have a final summer outing before getting down to serious school work. So let's hope and pray for a great school year--our 19th here at Saint Joseph Seminary! May God bless you all.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


August 6, 2017
Transfiguration of Our Lord (9th Sunday after Pentecost)

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. It has been 2 months since my last blog entry, but I now plan to keep up with a regular weekly entry, as we prepare to begin a new school year. Right now, our annual Boys' Camp is beginning, and there are dozens of boys (more than 50) all over the property here. They have come from throughout the western United States, with even some boys from places back East. Tomorrow morning several priests will fly in to assist with the activities of the Boys' Camp. I will give you a full report in next Sunday's blog, as well as in the September issue of our newsletter.

Speaking of The Guardian, we just mailed (on Friday) the August issue, so you should receive it shortly. If you are not a subscriber and wish to receive each monthly issue, just write to request to be added to our mailing list. You can also read each issue on this website.

In other news, I would like to offer my congratulations to a former student, Brother Mary Aloysius, CMRI, who just made profession of First Vows as a religious yesterday. Also, Christopher Peck, who spent the last 9 months as a postulant Brother here at the minor seminary, was received into the novitate, taking the new name in religion of Brother Louis Marie, CMRI. Let us pray for these young men as they continue in the service of God, and let us pray for many more vocations.

I will conclude this brief entry on the blog, asking for your continued prayers for our seminary. The beginning of a new scholastic year is always an exciting time, as we welcome new students to the seminary. Classes will begin in just 3 weeks.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


June 4, 2017
Pentecost Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. With all the activity of the past week, we were not able to finish The Guardian for July until the end of the week. Consequently, the mailing will go out tomorrow, so you can expect to receive the June edition soon.

Yesterday was a wonderful day with senior graduation and Mass by His Excellency. Mark is our lone graduate this year, and we also had several graduates from our parish school (Mary Immaculate Queen School). Afterwards, Mark gave his valedictorian speech, sharing memories of his past 3 years at the seminary.

This will be a short week, with the school year concluding after a half day on Wednesday. It will give us time to wrap up the year, clean the seminary, and pack up for the summer. With the summer vacation at hand, I will not be able to write a regular blog entry, but will try to do so about every 2 or 3 weeks.

We wish you all a most enjoyable and relaxing summer. May we all continue to cooperate with God's grace and serve Him at all times of the year!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


May 28, 2017
Sunday after the Ascension

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. We held our annual school-support jog-a-thon this past Wednesday. All the seminarians participated, as did the teachers. So I have been a bit sore the past few days, but it was well worth it. Fortunately, the weather on Wednesday was relatively cool, so the conditions were good. Robert, one of our seminarians, won the prize for the most laps run in an hour. (He ran 51 of the 1/8 mile laps, which computes to a bit more than 6 miles.)

On Thursday after Mass and breakfast, the seminarians helped Father Anthony to pack up the canoes and other supplies and then headed off on their camping trip. They will return later today, so I don't have any news yet to share with you on this annual event. One thing is for sure, however, and that is that they have had great weather. There has been no rain and plenty of sun for the past week. There should be plenty of news to hear when they return--you can look forward to an article in the next Guardian newsletter on the camping trip.

This week will be quite a busy one. Tomorrow on Memorial Day we will have our Queenship procession, which is a most beautiful tribute to Our Lady. We hold this procession on Monday so that more parishioners can attend. Then, on Wednesday, we will have a solemn High Mass in honor of Our Lady's Queenship, followed by the renewal of total consecration to Jesus through Mary. Thursday will be a shool outing to Farragut State Park. On Friday there will be a day of recollection for the confirmandi, and on Saturday there will be senior graduation and confirmation by the Bishop.

As you can see, it will be a busy week, to say the least. Before we know it, the year will end and the seminarians will return to their homes for the summer vocation. But please continue to pray for them and for more vocations to our seminary. May God bless you.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

May 21, 2017
Fifth Sunday after Easter

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Time is quickly winding down on our school year, but there are many events left to complete. Yesterdsay was to have been the annual jog-a-thon (a school fund-raiser), but due to rain, it had to be postponed. This is the first time that has happened, in the 10+ years we have held it. So we will make that up on one of the days this week.

On Thursday, the seminarians will head out on their annual camping trip to conclude the school year. Originally, the plan was to go to Glacier National Park, but parts of the park are still closed from the heavy snows of the past winter, so the camping trip will be closer to home in northern Idaho. There are plenty of places to explore in our mountains and wilderness, so I am sure they will have a great time with Father Anthony.

Our senior graduation will take place on June 3rd. We are grateful that His Excellency, Bishop Pivarunas, will be able once again to be present, and we look forward to his visit to the seminary. This year we have only one seminarian who is graduating (Mark Vincent), but it is nevertheless a joyous occasion to reflect on the graces of the past school year and all the years we have had here at Saint Joseph Seminary. Please keep us all in your prayers, and particularly, pray for new vocations for the coming year.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

May 7, 2017
Third Sunday after Easter

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. This morning we had the great joy of witnessing the First Holy Communion of 5 of our parish children. This ceremony is always a great delight and a reminder of our own First Communion many years ago. How greatly Our Lord loves each of us, to allow us to receive Him so often. The Mass was a High Mass with incense, served by our seminarians.

This past Friday was the mid-quarter, which means the serminarians will receive grade slips tomorrow, indicating their progress. Now there are only 4 weeks of school remaining, with many activities and events to look forward to. This week, actually, will be a quiet week, with no special events until Friday, when we will have a Rosary procession here. Then, on Saturday, the seminarians will celebrate Our Lady's apparition by attending the public Rosary procession.

On Thursday of this week, many of our seminarians in the major seminary will advance in the various steps toward the priesthood. I will go to Omaha for important this event. Let us all pray for these men, to become good and holy priests in Our Lord's vineyard.

This week the seminarians here will conclude the annual pool tournament. After that, they will look forward to their end-of-year camping trip. There always seems to be a lot going on here, but most importantly, we maintain our daily schedule of prayer, classes, etc. Every moment is precious which God gives us. May we all use this time to love and serve Our Lord!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

April 30, 2017
Second Sunday after Easter

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. This past week was the first week back to classes after our Spring Break (Easter Week). Now already we are looking at the mid-quarter, which is coming up on Friday. The Fourth Quarter seems to go by very quickly, so we hope that our seminarians will make the most of the final part of the school year.

This past Friday we were invited to spend the evening with a parish couple who are particularly supportive of our seminary. They provided a delicious salmon dinner, and there were plenty of games and other activities to make for an enjoyable evening. Father Anthony stayed there overnight with the seminarians, having Saturday Mass at our chapel in Coeur d'Alene, while I returned to the seminary in order to have the public Mass here on Saturday. Thank you to Mr. and Mrs. Vern Slater for your generous hospitality!.

This week the seminarians will begin the annual pool tournament, which will take place over the next 2 weeks. Also, as we begin tomorrow the month of May, we will have our daily public Rosary and May crowning. May we all grow this month in our devotion to Our Blessed Mother!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

April 23, 2017
Low Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. It has been a quiet and relaxing week for all of us--both priests and seminarians. At the seminary, Father Anthony has been keeping the seminarians busy with projects and recreational activities, while I have been on an extended mission in New England with Mark, our soon-to-graduate seminarian.

After the beautiful Holy Week and Easter ceremonies, Mark and I have been traveling around for some sight-seeing and mission work. We had Mass at two different homes in New Jersey and one in Maryland. We also visited some of the sights in Washington D. C. and in the Boston area. I trust Mark will tell you all about it in our next newsletter.

One of the things we often hear when traveling on a Mass circuit is how much these faithful Catholics want a resident priest. Those who have a church with a resident priest are inclined to take it for granted or at least to forget what a blessing it is, but visiting with our fellow Catholics who do not have such a blessing is a reminder of the tremendous need for more vocations. Let us pray every day for that intention--and not only for more vocations, but especially for holy priests and religious.

As we return to classes this week, we are only 6 weeks away from the end of the school year. Time passes quickly, and I pray that the seminarians are using their time in the seminary to the fullest and growing every day in their love of God and in virtue. May God grant bless each of you. Thank you for your prayers and support.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

April 16, 2017
Easter Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. You are probably aware of the fact that I travel to Boston once or twice a month, to attend to our two parishes in New England: Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Salem, New Hampshire, and Saint Theresa in Oakland, Maine. Well, this year I have turned over the responsibilities for the final few days of Holy Week at our parish of Mary Immaculate Queen in Rathdrum, Idaho, to Father Anthony. Now for the first time since I began traveling to this mission 12 years ago, I have had the Holy Week ceremonies in New England.

Accompanying me on this trip is our senior seminarian, Mark Vincent. This trip is giving him an introduction to the work of priests in the mission fields of our country and also serves as his senior trip. During the coming week we will travel together down to Washington, D. C., for some sightseeing and will also visit some traditional Catholics in that area, who rarely ever have Mass.

The Holy Week ceremonies have been beautiful, and so you can look forward to seeing some photos on our website in the coming weeks. I am sure that one of the seminarians will also be writing an article on their involvement in the liturgy for our May issue of the newsletter. As I have mentioned before, it is a joy to have devout young men to assist in the liturgy. It certainly makes the task of the priest much easier to have skilled servers, who have been serving since their boyhood. May God grant that from their number we will one day have devout and holy priests. Let us all pray for that intention.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

April 2, 2017
Passion Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Well, here we are again, 2 weeks after the last blog entry. Despite my good intentions, the time seems to slip away. We are always busy at the seminary, and that is a good thing, but I will do my best to keep up with a weekly entry for the rest of the school year. So here is a summary of the past 2 weeks:

We just finished this past week the Third Quarter of the school year. Yesterday, the seminarians received their grade cards, copies of which have also been mailed to their parents. Also, the past 2 weeks have witnessed the activity of our annual chess tournament. We began with a "Round Robin", where each seminarian plays every other seminarian. That was followed by the tournament itself, which will end today. I told the seminarians that it must be finished by today, so that we can concentrate on the Passion of Our Lord for the next fortnight during this sacred time of Passiontide. So I will have to wait until next Sunday to tell you who is the winner of this year's tournament. Actually, they are all excellent players. Chess is quite popular here, and all the seminarians have improved tremendously over the past few months.

During this past weekend we have also had our annual Forty Hours adoration. Many of the traditional parishes around the country are too small to hold a Forty Hours, but ours, although not large at about 250 members, is still large enough to have this wonderful practice. At one time, every Catholic parish would hold the Forty Hours sometime during the course of the year, as you likely will recall from your youth. It is an opportunity to offer reparation to Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament for all the offenses committed against Him.

Our Forty Hours began with a High Mass of the Blessed Sacrament at 10:30 a.m. on Friday. Immediately after Mass, there was a procession of the Blessed Sacrament through the church, followed by the chanting of the Litany of the Saints. Our Lord remained exposed until 9:00 p.m. on Saturday. During this time there were 2 public Holy Hours (at 8:00 p.m. on Friday and Saturday night), which, of course, the seminarians participated in. Throughout the night of Friday night the seminarians made Holy Hours, sacrificing an hour (or more) of sleep, and walking over to the church in the middle of the night, according to their assigned hour.

Then, after the 9:00 a.m. Mass this morning, the Blessed Sacrament was exposed again for the remaining 7 hours of adoration. At 4:30 this afternoon we will have the closing ceremonies, which include the chanting of the Litany, another procession and then the concluding Benediction. It is a joy to perform these ceremonies, especially with the skilled help of the seminarians. They have all been serving Mass since they were quite young and are all accomplished servers, so they have a "knack" for the rubrics of the liturgy and are a great help. Last night, for example, after reposition of the Blessed Sacrament, they put up all the purple covers on the statues before going to bed. So it has been a blessed and beautiful weekend. Speaking of which, it is time for me to go over to the church for my Holy Hour, so I will have to sign off!

I wish you all a grace-filled Passiontide--a beautiful time to concentrate exclusively on the Passion of Our Lord. We will never fully fathom His infinite love for us, His poor creatures. May we all grow in lover for our divine Savior.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

March 19, 2017
Third Sunday in Lent

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. It was not possible for me to write a blog entry last weekend, so I shall cover the past 2 weeks in today's entry. Of course, the most important event of these past 2 weeks was our annual Lenten retreat. Although I was not present, the seminarians have all assured me that they enjoyed it and profited spiritually from the sermons and various activities, including the all-night vigil of adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Father Dominic Radecki even shared some of his magic tricks with the seminarians, and they are still scratching their heads trying to figure out how he performed them. It was a wonderful weekend and was the first experience at a retreat for two of the boys.

On Friday we celebrated Saint Patrick's Day with the annual talent show. The seminarians compose poetry or sing a song, competing for the prize. It is a fun annual event that we have observed over the past few years. Also, during this past week the seminarians have made Saint Joseph cords. These will be blessed tomorrow, on the feast of our great seminary patron. The seminarians will sing the High Mass and the day will be celebrated as a feast-day, without the regular class schedule.

We also celebrated Saint Joseph and Saint Patrick this morning in our parish, as the seminarians provided a breakfast after both Sunday morning Masses, complete with the traditional "blarney stone" confection. They spent a good amount of time over the past couple of days, in preparation for this event, which supports our seminary.

We also began a few days ago the annual chess tournament. The games can be intense but fascinating to watch, as the contestants match their wits in friendly rivalry. Of course, we also continue our Lenten practices, making sacrifices for the love of Jesus, Who suffered so much for us. Let us all continue in these final 4 weeks of Lent, to fulfill the penances which we began at the beginning of this season. May it be, for each of us, a time of many blessings and spiritual growth.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

March 5, 2017
First Sunday in Lent

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. The past week has been a busy one, not only with Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent, but with work on the ongoing kitchen/dining room project. The kitchen has been nearly finished, so the dining room has been the focus of late. First, everything was moved out of the dining room. Then the ceiling was textured and painted. Following this, the new flooring was laid. Then the walls were painted and the trim work was done. Finally, the tables, chairs and other items were put back on Saturday. There is still some trim work left to be completed, but for the most part, the dining room is finished. The next focus will be the food storage area, which is in a hallway off the kitchen.

Our annual Lenten retreat will begin this coming Friday. The priest who will give the weekend retreat this year will be Father Dominic Radecki, CMRI. Consequently, I will travel to California to cover for him on Sunday. Please remember in your prayers our seminarians, that the retreat will be a source of grace for them, particularly in discerning their vocation.

May we all make a good Lent, especially by meditating daily on the Passion of Jesus, our Savior. That contemplation provides a wealth of food for thought. May it be for each of us a source of grace and amendment of life.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

February 26, 2017
Quinquagesima Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. As you can imagine, the liturgy of Holy Mother Church is a primary focus in the seminary. The seminarians participate in the various liturgical functions, especially by serving Mass and benediction. But there are also special events, such as the upcoming ceremonies of Ash Wednesday. Each of the seminarians has a part in these liturgical functions, and their involvement instills a love and appreciation for the liturgy, which is of paramount importance for any priest.

Many Catholics dread the approach of Lent, but one good priest I knew used to refer to Lent as the "spiritual harvest time," when many graces are available to us, more than at other times of the year. Although grace is given to us throughout the year and at each liturgical season, it is the season of Lent that is paticularly beneficial. The reason is that during this season we are doing penance in union with the entire Mystical Body of Christ. Catholics throughout the world are fasting and performing other penances, so you might say that all of us are, in unison, crying out to God for His mercy upon us and upon this world. This union with the other members of the Mystical Body gives our penitential practices an added value.

At the seminary, in addition to the seminarians' private penitential acts, there are other things that we do as a group. These would include the Stations and similar Lenten practices, fewer recreational activities, and an added emphasis on meditations and readings on the Passion of Jesus, our beloved Savior. May we all grow spiritually by spending this Lent well. If we do so, we will achieve a closer union with Christ crucified and Our Lady of Sorrows. That closer union will help us to live our faith better and advance in the spiritual life.

Finally, here at the seminary we have just finished the first half of the quarter, and so the seminarians will receive their "mid-quarter" grade reports in the next couple days. Time continues to march on. May we all use it well, in order to know, love and serve God better each day.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

February 19, 2017
Sexagesima Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. On Friday the seminarians enjoyed their third and final trip to Silver Mountain. The conditions were perfect for skiing, as the sun was out all day, and there had been 8 inches of new snow the night before. They had a great time, while I sat in the lodge reading! Then, on Saturday, the seminarians attended an all day First Aid course. They learned how to administer First Aid in various circumstances, and especially how to administer CPR. Now they have been certified to administer First Aid in emergencies. It was quite an intense course, lasting all day, but it was well worth it.

They have also been playing ping-pong any chance they get, as the annual tournament is underway. This past week was the "Round Robin" portion of the tournament, and this week will be the actual tournament itself. With so few contestants, we can play double-elimination, which gives everyone a chance to play a good number of games. The competition can be quite intense, with many of the games going into overtime. Win or lose, they are enjoying the competition.

Of course, Lent is only 10 days off. As we have done in the past, each seminarian will submit a list of extra penances and prayers to his spiritual director. We also have extra devotions during Lent, such as the Stations and the Chaplet of our Sorrowful Mother. Since Lent is such an important season, it is important we plan now to spend it well.

Also, in religion class, we have been studying the various Gospel accounts of the Passion of Our Lord. Just a few days ago I was explaining to them the proofs for the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin, which I was privileged to see twice (in 1978 and again in 2000). Interestingly, when I explained to them that the Holy Shroud is a perfect photographic negative--something which was unknown before the 19th century--proving that could not have been a painting from the Middle Ages as the naysayers assert, they had a puzzled look on their faces. Then it hit me that they have grown up with digital photography and have no idea how pictures used to be developed. So the class turned into a lesson on how film was developed before the advent of digital photography, and what we mean by a negative. This week they will see a video on the Shroud, helping them to understand what a treasure it is and how it reminds us of Our Lord's terrible sufferings.

I pray that we all will understand better this Lent how much our loving Savior suffered for us. May our meditations on Our Lord's sufferings inspire us to be willing to sacrifice for love of Him!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

February 12, 2017
Septuagesima Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Today is the first of three Sundays which are sometimes called the season of "pre-Lent." This brief 16-day period before Ash Wednesday serves as a reminder that Lent is just around the corner, so we must prepare to make a good Lent. What a tragedy--among many others--that the Conciliar Church eliminated these Sundays, instead just using the term "ordinary time." Such a bland term destroys the concept of a proper, thoughtful preparation for Lent.

Here at the seminary, we begin to turn our attention to the holy season of Lent. The seminarians, as they did for Advent, will submit a list of penances and extra prayers that they will perform during Lent. The purpose of submitting these practices to their spiritual director is to obtain permission, and thus be assured of the blessing of God upon their penances. It is important to make sure that they are prudent and don't take on too much penance, which might impair their ability to perform their daily duty and harm their health.

Speaking of daily duty, we all know that it is our first penance. It would make no sense to choose penances for Lent but fail to fulfill our daily duty. For the seminarians, their daily duty is to fulfill their school work, which develops their God-given intellects. God expects us to use our talents and develop them. The life of a seminarian is one of gradual growth--mentally, physically, and above all, spiritually.

There also are those opportunities for recreation. This past Friday was another ski day, and the conditions were again good, after all the new snow from the previous few days. We hope that they will be able to have one final ski day before the season is over. We will also begin, this week, the annual table tennis ("ping-pong") tournament, which will conclude before Lent. May God grant each of us the grace of a good Lent, and a closer union with Jesus crucified.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

February 5, 2017
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. The past few days have provided the seminarians with ample opportunity for serving the liturgy. On Thursday we had our annual blessing and procession of candles, followed by High Mass. Then, on Friday and Saturday we had benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, which we do every First Friday and First Saturday. This morning there was a High Mass with incense. It is a joy to have young men serve who are conscientious and devout in performing their various functions in the liturgy. So well do they fulfill their part that I rarely have to comment on something which was done incorrectly.

Right now it is snowing... again. We had nearly a foot of snow between Friday and Saturday. Then last night it rained, and now it is snowing. Mother Nature is reminding us that winter is not yet over. But no matter--on Friday the seminarians will have their second ski outing. The conditions should be excellent, with all the new snow we have received and that is forecast for the next few days.

Last week the seminarians had their final basketball game of the season, which was a victory. After losing their first few games, they have won the last two, showing how much they have improved since the beginning of the season. Now that the basketball season is over for them, we will turn our attention to the annual tournaments of indoor sports. The first on the agenda is the table tennis tournament, which will begin soon. As you can see, the goal is to keep them busy, as they continue their daily regimen of prayer, study, recreation and chores.

Finally, this Saturday is the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, a wonderful reminder of the love of our heavenly Mother for her children. Then, on Saturday evening, we will say "farewell" to the alelluia verse in the liturgy until Easter, reminding us that Lent is not far away. May we all make a good Lent and thus merit many graces as we continue on our path to heaven.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

January 29, 2017
Fourth Sunday after Epiphany

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Due to the many activities of the past 2 weeks, I missed the blog entry last Sunday. So I will comment on the events of the past 2 weeks. First, there was a busy week in which we concluded the Second Quarter, saw the installation of new countertops and cabinets in our kitchen, went on the first skiing trip of the season, and had an avalanche of snow and ice come off our roof in one day. As you can imagine, it was quite a hectic week!

In particular, the snow finally came off the roof. After several successive snowfalls in early January, there was a large amount of snow on the long seminary roof. Normally, the snow will come off in large sheets within a day or two of a snowfall. A thunderous sound warns us that it is coming down. But this year, with the cold temperatures, the snow remained on the roof, gradually building up. The heat from the house would cause the bottom layer to melt and then re-freeze, leaving a good amount of ice along with the snow. But finally the weather warmed enough to finally bring the snow cascading off the roof. One particularly large amount came down while Father Anthony was offering Mass in the seminary chapel. Right about the time of the consecration of the Mass, the snow and ice came down, damaging the electrical supply to the house and causing us to lose power. After about 30 seconds the generator kicked on and there was light once again in the chapel. Fortunately, the power company was able to send workers up that very afternoon to restore the electric power.

There was also an incident involving a delivery truck. On the road up to the seminary it slid off the icy road, knocking over a tree. A tow truck was required to pull the delivery truck out of the ditch. But all the snow did make for good skiing conditions, as both first-timers and veterans enjoyed the first of several outings to Silver Mountain.

Last week was highlighted by the visit of the priests to the seminary. Each year, His Excellency and all our priests gather at Mount Saint Michael for several days of meetings. On Wednesday they all came here to the minor seminary for a visit and dinner. The opportunity for our seminarians to visit with a large number of priests is always a source of inspiration to them, so I am glad that we are able to maintain this tradition.

Now, things are back to "normal" for this week, with the one exception of Candlemas Day, February 2nd. All the seminarians participate in the solemn blessing and procession of candles, which will be followed by a High Mass. We also will send out our monthly newsletter, The Guardian, on Wednesday. Please continue to remember our seminary in your prayers, especially that these young men will grow in Christlike virtue and in grace. We read just a few weeks ago the Gospel story of the Finding in the Temple, which tells us that "Jesus advanced in wisdom, age and grace, before God and men." May our young men, and all of us, likewise grow daily in God's grace.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

January 15, 2017
Second Sunday after Epiphany

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Well, it has been quite a momentous week. Of course, it was our first full week back to the normal class routine after the Christmas vacation. Also, we had an infant burial this past week. The death of an infant is a great sorrow for the parents, but it is also a joyous occasion, as the baby had been baptized in the hospital and is therefore in heaven. In fact, the Mass on that occasion is a Mass of the Angels in white vestments. After the Mass we went up to the cemetery, where we walked through the path--which had been shoveled in the deep snow--to the grave. The seminarians were privileged to serve for this occasion.

The snow... it just keeps coming. The temperature has not been above freezing for at least 3 weeks, if not longer. That means the snow on our roof has not come cascading down, as it usually does soon after a snowfall. Long icicles hang down along the edge of the roof. It is beautiful to behold, but also a source of concern for the weight of the snow on the roofs. So this week the seminarians spent a couple days in shoveling the snow from the roofs of the church, school building, barn and a few other buildings. At least we won't have roofs caving in from the snow.

We also had our gift-opening, to celebrate the Epiphany, as we recall the presentation of gifts by the Magi to the Christ Child. In addition, the seminarians chose the name of a saint, who will be their extra patron for this year. We also continue to live with our kitchen in disarray, as the remodeling project nears completion. It will be nice to soon have the use of the kitchen again.

This week will be the final week of the semester. On Friday the seminarians will head up to Silver Mountain for their first ski trip of the year. Both beginners and the experienced will be able to enjoy all the snow we have seen this winter, as they course down the mountain.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

January 8, 2017
Feast of the Holy Family

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. On Thursday we recommenced classes at the seminary. But Thursday was partially taken up with a practice for the chanting for the blessing of Epiphany water, which was done Thursday evening. Then, on Friday, we had a High Mass for the feast of the Epiphany. Now, with all seminarians back, we will get down to regular classes tomorrow morning, with just 2 weeks left of the semester.

Last week I mentioned in this blog the major project of our kitchen renovation. The new cabinets are in, but the floor and counter have not yet been done, nor has the new sink been installed yet. So we are still without a functional kitchen, which will require a couple more weeks to be completed. But it is only a minor inconvenience to have to walk over to the church for our meals in the parish hall (church basement).

Right now it is snowing... again. We had 3-4 inches last night, but all had been plowed before Mass in the morning, so our parishioners were able to attend Mass, as well as our Christmas-season parish potluck after Mass. But even more snow is forecase for the next few days, which will keep our seminarians busy with shoveling. Of course, regular classes go on every weekday here. Students in our parish school may have a snow day here and there, but not the seminarians. Their reward for all that shoveling, however, will be a ski trip coming up in another couple weeks. May God bless you and your families on this wonderful feast of the Holy Family!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

January 2, 2017
Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. The seminary has been quiet, but soon we will be back to regular classes. In the meantime, there has been plenty of snow, and now the weather is going to turn quite cold. Fortunately, the walks have all been shoveled, so we will be able to stay indoors during the cold snap.

Speaking on indoors, a major project is underway in the seminary. At long last, our kitchen is receiving a complete makeover, with new cupboards, new sink, new everything. The old seminary kitchen was badly in need of a remodel, and the Christmas vacation was the perfect time to get this project underway. The remodel is being accomplished by Mr. Mark Vincent, father of one of our seminarians. We still have a ways to go before we can move in and use the new kitchen, so in the meantime, our meals are over at the church, in the downstairs parish hall. That is only a slight inconvenience, and we look forward to the new kitchen, once it is finished.

As for myself, I am trying to get a few odds and ends done before our classes resume on Thursday. Once that happens, it will be back to the normal busy routine here at the seminary. May God bless you all.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

December 18, 2016
4th Sunday of Advent

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. It has been very cold and snowy lately. The snow makes for work (shoveling), but it also makes for fun with sledding and other winter sports. On the other hand, it can also be dangerous with accidents. I am sorry to say that one of our seminarians was involved in a bad sledding accident Friday night. Kevin LeStage, our youngest seminarian at 14 years of age, sustained a number of serious injuries when he slid off the sled into a tree. Please join us in earnestly praying for him at this time. As of now, Kevin is still in the hospital recovering.

This week will be a short one as far as classes are concerned. After a half day on Wednesday, the seminarians will leave for their Christmas vacation. We hope that all of you will enjoy this Christmas with your families. Let us continue to spend our Advent well during this final week, that we might rejoice in celebrating the birth of our Savior at Christmas. May God bless you all.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

December 11, 2016
3rd Sunday of Advent

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

At last the snows have arrived. The seminarians don't mind the shoveling, as long as they can enjoy sledding! And, it certainly is beautiful to see the snow on our evergreen trees here around the seminary:

Our Christmas vacation is now just 10 days away, so there is a lot to get done before then. This week we will bring out the decoration and prepare for decorating the seminary next week. We also will begin to have serving practices for the Christmas midnight Mass. It is important to avoid putting off these preparations to the last few days before Christmas.

Tomorrow is the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. We will have a celebration in Our Lady's honor here at the seminary. Reflecting on the beautiful words of Our Lady to Juan Diego and to his uncle Juan Bernardino, should fill us with great confidence in the loving intercession of our heavenly Mother, who keeps us in her loving care at all times.

Finally, with just 2 weeks until Christmas, let us on this Guadete Sunday renew our Advent resolutions. Let us redouble our efforts to make a good Advent, that we might more worthily receive our Redeemer on Christmas.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

December 04, 2016
2nd Sunday of Advent

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

This week will be highlighted by the feast of the Immaculate Conception. We are currently praying a novena to prepare for this important feastday. With no classes on that holyday, the seminarians will enjoy an outing and are hoping that there will be more snow for some sledding. So far, there have been only a few small snowfalls, but colder weather is on the way.

The seminarians will also have their first basketball game this week against another small school. For most of them, playing basketball is a new activity, so they are all learning but greatly enjoying the competition. Finally, we have just completed the first half of the Second Quarter, so the seminarians will be receiving "mid-quarter" grade reports this week.

Well, that is about all the news from the seminary for this week. We continue to pracice our Advent sacrifices and look forward to the celebration of Our Lord's birth in just a few weeks. May our coming Savior bless each of us as we prepare to celebrate his Nativity. God bless you, and please continue to pray for us.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

November 27, 2016
1st Sunday of Advent

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Advent is an important season for us at the seminary, as it should be for all Catholics. Especially in this age, in which the purpose of this holy season has been almost completely lost, we ought to be earnest in spending the time of Advent in prayer and penitential practices, as much as possible. For we know that Christmas will not be a truly joyful and blessed feast for us, unless we spend the time of Advent in quiet, prayerful preparation.

At the seminary we have several Advent practices. One of them is the "sacrifice bowl". This is a bowl filled with small scraps of paper, on which are written simple sacrifices that the seminarians have suggested. Each morning before breakfast the seminarians choose a sacrifice at random from the bowl, which they will perform that day. Even though they have all chosen personal sacrifices to perform, this random sacrifice is particularly effective, since it was not of their own choice.

Of course, there are other practices, Advent hymns and various observances, which combine to make Advent a beautiful liturgical season which is a source of many blessings. May God grant each of us a most blessed season, as we prepare to celebrate the birth of our divine Savior.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

November 20, 2016
27th Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

This morning our seminary sponsored a breakfast after both morning Masses here at our parish. This is something we do twice a year, and the income generated helps to run our seminary. But it also means a lot of work for the seminarians, beginning with the setup and meal preparation yesterday, and concluding with the dishwashing and cleanup today. We are especially grateful to the seminary cooks for helping with this semi-annual fundraiser.

This week, of course, will be a short week, as most of the seminarians leave Wednesday afternoon for the brief but much-appreciated Thanksgiving vacation. Before leaving, however, we will have a talent show on Wednesday afternoon, which will provide a nice change of pace for the seminarians.

When the seminarians return next Sunday, we will have entered the season of Advent, a very important time here at the seminary. We annually observe various Advent practices, and in addition, each seminarian chooses a few penances to perform, as we all prepare to celebrate the birth of our Savior at Christmas. May this Advent be for each of us a time to achieve a closer union with Jesus, who was born into this world for our salvation. May God bless you abundantly.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

November 13, 2016
26th Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Yesterday was a day of outdoor chores, as we try to finish all the raking on the grounds. And it is a good thing that we had nice weather, as the rain has returned. It is also getting colder, reminding us that winter is not far off. Right now the seminarians are down in the gym playing basketball. They have started basketball practice with our coach, Mr. Peter Linder (a former graduate of our seminary), and hope to have at least a few games this season.

Once again there will not be any extraordinary events this week at the seminary. On Saturday the seminarians will help the cooks prepare breakfast for the parishioners on Sunday. This will be the first of two Sunday breakfasts which we have for the support of our seminary. It is a lot of work but helps to teach the seminarians that they must be grateful for the support we receive and that they must do their part for the seminary.

May God bless you and your loved ones. Let us also, throughout this month, remember the faithful departed, who stand in need of our prayers and suffrages.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

November 6, 2016
25th Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

The weather lately has been beautiful--warmer than normal with plenty of sunshine. That is indeed welcome, after so much rain. It also provides the opportunity to finish up outdoor chores before the snow comes. Yesterday (and this coming week), the seminarians have been raking pine needles and leaves to burn and, in general, cleaning up the grounds.

Tomorrow we will have an evening Holy Hour for God's guidance upon our country at this time with the Tuesday election. Indeed, we must always remember the importance of prayer for our country. We especially pray for the conversion of our country and its citizens, and that, one day, the laws of this nation will reflect Catholic moral teaching and that the social reign of Christ the King will be acknowledged in our land.

Otherwise, this week will be a normal week at the seminary, without any other special events. And that is a good thing--a normal routine of classes and prayer. Hopefully, all our seminarians will continue to grow daily in virtue and especially in the love of God, as they also progress academically. We thank you for your prayers and support.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

October 30, 2016
Christ the King (24th Sunday after Pentecost)

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

The feast of Christ the King has always been one of my favorite days of the entire year. Perhaps it is because I made my First Holy Communion on this Sunday, so many years ago. But also, there is the significance and importance of the feast itself. The seminarians and I honored Our Lord today with a High Mass with incense, followed by Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament with the renewal of Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The seminarians performed their parts flawlessly (well, almost) in the liturgy. I am sure Our Lord was pleased.

On this feast we also have the annual renewal of our seminary enthronement. The enthronement of the Sacred Heart in the home, which was promoted in the 20th century by Father Matteo, is something that we believe is very important for our times. We priests of CMRI promote this consecration among our parishioners, and we also enthrone the Sacred Heart in our seminaries and religious houses. May Jesus truly reign in our homes and in our hearts!

This past Friday night found us visiting the home of a couple in our parish. Vern and Sally Slater have invited our seminarians to their home twice each year for the past 17 years! It is a wonderful opportunity for the seminarians to relax and enjoy a break away from the seminary. They spend the evening in playing games, enjoying a delicious meal and perhaps watching a movie. After spending the night sprawled out in sleeping bags, there is Mass at the small Coeur d'Alene chapel, followed by breakfast. Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Slater for a most enjoyable respite, perfectly timed to coincide with the end of the First Quarter this year.

When it comes to indoor games, the seminarians have lately been avid chess players. There is hardly a recreation period when the chess board is not in use. Usually, several are gather around to observe the 2 players who are eagerly focused on their game. So it looks as though we will revive this year the practice of having a chess tournament (later in the year). We have not done so for the past few years, due to lack of interest.

Well, in a couple days we will commence the month of November, a wonderful time to help the Holy Souls. Needless to say, we can and should pray for the Poor Souls every day of the year. But November is the time when special indulgences are available. Here at Saint Joseph Seminary we daily recite prayers for the Poor Souls after Mass. We have several Requiem High Masses this month, including All Souls day, of course. We make visits to the cemetery and also make many visits to the Blessed Sacrament during the hours from Noon on November 1st to midnight on November 2nd. All in all, we try to help the souls in purgatory in every way we can. Let us all resolve to do just that, for some day, we may be in their position, in need of the suffrages of others. May God bless you, and may Christ the King help us to be always His loyal subjects.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

October 23, 2016
Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

The weather is beautiful here at the seminary today, after a lot of rain this past week. So right now the seminarians are at the park playing football. They can use the break, because this week will be a busy one--it is the final week of the quarter. That means tests in every subject sometime during the week, and another book report due. Regarding book reports, the seminarians are required to read one book per month. These are assigned spiritual books, particularly chosen for their value to young men in a Catholic seminary. Every night there is a 15-minute spiritual reading period on the schedule, but even then, the seminarians often find they need to spend extra time in reading to finish a book per month.

The spiritual reading period is followed by Night Prayers, and on Sunday there is the chanting of Compline from the Divine Office. At the beginning of Compline there is a reading sung by the assigned lector for the week. The seminarians take turns as lector, each taking a week and then starting through the lineup again once all have had their turn. The weekly lector reads at breakfast and supper and leads the common prayers, when these are not lead by a priest. It is a good opportunity for them to exercise some leadership and learn to lead prayers in a clear steady voice. Sometimes they also lead prayers publicly in the church.

There also will be some after-school chores this week, particularly in harvesting the remaining apples. There still remain several trees that we haven't yet had time to harvest, and it is time to get that done before the colder weather sets in. So as you can see, the seminarians are never bored from lack of things to do. Prayer, study, work and recreations, in just the right amounts, are the recipe for keeping the seminarians busy and happy. Of course, there also is needed a good will and spirit of cooperation--something that is abundantly present with these young men. Please keep them in your prayers. May God bless you and your loved ones.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

October 9, 2016
Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

This promises to be one busy week! On Tuesday we will honor Our Blessed Mother with a Rosary procession and High Mass. Later in the day, the seminarians will chant Vespers of Our Lady for her feastday. We were scheduled to have an outdoor Rosary procession last Friday, but inclement weather required a postponement of the procession, which will now take place on Tuesday.

On Wednesday the annual Fatima Conference will begin at Mount Saint Michael and will continue throughout the remainder of the week. The seminarians will attend nearly all the events of the Conference, especially the lectures. They will also serve for the bishop's Pontifical High Mass on Friday. Next Sunday, they will visit with the Conference guests during an Open House here at our seminary.

For the past couple weeks the weather here has been quite rainy, but that hasn't dampened the spirits of the young men. We continue to take the short ride to a local park with a nice field for football once or twice a week. The seminarians had a flag football game this past week. Although they lost the game, they nevertheless are having a great time and are improving. Both with sports and with outdoor chores during the week, we are trying to make the most of the nice fall weather before it turns decidedly colder.

Of course, we also continue our daily October Rosary before the Blessed Sacrament exposed, as demanded by Pope Leo XIII. May our prayers draw God's mercy down on this troubled world and bring souls back to the practice of the Faith! God bless you all.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

October 2, 2016
Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

This morning we had a High Mass with incense. This is a form of High Mass in which there are four servers, instead of the usual two, and the altar is incensed twice. Four of our seminarians served the Mass, while the remaining seminarian sang in the choir. In the coming weeks we will have a serving practice so that all of them can learn how to serve each position: MC, Thurifer and Acolytes.

Then, after breakfast they had a sodality meeting. Our seminary sodality meets twice a month, every other Sunday. Their meetings include reports on the Faith and on Our Lady, as well as some form of apostolic action. There will also be a sodality reception ceremony this Friday, so that new seminarians can join the sodality if they wish to do so.

Speaking of Friday, which is the feast of the Holy Rosary, we will have an outdoor Rosary procession with the school children, weather permitting, as the seminarians carry the statue of Our Lady of Fatima. Since the air is turning cooler, this will likely be our final procession of the year. It is a simple procession, but a beautiful way to honor Our Lady on the feast of her Rosary. We also during October pray the daily Rosary before the Blessed Sacrament exposed.

Speaking of the cooler weather of autumn, we have lately been engaged in the typical fall chores. Yesterday, the seminarians spent several hours raking leaves and pine needles. There is still a good amount of raking left to be done before the Fatima Conference begins on October 12. They also spent some time scraping the paint from our deck railing, which badly needs a new coat of paint--one more job to finish before it gets too cold for outdoor painting.

As I write, the seminarians are preparing to leave for the park for some flag football. The weather is perfect today for football, and they have been enjoying these excursions to a local park, as we do not have an adequate field here on our property. They will be joined by some boys and young men from the parish, so it promises to be a pleasant afternoon.

How quickly the time passes. We are already into October and haven't gotten our monthly newsletter into the mail. (In fact, it has not yet been printed.) We hope to get the October issue into the mail by the end of the week. And so our life here at the seminary goes on. There is always something to do. Keeping busy is important for all of us, but especially for our youth. Please continue to pray for these young mean, as we pray for you. May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

September 18, 2016
Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Last night the seminarians enjoyed helping to staff the annual auction-dinner for the support of our school. This year's event was our best-ever in attendance. It is not only a good way to raise funds to support our parish school, but it also brings together so many people, both within the parish as well as outsiders, in pursuit of a common goal. Thanks to all who participated.

The weather has been typical fall weather, which means the afternoons are sunny and warm--perfect for playing sports at the park. The seminarians are particularly interested in playing flag football. In fact, they are on their way to the park right now for a Sunday game. They usually go to the park for recreation every Friday, while their P. E. class on the other days is here on the property. So Sunday afternoons provide an extra opportunity for wholesome recreation.

Otherwise, all is well here at the seminary, with our regular routine in full swing. Tonight we will chant Sunday Compline for the first time this school year, while everything else that is part of our normal schedule has already been put into practice. We thank you for your interest in and support of our seminary. May God bless you.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

September 11, 2016
Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

After their outing to Lake Coeur d'Alene, followed by a brief camping trip north of here, the seminarians have been busy with schoolwork. We are now fully into the regular curriculum, after a rather easy first week of school. They have also begun choir practices twice a week but are not yet ready to sing a high Mass and Vespers. That will come with more practice. We also hope to have some flag football games, so they have just started going to the park once a week, in order to be able to play sports on a larger field.

At the end of this week we will hold the annual auction fund-raising dinner for our parish school. The seminarians will have a hand in doing various chores to prepare for and put on this annual event, which is enjoyable for them. Otherwise, our seminary schedule keeps the seminarians quite busy with academics, prayers and other tasks. Please continue to remember these young men in your prayers, and may God bless you.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

September 4, 2016
Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Finally, we have settled once again into the seminary routine, and that means that you can now expect a weekly blog entry. In fact, in order to meet expectations of regularity, we will aim to have each week's entry posted by 3:00 pm Pacific Time on Sunday.

As I have mentioned, we are now settled into the routine. Last Monday was the first day of classes for the new school year. But this past week has also included our annual trip to Lake Coeur d'Alene. We left Thursday afternoon and returned Saturday afternoon, so that allowed 2 full days and nights at the nice summer home right on the lake, thanks to the charity of our parishioners who own the home. Even though it rained Thursday night and was cooler than it had been, the seminarians were not deterred from swimming, diving, canoeing, and plenty of other games. This respite at the end of the first week of classes has become a tradition at the seminary, and is a good way for the boys to get to know one another at the beginning of a new year.

This year we have 5 seminarians: a senior, a junior, two sophomores and one freshman. They come from California, Minnesota, Idaho and Washington. Of course, we are counting on your prayers to support us in the work of molding these precious souls into the likeness of Jesus Christ, the great High Priest.

Since tomorrow is a holiday and there will be no school, the boys have gone on an overnight camping trip with Father Anthony today up to Bonners Ferry, which is about 2 hours north of here and very close to the Canadian border. They will return tomorrow afternoon in time to get ready for another week of classes. As you can see, even though we have had a few days off from school, they are certainly keeping plenty busy! May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

August 14, 2016
Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Assumpta est Maria in Caelum... gaudent Angeli! (Mary is assumed into heaven, the Angels rejoice!) These words are taken from the beautiful office of the Assumption of Our Lady, which we celebrate tomorrow. All children and slaves of Mary rejoice as we celebrate her feasts, and particularly that of the Assumption, which is the most ancient of feasts celebrated in Our Lady's honor. This feast also reminds us of the importance of looking forward to our heavenly home--of being united with Our Lady and her divine Son for all eternity.

The feast of the Assumption also means that school is right around the corner! In fact, we begin classes in just 2 weeks, on the 29th of August. We ask your prayers for the success of the school year and for the young men who have enrolled in our seminary for this coming year. There is always excitement each year as we see new faces and start another year of classes. We count on your prayers that the year will be fruitful in grace.

If you have not checked out the photo gallery on this website, be sure to look at the July photos of our Boys Camp. There are over 100 photos, showing various facets of the busy week of the Camp. Now, however, the seminary is fairly quiet, although busy, as we prepare for school. Soon our seminarians will arrive and, once again, fill the seminary with laughter and activity. We will keep you updated on all the news, as another year gets under way.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

June 5, 2016
Third Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Well, at last, classes are finished for the year. Seminarians have either left for the summer or will be leaving soon. On Friday we had our final High Mass of the school year, with benediction and devotions to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. What a wonderful way to conclude our school year with the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus! Then, on Saturday, His Excellency Bishop Pivarunas was here for confirmation and senior graduation. So the last few days have been a whirlwind of activity.

Now that summer vacation is finally here, we (Father Anthony and I) will have some travels, our annual retreat, the summer boys' camp, and our annual priests' meeting. In fact, the summer will be quite busy, but with a more relaxing tone. We hope to be able to recharge our energy and spiritual lives and to prepare for the next school year.

Since there will not be a great deal of activity here for at least the next month, this is the last blog entry that I will write for at least the next 6 weeks. We ask for your continued prayers for our seminary, and for more vocations in particular. And we pray that you will enjoy a relaxing summer. May God bless you and your loved ones.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

May 29, 2016
Second Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Yesterday, Father Anthony returned home with the seminarians from their 2-day camping trip. They spent one night in a National Forest campsite in northern Idaho and another in western Montana. You can expect to hear all about their camping experience in the July issue of The Guardian. (The June issue has already been printed and will be mailed out this week.)

This morning we had our beautiful outdoor Corpus Christi procession. Fortunately, the weather was good, although a bit on the cool side, and everything went smoothly. Our Corpus Christi procession here in unique, since our church is located in the hills, surrounded by forest. It is quite impressive to see the monstrance raised on high in the midst of natural beauty, and to reflect that He is the maker of all this creation! May we always honor Our Blessed Lord in the Holy Eucharist and receive Him worthily.

Tomorrow, we will have another outdoor procession -- the Queenship procession. Even though the feast of the Queenship is on Tuesday, we will hold the procession tomorrow, since more parishioners are able to attend. Of course, we will honor Our Lady with a High Mass and special ceremonies on Tuesday, and the Sacred Heart with a High Mass, benediction and devotions on Friday. Then, on Saturday, the bishop will visit the seminary for end-of-year festivities.

So, as you can see, this will be one busy week, as we wrap up the school year. Please continue to remember our seminary in your prayers and especially pray for more vocations. May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

May 15, 2016
Pentecost Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

The wonderful feast of Pentecost, also called the "birthday" of the Church, is a reminder of the importance of the indwelling of the Holy Ghost in our souls, in Whom we "live and move and have our being." This feast also reminds us that our primary goal in life is to preserved the precious treasure of Sanctifying Grace, which we received at baptism, and without which, we cannot get to heaven. Since the seminary is a school of formation for future priests, this truth must be especially inculcated in their minds and hearts, as priests have the duty and office of sanctifying souls through the administration of the sacraments.

Speaking of our seminary, the classes are winding down, as we now have less than 3 weeks remaining of the school year. This week they have a major exam on Friday, as well as other course work to complete. We also begin to prepare for the annual Corpus Christi procession, which is only 2 weeks away. They continue their daily prayers of preparation for the Act of Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary, which will be made on May 31st. So, as you can see, there is plenty to keep us busy.

Next week the seminarians will enjoy a couple days of camping, which is a tradition here at the end of the school year. This week, then, will be the last one during which we have regular classes every day. Please continue to pray for our seminarians and for many more young men to dedicated their lives to God in the holy priesthood.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

May 15, 2016
Pentecost Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

The wonderful feast of Pentecost, also called the "birthday" of the Church, is a reminder of the importance of the indwelling of the Holy Ghost in our souls, in Whom we "live and move and have our being." This feast also reminds us that our primary goal in life is to preserved the precious treasure of Sanctifying Grace, which we received at baptism, and without which, we cannot get to heaven. Since the seminary is a school of formation for future priests, this truth must be especially inculcated in their minds and hearts, as priests have the duty and office of sanctifying souls through the administration of the sacraments.

Speaking of our seminary, the classes are winding down, as we now have less than 3 weeks remaining of the school year. This week they have a major exam on Friday, as well as other course work to complete. We also begin to prepare for the annual Corpus Christi procession, which is only 2 weeks away. They continue their daily prayers of preparation for the Act of Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary, which will be made on May 31st. So, as you can see, there is plenty to keep us busy.

Next week the seminarians will enjoy a couple days of camping, which is a tradition here at the end of the school year. This week, then, will be the last one during which we have regular classes every day. Please continue to pray for our seminarians and for many more young men to dedicated their lives to God in the holy priesthood.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

May 8, 2016
Sunday after the Ascension

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

On this day, our thoughts are on our mothers and all the mothers who raise our Catholic youth. Very often the credit for a vocation to the priesthood goes, after God, to the mother of the young man, who formed him and likely obtained his vocation by her prayers. We must never underestimate the tremendous importance of the role of the mother in the family, for it is she who gives her children the most decisive and lasting lessons. Let us all pray for our mothers today, that God will strengthen them in their lofty vocation of motherhood.

This week there will be ordinations at our major seminary in Omaha. Both Fr. Anthony and I will attend this important event in the life of the Church. Each ordination ceremony is for us a reminder of our own ordination and an opportunity to give thanks to God for the precious gift of our priesthood. Let it also be for us a reminder to continue to pray for priests, who are so much needed today.

We also continue this week the novena of preparation for Pentecost. This novena in honor of the Holy Ghost is the oldest novena in the Church, for it was the original novena -- the reason why we have novenas in the first place. Let us call upon the Holy Ghost to enlighten us that we might persevere in our faith in these dark times. Just as He transformed the apostles, so He can strenghten us and grant us the most precious gift of perseverance in the faith. May God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

May 1, 2016
Saint Joseph the Worker

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Today is a wonderful feastday on which we honor Saint Joseph, the model and patron of laborers and the patron of the Universal Church. How much we need his intercession today! This great saint toiled away humbly and hidden, in the carpentry shop at Nazareth, as he supported Jesus and Mary by the work of his hands. In the eyes of the world, his life was not significant, but oh! how great and precious was his life in the eyes of God, whose place he held in the Holy Family. Let us pray to him for our families, for it is from good Catholic families that vocations come.

On Tuesday of this week we will have a Rogation procession, chanting the litanies as we walk along the paths on our beautiful property here in the hills of northern Idaho. On Thursday, the seminarians will take a break from their studies and enjoy an outing to Farragut State Park on beautiful Lake Pend Oreille. The feast of the Ascension of Our Lord comes early this year, but the weather should be fine for a cookout.

Throughout this month we continue with our May devotions: public Rosary, daily prayer in honor of Our Lady's Queenship and crowning of her statue, and prayers in preparation for Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary. It is a busy month with plenty of activity going on. On the academic front, the seminarians have been quite busy with science, which is an Internet-based course. The course ends in a couple weeks, so there is this final flurry of activity to finish all the assignments and prepare for the final exam. There is also their disc-golf tournament coming up, so, as you can see, there is no lack of activities to occupy their time. Please keep our seminary in your prayers. May Our Blessed Mother and good Saint Joseph intercede for us and send us many pious young men to pursue the vocation to the priesthood. And may God bless you and your families.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

April 24, 2016
Fourth Sunday after Easter

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

On Wednesday of this week the seminarians will serve a funeral Mass. Our parish here is not large, so there are occasional funeral Masses during the year, but not as many as would be the case in a larger parish. Also, Father Anthony has left for Colorado to offer the funeral Mass for his grandmother, who passed away several days ago. We ask you to remember these departed souls, and all the faithful departed, in your prayers.

On Thursday of this week, the feast of Saint Louis Marie de Montfort, we will begin our prayers in preparation for the Act of Total Consecration, which we recite together on the Feast of the Queenship, May 31st. Those who have already made their consecration prepare for this annual renewal, while those seminarians who have never yet made the act of Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary will have the opportunity to do so. I encourage all of you to consider making this act of consecration, which is such a source of grace. Truly, we need a great devotion to Our Blessed Mother in order to persevere and not be deceived in this age of apostasy. Mary Our Blessed Mother keep each of us, her children, in the true Faith.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

April 17, 2016
Third Sunday after Easter

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

This week looks to be a quiet one at the seminary. There is nothing particularly different this week, although we plan a work day outside for a good part of the day on Wednesday. With excellent spring weather, there is much to do before the summer is upon us. Other than that, it will be a normal week of classes.

One task for this week is the building of our May shrine. Each year the seminarians decorate a shrine to Our Lady in the classroom area, before which we pray devotions in her honor daily during May. Although Our Lady's month is 2 weeks away, we don't want to enter May without having prepared a fitting shrine for Our Blessed Mother's statue. During May, the seminarians take turns providing flowers to fittingly honor our heavenly queen.

I encourage all of you to do the same. Set up a May altar in your home. Adorn it with flowers and recite devotions daily in honor of our loving Mother Mary. You can be sure that such child-like devotion will be amply rewarded. And please also continue to pray for vocations to our seminary. We have received several inquiries, but time will tell how many young men join us in late August, when the new school year begins.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

April 10, 2016
Good Shepherd Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Today we conclude our annual Forty Hours adoration. It is truly a blessed occasion when we spend more time than usual before Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. But Forty Hours also means more work in preparing the altar, performing the liturgy, making sure hours of adoration are covered (especially at night), and so forth. The seminarians have been a big help with all this! They are reliable servers who quickly pick up their parts for the liturgy -- without them, it would be much more difficult to have Forty Hours!

During Easter week our new "stained glass" windows were installed in the seminary chapel. This is a project we have been planning for some time. Since real stained glass is prohibitively expensive, we opted for translucent vinyl. The painted pictures were printed onto the vinyl, which was then attached with adhesive to the inside of the 8 large chapel windows. The theme for these windows is the Eight Beatitudes. Each window has the Latin inscription of one of the beatitudes, along with the image of a saint who exemplified that particular beatitude. I hope they are an inspiration for seminarians for many years to come.

Although the seminarians are always busy, it seems that this time of year is even more demanding. There is the academic curriculum to be concluded during this final quarter of the school year, there are increased outdoor chores (such as mowing) with the warmer weather, and, of course, there is no lack of recreational activity. During this week and next we will hold our annual seminary Pool Tournament, so the seminarians are sharpening their skills for the competition. All in all, they are busy but quite happy as they keep up each day with the activities outlined for them in the seminary routine, which they accept as God's will and seek to perform as well as possible. Please continue to pray for them and for more vocations.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

March 28, 2016
Easter Monday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Our Holy Week ceremonies this past week have been beautiful. All these liturgical ceremonies went smoothly, thanks to the help of our seminarians. It is a great joy for me to have the seminarians, as well as other servers from the parish here, who are reliable and pious in serving the liturgy. I hope that all our parishioners here realize how blessed they are to have the seminarians, who not only serve Mass but also do so much work in keeping up the grounds and buildings. They are a joy to have around.

Last night it began to snow around 9:00 pm. This morning we woke up to about 4 inches of snow, but it will not last long. This week we are expecting highs in the 60s with plenty of sunshine. Of course, this week is our spring vacation. Some seminarians have gone home with their families, while others who live too far away are staying at the seminary and will enjoy extra free time this week. Soon it will be back to our studies for the final "home stretch" before the end of the school year.

The feast of the Resurrection of Our Lord is a time of great joy. It is also an opportunity for us to reflect on the wonderful blessings we have with the true Faith, the sacraments, and all the graces God grants to us. May He bless you and your loved ones as we celebrate this week the greatest of all feasts.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

March 20, 2016
Palm Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

The weather was a bit chilly this morning for our Palm Sunday procession; nevertheless, all went smoothly. It is a great beginning to Holy Week, which will be quite busy for the seminarians.

The seminarians made a retreat this past Friday and Saturday. There were spitiual conferences, extra time in chapel, and, of course, silence. For some of them, this was the first retreat they had ever made, and they did well. Hopefully, for all of us, this retreat was a source of many blessings.

Today, after the Mass and ceremonies, the seminarians served a breakfast to the parishioners. It is something we do each year on the Sunday closest to Saint Joseph's feastday.

Finally, today, we will have chanted Vespers, in addition to the regular chanting of Compline, which is sung every Sunday. This year for Lent we have not yet sung Vespers, even though in past years it has been a fixture of our Lenten observances. The reason for not singing Vespers until now is that either I was traveling or did not have the voice for it. It will be nice to chant Vespers today, at least, on the final Sunday of Lent.

As I stated earlier, this week will be very busy, with all the practicing necessary for fulfilling our respective roles in the liturgy. But it will also be a grace-filled week as well. We wish you all a blessed Holy Week and a joyous Easter.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

March 13, 2016
Passion Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

This week the emphasis at the seminary is on concluding our Third Quarter material. The quarter actually ends on March 23rd, but with all the activity of Holy Week, we plan on completing nearly all the academic materials this week.

On Friday the seminarians will go on retreat. A retreat is a blessed time of prayer and reflection, so I ask your prayers that it will be for them a source of many graces. Coming as it does this year right before Holy Week, it will certainly help us all to enter into the Great Week with the proper sentiments, as we concentrate on the liturgy and on the Passion or Our Lord.

May we all have a blessed conclusion to Lent, as we strive during these final 2 weeks to meditate more deeply on the Passion of Jesus. And, as always, be assured of our prayers for you and your loved ones.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

March 6, 2016
Fourth Sunday of Lent

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

As I write this week's blog entry, the seminarians are off with Father Anthony playing disk golf. The nice spring weather has allowed for many outdoor activities, both work and play. This past week they spent considerable time cleaning up the grounds and burning the large slash pile. But there is plenty more work to do!

Also, this week they will finish their ping-pong tournament, as we want to be finished with that annual event before Passion Sunday. On Saturday, the seminarians will assist the sacristans to put the purple covers on the statues, both here at the seminary chapel and at our church. Today on Laetare Sunday we are reminded that Easter is only 3 weeks away. This Sunday, coming just after the half-way point of Lent, is a good time for all of us to take stock on how we are spending Lent and to renew our resolutions to be faithful to our Lenten sacrifices.

Tomorrow we will put out The Guardian mailing for March, a few days later than normal. The reason for the slight delay is that the past week or two have been so hectic, with the dedication of our new church in Salem, New Hampshire, taking place this past Wednesday (which necessitated me being gone from the seminary for almost a week). Also, for various reasons our annual Lenten retreat had to be postponed, so now it has been scheduled for the weekend of Palm Sunday. Usually, we have the retreat in early Lent, but this year's retreat will allow us to more deeply enter into the spirit of Holy Week. May we all continue to make a good Lent, and thus prepare worthily to celebrate Our Lord's resurrection on Easter Sunday.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

February 28, 2016
Third Sunday of Lent

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

This week the seminarians will have several days of testing. The batter of tests is referred to as the "Stanford 9" and helps us to evaluate how we are doing as teachers. The scores help us to monitor the seminarians' academic progress and make sure we are covering all the bases. They can be tedious, but then, it is Lent, isn't it?

The weather here continues to be above normal for this time of year. Since there is so much work to do outside, we will take one day this week and have a cleanup day. There are many branches that were blown down in a wind storm, and others that broke from the trees due to the heavy snow accumulation. These will be gathered into piles and burned.

Already we see the daffodils poking out of the ground and other signs of spring in the air. Soon we will arrive at Holy Week, concluding with the celebration of the Resurrection. Let us continue our Lenten practices as we look forward to rising with Christ at Easter. We pray for all of you, our friends and benefactors, that you will have a holy and grace-filled Lent.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

February 21, 2016
Second Sunday of Lent

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Our annual seminary retreat had originally been scheduled for this weekend, but for various reasons we have had to postpone it until March. The annual seminary retreat always takes place during Lent, which is an ideal time for a retreat. Although the retreat has been postponed, however, our Lent here at Saint Joseph Seminary is going well. Among other practices, we have Stations of the Cross in common every Friday, and the seminarians are encouraged to frequently make the Stations privately in our seminary chapel.

The weather here has gradually been turning spring-like. Nearly all the snow is gone, except for a few piles left from last month's snow-plowing. So the seminarians are spending more time outside and are starting to work on the various spring chores, such as cleanup of the grounds. Soon we will turn our attention to preparing the liturgy for Holy Week, but for now, the emphasis on their studies continues.

We all know that time passes swiftly, and before we know it, Easter will be here. So for now, let us spend Lent in a holy manner, sanctifying our daily duty as we do everything for the love of Our Lord, who shed His blood on Calvary for love of us.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

February 14, 2016
First Sunday of Lent

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Here at the seminary we have made a good beginning to Lent. The ceremonies of Ash Wednesday are beautiful in their stark simplicity. The seminarians served for the blessing of ashes and High Mass, receiving on their foreheads the symbol of penance. For in the Old Testament, the placing of ashes on one's head was a sign of sorrow for sin and a willingness to do penance.

Each of the seminarians dutifully made out his own penance program and submitted it for approval. For the seminarians, their studies and faithfully keeping the seminary rule must take first place among penances. But in addition to the fulfillment of our own individual daily duties, we must each perform sacrifices during the season of Lent. May we all persevere during this season in faithful fulfillment of our penitential practices, in union with Our Lord in His passion.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

February 7, 2016
Quinquagesima Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Already the season of Lent is at hand. Although lax Catholics dread this season, for us it should be a welcome opportunity of uniting ourselves with Jesus in His Passion, as we perform sacrifices for love of Him. Here at the seminary we have various Lenten practices, including the Stations of the Cross. The Stations are a beautiful Catholic custom that is richly indulgenced by the Church. It is just one of many devotions that focus our attention on all that Jesus suffered for love of us.

This year we have one of the earliest beginnings to Lent, as Ash Wednesday falls on the 10th of February. That means that Good Friday this year will be on March 25th. That is particularly interesting, since it is a pious tradition that Our Lord actually died on that very day. Although the Church does not teach this as a certain fact, it is interesting that in the Roman Martyrology, the feast of the "Good Thief" is given on March 25th, and the martyrology customarily lists the saints on the day of their death. (Needless to say, the Good Thief died on Good Friday.).

So let us spend some time planning our Lenten practices (sacrifices, devotions, spiritual reading and other customs) so that when Lent begins on Wednesday, we are ready to commence with pious enthusiasm and the resolve to make a truly holy Lent. There is nothing wrong with some extra recreational activity on Tuesday, the day before Lent, especially if it is some wholesome activity that we plan to give up for Lent. (This in no way should be taken as condoning the wicked excesses so often prevalent on Mardi Gras.) Here at the seminary we will have a nice meal and recreation Tuesday evening, as it will be a "No Homework Day." You can imagine how much the seminarians like those words! But then, come Wednesday morning, it will be down to the business of making a good Lent, one that is worthy of Christians who truly love Our Lord.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

January 31, 2016
Sexagesima Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Each week brings its own feasts and liturgical ceremonies. Here at the seminary, we conscientiously prepare for the various liturgical functions and honor the saints whose feasts we celebrate. During this week, there will be several noteworthy events: on Tuesday there will be the blessing of candles and high Mass. On Wednesday we will have the blessing of throats, and on Friday and Saturday there will be benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament.

In particular, the ceremonies of Candlemas on Tuesday will require the most practice and preparation, since it is a function that occurs only once a year. All the seminarians participate as we bless the candles to be used for the coming year. The blessing takes place before Mass and we then process outside the church. The cold weather necessitates a short procession, but it is memorable nonetheless, reminding us of the journey of Mary and Joseph with the Infant Jesus to the temple, forty days after His birth. This ceremony is followed the very next day with the blessing of throats in honor of Saint Blaise.

Our custom at the seminary is to have benediction of the Blessed Sacrament every First Friday and First Saturday, as well as on one Sunday of the month. All of the seminarians learn to perform each function of the ceremony, so that we can regularly interchange the various roles of the servers. In short order they have the rubrics memorized, such that we normally do not need to practice for this ceremony.

And so you see that the liturgy is of paramount importance in the seminary--so much so that we could say that our lives revolve around the liturgy of Holy Mother Church. May you also appreciate the liturgy of the Church and try to imbibe its spirit. For to live in the spirit of the liturgy is to live with Christ.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

January 24, 2016
Septuagesima Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

A lot of rain lately in northern Idaho. That did not stop the seminarians, however, from making their first trip to Silver Mountain for skiing on Friday. This was the first experience for several of them in that sport, and they adapted quite well, after the first few falls. Up on the mountain the conditions were not ideal, with gusts of wind and a rain/snow mix, but they did not seem to notice, as they made many trips down the slopes. Weather permitting, we will go skiing at least once more this season.

Yesterday the seminarians worked on ice-removal. The warmer weather has melted a lot of the snow, but on the north side of the seminary--the area used for parking--the slush has hardened into ice. This makes it treacherous for those coming for daily Mass. By using solid metal shovels and lots of elbow grease, the ice has now been removed.

During this week the priests will gather at Mount Saint Michael for our semi-annual gathering. There are 22 priests in the United States and Canada, working together under the direction of Bishop Mark Pivarunas, CMRI. As part of the gathering, the priests will visit Saint Joseph Seminary for dinner on Wednesday, and the seminarians are looking forward to meeting them and learning about their work. I have asked the seminarians to do their best to meet all the priests and try to learn all their names! Regardless of whether they learn all the names, they are sure to enjoy the company of the priests as they continue to pursue their own path to the priesthood.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

January 18, 2016
Saint Peter's Chair at Rome

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

This week we begin the second semester. The seminarians will follow the same academic schedule as for last semester, with the normal routine of classes. Right now, the teachers are averaging grades and getting the grade cards finished. The seminarians should receive these by Wednesday.

On Friday of this week the seminarians will have a ski day. It will be the first time on skis for several of them; nevertheless, the novice skiers have declined lessons and will just learn by trial and error. We will see how well they do for their first experience in skiing!

Well, time for classes. Please remember us in your prayers. God bless you.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

January 10, 2016
Holy Family Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

The past week was filled with the various Epiphany ceremonies and celebration. The blessing of the Epiphany Water was the first event after the seminarians' return on Monday. It only takes place on January 5 and includes a great deal of chanting. It is a beautiful ceremony, reminding us of the power of Holy Water. There followed the various other events for the feast of the Epiphany.

By now, the seminarians have fully returned to the routine of the seminary--and just in time. For this will be a busy week of studies for the seminarians, as the Second Quarter concludes on Friday. There will be exams and assignments to keep them plenty busy! In addition, they will have their first basketball game on Saturday, so they will be practicing for that. There is never a dull moment at the seminary.

Please keep us in your prayers. We pray that God will bless you and your loved ones.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

January 03, 2016
Most Holy Name of Jesus

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Now that we (both staff and students) have been refreshed by an enjoyable 2 weeks of vacation, we will resume our classes this week on Tuesday. This week also presents some wonderful customs that we observe annually at the seminary. First, on Tuesday we will have the solemn blessing of Epiphany Water. This blessing of water, which lasts for about 45 minutes, includes a great deal of chanting. It is most edifying to see how our Holy Mother the Church emphasizes the value of the sacramental of blessed water, especially when it is done with solemn ceremonies on the Vigil of the Epiphany or at the Easter Vigil.

Then, on Wednesday, there will be a High Mass for the important feast of the Epiphany. This Mass will be preceded by the blessing of gold, incense and myrrh, in memory of the gifts offered the Christ Child by the Magi. There is also a blessing of chalk, which is then used to mark our doorways with the initials of the three holy Magi and the current year. During the High Mass there will also be the solemn announcement of moveable feasts, which is an inspiring ceremony in which the Church makes known the dates when the various moveable feasts will occur this year.

On Thursday we will have our Epiphany dinner with all staff members joining the seminarians at the feast. Afterwards, we will open our gifts. In addition to other gifts, each seminarian provides a gift for another seminarian, whose name he chose by lot before Christmas. It is a wonderful custom, reminding us of the charity that should bind us all as one family.

When they return, the seminarians will be surprised at all the snow we have. It is truly a winter wonderland here at the seminary. But the beauty of the snow can have a downside--tomorrow we have a work party scheduled to shovel the snow off the roofs of the church and gradeschool. (The seminary does not present a problem, as the snow sooner or later slides off.) And speaking of snow, be sure to keep checking the web site for the latest photos. We will soon be posting pictures of our beautiful snow-covered grounds and trees. In the brilliant sunshine of the last few days, the rays of light cause the fresh snow to spakle like a thousand diamonds. It is a wonder to behold, and reminds us of God's beauty.

Let us continue to celebrate the wonderful feastdays of this time of year, when we call to mind the coming of the Infant Jesus into the world, and the various events which took place at His birth. May God bless you and your loved ones in this New Year of 2016.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

December 20, 2015
Fourth Sunday of Advent

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

This morning the seminarians gave a presentation to our parish here, as part of the annual Christmas program. They sang 3 carols. I was particularly pleased that they had memorized all the words and so did not need to hold sheet music. They had fun doing the carol presentation and, hopefully, inspired our parishioners with the spirit of Christmas.

This will be a short week, with classes on Monday and Tuesday only. It is a matter of wrapping up their studies and taking a few quizzes, before they leave to spend Christmas with their families. Classes will resume on January 5.

The seminarians will also help to decorate the seminary and our church this week. Yesterday they selected and cut the Christmas tree for the seminary living room. It is nice to be able to cut your own tree within a hundred feet of your home. We are blessed with quite a few heavily-wooded acres here, and so we never have to buy a tree.

Be assured that you will all be remembered by Father Anthony and me in our Christmas Masses. We pray that God will bless you abundantly at this holy season.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

December 08, 2015
Immaculate Conception BVM

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

During the past week we began our Advent practices at the seminary, which include daily Advent devotions, the "sacrifice bowl" and the seminarians' own chosen practices. Each day before Mass we light the candles on the Advent wreath, recite Advent prayers, and sing a couple verses of the well-known hymn O Come, O Come Emmanuel. The sacrifice bowl is a practice we have traditionally observed at the seminary each year. Here is how it works: Over the years seminarians have suggested sacrifices that can be done each day. These are written down on small slips of paper, folded, and placed in the bowl. Each morning before breakfast the seminarians choose one, read it, and then re-fold the paper and put it back. That is their sacrifice for the day (in addition to their own chosen sacrifices.) What is especially mortifying is that these sacrifices are not self-chosen, but rather assigned at random. They are simple things, but nevertheless penitential.

Also, we have just celebrated the feast of Saint Nicholas, which brings us to another custom at the seminary. On Sunday morning, each seminary awoke to find a small bag of goodies at the entrance of his room. Saint Nicholas has visited the seminary each year for his feast, so I guess we can say the seminarians have been well-behaved! The treats are usually along the lines of oranges and other non-sugary treats. Saint Nicholas doesn't want the seminarians to overload on sugar, especially during Advent.

Today we celebrated the feast of the Immaculate Conception with an outing. It has been rainy lately, but at least the seminarians were able to get out for a hike before the weather really turns cold. Speaking of which, there has not yet been a real snowfall. We have all been wondering when the ski resorts will be up and running, but it looks like it will be later than usual this year.

We wish you all a most blessed Advent, and may God bless you and your loved ones.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

November 29, 2015
First Sunday of Advent

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

This week we return to the regular routine of classes here at the seminary, after our brief but enjoyable Thanksgiving break. We also begin today the season of Advent--a very important time to prepare for Our Lord's birth. We have several traditional Advent customs and practices here at the seminary, and I am sure that you also have observances in your home for this time of year. All of these help us to spend this season well, as we prepare our souls for the feast of Christmas.

This week we will also mail the final issue of The Guardian for this year of 2015. How quickly the time passes! The seminarians frequently comment on the seeming rapid passage of time. That is always the case when one is busy--time seems to go by rapidly. It is good to be always occupied doing God's work, for perhaps sooner that we realize, our time on this earth will be at an end. When that time comes, may Jesus find us in His grace and busy doing His will.

We wish you all a most blessed Advent, and may God bless you and your loved ones.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

November 24, 2015
Saint John of the Cross

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

This week we celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday, which is an important reminder of our duty to thank God daily for His many benefits. For us at the seminary, this year's Thanksgiving will have added meaning. Just last week, a brutal wind storm knocked out our power for 4 days. We do have a small generator, so at least we had light, but we were without heat. This has been an important reminder to us that we must not take the blessings God gives us for granted. Many people do not have the material blessings that we enjoy, let alone the spiritual goods, which are far more important. May we always be grateful for God's goodness to us.

Just this morning we received our first snowfall of the year. In addition, the temperatures have been plunging well below the freezing mark, indicating that winter has definitely arrived. So we have taken the snow shovels out of storage and are gearing up for another season of shoveling and trying to keep our seminary and church entrances clear and dry. You can be sure that the seminarians get plenty of exercise shoveling snow.

We also are preparing for Advent, a very important liturgical season. Each seminarian has been writing a list of sacrifices and spiritual practices to follow during this season. Let us all resolved to spend it properly, in quiet, prayerful preparation for the celebration of Our Blessed Lord's humble birth.

May God bless you and your loved ones.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

November 15, 2015
25th Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

The big event this week will be the return of Father Anthony to our seminary. Father assists in teaching and has been away for 2 months, working on the new church in Maine. He will be driving back to Idaho this week, so we would appreciate your remembering his safe travels in your prayers.

This fact gives me the opportunity to explain something about our faculty here. I have Father Anthony as my assistant, along with several lay persons who are dedicated teachers and help in whatever way is needed. Since there are so few truly Catholic priests in the world today, we necessarily must travel to cover Mass circuits wherever needed. Over the past 10 years, I have been occasionally traveling on weekends to cover our Mass centers in New England, but Father Anthony's residence there for the past 2 months has allowed me the luxury of staying home. Now that he is returning, I will go back to covering the weekend Mass schedule in New England once or twice a month, beginning with next weekend.

As for the seminary, all is well here on the home front. The seminarians sponsored a breakfast fund-raiser in our parish this morning. This is something we do twice a year, in November and March, which raises some money for the seminarians' activities. Thanks to the help of our seminary cooks, it was a great success.

The seminarians have enjoyed their football games, including one this past week. But now the weather has turned colder and they are starting to prepare for basketball. As of now there is no schedule of games, but we plan to start having some games in December. These wholesome activities keep the boys busy and provide an enjoyable outlet to the intensity of their studies! Please remember them in your prayers, as they continue their path to the priesthood.

May God bless you and your loved ones.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

November 08, 2015
24th Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

This week will be a normal week at the seminary, without special activities, and that is a good thing. The normal routine helps the seminarians to develop self-discipline in their study habits and in their prayer life. Sometimes, when there are a number of extra-curricular activities, the schedule is interrupted and we are thrown off our normal routine. Some variety is good, but a normal schedule is especially helpful.

Right now as I write it is raining. There has been quite a bit of rain lately, and it is appreciated, since it has been so dry the past 3 months. Fortunately, yesterday was a nice day, sunny and warmer than usual for this time of year. That made it possible for the seminarians to work outside and finishing some autumn chores before the snow flies. They raked the pine needles and burned some of the slash piles. I was glad that the weather allowed this work to get done, as there may not be many more days left like that.

During this coming week we will have the sodality reception ceremony. A sodality is an organization for the purpose of promoting devotion to Our Blessed Mother. Our sodality here at the seminary is optional -- the seminarians have to apply to become members. Sodality members wear the miraculous medal and have several additional practices. But especially, they strive to grow in their love and devotion to Our Blessed Mother -- something that is particularly necessary for a future priest. Please continue to pray for their spiritual growth and for more vocations. May God bless you and your loved ones.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

November 01, 2015
All Saints

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Today we celebrate another wonderful feastday -- this time in honor of all the saints in heaven. The weather, however, has finally begun to turn cold, wet and windy. Nevertheless, as I write, the seminarians are out playing football for their Sunday afternoon recreation.

Tomorrow, of course, is All Souls Day. But even today, as of Noon, we are able to gain the indulgence for the Poor Souls known as the Toties Quoties indulgence. Already the seminarians have taken advantage of the generosity of Holy Mother Church, who opens her treasures for the souls in Pugatory. They will be making many more visits to the Blessed Sacrament, reciting 6 times the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be for the Poor Souls. We hope to release many souls from their pains, that they might sooner fly to heaven to be with God for all eternity.

We have many other practices here during November for the Poor Souls, including visits to the cemetery, daily prayers and Requiem High Masses. All in all, we will do what we can to help these suffering souls, knowing that one day we may be in their position, dependent on the prayers of others.

Now the Second Quarter of the school year has begun. The seminarians will receive their First Quarter report cards this week (on Tuesday) and will be able to see how well they have done academically. Actually, they are already well aware of their progress, as they receive periodic reports throughout the quarter. But the beginning of a new quarter is an opportunity for them to start afresh and renew their dedication to cooperate with the grace of God and to make progress, both academically and spiritually, while they are here. Please continue to pray for them and for many more vocations!

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

October 25, 2015
Christ the King

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

What a wonderful feastday is that of Christ the King! We recall the motto of the Mexican martyrs of the 20th century, as they were executed for their fidelity to the true faith: Viva Christo Rey, Long live Christ the King! May that too be our motto. And may we always be loyal subjects of this good King. Today the seminarians joined in singing the High Mass and then served benediction after Mass, as we renewed our consecration to the Sacred Heart of Christ our King.

This week will be another busy one, as we conclude our First Quarter of school. On Thursday we will celebrate the end of the First Quarter by a nice dinner with all staff members and seminarians -- a custom we observe on special occasions. Then on Friday we are invited to dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Slater, parishioners of Mary Immaculate Queen Parish. They have traditionally invited the seminarians over twice a year, and always serve a delicious meal. It is an opportunity for the seminarians to relax and enjoy some games in the pleasant atmosphere of their lovely home.

Then we turn our attention to the Holy Souls in November. The seminarians are encouraged to make as many visits as possible for the Toties Quoties indulgence, which begins next Sunday, the feast of All Saints. We will also spend more time than usual in visiting the cemetery and praying for the Poor Souls. May we all take to heart our duty, as members of the Church Militant, of praying and sacrificing for the Poor Souls in Purgatory during November, and indeed throughout the year.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

October 18, 2015
21th Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

The past week has been busy, as usual. Not only have the seminarians been busy with school, they have also enjoyed football and have been finishing up fall chores, especially with our apple harvest. The weather has been unusually warm, as we have been enjoying an extended Indian Summer.

This week promises to be just as busy, as it will be the last full week of the First Quarter. Teachers will be fnishing the quarter's material and preparing for the final tests the following week.

We also look forward to the great feast of Christ the King next Sunday, when we will renew our seminary enthronement. Let us recall how good a King we serve! May we always be loving and loyal subjects.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

October 11, 2015
20th Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

The past few days have been quite busy, with the events of the annual Fatima Conference at Mount Saint Michael. Although we have not attended all the events, nevertheless the seminarians have attended quite a few events and had the chance to meet with many of the guests, some of whom have traveled from a great distance. This evening they will attend the concluding ceremonies, which include the beautiful candlelight Rosary procession. The feast of Our Lady's maternity is certainly a perfect opportunity to honor Our Blessed Mother in this way.

Of all the events of the past week, the highlight was unquestionably the pontifical High Mass on Friday at the Mount. All the serminarians had a part in serving the Mass, and did quite a good job at their various positions, despite the fact that we were only able to have one practice. For most of them, this was the first time they had ever served a pontifical High Mass. It was certainly a great privilege for them and should serve to give them a greater love for the liturgy of Holy Mother Church.

Tomorrow the seminarians will have another football game. They are really enjoying the sport and looking forward to their second game. Although they lost the first game a couple weeks ago, they are improving and hope to do much better this time. The most important thing is that they learn to play in a Christ-like fashion, with good sportsmanship. Win or lose, they are having a great time with flag football.

On Tuesday afternoon I will be leaving for Maine. We have a new church there, which will be blessed on Thursday. One of the seminarians will accompany me on this trip, in order to help in serving the ceremonies of the dedication. Father Anthony has been there the past month with a few helpers, remodeling the sanctuary and preparing for the dedication. We look forward to his return to the seminary! May God bless you. Please keep up the prayers for our seminary.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

October 04, 2015
19th Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Once again we have a busy week before us. On Wednesday, we will have a Rosary procession on our grounds, with the school children and parishioners. The seminarians will have the privilege of carrrying the bier with Our Lady's statue. On Thursday we will all attend the banquet at the Fatima Conference. It will be an opporunity for the seminarians to meet and converse with the priests who will gather this week at Mount Saint Michael. Then, on Friday, they will attend the entire day's events, beginning with the Pontifical High Mass in the morning.

Saturday will be a work day, as usual! Our plan is to finish picking the last of the apples. We will bring the cider press out of storage and turn the apples into delicious home-made apple cider. Already there are plenty of jars of apple sauce in our food storage.

Of course, we continue the beautiful custom of our daily Rosary during October, recited before the Blessed Sacrament exposed. The seminarians take turns serving. Just this morning they served the High Mass with incense and performed their roles quite well. We had practiced yesterday, as this was the first such ceremony this school year. As the year progresses, they will all have a turn in serving the different roles of the High Mass with incense.

Time goes by quickly at the seminary, as the boys are always busy. May they grow in virtue along with their progress in study. Thank you for your prayers for this end.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

September 27, 2015
18th Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

This week we begin the month of October, during which the Rosary is publicly recited at the seminary daily before the Blessed Sacrament exposed. This provides the seminarians with plenty of opportunities to serve Benediction. Serving Mass and other liturgical functions is an important part of the training of these young men, and there are ample opportunities for them to do so. Next Sunday we will have a High Mass with incense, which requires a Master of Ceremonies and special rubrics. We have the boys learn each part so that they can serve in any capacity. They also are helping to train the younger boys in our parish school, which is good experience for them, which will help them one day as priests. In general, we want our seminarians to be filled with a love for the liturgy and a knowledge of how to perform correctly the various functions.

October is also the time when we harvest our plentiful apple trees. The boys started this work yesterday, harvesting the first of our trees. The Sisters will make apple sauce, and the boys will work the cider press. All in all, there will be plenty of apple products to last the remainder of the school year.

This month is also the time when the seminarians enjoy the sport of flag football. This week they will have the first game against the team at Mount Saint Michael, and the seminarians are quite excited about playing. Although sports is not a main focus at the seminary, it does provide a healthful outlet for these young men as their bodies grow and develop.

Even more important than sports is choir. We are pleased that a local young man, who is a trained choir teacher, has volunteered to help train the boys to sing well. Our seminarians are blessed with good, strong voices, but they need to learn how to sing together. This week they will have a High Mass for the feast of Saint Michael, and there will be many more High Masses to follow. That is in addition to their chanting of Vespers and Compline, and the regular singing of hymns before classes, after the daily Rosary and at Mass. Using their voices to praise God is an important part of seminary training.

And so our busy life at the seminary continues. All in all, the goal behind all our activities is the formation of future priests. Let us pray daily for many, holy priests.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

September 20, 2015
17th Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Yesterday evening here at Mary Immaculate Queen Parish we held our annual school auction-dinner fundraiser. This delicious western-style steak dinner has become an annual event that our parishioners and others eagerly anticipate. The seminarians lent a hand with clearing tables and other odd jobs, but they also enjoyed the dinner and the entertainment by master bull-whip maker Joseph Strain.

But other than that, what is a Saturday like here at the seminary? Typically, the seminarians clean their rooms and then fulfill assigned chores. In the afternoon they enjoy several hours of free time before Rosary and dinner. In general, the day is more relaxed, but there is still a schedule which provides the framework for each day.

Usually, I go out on sick calls on Saturday morning and then spend the afternoon in my office -- preparing the Sunday sermon, grading papers, answering correspondence, etc. Well, yesterday in the early afternoon I decided to check up on what the seminarians were doing. One was in the chapel making the Stations of the Cross, a couple were completing chores, and another was cleaning his room while singing the Mass of the Angels. (I could hear the singing from my office!) In short, they were all occupied with wholesome activities. In fact, we all need to keep busy, whether that "being busy" means working, praying or enjoying various recreational activities. Likewise, here at the seminary, we want our students to be always doing something with their time, avoiding idleness.

I mentioned the seminarian who was singing while cleaning his room. They all enjoy choir, and it is uplifiting to hear them around the house, humming or quietly singing the tunes we have been working on during choir practice. They will sing these beautiful church melodies while doing the dishes, walking about the house, or just about anywhere else. I am always happy to hear it (except after Night Prayers, when silence must prevail).

May we all maintain a "merry heart" singing in our hearts to God (Colossians, 3:16), as we go about the work of fulfilling our daily duties.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

September 13, 2015
16th Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Last Tuesday, the feast of the Nativity of Our Lady, Father Anthony left with a few helpers for Maine. He will be building an altar for our new church in Oakland, Maine, which will be blessed on October 15. Father and his helpers have arrived safely and will begin tomorrow on the task of preparing this church for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. While Father Anthony is gone, the rest of us will pick up his classes, as we look forward to his return.

The seminarians have enjoyed playing flag football and are preparing for some competition with the team from St. Michael's Academy (at Mount Saint Michael in Spokane). Our first game is scheduled for October 1st, so they should be ready by then to compete. Fortunately, we have the help of two laymen of our parish who have volunteered to coach the boys. With all that is involved in running a minor seminary, it would be impossible without the dedicated help of all our staff: teachers, cooks, secretary, coaches, etc. We are very blessed to have the staff members we have, and pray that God will bless them abundantly for their dedication.

The seminarians have also been working on chanting Vespers, which we do on feasts of Our Lady. In that department, things are coming along well. It was a bit rough the first time they chanted Vespers, on the feast of Our Lady's Nativity. On Saturday, however, they did very well in chanting Vespers in honor of the Most Holy Name of Mary. We also chant Compline every Sunday night. Next, we will prepare for singing High Masses, which they will begin shortly. Because learning to sing well is an important part of the formation of seminarians, we are grateful for the help of a young man in the area who is trained as a choir conductor and has volunteered to help the seminarians with their singing. As you can see, there is never a dull moment at the seminary. The boys keep busy and are always active. As always, we appreciate your continued prayers for our young men.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

September 6, 2015
15th Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

This past week we welcomed our final student for this school year. Andrew Kim is a 15-year old Korean who made the long journey from Seoul to join our seminary. Please remember him in your prayers, as he adjusts to life at the seminary.

It certainly is encouraging that a young man his age would cooperate with God's grace and be able to find our seminary. Of course, it was this web site that Andrew found when he began to search for a minor seminary, in order to pursue his vocation. Before Vatican II there were well over a hundred minor seminaries in this country alone. Their demise was just one more fruit of the horrendous destruction caused by that false council.

Here at Saint Joseph Seminary we continue the work of a traditional minor seminary. Here the boys pursue the normal high school subjects, along with Latin and choir. They follow a daily routine, which includes Mass every morning and common prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. They have the opportunity for weekly confession and spiritual conferences. They follow a rule of life, patterned after traditional seminary rules. They enjoy sports and other wholesome activities. In short, they have a well-rounded life, geared towards preparing them for the priesthood.

Please remember to pray for these young men, as they seek to acquire virtue and to form themselves after the pattern of Christ, the great High Priest.

In the service of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

August 30, 2015
14th Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

After classes this past Thursday the seminarians packed the Suburban with their sleeping bags, food supplies and the canoes, and departed for Lake Coeur d'Alene. They enjoyed two wonderful days of swimming, canoeing and games, returning to the seminary Saturday afternoon. This annual tradition is a time for the seminarians to bond as a unit and kick off the school year with some fun time together. Now it is back to studies.

I mentioned last week the smoke in the atmosphere from various wild fires. We have been praying daily for rain, and now the forecast is calling for rain. It is desperately needed to clean out the atmosphere and to suppress the wildfires. Circumstances like these remind us of our dependence on Divine Providence.

This week we anticipate welcoming our fifth and final seminarian for this year. God willing, he will arrive on Tuesday, and so next Sunday I will tell you more about him. Also, one of our seminarians, Mark Vincent, will celebrate his 15th birthday tomorrow.

Today we began a novena in preparation for the feast of Our Lady's nativity, one of her major feasts. Coming as it does at the beginning of the school year, we make the primary intention of this novena the success of the school year. We also will remember you and your needs during this novena. Please continue to pray for our seminary, as we pray for you.

Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

August 23, 2015
13th Sunday after Pentecost

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

It has been over 2 months since my last blog entry, but now, after a much needed rest, we are ready to get back to school. Tomorrow is the first day of classes here at the seminary. This year there will be 5 seminarians. We will start with 4 students and expect to be joined on September 1 by a new seminarian from Korea. (He had a difficulty getting a ticket for an earlier date, due to summer travel volume.)

Right now, the atmosphere at the seminary is hazy, with a smell of smoke in the air. The smoke from wildfires burning in Central and Eastern Washington is blowing toward us. Fortunately, however, there are no wildfires in our area, but the ground is parched and fire danger is extremely high. We are praying for rain.

This week we will keep a tradition with a camping trip to start off the year. After a few days of classes, the seminarians will leave Thursday afternoon for a cabin on Lake Coeur d'Alene. The purpose of this initial "camping" trip is to provide the boys with a great opportunity to get acquainted with their classmates, with whom they will share the seminary for the next year. There will be plenty of opportunity for swimming, boating, hiking and general fun. Of course, they will also have Mass daily and will recite their daily prayers together.

May God grant us, through Our Lady's intercession, a grace-filled school year. Please pray for our seminarians and teachers for that intention.

Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

June 9, 2015
Sts. Primus & Felician

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

The past 2 weeks have been a whirlwind. After wrapping up our school year last week, we had graduation on Saturday. His Excellency, Bishop Pivarunas, came for the event and handed Jordan his diploma. Later, at the reception, Jordan addressed those present to share memories of his 4 years at the seminary here at the "City of Mary." He thanked all the parishioners and assured them that he will always fondly remember his time here.

After the reception the seminarians pitched in to help set up the outdoor altars for the Corpus Christi procession. Then in the evening, they joined Jordan's family for a barbecue at a neighbor's home. Thanks to the LeStage family for hosting the seminarians and the Hartman family. What a nice way to cap off our school year!

On Sunday we had our annual Corpus Christi procession. Here at Mary Immaculate Queen Church we use 2 outdoor altars, at the shrines of Our Lady and the Sacred Heart. The procession stops at each altar, where the Blessed Sacrament is incensed and benediction is given. During the procession the faithful join in with the choir in singing the various Eucharistic hymns in Latin. The entire event is a beautiful tribute to Our Lord, who remains in our tabernacles as a proof of His love for us.

Now quiet has settled over the seminary, as we enter into "summer mode." This is a time to get caught up on projects, to organize our files and clean our offices, and, of course, to relax. Then, when we get to August, we once again turn our attention to preparing for another school year. May you all have an enjoyable and blessed summer.

Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

May 31, 2015
Feast of the Most Holy Trinity

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

What a beautiful way to finish the month of May! This morning we held our annual outdoor procession and crowning ceremony. All the parishioners brought bouquets of flowers, and during the procession we stopped at the outdoor shrine of Our Lady. As we recited the devotion known as "The Little Crown of the Blessed Virgin Mary," each parishioner went up and put his/her bouquet of flowers into the vases provided on the altar. Now our shrine of Our Blessed Mother has an abundance of multi-colored flowers to add to its beauty. Following this ceremony, we concluded the Rosary as we processed back into the church for the crowning of Our Lady's statue, along with the remaining prayers and hymns, followed by the High Mass.

Much thanks are due to the seminarians for their diligence in preparing the grounds yesterday for this beautiful feastday. They mowed the hillsides so that everything was perfectly fitting for Our Blessed Mother. I am sure she was pleased with their efforts. But it has not been all work for them this past week. They enjoyed an overnight camping trip and have lately been enjoying paintball in our extensive forest. In fact, that is what they are doing right now.

This week will be a busy one for all of us here at the seminary. Tomorrow we celebrate the feast of the Queenship, with a High Mass with incense and the renewal of the act of Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary. Those seminarians who have never made this consecration have prepared during the past month to make it for the first time. We also will finish up this week our final academic assignments and material. On Thursday we will celebrate the feast of Corpus Christi, and then on Saturday, Jordan will graduate. His Excellency, Bishop Mark Pivarunas, will come here to preside over our simple, yet beautiful, graduation ceremony. Then, next Sunday, we will hold our annual Corpus Christi procession, in which the Blessed Sacrament is carried in procession. It will indeed be a busy week! May God bless you all.

Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

May 24, 2015
Pentecost Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

This week, our second last week of the current school year, will be a busy one, as the seminarians will have a camping trip, and then will help prepare for our annual procession in honor of the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which will take place next Sunday. This annual procession is always a beautiful tribute to Our Lady, so we hope and pray that the weather will be good for this event. In addition to camping, the seminarians will continue to prepare for final exams and assignments, as we draw near to the end of the academic year. There will be much more to write about next week. For now, let us all rejoice during this Octave of Pentecost as we call to mind the work of the Divine Comforter in our souls. May we always cooperate with His grace!

Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

May 10, 2015
Fifth Sunday after Easter

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Happy Mothers' Day to all our mothers! The weather here is getting warmer each day, and so the seminarians are off to the lake for some canoeing this afternoon. This week will also provide an opportunity for an outing on Thursday, since there are no classes on that day, it being a holyday of obligation. We are not sure yet what we will do, but there are plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities in northern Idaho.

On Wednesday of this week the seminarians will participate in the public Rosary procession in Spokane, a beautiful tribute to Our Lady held on the 13th of each month from May to October. It is a wonderful opportunity to publicly profess our faith and to pray for our country. The seminarians always enjoy participating in this event.

We are now only 4 weeks away from the end of the school year. That means that there are various activities and events associated with the end of school, which I will tell you about in the coming weeks. For now, I will simply mention our planned senior "class trip" for Jordan. As we have only one senior this year, there won't be a class trip in the normal sense of the word. But it should be just as memorable for Jordan, who will accompany me for 10 days to Boston and the New England states. We will leave on Friday and cover the Mass circuit there for the next 2 weekends. The time in between will give us ample opportunity to visit various historic sites in Boston and throughout New England, so stay tuned for a report in the next issue of our monthly newsletter.

With school nearly over, we are looking forward to next year and praying for more vocations. We ask you also to pray for that important intention. May God bless you and your families.

Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

May 3, 2015
Finding of the Holy Cross

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Here at Saint Joseph Seminary and Mary Immaculate Queen Church we have some beautiful May customs. Our May shrine in the church is bedecked with fresh flowers, provided by our parishioners. Daily we pray our Rosary at the church, with many of the local parishioners participating. There is also a daily May crowning, with devotions in honor of the Queenship.

At the seminary we continue our normal routine, as the teachers wrap up the subject matter for the year. Later in May, there will be outings and so for now, there is a greater emphasis on academics. The seminarians also are in the midst of the annual pool tournament, which brings some excitement to their daily routine.

May we all grow in our love for Our Blessed Mother this month!

Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

April 26, 2015
Third Sunday after Easter

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

What a beautiful weekend it has been. Our Forty Hours Adoration here at Mary Immaculate Queen Church is annually held in late April, during the Easter season. The seminarians have all had the opportunity to serve in the ceremonies and to spend time in adoration, especially in making a nocturnal Holy Hour in the wee hours of the morning yesterday. Today we will end the Forty Hours of exposition of the Blessed Sacrament with closing ceremonies at 4:30 this afternoon, but not before each seminarian has made one more hour of adoration.

Yesterday was also a busy day of chores for our seminarians, as they helped Fr. Anthony in the sacristy, staining and varnishing the cabinets. The sacristy for our seminary chapel has long been in need of repair, and it is nice to see that the remodel is now almost finished. Each of the seminarians can be proud of having had a part in these repairs, which have been in progress for the past few weeks.

The coming week will have plenty of important events as well. Tuesday, the feast of Saint Louis Marie de Montfort, is the day on which we annually begin our 33-day preparation for the Act of Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary, as outlined by Saint Louis. Those who have already formally made the act of consecration will recite the prayers for their annual renewal; those who have never made the act of consecration can prepare to consecrate themselves on May 31st. There will also be classes during our weekly spiritual conferences to explain the fine points of this consecration, as outlined by Saint Louis Marie de Montfort.

On Friday, we begin the month of Our Blessed Mother. The seminarians will construct a May shrine in the classroom, before which we will daily pray devotions to Our Lady. Each day of the month is assigned to one of the seminarians for providing fresh flowers for the shrine. We will also participate during this month in the daily public Rosary at the church in the evening. All in all, it is a beutiful month, as we wind down the school year.

This Friday is also the feast of Saint Joseph the Worker. Mass will be offered for all who contributed to our annual Lenten Alms Drive. We are most grateful for the support and remember all our benefactors in our daily prayers. May we all grow in our love and devotion to Our Blessed Mother and Saint Joseph this month.

Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

April 19, 2015
Second Sunday after Easter

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

This will be a busy week at the seminary. On Friday, we will begin our annual Forty Hours adoration, with the opening Mass and procession. Next weekend will find us all making hours of adoration, in addition to the public holy hours each evening. Due to the Forty Hours adoration, we will not be able, this year, to have our normal procession of the Major Litanies, which occur on Saturday.

With the spring weather, we are now spending a good deal of time outside, working on the spacious grounds around our seminary and church. That includes mowing the grass -- a task that takes quite a few hours to complete! The seminarians also enjoy going to the park once or twice each week, so that they can recreate on nice fields that are level.

We also begin this week our annual pool tournament, which extends over the next couple weeks. All in all, the seminarians are keeping plenty busy, as we push to finish our academic curriculum in the time that remains. Before we know it, the school year will be over and summer will be at hand; consequently, we are doing our best to keep the students focused on study and the spiritual life. Each day is a gift from God, to be used to grow in His grace and love.

Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

April 13, 2015
Saint Hermenegild

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Today we return to our normal routine of classes, well-rested from our Easter vacation. There are now just 8 weeks remaining of the current school year, and we know the time will pass all too quickly. Consequently, we are resolved to use these remaining school days to the best of our ability. Next week, I will tell you about some of the events that are coming up. For now, it is a diligent return to our studies that is the focus.

Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

April 5, 2015
Easter Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

This is the day which the Lord hath made; let us be glad and rejoice therein! This verse of psalm 117 is fittingly applied by Holy Mother Church to the feast of the Resurrection of Our Lord. It is the feast of feasts, and for us at Saint Joseph Seminary, the beginning of a week of much-needed rest from the labors of the school year. After participating in all the ceremonies of the past week, 4 of our seminarians have gone home to be with their families. The two who have remained for the week helped with the parish Easter Egg Hunt today. Now they (and their teachers!) will relax and perhaps catch up on a few projects. We hope you all enjoy the Easter Octave. May God bless you and your loved ones this Paschal Season.

Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

March 29, 2015
Palm Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Holy Week is called The Great Week. All the seminarians have a part in the various ceremonies of this beautiful week, much of which is spent rehearsing and celebrating the sacred Liturgy. Future priests need to learn that their lives as priests will revolve around the Liturgy; hence, our students are imbued with an appreciation for the rites of Holy Mother Church. Of course, that especially pertains to Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday, referred to as the Sacred Triduum.

On the first 3 days of this week, however, our seminarians will take the Stanford-Ten achievement tests. These annual tests are for the purpose of evaluating their academic progress. Nevertheless, our students (both the seminarians and the children of our parish school) generally look upon them as an unpleasant chore, since their performance will not be reflected on their gradecards. Thus, it is a good penance, as we finish the final week of Lent! We usually schedule these tests each year at the beginning of the Fourth Quarter. That fits perfectly this year, as it would be difficult to begin the academic material for the Fourth Quarter with just a few days of classes remaining until their Easter Break.

Last week was quite busy, however, as we wrapped up our tests for the Third Quarter. The seminarians had a number of tests, book reports, compositions and a theology presentation to fulfill. As you can imagine, they are relieved that the stress of exams and papers is past. Now they can concentrate better on the liturgical element of Holy Week. We also will compile The Guardian mailing this week and post that to you. Then, on Saturday, those seminarians who are going home for Easter vacation will head home.

In general, we have all been enjoying the beautiful spring weather of this past week. There has been a lot of rain but also warm temperatures and plenty of sunshine. The blossoms of spring are a welcome sight each year and a reminder of the resurrection -- Our Lord's and our own future resurrection. Let us all spend this week well, looking forward to our future resurrection and life everlasting, with our Risen Savior.

Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

March 22, 2015
Passion Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Just yesterday the seminarians put violet coverings over the statues in our church and chapel, as we prepared to enter Passiontide. During this final two weeks of Lent Holy Mother Church wishes us to more earnestly meditate on the Passion of Our Lord. Here at the seminary all unnecessary extra-curricular activities are suspended until Easter, that we might focus entirely on Jesus crucified.

The past week, however, was brimming with activities, as we celebrated the feastdays of Saint Joseph and Saint Patrick. Last Sunday, as you know, was our breakfast fund-raiser for the parish. That is always a wholesome activity for everyone. Then, on Saint Patrick's Day we held a contest. Each seminarian prepared a limerick, poem or song to present. The judges were the teachers, and everyone had a most enjoyable time.

On Thursday, of course, we had a special schedule to honor our great seminary patron. The focus of the day was the High Mass sung by the seminarians, with Fr. Anthony directing. We had a special dinner with the faculty members present, a movie and extra free time. We also had the conclusion of our annual ping-pong tournament. This past week we also enjoyed an ice-skating outing. Then, on Saturday, I blessed Saint Benedict medals to distribute to all members of the parish. It was indeed a busy week.

Yesterday, the seminarians participated in our annual spring clean-up day. The parishioners turn out to help us rake and clean up the grounds before Holy Week. Now, this week the seminarians will spend extra time preparing for the liturgy, learning the various parts they are assigned to serve. It is also the final week of the Third Quarter, which means quarter tests. Also, on Wednesday, we will renew our act of Total Consecration to Jesus and Mary. Before we know it, Holy Week will be here. Let us all spend this Passiontide well!

Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

March 15, 2015
Laetare Sunday

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

The highlight of this week will be the celebration of our seminary feastday on Thursday. The seminarians will sing the High Mass, and there will be an outing in honor of Saint Joseph. Regular classes are suspended for the day, as we rejoice on the feastday of our seminarian patron. Of course, we continue to recite daily prayers in his honor thoughout the month.

We also will celebrate the feast of Saint Patrick on Tuesday with a small contest: the seminarians are writing limericks, and there will be a prize for the best entry. In addition, this week they will finish the ping-pong tournament. All in all, there is plenty to keep them occupied in their free time.

Of course, we continue to observe the season of Lent. On Saturday, the seminarians will put up the purple covers on the statues in our seminary chapel and in the church, as we prepare for Passiontide. Let us all redouble our efforts to make a good Lent, as we now have only 3 weeks remaining.

Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

March 8, 2015
Third Sunday of Lent

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

The seminarians (and I) have just completed our Lenten retreat. What a grace is a good retreat! During a retreat one can pray better, with less distraction. Also, the truths of Faith are more vivid. We see more clearly than ever the purpose of our creation, the love of our divine Redeemer in dying for us, and the necessity of always striving for holiness. One of the greatest graces of the retreat was our all-night vigil of adoration, each seminarian spending an hour alone with Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. I am sure that one of the seminarians will want to write about this and other events of the retreat for our next newsletter.

Of course, this month is entirely dedicated to Saint Joseph. Daily we pray devotions in his honor, but this week (on March 10), we will begin the novena, during which we recite additional prayers daily in preparation for his feast. You can be sure that we will especially remember our seminary benefactors in these prayers. March is also a month when we particularly pray to Saint Joseph to send us more vocations. This past week we have received our first application for next year. God willing, there will be many more.

Much of this week will follow a normal routine, but if the weather permits, the seminarians will have their 3rd and final ski trip on Friday. Then, on Saturday, they will work to prepare next Sunday's parish breakfast, which requires plenty of preparation. Also, on Saturday, we will celebrate the 14th birthday of Joseph, our youngest seminarian. This week also marks the mid-way point of Lent, as Thursday is the 20th of the 40 days of Lent. As the days quickly speed by, let us be sure to spend the time well, as we continue to prepare to celebrate Our Lord's resurrection on Easter Sunday.

Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

March 1, 2015
Second Sunday of Lent

Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Today we begin the month of our great patron, Saint Joseph. Here at the seminary we pray devotions in his honor daily throughout the month and seek to honor him in other ways as well. As you know, Saint Joseph is the patron of the Church. Needless to say, we need his powerful intercession today more than ever. I want to encourage all of you to be sure to do something extra daily during this month in his honor. Remember, that Jesus and Mary cannot refuse the requests of Saint Joseph, so go to him with great confidence.

Last Sunday I had mentioned an important theology report, which the boys are now working on. Since we are currently studying Church history, they have each chosen a topic to study in great depth, upon which they will report. The assignment includes a research paper, a presentation to the class, and a poster. There are a lot of details to be fulfilled, so this is going to take a lot of their time this month. The report is due on March 25, toward the end of the quarter.

Another way by which the seminarians occupy their free time is in making movies. They have made several movies so far, which keeps them busy during their spare time on the weekends. They do everything: writing the script, gathering costumes, filming, editing, and composing music for it. It amazes me how much time they are willing to put into these projects, and how much they enjoy doing it.

But during next weekend there will be no time for fun and games. For on Friday we begin our annual Lenten retreat. Each year the seminarians make a retreat on the first or second weekend of Lent, from Friday evening until Sunday afternoon. It is a wonderful time for quiet reflection, prayer and extra spiritual reading. There are usually five conferences on the spiritual life, along with Lenten exercises, such as the Stations of the Cross. But the greatest blessing is the all-night vigil of adoration before the Blessed Sacrament exposed. Each seminarian is assigned an hour of adoration, at the conclusion of which he wakes up the person for the next Holy Hour. To be able to spend an hour of silence, alone with Our Lord, in the darkness of the night, is a wonderful blessing.

Please pray for our seminarians, that they will cooperate with the graces available to them during the retreat. We also will pray for you, that this Lent will be a time of many graces.

Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


Dear Friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Today is the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. Feasts of Our Lady are always important days at the seminary, as we see to honor Our Blessed Mother. This week the seminarians are looking forward to their second skiing outing of the year on Friday. Interestingly, the weather has been unusually mild over the past couple weeks. We have had rain, with highs in the upper 40s and even low 50s -- very unusual for early February in the northwest. Most of our snow is gone; nevertheless, there is still plenty of snow for skiing in the mountains. The conditions are what is referred to as spring skiing, with the temperature on the mountain above freezing, and the snow wet and packed.

This week we are also looking forward to, and preparing for, the season of Lent, which is now only one week away. The seminarians are preparing their list of penances and extra prayers, which they will submit for approval. We always remind them of the importance of Lent, a season of penance, but at the same time, to be prudent and not to attempt too many penances. That is why they must submit their Lenten program to their spiritual director for approval. After all, their first penance is that of daily duty. Speaking of daily duty, our seminarians continue to concentrate on their studies in Latin, Math, Theology, English, Biology, and Speech. In addition, they have classes in choir and P.E.

Let us all reflect on the Passion of Christ and prepare for Lent by thinking of what we can do to prove our love for Jesus, who suffered so much for us.

Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


Dear friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

The past week has been a sad one for me, as my father passed away on Sunday evening, January 25th. He had been in the hospital since the previous Sunday, suffering from pneumonia and a bacterial infection in his bloodstream. Although I will greatly miss him, I take great comfort in knowing the type of man he was. For those of you who never knew him, we will post the eulogy for his funeral, which gives some details of his life. All the seminarians and staff of our minor seminary attended the funeral Mass, which was offered on Friday at Mount Saint Michael in Spokane, which is only 25 miles from our seminary. I was assisted at the Mass by: my brother, Fr. Brendan Hughes, CMRI, who acted as deacon; Fr. Nino Molina, a former seminarian of our seminary, who acted as subdeacon; Fr. Anthony M. Short, CMRI, another former seminarian and current teacher in our seminary, who acted as MC; my nephew, who was the thurifer; and two of our seminarians, who were the acolytes. We will also post on the home page some photos of the funeral.

One of the emails of condolence I received over the past few days was from an old family friend, a good Catholic man who was about the same age as my father. He wrote of my father as follows: "We go back a long way. It seems we were always figthing some kind of battle -- Communism, new catechisms, the Novus Ordo, short skirts, etc. We encouraged each other with 'It's not how many battles we win, but how we fight that we will be judged. Our reward will be in heaven.' He is now receiving his reward." I appreciate those kind words, and I also ask you to remember the repose of my father's soul in your prayers.

This coming week is an important one here at the seminary, as we begin with the great feast of the Purification of Our Lady. Mass is preceded by the annual blessing of candles. We always prepare well for these important liturgical ceremonies, with all the seminarians participating. Then on Tuesday we will have the blessing of throats, in honor of Saint Blaise. On Friday we will have benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, with devotions in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which is customary here on all First Fridays. We appreciate your interest in our seminary and your prayers. May God bless you all.

Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI


Dear friends of Saint Joseph Seminary,

Welcome to a new addition to our web site, which is a weekly blog entry. This will keep you updated on the latest news from the minor seminary. Right now as I write this (Friday, 1/23), we are finishing our first semester tests. So this weekend our teachers will work on averaging grades, while the seminarians enjoy a semester break! Last week, the seminarians had their first ski trip of the season, with another one coming up next week. Of course, there were a couple seminarians who enjoyed the sport for the first time, so you can look forward in our next issue of the newsletter to an article on their recent trip to the slopes of Silver Mountain.

The other bit of news is that we received this past week a new seminarian. Pierce Ledet is a sophomore from southwestern Louisiana, and we are delighted to have him in our ranks. Please keep all our boys in your prayers, as we pray for you.

From the Rector